Wednesday, May 31, 2023


  Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you enjoyed reading my last post on the Top 12 Best Episodes from Girl Meets World. That show (from my last post) was all about learning valuable life lessons along with some history lessons...okay, A LOT of history lessons. It was a show that really made you think and feel differently than other shows, while watching it. But now, it's the month of May and you know what that means don't you? Yep, it's Music & (Austin) Moon Month. Okay, not the best title theme for this post but the only thing I could come up with at the moment that rhymed with May and started with the letter 'M' that relates to the show. 😊 Yes, that show being Austin & Ally. Another ICONIC, UNFORGETTABLE, and one of my all-time FAVORITE Disney Channel shows, which is what this post is clearly all about.❤💗📺🎸🎹🎶🎤🎬

If you're new here, basically every month of this year I'm going back and re-watching every show that was on my Top Ten Disney Channel Shows post, in order from beginning to end, and picking the BEST episodes (my MOST FAVORITE episodes) from each season of each of those shows that I mentioned in that earlier blog post. So, since my last post of this little series of posts, was all about Girl Meets World (my #5 Disney Channel show pick from my Top Ten Disney Channel Shows post, here) it was now time to re-watch, rank, and discuss all the BEST episodes from my sixth favorite Disney Channel show, Austin & Ally. So, of course, that is finally what I did during this month of May and why I bring to you this post, which I'm SO EXCITED to finally get to share with you. 

Like I just mentioned, I've been waiting to create this post to talk about this AWESOME show for so long now, and I'm SO HAPPY that I finally get to do so. 'Cause I was definitely a huge fan of this show when I was younger when it first came out on Disney Channel, and I still am. Although, I will admit that I was definitely more into the first two seasons of the show when I was younger over the last two seasons. In other words, by Season 3 of this show, I wasn't as obsessed or into Austin & Ally as much as I was with the first two seasons of the show. In fact, when I was younger and this show was still airing on Disney Channel I didn't even really watch Season 4, except for like three episodes. Those three episodes I remember specifically being the very first episode of Season 4, the Maddie Ziegler guest appearance episode, and of course the series finale episode (the very last episode of Season 4 and of the whole show). But after re-watching this whole series (Yes, even Season 4) during the pandemic (in 2020) with my sister, I have since then found a new love and appreciation for this show, the whole show, not just the first two seasons of it. I also have grown to love and appreciate some of the other main and recurring characters on the show, not just the Austin and Ally characters. Characters that when I was younger watching the show never really cared about, such as Dez, Trish, and even Carrie. 

Yes, I know. Crazy and quite shockingly, when I was younger watching this show for the first time when it was premiering on Disney Channel, I used to not care for Dez's character. I actually used to think he was annoying. Kind of the same way I felt about Trish and then when it came to Carrie's character I just never understood why they included her and her sister (Piper) on the show for just a few episodes. But NOW, I LOVE all those other characters from the show and better understand their place in it. Especially, Dez, because he's definitely the comedic gold of this whole show. In fact, without his character (Dez) I don't think I would even love this show as much as I do, because I LOVE Austin & Ally not only for the music aspect of it all but for how hysterically funny it is and that's mostly all because of Dez's character. Literally, there's not one episode of this show that doesn't make you laugh out loud at least once.

Like I briefly mentioned before, the whole music aspect is one MAJOR REASON why I LOVE this show. (And if you also just love, love, love the music of this show, then feel free to check out one of my earliest blog posts here, where I ranked the Top 10 Best Songs from Austin & Ally). Plus, I mean, who didn't have a crush on Austin Moon (aka Ross Lynch) at some point when watching this show. Again, I have to admit that I did. 😊🤫 But anyways, enough about me. For those of you who have never seen this show before, which if you haven't...what?!, that's crazy...I'll just give you a brief history and some fun facts about the show and why it's one of the MOST ICONIC Disney Channel shows of all-time and of course one of my all-time favorites. 💓

Austin & Ally is a Disney Channel original coming-of-age, kids/teen, music-comedy series that ran for four seasons, consisting of 87 episodes, from December 4, 2011 until January 10, 2016. A preview of the series aired on Disney Channel on December 2, 2011, right after the premiere of the Disney Channel Original Movie (DCOM) Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas!. The show is set in Miami, Florida and follows the partnership between two polar opposite teens - Austin Moon (played by Ross Lynch), an extroverted musician/singer who becomes an overnight internet sensation and Ally Dawson (played by Laura Marano), a smart, but shy songwriter who eventually makes her own waves in the music industry. As well as their two best friends, Trish De la Rosa (played by Raini Rodriguez) and Dez Wade (played by Calum Worthy). All four friends join together and combine their talents to help with Austin's newfound fame (and later Ally's, too). So, they have to navigate through the ups and downs of the music industry while also trying to keep up with their high school classes and everyday lives, and for Austin and Ally their romantic feelings for each other. 

The writers of the show definitely must have taken from Ross Lynch's and Laura Marano's real lives when creating their characters, Austin and Ally, because before they were both even on the show Ross Lynch was already a singer/musician in a band called R5 with his brothers, sister, and their friend. So, of course he was perfect for the singer/songwriter, Internet sensation role.


And Laura Marano also just had to be the songwriter and smartie character because she spent a majority of her last year of elementary school on a little game show called, "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?". Which is a show that I remember watching a lot when I was in elementary school, but I obviously didn't really know who she was then while watching that game show or that she would later be on one of my favorite Disney Channel shows ever as Ally on Austin & Ally. So, it was interesting to find that out later after seeing her on Austin & Ally and going back to check out episodes from Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? that Laura was in. Check it out:


                        PART 1 of Laura's Best Moments on AYSTAFG:

                       PART 2 of Laura's Best Moments on AYSTAFG:

Do you remember watching Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? as a kid? Do you remember seeing Laura as a student on the show? Anyways, now back to Austin & Ally.

Austin & Ally is one of the few Disney Channel shows that is more so about friendship than family. As it barely shows any of the kids/teens parents throughout the series. I mean, don't get me wrong, we do get to see Austin's mom and dad, Ally's mom and dad, and even Trish's brother at some point during the series, but it's not like it shows them in every episode like on majority of the other Disney Channel shows. Usually, I prefer family sitcoms over friendship ones, but I actually really do LOVE this show for that particular reason. In that it's mostly just about the four friends (Austin, Ally, Dez, and Trish). 

Speaking of the friendship aspect of Austin & Ally, this show is also very unique from any other Disney Channel show because usually Disney Channel shows only consists of a trio of friends (a core group of 3 friends) but this one consists of a group of FOUR friends. Like I mentioned before, I also just really, really LOVE the MUSIC aspect of this show. As there is literally a song/performance in like EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE., whether that be Austin, or Ally, or some other special guest performing. Well, there's singing/dancing performances in majority of the episodes, because there are a few episodes that don't have any songs/performances. Especially, in Season 4. 👎 Which is something that I actually didn't realize until I re-watched this series a few years ago during the pandemic with my sister, and I definitely give this show major props just for that reason alone.🎸🎹🎶🎤💃

Again, in regards to the music aspect, this show is what I always thought Hannah Montana was. In other words, I always thought that in the series Hannah Montana (I know, Hannah Montana always seems to get brought up in these posts somehow😉😄What can I say? I just LOVE the show💗💜) that Miley/Hannah sang/performed in EVERY episode, but she doesn't. So, maybe I just got it mixed up (Ha, see what I did there. Hannah Montana song reference.) with this show, Austin & Ally. As for some reason it just always seemed to me as a kid watching Hannah Montana that there were more song moments than there actually is in the show . As even the Miley/Hannah musical performances that they actually did include in the show (Hannah Montana) were much shorter than I even remembered them being as a kid watching them. But, don't get me wrong, because I still LOVE Hannah Montana and all the songs/performances in that show, whether they be short or long. I just wanted to mention that, because Hannah Montana did kind of pave the way for a music-based show like this one, as it was the FIRST EVER on Disney Channel. So, gotta give credit where credit is due. 😊

Back to Austin & Ally, though. I also just LOVE this show a lot more than many other Disney Channel shows because one of the main characters, Ally, is someone I can really relate to. The shy, more introverted, at times awkward Ally from the earlier seasons of the show. As I, too, LOVE music and LOVE to sing but I am too shy to really put myself out there and chase my dreams. In other words, I do have stage fright just like Ally does at the beginning of this show. However, every time I watch this show and see Ally's newfound confidence and later on in the show seeing her overcome her stage fright, always encourages and motivates me to want to do the same. As well as, watching her and Austin write songs together, seeing her songbook, makes me want to get out my songbook every time that I watch an episode and go back to creating ideas and jotting down lyrics for songs myself. There's just a lot of things to LOVE about this show and not really anything you can HATE about it. There is a character for any and everyone to relate to or just love watching and those are just some of the things above that I LOVE and that I, personally, can relate to from the show. 💗❤🎶🎤📕🖉

Also, a little random fun fact about me when it comes to this show. When I was younger and during the time that they were putting together this show, I had this moment when I wanted to really get serious about becoming an actor/actress (which is something I still think would be fun to do, but I love singing more and my heart's more into that). So, I would go online and search for auditions for TV shows and movies near where I live and I actually still remember when one day I went on this Casting Call website and saw auditions for a show called Austin & Ally. Me being the shy person that I was, I of course never went out to audition for the show or do anything with that information, but that's just a fun memory I have of seeing the title for this show before it ever even aired on Disney Channel. 

Another random and interesting fact about this show that you might not know, that I actually didn't know and just discovered myself after doing some research, is that it was created by the same writers and producers of two other Disney Channel sitcoms, Sonny With A Chance and Jonas, and the Nickelodeon sketch-comedy series All That. I've actually seen videos of people online saying that Austin & Ally gives them Nickelodeon vibes, but I never thought the same. Though, Austin & Ally was in fact created by the same writers & producers of All That (a Nickelodeon show). However, now knowing that, I still don't get Nickelodeon vibes from watching this show at all and I'd like to keep it that way. Sorry, not sorry. Disney > Nickelodeon.

Anyways, the MUSIC, the COMEDY, the relatability, and the overall message about following your dreams and overcoming your fears, and the characters just showing that you shouldn't be afraid to be who you are, are just some of the reasons why I LOVE this show and believe it to be one of the GREATEST Disney Channel shows EVER. So, what are we waiting for? Let's get into the Top 12 Best Episodes from Austin & Ally!

Just a brief note before we begin: Since there are four seasons of this show, to make it a fair and even total number of episodes, I decided to choose only THREE episodes from each season that are my most favorite and ones that I truly believe to be the BEST. So, THREE episodes for each season to make 12 total BEST episodes. The seasons are also not going in any particular order of what I like least or most best, only the episodes in each season. In other words, the seasons themselves are not ranked in any particular order, you will just see Season One's episodes first, but then the episodes within that season (and for the episodes within seasons after that) are ranked from least to most favorite. I will just tell you my favorite seasons of the show in order at the very end of this post. Also, I did not watch or choose to include any  Also, I did not watch or choose to include any of the Christmas or Halloween-themed episodes from the show in this ranking, because I just feel like holiday-themed episodes like those are just not fair to rank among regular, non-holiday-themed episodes from the show. To me they belong in their own separate category, because they have a whole different vibe. Plus, I wouldn't choose a Christmas or Halloween episode over a non-Christmas or non-Halloween episode to watch all the time. I hope that makes sense. Now, for real this time, get your singing voices warmed up, your music listening ears open, and your dancing shoes ready and let’s get into the Top 12 BEST Episodes from Austin & Ally!💗💛🎬🎸🎹🎶🎤








(from least to most favorite)... 


#3 "myTAB & My Pet" S1E14 - Premiered April 22, 2012

This is an episode from the show that has always been one of the more memorable ones to me, especially from Season 1. However, I actually never thought that I would include it as one of my Top 3 favorites from this season, but here it is.😊Although, to be honest, I did have a hard time choosing between this episode and another episode entitled, "Filmmaking & Fear Breaking". Ultimately, I obviously went with this episode, but that's one of the reasons why it's only at #3 and not at #1 or #2 on this ranking because it almost didn't even make the ranking. The last time I watched this episode was with my sister (, during the pandemic (in 2020). So, I hadn't seen this episode in quite some time before doing this and I was very curious and excited to re-watch it again because I remembered it being one of the funny ones, which it certainly is. 


As in this episode, the new myTABs have been released and Austin, Ally, Trish, and Dez are eager to get one. Otherwise, they'll have to wait months before Tech Town gets another shipment in. Austin wants the myTAB for the new music recording app. Ally wants it for this awesome cloud identifying app, so she can be the coolest girl in her cloud watching club. 🤣⛅ Dez wants a myTAB for the new video editing app, and Trish just wants the new myTAB to resell it for five times the amount that they pay for it. (Typical Trish.) So, the four of them take turns waiting in line for the new myTAB. Ally and Trish end up having to take over line duty after Dez lets everyone go ahead of him (Typical Dez.), which then leaves Austin and Dez in charge of watching Ally's pet bird, a bird that they accidentally let escape. 🐦While in the line waiting for the new myTAB, Ally is making people frustrated by her constant control of the line rules (Typical Ally). 


It's always interesting and fun watching an episode about people standing in a crazy long line for something like a myTAB, as you can usually expect there will always be some sort of craziness or shenanigans. And that is exactly what this episode is all about. It just reminds me of Jingle All The Way or something. I've also never stood in a very long line for anything like that ever...Well, except for that one time my family and I waited to get in the movie theater to watch the new Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 movie, but we already had tickets and we ended up not having to wait that long to get in. Ahhh...the memories... so, it's interesting to see other people do such a thing that I would never do. Especially, for something like a myTAB, because I just don't understand why people wait in long lines for long hours for something like that. But, no judgement here. To each their own. Just my opinion. :)💓


This episode is very funny and nostalgic to me and it even has a couple of great messages/lessons. Those messages/lessons being to never give up and knowing that everybody makes mistakes. As when Ally ends ups getting booted to the back of the line and tells the friend group this, she feels bad for messing up because she thinks that they'll never get a myTAB now that there are even more people they have to wait for to get theirs first. But Austin says to her (Ally) that people mess up and that's okay. Though, even after Austin tells her this Ally says that it's not okay because she gave them a hard time about being irresponsible and now they're not getting a myTAB because of her. To which Trish says, "Ally, you made a mistake. What are friends for if not for understanding each other's mistakes? And immediately forgiving them?", and Austin adds to that by saying, "We know you'd do the same if we ever made a mistake, and you'd be just as understanding. If not, more". Of course, Austin and Trish kind of only say this to Ally because they too made a mistake by letting her bird escape, but it's still a true message/lesson that I still believe they all learn in the end.


When it comes to the never giving up part, they never gave up on getting the new myTAB. As Trish even says to Austin and Ally, "You know what? We're gonna get our myTAB. I didn't sleep on the mall floor all night just to give up this easy." (Even though she didn't actually sleep on the mall floor with Austin, Ally, and Dez.) So, since the four friends can't move up in the line, they have to figure out ways to get people to move out of the line. SPOILER ALERT: All of their plans fail until the last 5 minutes before the myTABs go off sale and Ally tells Austin to get his guitar to entertain the people waiting in line. As he (Austin) then plays his first ever acoustic show for free, which makes the other people leave the line and follow Austin to Sonic Boom where he performs the acoustic version of "Not A Love Song" (one of my all-time favorite Austin & Ally songs, that I mentioned before on this blog, here). In the end, the friend group does get their myTAB, but they only get to admire it for a quick second before Mindy takes it and they end up losing it forever. 


This is a great episode and definitely a must-watch from Season 1. Just because it's very funny and quite relatable. It also has a cute bird in it and lots and lots of popcorn.🐦🍿 And why did the popcorn scene immediately make me think of that scene from PB&J Otter when the room filled with popcorn, too? Does anyone else remember that PB&J Otter episode? No, just me? Well, I always loved that other popcorn episode as a kid, too.🍿😊Anyways, this is an episode that I would definitely choose to watch again and one that you should check out, as well. 


We just saw the acoustic performance of "Not A Love Song", now let's watch the original version that I also LOVE, 'cause why not?:


#2 "Diners & Daters" S1E16 - Premiered  June 17, 2012


Now this, THIS, is an episode that has always stood out to me from not ONLY Season 1, but from the WHOLE show in general.  In fact, I knew from the very beginning before even re-watching this show that this episode would be included on this ranking as one of the Top 3 BEST, and I never changed my mind once about it. I couldn't wait to get to this episode and watch it again for this post, because I've always loved this episode since the first time I ever watched it when it first premiered on Disney Channel in 2012. I really don't know what it is about this episode that made me LOVE it SO MUCH from the start, but I just always have and I can't say that enough. 


Again, I just have such fond memories of watching this episode for the first time and the many, many other times after that. Like I said before, I'm always excited to re-watch this episode and this time around was no different. In fact, I was more so excited than curious to watch this episode again because I already knew everything about it, what to expect, and knew that I would like it just like I always have. 


Basically, this episode is all about Trish getting a job as a singing waitress at a diner (Melody Diner) and Austin decides to join her (Trish) after he instantly falls for one of the other waitresses, Cassidy. Cassidy rejects Austin because all she has time for is work and her band, but he likes this girl so much and he just can't stop thinking about her. So, while working at Melody Diner, he (Austin) enlists Ally's help to win over Cassidy. The only way for him to do that is through music, of course. Meanwhile, Dez gets addicted to the Cha Cha Chicken Pot Pie and Mindy takes advantage of his addiction to get him to like her. Therefore, Dez continues to try and fend off Mindy's attention. 


This episode is fun and unique just because it mostly takes place at a Diner, which I love. I mean, who doesn't love a cute, little Diner setting? In fact, every time I watch this episode it just makes me want to work at a cute, little Diner like that, but I know singing Diners like that don't actually exist. Or do they?🤔


There's so many things that I LOVE about this episode and nothing that I don't like. Although, one could say that Austin is a bit stalker-ish in this episode, but I just think it's funny and it's really not that bad that he just really likes this girl and is trying to find a way to ask her out. I mean, what was he supposed to do? Just leave and never come back? Okay, maybe he could have taken the hint the first time she rejected him, but maybe he knew there was more to the story which there was. Anyways, this is also literally one of the episodes from the show with the most singing in it, which I just LOVE. As again, anytime they are at the Diner (which is majority of the time) someone is singing something. I mean, the more singing the better. I also like how the Diner is not just some boring Diner name but actually a perfect name that goes along well with a show like this one all about music. As again, it's called Melody Diner, because the employees have to sing literally everything to the customers. How fun, and funny, right? 


One of the funniest scenes in this episode is right after Austin accidentally sings Cassidy the unfinished song that Ally wrote for him for Cassidy, that compares her (Cassidy) to "the butter on his pancake stack". As Cassidy runs off after hearing the song because like Austin says to Ally about Cassidy (and what Cassidy even tells Austin at the end), "If anything, she's the syrup." Austin gets upset at Ally basically for not having the song finished and making him embarrass himself in front of Cassidy and Ally gets upset right back at Austin for blaming her for his problem. And the whole time during this conversation they are singing aloud their feelings and frustrations about the whole thing. Even though Ally doesn't have to sing every word she's saying, because she doesn't work at the Diner, but she does anyway.😂 Don't worry though, because Austin does end up apologizing to Ally. That scene has just always been one of my most favorites from this whole episode, besides Austin's performance of "Heart Beat", of course. And the song is titled "Heart Beat" because after Austin apologizes to Ally he is finally then able to express his feelings about Cassidy to her (Ally), as he says, "Cassidy just, she makes my heart beat like a mile a minute. I can't explain it." (Cue the awwwws...) Also, by the way, the song that he performs in this episode is pretty ICONIC in and of itself. It is actually a song that I've always really LOVED, too. Even though it didn't end up making it on my Top 10 Songs From Austin & Ally post, it was very close to making it on there. Very close.


SPOILER ALERT: After Austin sings his song to Cassidy and she likes it, Austin decides to ask her out again. Cassidy ends up saying that she would love to go out with him but she can't because it's her last day before her and her band move to LA for a record deal they got. Austin tells her that he's really happy for her and Cassidy promises him that when she gets back from LA that they can have their date. Austin is fine with that as he's still just all smiles about it because at least now he knows that she likes him and apparently that's all that really matters to him. But he does say that he owes it all to Ally for helping him get a date with Cassidy. (Which, again, awwww...) All that for me to say, that even though I don't ship Austin with anyone but Ally (Auslly FOREVER) I do think it would have been interesting if they would have brought Cassidy back later on in Season 2 or something and her and Austin would have had that date they talked about in Season 1. I mean, it's not like they didn't have Austin date some other girls throughout the show anyways. So, I don't know, but that could have been interesting.


For all those Auslly shippers though, this episode still has some very cute moments between Austin and Ally, which I love. One of my other favorite moments from this episode is at the very end when Austin is singing about food that some customers ordered to the tune of some of his other songs heard on episodes that came before this one. Such as "Double Take", "A Billion Hits", "Not A Love Song", and the theme song of the show called, "Can't Do It Without You". I also just love the message/lesson of this episode which is about not being afraid to open up your heart and expressing your true feelings to or for someone/something. And that goes for anything, not just for a romantic relationship. Also, the importance of having good communication with someone. Something I think a lot of people can relate to, and something that Austin ended up learning how to do by the end of this episode. 


Overall, this episode truly never gets old. It's very nostalgic, very funny, and it has a great, relatable message/lesson. An episode I have watched many times before and could watch many times more. 



#1 "Rockers & Writers" S1E1 - Premiered  December 4, 2011

This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from Season 1 for many reasons. In fact, this is an episode that I knew would more than likely be included in the Top 3 from this season, but I honestly didn't think that I would rank it at #1. Though, very deservedly, here it is at #1 for many reasons. 


This is obviously one of the MOST MEMORABLE and just TRULY UNFORGETTABLE episodes of the show EVER because...I mean, it's the VERY FIRST episode of the series. I had also just recently, before this year, re-watched this episode for my Disney Channel Shows First Episodes Ranking. And even before last year, I had watched this episode with my sister ( during the pandemic (in 2020). So, this episode was still very fresh in my mind from seeing it all those different times ago. But I mean, who could ever forget this AMAZING episode anyways? As it is THE episode that started it all for this ICONIC Disney Channel show. 


Having said all that, I am ALWAYS very EXCITED to watch this episode and I was only a little curious to re-watch this episode just to see if my opinions of it had changed at all even from a year ago, but they clearly didn't. As last year for my Disney Channel Shows First Episodes Ranking this episode ranked #4 out of thirty-two Disney Channel pilot episodes I included in that post, which just shows you how GREAT this episode truly is. At least, in my book. 


Before I get into more of my thoughts about this episode, let me just give you a brief synopsis of what this episode is all about if you didn't read my post from last year. This episode introduces viewers to an extrovert singer (Austin) and a shy but brilliant songwriter (Ally) along with their friends, Dez and Trish. When Austin and Dez "accidentally borrow" one of Ally's songs, records it, creates a video, and then posts it on the internet for the whole world to see; Austin and the song that he sings becomes an overnight sensation, unbeknownst to Ally. After Ally ends up finding out about this whole situation, Trish convinces Ally to tell the world that she wrote the song, but when Ally confronts Austin about it, he refuses to give her credit. However, Austin ends up pleading with Ally to write another hit song for him after he's asked to perform another original song on a popular TV show the next day. (This "popular" TV show being one thing I actually don't like about this episode. As it is a reference to a talk show and person that I don't like at all and don't support. iykyk). Ally refuses to do this at first, but after learning about Austin's dream to pursue music, she agrees to work with him and they include Trish and Dez as their team to help further Austin's music career. 


I'm gonna try and keep this short since I've already expressed my thoughts about this episode before, here, and I just have the same opinions even now. But, I just have to say that I really do LOVE this episode so much, except for the Hellen Show scenes. There's just something about the energy and the overall vibes of this whole episode that I love and I don't know how to really describe it, but if you've seen this episode then you know what I'm talking about. (Hopefully😊) This episode also features one of my all-time FAVORITE songs from the show, that I've also mentioned before on this blog, here. There's also just so many funny moments in this episode, which I love. In fact, it's funny right from the very beginning. One funny quote in particular that stood out to me this time while watching it, is when the news lady is saying to the TV viewers, "It all started with a homemade video and a catchy song. Two million hits later, Austin Moon is a genuine overnight Internet sensation." and then Austin says, "It wasn't overnight. It was more like over...two nights".🤣 Definitely a joke you have to see to understand, because it's just all in his delivery.


This episode has it, comedy, drama, serious moments, friendship moments, family moments, budding romances, etc. It also has a couple of great messages/lessons, such as the importance of taking chances, facing your fear(s) and going for your dreams, "breaking down that wall" - something Austin tells Ally when they are about to perform on the Hellen Show together for the first time. This episode, no matter how many times I watch it, always has me smiling and laughing throughout (except, of course, when it got to the more serious scenes). This episode is really relatable, to me at least. Like I mentioned before, I can definitely relate to Ally being shy and having stage fright but also to Austin as he loves to sing and I love singing as well. Just, like Ally, I'm afraid to show it at times. I also love that we get to see all four of the friends together right from the start of this show. As one of my most favorite scenes from this episode is when Austin, Ally, Dez, and Trish are all dancing and being silly together at Sonic Boom. I LOVE that moment. That whole scene has always stood out to me the most because it seems like they're all having so much fun together and their chemistry together just seems so natural. And again, it showing the four friends and not just the couple-y moments between Austin and Ally is what makes this whole show so special and unique from any other Disney Channel show. It's not just about two people, but FOUR.


There are a few singing and musical moments in this episode, what I just mentioned being one of them. But another scene I have always LOVED, is after that friend group dance moment when Austin and Ally are creating their first song together at the piano in Sonic Boom. It's just a really nice moment and a very cute and sweet montage scene. I also have to shout out the moment of Austin singing in his bedroom that skyrockets him to superstardom. As the song that he sings during that scene, "Double Take", is another one of my all-time favorite Austin & Ally songs that was included on my Top 10 Songs From Austin & Ally post.


This episode is just AMAZING. I just can't even describe in words what this episode truly means to me and what it makes me feel when I watch it. I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT. It's SO NOSTALGIC, SO FUNNY, SO RELATABLE, and it truly never gets old. I've seen this episode so many times and could watch it so many more times over again. Definitely a must-watch for anyone to enjoy. 




Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):

*Zaliens & Cloudwatchers 

*Tickets & Trashbags 

*Filmmaking & Fear Breaking  

*Albums & Auditions 

*Secrets & Songbooks 

*Club Owners & Quinceneras 

*Deejays & Demos  







 (from least to most favorite)... 


#3 "Viral Videos & Very Bad Dancing" S2E18 - Premiered July 14, 2013 


At first, before re-watching this episode for this post, I did not remember which episode this was from the show just from the title alone. Until, I read the tiny description of it and I was like, "Okayyy, this is it. This is the one." As this episode is the VERY FUNNY Ally Dance episode. I mean, if you watch this show in chronological order then you see the Ally Dance many other times before you get to this episode, but this is THE Ally Dance episode. I only remembered this episode before re-watching it again for this post, because I remembered it from when I watched it during the pandemic (in 2020) with my sister ( and us laughing a lot during it. So, I was still very excited and curious to watch this episode again, because I didn't remember everything about it, but I remembered the gist of it. In fact, this was an episode I couldn't wait to get to watch again. Although, I didn't know exactly which season this episode was from at first until I got to it, and now I could never forget. You could say that I basically already knew from the very beginning of doing this that I was going to include this episode in this ranking and I never changed my mind once about it. 


Basically, if you've never seen this ICONIC episode, Ally is nominated as one of Miami Music Magazine's Future Five. Which just means that she's one of the five up-and-coming new artists that they think are gonna be the next big thing, and if Ally wins it could take her to the next level in her music career. Ally, Austin, Dez, and Trish attend the nominee party hosted by Jean-Paul Paul-Jean.🤣Jean-Paul Paul-Jean thinks Ally is a fabulous singer, sensational musician, and brilliant songwriter, or as he also describes her as an, "albino panda". But once he sees Ally's dance moves (her signature Ally Dance) he warns the rest of Team Austin that Ally's dancing may prevent her from winning. So, he urges them to make sure she does not dance and ruin her chances of winning. Austin, Trish, and Dez believe that they will have no problems with such a goal. That is until Ally declares that she's gonna make a dance video for the contest, as she says to them, "I'm gonna write a dance song and show the world my awesome dance moves." 


After a failed attempt at making a strength and weaknesses chart for Ally, Austin, Trish, and Dez decide to film Ally dancing so she can see how bad of a dancer she really is and maybe therefore change her mind about making a dance video for the contest. But that plan ends up failing, too. So, by the end of the episode Team Austin decides to be apart of the "Believe In Yourself club" (it's not actually a club but you get the point) and help Ally make her dance video. Let's just say they do it The Ally Way. And...SPOILER ALERT, she ends up winning the contest after all, because she decided to stay true to herself and apparently people online voting, liked that about her and me as a fan watching this show, I love that about her character, too. Her dance video goes viral with people making videos of themselves doing the Ally Way.


This episode is HILARIOUS. Definitely one of the funniest episodes EVER from the whole show. One such funny moment being when Austin, Trish, and Dez try to make the strengths and weaknesses chart for Ally to try and make her see and understand that her dancing is a weakness. But of course, when they are trying to put her dancing under the "Weakness" side of the chart Ally wants to put it under the "Strengths" side. As she then says, "Weakness? But my dancing's really improved this year. People couldn't take their eyes off me last night."🤣 What she says there is funny because people couldn't take their eyes off her because they thought she was so bad not because they thought she was good. Their thoughts not mine, just saying.  


Another funny moment in this episode is when Austin, Trish, and Dez show Ally the video they filmed of her dancing and Ally still thinks she's a good dancer as she then says, "Wow, I've never really seen myself dance before...I knew my dancing was getting better but I didn't know I was that good." 🤣 And then Trish tells Ally the truth about what she thinks of her dancing by saying, "Seriously. Look, Ally, I don't know how to say this but...You look like a chimp tryna climb an invisible rope" and then Ally continues to say, "No one thinks that" and then Dez starts laughing while watching her dance video and says, "Silly monkey, climb that rope." 🐒🤣 Then when Austin tries to tell Ally about what Jean-Paul Paul-Jean thinks about her dancing, Ally still doesn't care and basically says that just because Jean-Paul Paul-Jean doesn't love her dancing doesn't mean others won't love it, and to prove her point she decides to instantly post the video online herself. But, then sadly right after she posts the video she sees comments online under it saying that she stinks, and that she looks like a chimp tryna climb an invisible rope, and the fire department wants to know if she needs assistance, and then even Dez comments under the video as he's sitting right beside her, "I hate your dancing, but you're adorable." 😂 


Obviously, all those comments are mean and harsh and just hateful, and I don't agree with hating on someone for their dancing or anything, but some of the random things they say during that scene are still funny. Plus, we know that Austin, Trish, and Dez really love Ally so they are just trying to be honest friends about it without being too mean. I don't know, but again, you can see some of the little funny things in the words I just typed that the characters say in this episode.


This episode is just great. I especially not only love it for the comedy, but also for the many great messages/lessons. Messages/lessons that still hold true today. Such as the importance of believing in yourself even if nobody else does, because if you don't believe in yourself or in your talent, then how can you expect others to believe in you? As well as the importance of not caring about what other people think about you or what you do, even if it's your closest friends and family, and just because somebody else doesn't like what you do or how you do something doesn't mean you should stop doing it (unless it's harming someone)


As no matter what anyone says to Ally about her "bad" dancing in this episode, even her best friends Austin, Trish, and Dez, she still continues to dance and put herself out there. 'Cause as she says to Austin, Trish, and Dez after they try to get her to do the strengths and weaknesses chart, "Look, I like an organized chart as much as anyone (as she then puts the paper that says "dancing" on the chart under the "Strengths" side), but I love my dancing and I don't care what anyone else thinks." But in that, is the message/lesson, of knowing that it's always better to have friends who tell you the truth than ones that choose to tell you a lie.

She also sends the message to viewers about believing in yourself after she reads the mean comments about her dancing video online, she still decides to create a new dance video for the contest and she tells Austin that she doesn't care if anybody else likes her dancing because she likes it and that's why she's going to make an awesome dance video. She also goes on to say to him that if she didn't believe in herself she wouldn't even be in the Future Five to begin with. And even during her winning speech she says to everyone, "Stay true to yourself."


There's also the important message/lesson and reminder about the importance of trying to focus on the good and the positive more than just the negative. As after Ally posts her dance video online and she only reads all the mean comments about it, Dez says to her, "Look on the bright side, Ally. Your video has 30 likes" and Ally says, "But I got 3,000 dislikes" and Dez says, "I said, look on the bright side." Again, I love what Dez says here. It's very relatable and so true, especially in this day and age with social media. 


As when it comes to social media a lot of people will receive positive and negative comments from anyone and everyone on their posts. We tend to always want to focus on the negative, instead of the positive a lot of times because there's so much negativity online and not a lot of positivity. You look at that one hate comment or that one dislike on a video, when there are plenty of other likes and positive comments, as well. Again, because a lot of people tend to focus on the negative rather than the positive, just like Ally does in this episode. But like someone said...I think it was Taylor Swift, "Haters gonna hate." You can't just focus on the bad stuff. In fact, don't focus on the negative stuff at all. I know it's harder said than done, but it's important to stay positive and the only way to do that is to not look at the negative. Again, easier said than done, but possible. Focus on the good because that hate comment or thumbs down or dislike shows more of a reflection of that person leaving it than it does about you. Again, something Dez tries to remind Ally of during that one scene of this episode, which I love.


This episode had me laughing and smiling right from the very beginning to the very end. It's very funny, nostalgic, relatable, and it has a few great and important messages/lessons that anyone can relate to in some way. Plus, it has a great, big song and dance number, The Ally Way song and dance video. Again, The Ally Way dance is a dance move we see a lot from Ally and other characters throughout the whole show at many different and random times, so this episode is very ICONIC and special because it's the FIRST and ONLY time that we get to see the FULL Ally Way dance. This is just a must-watch episode from Austin & Ally, and definitely one that I would definitely choose to watch again in the future.


#2 "Moon Week & Mentors" S2E24 - Premiered September 15, 2013

This is another episode from the show that has always stood out to me and that I've always LOVED ever since the first time I saw it when it first premiered on Disney Channel in 2013. I couldn't wait to watch this episode again and I just knew that it would be included on this ranking as one of the BEST, and here it is at #2. Although, I always thought that if I ever did a post like this that this episode would be at #1 as the best episode from Season 2 of Austin & Ally, but the next episode I will be mentioning is just a lot more funnier than this one, which is why this episode had to stay here at #2. Though, don't get me wrong, because this is still a GREAT episode. Hence, why it even made it onto this ranking, and I'll tell you why.


Basically, if you've never seen this episode which I highly suggest that you do,  Austin and Ally are asked to be guest celebrity coaches on a singing competition show (America's Top Talent) that is celebrating "Austin Moon Week", which just means that all the contestants are gonna sing Austin Moon songs. When Ally sees a contestant on the show, Lucy Gluckman, that reminds her of her former shy self, she takes the little girl under her wing. Ally and Austin work to make the girl a top contender in the competition. Meanwhile, in an effort to be seen on TV, Dez and Trish try and create the most impressive fan sign. 


If you like The Voice competition singing reality show, than you will also enjoy watching this episode. As the singing competition show that Austin and Ally become judges/mentors on is basically a play-off of that whole thing. However, instead of the coaches having spinning red chairs they have purple ones, which I just LOVE because purple is my FAVORITE color.💜I actually used to be a pretty big fan of The Voice when I was younger during its earlier seasons. It was a show that I tried to catch every season and episode of. So, this episode was fun to watch at the time for me, just for that reason alone. 


Again, this is an episode from the show that I had already seen many, many times before re-watching it for this post so I wasn't at all that curious to watch it again, just more so excited because I already pretty much knew what to expect from it and I knew that I would like it. This episode also features a familiar Disney Channel face, as Sabrina Carpenter from one of my other all-time favorite Disney Channel shows, Girl Meets World, guest stars on this episode as Lucy. So, that makes this episode even more fun and interesting to watch. Especially, because this was one year before Girl Meets World even came out on Disney Channel and she's a red head in this episode, not the blonde Maya character we know from Girl Meets World. I remember loving this episode of Austin & Ally before I even knew who Sabrina Carpenter was. In other words, before I ever even saw Girl Meets World, I liked this episode. But once I did see Girl Meets World and then realized she also was the girl on this episode, I did go back and watch this episode a few times because of that. 


Though, Sabrina Carpenter is not the only person to make an appearance on this episode, because Disney Channel's NBT winners at the time, Chloe and Halle, appear as themselves and they sing a song titled "Unstoppable". A part of this episode that I had actually totally forgotten about until I watched it again. This is also the first episode that we actually see who Jett Deely is, a character that is mentioned in a previous episode but was never seen until this episode, as he is the host of America's Top Talent. Jean-Paul Paul-Jean also makes another appearance in this episode, because he's one of the coaches, as well. Along with Val, another coach in this episode, and another character seen on previous episodes of the show. 


There is actually no other episode like this one from a Disney Channel show, that I've ever seen before, in that this episode is based on a reality show, The Voice. Except, for that one Hannah Montana episode where they do like a play-off of American Idol, but that's still a little different than this. 'Cause American Idol is different from The Voice. So, this episode is very unique in that way. It's cool that they actually did this and tried to replicate a reality competition show that was actually very popular at the time and it actually works great for this show. 'Cause if any other Disney Channel show tried to do a play-off of The Voice, it just wouldn't work or make sense for the show itself. Again, unless it was Hannah Montana, but The Voice didn't even exist at that time.


This episode is very funny, so nostalgic, relatable, it has a couple great messages/lessons, and above all it has some great, nostalgic, ICONIC performances. That's right, this episode doesn't have it's usual one performance, but it has THREE AMAZING performances. As Chloe and Halle sing their song that I mentioned earlier, Lucy Gluckman (aka Sabrina Carpenter) sings Austin's song "Who I Am", and Austin Moon himself performs "I Got That Rock N' Roll". By the way, the song that Austin sings in this episode was also included on my Top 10 Songs From Austin & Ally post. So, it's cool that I ended up actually choosing this episode with one of my most favorite songs/performances from the show.


Again, I just love the positive, important, and relatable messages/lessons of this episode. One being about the importance of just being yourself, believing in yourself, and not letting anyone try to change you. As at first Ally, unintentionally and just trying to be what she thinks is helpful, gives Lucy a whole new look and basically tells her not to be herself if she wants to be successful and not be the "joke contestant". But when she realizes that that wasn't the right way to go about giving Lucy the confidence to sing on stage and get over of her stage fright, Ally apologizes to her, and Ally learns that the only way to make someone have confidence in themselves is not to try and make them a new person but to make that person believe in who they already are. Something that Lucy learns to do as she then goes back to being her old self on-stage, with her pigtails, glasses, purple stockings and all, and she covers a very fitting song for her story "Who I Am". Another one of my all-time favorite songs from Austin & Ally that I included on my Top 10 Songs From Austin & Ally post. 


There's also the important message/lesson about never giving up on yourself or on someone else. As Lucy never gets up on her dream, the competition, even though others don't believe in her and just think that she's a joke. And, SPOILER ALERT: She does end up winning the whole singing competition just by being herself and overcoming her stage fright. Austin also has to learn this lesson of never giving up on someone who has potential, because at first he has this attitude of like not even knowing why they even picked an "awkward, weird girl" (referring to Lucy), as Dez puts it and what Austin agrees with. He also says that, because he knows she's just the "joke contestant". But after Ally tells Austin that Lucy is not a joke and that she actually has a good voice, that she just needs some help with their coaching, and reminds him how he (Austin) saw the potential in her (Ally) when she was a mess (Austin's words not mine) and she turned out pretty great. Austin realizes that Ally's right, that with their help and belief in her talent Lucy has the potential and can win, too.


After re-watching this episode for the 1,000th time (Okay, not really the 1,000th time, but you get what I mean), it's still one of the BEST and one of my most FAVORITE episodes not only from Season 2 but from the whole show. It truly never gets old. I've seen this episode so many times and I could watch it so many more times over again. In fact, right after I got done watching this episode for this post, I just wanted to start it all over again from the very beginning. What can I say? It's a GREAT episode. 


#1 "Real Life & Reel Life" S2E25 - Premiered September 22, 2013

This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from Season 2 and probably from the whole show in general. However, this is actually an episode that I did not remember just from the title and description alone before re-watching it for this post. Even though it had only been a couple of years, before I had re-watched it this time around, since I had last seen it. So, I was very curious and excited to re-watch this episode to refresh my memory of it. 'Cause just the short description of this episode on Disney Plus alone, made this episode seem very interesting to me. And it really is interesting and VERY FUNNY


In this episode, Dez and Trish decide to make a movie (a "Rockumentary" as Trish calls it) about Austin and Ally, because the record label thinks that it will be great publicity for their careers. While making the movie, it brings up unknown issues in Austin and Ally's musical partnership that strain their (Austin and Ally's) current friendship. Therefore, Dez and Trish are left to bring Austin and Ally back together as a team while still finishing the movie. Oh, and this Rockumentary isn't just any Rockumentary, as the movie contains multiple movie styles and genres depicting various aspects of Austin and Ally's lives together. As there's a James Bond-type spy scene😎, a soap opera style scene🎭, a Broadway musical moment🎶, a Pirates of the Caribbean-style scene ⚔, a sports scene (football to be exact)🏈, a superhero scene🦸, a Twilight-style scene🧛, and a Chaplin-esque silent film scene🎥. This episode literally has something for everyone to enjoy. 


I have to say, I actually NEVER thought that this episode would ever be included as one of my Top 3 favorite episodes from the season. Let alone, one of my most favorites from the show ever. So, I'm actually really quite shocked myself, that I included it on this ranking at #1. But, it truly is such a GREAT episode and my synopsis of it doesn't even do it justice. You just MUST WATCH this episode to know how great it truly is and how VERY FUNNY it is. 


This episode is also one of the more UNIQUE episodes from the show because, like I mentioned before, it's the only episode that recreates scenes from previous episodes and story-lines from the show using many different movie styles and genres. It's also one of the few episodes where we get an Auslly (Austin and Ally) kiss.😘Well, sort of. We see a glimpse of them kissing and then Dez gets in the way to film and blocks viewers from seeing the rest of the kiss. 'Cause yes, it's a pretty long kissing scene, but it doesn't really show anything at the same time. Which I am fine with because watching other people kiss on screen, especially for that long, is a little awkward and weird.💋🙈


Speaking of the movie and the scenes they recreate from the show in this episode, I thought it was really cute and so nostalgic when they started filming the first scene of the movie when Austin and Ally first met at Sonic Boom, and they are wearing the exact same outfits that they wore during that moment in the very first episode of the show. We also get not one, but TWO, AMAZING and funny musical moments in this episode. The Broadway musical moment but also the Austin and Ally vampire scene singing duet moment, when they sing the song heard in previous episodes of the show, "You Can Come To Me". 


There's not like a big, groundbreaking, important message or lesson I got while watching this episode...Well, maybe the one about never doubting your friends and always being their for them. Trusting them and not keeping secrets from them. Something Austin and Ally both have to learn by the end of this episode. But honestly, message/lesson or not, I mainly just ranked this episode this high on the ranking because it's SO, SO FUNNY and I LOVE a feel-good episode like this one that just makes me laugh and smile all throughout. 'Cause that is exactly what this episode does for me. Plus, this episode literally has everything the thriller, the drama, the comedy, the action, the romance, the vampires, the pirates, the music, the dancing, just EVERYTHING you could want and more. This is definitely an episode I would choose to watch again and I could NEVER forget it now.




Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):

*Magazines & Made-Up Stuff 

*Crybabies & Cologne 

*Campers & Complications 

*Chapters & Choices (Part 1)

*Partners & Parachutes 

*Tunes & Trials

*Future Sounds & Festival Songs







 (from least to most favorite)... 


#3 "Last Dances & Last Chances" S3E17 - Premiered August 24, 2014 


This is another episode from the show that has always stood out to me since my first time ever watching it back in 2014, for many reasons. First of all, because it is one episode of a two-part episode, and because it's one of the few episodes with Piper and the last episode with Piper (one of the girls Austin dates throughout the show who is Carrie's sister), and also just because this is a prom-themed episode and who can forget an episode like that? However, I am kind of surprised that I picked this episode over Part 1 of this two-part episode, because I always thought I preferred the first part of this two-part episode over this one (Part 2). But clearly, I didn't, or my likes have just changed now having re-watched the show back. Though, don't get me wrong because I still love Part 1 of this two-part episode (as you will see in my honorable mentions list), but it just didn't make the cut for the Top 3 BEST episodes of Season 3. :)


Again, this episode starts where the episode before this one left off. It's prom night and after Carrie hears Austin tell Trish that he'd rather be at prom with Ally and not Piper, Carrie threatens to tell her sister (Piper) the truth about Austin's true feelings and ruin his prom night if he doesn't make this night the best night of Piper's life. So, Piper grows suspicious of Austin's relationship with Ally the rest of the night, until Austin finally just tells Piper the truth in that he still has feelings for Ally and wishes he were at prom with her (Ally), and Piper actually takes the break-up surprisingly well. Meanwhile, Dez and Trish enter the dance contest at prom together instead of with the dates they came with, because Carrie (Dez's prom date) can't move in her dress and Jace's (Trish's prom date) leg is broken. 


SPOILER ALERT: In the end, after Austin and Piper agree to break up, Austin finally asks Ally to slow dance with him to make up for the time that they were actually supposed to slow dance together as Prom King and Queen.💗👑And while they are slow dancing together, Austin and Ally both admit to each other that they still like each other and they kiss. Yes, another episode with an Auslly kiss, and this time we can actually see the kiss happen.💋🙈 Dez and Trish also do end up winning the dance contest against Chuck and Sun Hee, but they find out that the money they win is being donated to the Marino High Wood Carving Club so that they can buy new tools. A club that Chuck owns.


So, quite A LOT happens in this episode. A bunch of people wishing that they were at prom with other people. Austin and Piper breaking up, therefore Austin and Ally getting back together. But first, only after Ally breaks up with Gavin. The final and last appearance of Piper's character. The final and last appearance of Gavin's character. Although, the only bummer is that we don't get a song performance from Austin or Ally in this episode, just a dance performance from Dez and Trish, but that's okay because it's VERY FUNNY. Just another reason why this episode is one of the more UNIQUE ones. Again, because it is one of the few episodes with no song performance by Austin or Ally.


This is just not only a great prom episode but just a GREAT episode from the show in general. It's just a very funny, feel-good, and VERY NOSTALGIC episode to me. Definitely one that I would choose to watch again sometime in the future. And even though this episode is Part 2 of a two-part episode, you don't really have to watch the first part in order to understand what's going on and in order to enjoy it, because at the very beginning of this episode it also does a little recap of the previous episode that came before this one. 


Again, this episode is just full of nostalgia because it's all about PROM, and if you've ever been to prom it makes you start to think back to your own prom memories which is fun and VERY NOSTALGIC. At least for me.😊And if you never went to prom, don't worry because it's not all it's cracked up to be, and if anything you can just kind of live vicariously through the characters in this episode by watching it to get all the prom feels.👍There's also a few great little subtle messages/lessons one could take away from this episode such as the importance of not pushing your feelings for someone aside because it's no good for either person involved, knowing that you can't just avoid your problems you have to face them, and just not waiting to do something you've always wanted to do 'cause the best time is always NOW than later.


#2 "Fanatics & Favors" S3E14 - Premiered July 13, 2014  



Now, this is an episode I remembered right off the bat just from reading the tiny description and seeing the thumbnail picture for it on Disney Plus. I also mostly just remembered this episode (before re-watching it again for this post) not from when I was a teen watching this show, but from when I watched it during the pandemic in 2020 with my sister ( That was actually the last time (before this time) that I had watched this episode, and ever since then I've always been excited to re-watch this episode. This time around, for this post, being no different. In other words, I couldn't wait to get to this episode and watch it again for this post, just because I remembered it being VERY FUNNY. And let me tell you, it's still VERY FUNNY. Therefore, my positive opinions about it haven't changed at all, which I figured they wouldn't have.


Basically, in this episode, Austin, Ally, and Trish learn that Dez has a cousin (Well, his half-second-cousin-in-law, twice removed, because his (Dez's) half-grandmother's second sister married his cousin's half-brother's uncle's third cousin) and his name is Dwyane Wade. Dwyane is not only an NBA superstar but also a huge Austin Moon fan. Dez tells Austin, Ally, and Trish that Dwyane has been begging him forever to meet Austin and that he's invited them all to his house. So they all decide to go visit Dez's cousin, that he's never mentioned until this episode, with little hesitation at first. However, it's not long after they get to Dwyane Wade's house that they realize Dwyane's a little too obsessed with Austin. Okay, scratch that, A LOT OBSESSED


Literally, his (Dwayne Wade's) front doorbell plays Austin's song "Heart Beat" when you press it, he wears a shirt with Austin's face on it when he meets them, he made his own avatar of Austin in a video game because the game didn't have one, he has a book shelf full of books with all the famous book titles of the books changed to include Austin's name. Such as Austin in Wonderland instead of Alice in Wonderland, The Adventures of Austinberry Finn instead of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Austinback of Notre Dame instead of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Austin instead of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Austin & Juliet and even a Can You Find Austin? book.👀🤣He (Dwyane) has all this other creepy Austin stuff inside and around his house, too. Such as a trophy that he (Dwyane) made himself for being the #1 Austin Moon fan🏆, Austin Moon pancakes🥞, and he even has a whole secret shrine to Austin that includes photos of Austin, Austin bobble heads, even an Austin Moon cuckoo clock, and a pillow with Austin's face on it. 


Ally is the first to notice the obsession that Dwyane has with Austin. Then she shows Trish, and then when she finally gets to show Austin and Dez all the books and the shrine, that is when they all believe her (Well, Dez still seems a little confused and oblivious to the whole thing the whole time) and they try to sneak out of Dwyane's house. They are able to escape to Sonic Boom, but then of course Dwyane finds them there. Dwayne tells them how he's always wanted to be a rock star just like Austin (Well, he actually says he's always wanted to BE Austin🙉👀🚩) and hopefully perform a song he wrote with him (Austin). So, the gang realizes that after learning more about Dwyane and his obsessions from Dez, that the only way to get rid of Dwyane...well to stop his obsession with to sing Dwyane's song and let him perform with Austin. So, Austin invites Dwyane to sing with him for his next big live performance, but Austin makes this promise to Dwyane before he even hears the song Dwyane has written for them to sing. So, there's a whole other new problem to solve. How can they make Dwayne's song better?


SPOILER ALERT: Ally ends up coming up with the idea to take the song her and Austin just finished writing and trick Dwyane into thinking that he wrote it and it actually works. Until the end, after Austin and Dwayne's AMAZING performance of the song, Dwyane tells Austin and Ally that he knew they tricked him but he got to live out his dream of being a rock star. MAJOR PLOT TWIST, that I actually had forgotten about before re-watching this episode.🙉 And at the very. very end we find out that Dwyane has thrown out all of his Austin Moon stuff, as Dez brings it all into Sonic Boom.👏🎉As Dez tells Austin that Dwyane's over him now, but now Austin has to look out for Dez, because Dez admits having a secret Austin Moon shrine and being his #1 fan.👀🚩


This episode is just SO GOOD, mostly because it's just SO FUNNY. Literally, the jokes never get old. I laugh every time I watch this episode.  Though, I not only love this episode for how funny it is, but also for the GREAT song that Austin and Dez sing at the end of this episode called "What We're About".💓🤍🎤 Just the song alone I LOVE SO MUCH. I literally had to rewind it to watch it again, because it's just so great and such a FUN scene. Something about that performance alone just feels very NOSTALGIC and warms my heart. Also, a random but probably important thing to note, is that it's mentioned at the end of this episode that Dez got him and Austin's ICONIC handshake from Dwyane. That's a little crazy and interesting to hear, because that's something I actually didn't catch them say whenever I watched this episode before, but I definitely noticed them say it this time around while watching it. There's also a great subtle message/lesson in this episode about the importance of telling people the truth, but in a case like this one, sometimes you might have to lie to someone to spare their hurt feelings and that's okay, too. You should never lie to someone, but there are also times when it is warranted.


Overall, if you love random and very funny episodes than you will LOVE this episode, because it's VERY FUNNY and RANDOM. Also, if you just like basketball and know who Dwyane Wade is then you will also like this episode just for him. I, for one, have never been a big sports TV watcher, so I didn't even know who Dwyane Wade was until I first saw this episode and they mentioned it. So, even non-sports lovers will love this episode. It's definitely an episode I could watch many, many times over again and never get tired of.🎶🏀💓🤍🎤🎹  


#1 "Glee Clubs & Glory" S3E6 - Premiered January 19, 2014 


This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from not only Season 3 but from the whole series because...I mean, how could it not be? This episode is actually one that I did remember before re-watching it again for this post, just because it was still pretty fresh in my mind from the last time (before this time) I had seen it, which was during the pandemic (in 2020) with my sister ( But, surprisingly, this episode from the show hasn't always been my favorite. In other words, I remember this episode being one of the few episodes that I actually watched from Season 3 of Austin & Ally when I was younger, and when this episode first premiered on Disney Channel, and me not liking it. So, my thoughts and opinions about this episode have definitely changed since then. Having said that, I was very excited and only a little curious to watch this episode again, because it had been awhile since the last time I had watched it, and I remembered it being one of the more funny episodes. I was only a little curious to see if my opinion of it would change at all after watching it again after so long, which it clearly did.


In this episode it's all about the Marino High Glee Club. As after the tenor (Lenny) from the Glee Club that Ally's in at school, gets hurt and they need a replacement, as head of the club, Ally offers the spot to Austin and he accepts. However, problems start to arise when Austin has his own ideas about how the music and their dance moves should be. When Ally won't agree with him, he and Trish decide to start their own Glee Club and, as Dez would say, it becomes "a musical show down". So, it's all Team Austin or Team Ally? 'Cause only one Glee Club can represent their school at the regional competition. So, the A Capella war begins between Ally's team the "B-Sharps" (which includes Dez) and Austin's team "Looking for Treble". Old school versus new skewl (school😊). Although, when Coach Simmons sees Austin and Ally and their respective team members fighting during a mini-musical competition during rehearsal one day at school, he tells them that they are both out of Glee Club, and then Dez is made the new captain and changes the "B-Sharps" to the "Dez-tones".😂 Dez leading the team doesn't last long though, because in the end Austin and Ally realize that everything's better when they work together so they apologize to each other, make up, and get back together to win regionals. And, SPOILER ALERT, they do end up winning the regional competition.🏆❤💗🤍🎤🎶 


This episode is so GREAT and it was everything I remembered it to be when I re-watched it this time around for this post. It's very, VERY FUNNY, nostalgic, and it has a few great messages/lessons. One of the great messages/lessons of this episode being about the importance of knowing that winning isn't everything. Something that Ally learns by the end of this episode as at the beginning of this episode she's just all about winning and trophies. As when she first mentions to Austin, Trish, and Dez about the Glee Club tenor being hurt and them needing a replacement, she talks about how without a tenor there's no way that they'll win their next competition and she's frightened that they might end up in second place. Even after Austin tells her that second place would still qualify her for regionals, Ally says, "Oh, but second place is not winning. Second place means you're a loser", which is not true and so wrong for Ally to say. Especially when Ally and Trish even make Dez feel bad because he says that he always gets second place. (Poor, Dez.😢) But in the end, Ally does learn that working together with her friends as a team was the trophy, not the actual competition of it all or the actual trophy itself.👏 


Another message/lesson that stood out to me in this episode is about the importance of keeping your mind open to new things. Something that Austin tells Ally when she just wants to keep things more traditional and old-fashioned but Austin wants to rock things up a bit and make things edgier. There's also of course the message/lesson, that I kind of already mentioned earlier, about the importance of working together as a team. If you can be a part of a team and you want to be a part of a team, then work together and share your ideas together because that's how your end goal will turn out for the best. Another thing that Austin and Ally learn by the end of this episode. Don't control things, share things, as Ally learns. And also the message/lesson about not letting some competition, or anything like that, get between you and your friendship, or relationship, with someone. Something else Austin and Ally both learn by the end of this episode. 


This is a very funny and entertaining episode. It's also very nostalgic just because the whole Glee Club thing kind of reminds me of my school choir days, even though they're technically two different things, but they are pretty similar. Ahhh...the memories. I also LOVE how much singing is in this episode. I mean, the more songs the better, right?😊

Just the performance in this episode alone, I really LOVE. As it's a Glee Club mash-up of songs from previous episodes of the show that came before this one. Such as the show title theme song called "Can't Do It Without You", "Turn It Up", "Billion Hits", "Illusion", "I Got That Rock n' Roll", "Heard It On the Radio", "Finally Me", "Not A Love Song", "Steal Your Heart", and "Don't Look Down". Man, that was a lot of song titles to type.😊😎


This is also one of the few episodes where we get to hear and see Dez and Trish sing and dance. As they are a part of the whole final Glee Club performance, too, along with Austin and Ally and all the other Glee Club members. The musical performance in this episode is also one that I almost included in my Top 10 Songs From Austin & Ally post, but only I didn't, just because it's a whole mash-up of many different songs and it wouldn't have been fair to rank among the other songs that consists of just one song all-together. But, I mention that to say, that it just shows how GREAT and UNFORGETTABLE this musical performance actually is.


Like I mentioned before, there's so many funny moments in this episode, especially from Dez. But my other favorite character in this episode, besides Dez, is Miles.🤣 Just WATCH the episode and you'll understand why Miles is one of the best things of it. Speaking of characters, you'll also see another familiar face in this episode, but not from a Disney Channel show. As the girl who plays Elle in this episode, Ashley Argota, played on True Jackson VP as Lulu. Well, she also played in an episode of Girl Meets World, and of course some other things, but I mainly know her from True Jackson VP. All in all, younger me would probably not even have included this episode on this ranking, but the me now LOVES this episode and it definitely deserves it's #1 spot on this ranking. I would definitely watch this episode again and you should to, especially if you've never seen it before, because it's a must-watch.😊❤💗🤍 🎤🎶




Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):

*Beauties & Bullies 

*Proms & Promises 

*Videos & Villains 

*Cupids & Cuties 

*Relationships & Red Carpets 

*Austin & Alias 

*What If's & Where's Austin 








 (from least to most favorite)... 


#3 "Grand Openings & Great Expectations" S4E3 - Premiered February 8, 2015

This is one of the more memorable and unforgettable episodes from Season 4 of Austin & Ally because it's the first episode to feature the new A&A Music Factory, which changes things up for the rest of the show. However, before re-watching this episode again for this post, this was another episode that I did not remember exactly everything aboutl when I had just read the title and short description of it on Disney Plus. Having said that because, usually with episodes that I love and have always stuck with me, I remember the episode instantly just from the title or description alone. But, before doing so again for this post, I hadn't seen this episode since the pandemic in 2020. So, I was very curious and excited to watch this episode again, just to refresh my memory of it. And, of course, once I saw this episode again it all came back to me. I believe this was also one of the very few episodes I watched from Season 4 of the show when I was younger when it was originally airing on Disney Channel in 2015. So, that's also why this episode was always a little more memorable to me.


As the title of this episode suggests, this episode is all about the upcoming GRAND OPENING of the A&A Music Factory. When a reporter named Beverly Robins (senior editor at Miami Daily Star Gazette) is very skeptical about the gang's new venture with A&A Music Factory, as she believes it's just a couple of pop stars exploiting their fame for a quick buck, Austin and Ally are accidentally stuck to a promise that they can teach a group of first-time music students a song to perform at the grand opening in only ONE WEEK and prove the reporter's statement wrong. And Trish, the manager, believes it will be good publicity for the new music factory. The reporter lady's son, Max, (who hates music but loves video games) is Austin and Ally's first member of the kids' band, and they put him on the keyboard.🎮🎹 Then, Ally brings in Lily to play bass, a student that she's already been giving piano lessons to at the factory.🎹🎸Austin brings in Dylan, a tomboy sk8r girl, to play lead guitar.🛹🎸And Trish brings in Herman, a kid from her little brother's baseball team, to play drums.⚾🥁


When Austin, Ally, Trish, and Dez hear the kids play together for the first time, they are at first doubtful. They even hire pro extras to drown out their sound, but that doesn't even work. However, once they connect with each student on a more personal level, they are then able to figure out the gateways into getting them to really understand their instruments and be good at them. SPOILER ALERT: By the end of the episode, the band performs successfully at the grand opening, proving the worth of the A&A Music Factory. As the reporter (Beverly Robins) ends up being impressed with the kids being able to rise to the challenge, even her son Max, who was just really into video games before he joined the band. As he (Max) even asks his mom (Beverly Robins) if he can keep taking music lessons at the A&A Music Factory. However, Trish doesn't end up getting the exact publicity she wanted for the A&A Music Factory, because when she and Dez read the news article that Beverly Robins wrote about the A&A Music Factory in the Miami Daily Star Gazette, they see that she (Beverly Robins) only wrote about all the good things related to her son (Max) not really the success and worth of the A&A Music Factory itself.


Again, when I was younger and this season of Austin & Ally was first premiering on Disney Channel, I didn't vibe with Season 4 because I didn't like change. In other words, one of the reasons why I didn't really care to watch Season 4 of Austin & Ally back then is because I didn't like that they changed Sonic Boom to the A&A Music Factory. But now, having re-watched the show back, I actually don't mind it being changed. I think it was a cool idea and at least it still made sense for the show. It didn't drastically change it too bad. 


This episode is just GREAT and one that really stood out to me this time around while re-watching the show. I mainly LOVE it because it has a lot of FUNNY moments and it also has a couple of great messages/lessons one can takeaway after watching it. One such message/lesson being about the importance of never giving up. Something that Ally tells Austin, Trish, and Dez when they see the kids practicing performing together for the first time and they are not good. As Ally gives a very inspiring little speech to them (Austin, Trish, and Dez), "Guys, come on. We're not postponing it and there's no Plan B. We can't give up. Maybe they're not good today, and maybe they won't be good tomorrow, or the next day. But I believe in us. And if we promised to turn this rag-tag bunch of rookies into a band, then that's what we're gonna do." That also goes along with the message/lesson, reminder, about the importance of not making promises to people that you can't keep. 


There's also a great message/lesson about the importance of not quitting something you love just because you're afraid that your friends or other people will make fun of you for it, because it shouldn't matter to you what other people think about you or what you do. Something that Dylan learns by the end of this episode. I also love what Ally says to the reporters at the beginning when she says, "Our goal at the A&A Music Factory is to spread the joy of music, and that's something you can't put a price tag on." That quote just stood out to me this time around when watching this episode,because it's so true about music being about bringing joy to people and you shouldn't put a price tag on it.💓🎶 


Again, I just love this episode because it's one of the most unique episodes not only from Austin & Ally, but from any other episode from a Disney Channel show in general. Just for the whole A&A Music Factory aspect of it all and them taking first-time music students under their wing. It's something that no other Disney Channel show has done before. At least from ones that I've seen. 


Like I mentioned before, this episode also has some great messages/lessons and it's really FUNNY, too. In fact, one of my favorite funny moments in this episode is when it's the grand opening and the kids are about to perform their song, but Dez has to cut the giant red ribbon to start the celebration. It's a VERY FUNNY moment because Dez cuts the ribbon very, very, VERYYYYY slowly with his toenail scissors, since he forgot to bring his giant pair of scissors.🤣✂ I also love the song that the kids perform in this episode, although it's really, REALLY short. As they perform their own rendition of Austin Moon's song "Na Na Na", but again, it's way shorter than I remembered it to be and they only sing the chorus part of the song.🤣 This is just a must-watch episode. I, for sure, would choose to watch this episode again sometime in the future.😊


#2 "Homework & Hidden Talents" S4E5 - Premiered March 29, 2015

This is another one of the most memorable and unforgettable episodes not only from Season 4 of Austin & Ally but from the whole show. In fact, this is one of the first episodes that I always think of whenever I think of Austin & Ally. All because this is one of the few episodes from Season 4 that I would watch on repeat when I was younger. I also just remember when and where I was when I watched this episode for the first time when it premiered on Disney Channel in 2015. I still even remember the promos and commercials leading up to the premiere of this pretty special episode. Plus, I don't know about you, but I was a huge Dance Moms fan when I was younger (not anymore), so I did mainly get excited and curious about watching this episode at the time just to see Maddie do her thing.💓🩰 Yes, Maddie Ziegler guest stars on this episode, not as herself, but as Shelby and the whole A storyline revolves around her. So, I used to only love this episode because Maddie Ziegler from Dance Moms was in it, but now I love and appreciate it for even more than just that.


Basically, if you've never seen this episode, it's about Ally proving to Austin that she can unlock the hidden musical talent of a new student named Shelby (again, played by Maddie Ziegler). Shelby lives her life under the shadow of her older sister Violet, who's a self-taught teenage violin prodigy. As Violet was able to master the violin at the age of 3.👶🎻😲 So, Austin and Ally make a bet with each other over Ally's ability to teach Shelby to play the violin and be just as great as her sister, by the next Friends & Family Night. But along the way, they find out that Shelby is a much better dancer than a violin player.💃🎻 So, they encourage her to DANCE at Friends & Family Night. Random, but fun fact, did you know that this episode was originally titled "Dance Routines & Dude Pageants? Yeah, I like the latter title better.👍😊


Like I mentioned before, this is one of the very few episodes from Season 4 of Austin & Ally that I had actually watched when I was younger when it first premiered on Disney Channel, and I had even watched it many more times after that. So, this is an episode that I'm always more EXCITED than curious to watch, and this time around was no different. Again, because of that, this is one of those episodes from the show where I already know every scene before it even happens and every line the characters say before they even say it. Yes, I've seen this episode that many times.😊I also knew from the very beginning of doing this, before even getting to this episode to re-watch it, that it would most definitely be included on this ranking as one of the BEST and one of my MOST FAVORITES because it's always been a favorite of mine, and I never changed my mind once about it. Although, I actually thought that this episode was going to be my #1 favorite from Season 4, but the next episode that I will be mentioning is just a tad better for some other reasons. 


There's so many reasons why I LOVE this episode. Not only because it's SUPER NOSTALGIC to me but also because it's very funny, relatable, unique, and it has a great message/lesson. This episode is very UNIQUE just for the BIG dance performance alone. As there is no other episode from this show that features a real-life dancer who dances to a full song and utilizes every prop on the set, which takes up a good majority of the episode, like this one. As Maddie even showcases different styles of dancing during the performance, not just one type of dance, which is even very different from Austin Moon's performances on the show. I mean, the whole dance performance with Austin and Shelby is the BEST, most ICONIC part of this whole episode. I would rank this episode HIGHER just for the dance scene alone, but I have to think about the whole episode not just the musical performance. I also love that they performed to Ally's song "Finally Me". A song very fitting for Shelby's story, and it tells a great message in and of itself. The musical performance in this episode is also one that almost made it onto my Top 10 Songs from Austin & Ally post, but I only didn't include it because I was only including songs/performances from the show by Austin or Ally or with the two of them together, not them with anyone else. If that makes sense.😊


Speaking of great messages/lessons, this episode gives viewers quite a few. Such as knowing that everybody has a talent inside of them. Something that Ally tells Shelby when she (Shelby) doesn't believe that she's good at anything. The importance of following your own path because you don't have to do what others are doing, is another great message/lesson of this episode. Something that Austin tells Shelby in this episode, as he says, "Just because your sister's good at violin, doesn't mean you have to be. Maybe you're talented at something else." That also goes with the messages/lessons about the importance of living the life the way you want to live it, the importance of believing in yourself, doing what your passionate about, and knowing that you don't have to try to impress anyone. In other words, just be YOU, do YOU, and believe in YOUrself, YOUr talent and YOUr abilities. I also love the message/lesson about remembering not to compare yourself to others. As throughout majority of this episode, Shelby only compares herself to her sister and wants to be just as great as her sister at what her sister does. Until she realizes her own talent, something that's different from her sister's, and that's what changes her perspective. 

There's also another great message/lesson, that kind of goes along with that message of not comparing yourself to others, and it's about knowing the importance of doing things at your own pace, not at the pace of others. As when Shelby's sister Violet shows Austin and Ally an online video of her at 3-years-old playing the violin at Carnegie Hall, after just one week Shelby decides to quit her violin lessons, just because she already feels behind in life compared to her sister. Something she shouldn't feel and that no one should feel, because everyone achieves things at their own time and at their own pace in life, and that's most definitely okay.


This whole Shelby story line is oh so relatable. As I'm sure we've all compared ourselves to others at one time or another or, if you have siblings, you maybe have even felt the pressure to live up to your sister or brother's achievements. There's so many relatable things about this episode and this specific story line. So, it's great if you feel those things to feel seen and heard by watching this episode. There's also a sweet moment in this episode between Austin and Ally when Austin gives Ally a moon necklace with an added sun. As he then says that that's him and her (Ally). Ally's the sun and he's the moon. "Austin Moon, Ally Dawsun". 🌞🌑And on the back he engraved on it the words "I believe in you, and together, we can go farther than the moon". He tells her he bought it (the necklace) because he believes in her. (I know, cue the awwwws😍) We also get some good comedy from Dez and Trish's storyline, but I will admit, their storyline is not my favorite part of this episode. Overall, this episode just truly never gets old. I've seen this episode so many times and I could watch it so many more times over again. Especially the AMAZING, UNFORGETTABLE dance scene.💗🩰💃🕺  


#1 "Mysteries & Meddling Kids" S4E11 - Premiered July 26, 2015 

This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from not only Season 4 of Austin & Ally but from the whole show in general. Although, this is an episode that I never thought I would ever, EVER include on a ranking such as this one. But I really enjoyed watching this episode this time around. It's just such a FEEL-GOOD, FUNNY episode, and it's definitely one of the more UNIQUE episodes from the show. I actually remembered what episode this was, because of the last time (before this time) I had watched it with my sister ( during the pandemic, just from the thumbnail picture on Disney Plus alone. 'Cause it's really not that hard to know which episode this is just from the thumbnail picture alone. As all the characters are dressed very differently than they usually are dressed. Even though I knew which episode this was before even watching it, I only remembered a certain dance sceen from it and that's it. So, I was very curious and excited to re-watch this episode for this post to refresh my memory of the whole episode and not just the scenes I already knew.


As in this episode, while Austin, Ally, Trish, and Dez are at their school's 70's-themed party, a mystery unfolds when Ally's songbook gets stolen while they are disco dancing. So the gang, dressed like the "Mystery Bunch" (Scooby-Doo vibes), goes in search of the culprit. It's a Whodunit Mystery.🕵🔍📕 Okay, SPOILER ALERT, the culprit of the missing songbook ends up being Brooke who disguised herself as the old library lady. But, I won't tell you why Brooke did what she does in this episode. You have to watch the episode to find out if you haven't already.😉But Brooke is a character who appeared in previous episodes of the show who was a little obsessed with Austin. Okay, A LOT obsessed, and clearly still is by this episode. 👀🚩So, it's not the first time that we see her character. Even the characters of Chuck, Miles, and Kimmy come back in this episode being the pawns in Brooke's master plan. And apparently if you say frozen yogurt, Miles will get very excited and talk just like he did for the FIRST TIME in this episode.🤣🍦


There's really not much to this episode, as you can tell from my short synopsis of it, but that's what makes it so GREAT. It's just a FUN, INTERESTING, MYSTERY episode and, I mean, who doesn't love that? I know I do, obviously. There's 70's music, 70's dancing, 70's fashion, and a cute little baby goat.🐐 I mean, the cute baby goat really just did it for me, but I like everything else about this episode, too.😊🐐


I really just don't even know how to explain why I LOVE this episode. I just do. It doesn't need an explanation really because it's just that GREAT of an episode. And if you just watch it and all the other episodes from Season 4, then you'd understand why this is one of the BEST episodes. It doesn't even really have some big, powerful message/lesson...Well, except maybe the fact that you should never steal what's not yours...and this episode doesn't even have a big, amazing song performance by Austin or Ally. But, just for the comedy and mystery element alone, is why I LOVE this episode. Literally, this episode is very funny right from the very beginning to the very end. I also do love the 70's decade vibes. I've only seen this episode a few times in my life, as this was only my third time watching it, and I already wanna watch it so many more times over again. It's an episode I believe never gets old.🤎🧡 




 Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):

*Mattress Stores & Music Factories 

*Seniors & Senors

*Wedding Bells & Wacky Birds 

*Karaoke & Kalamity 

*Dancers & Ditzes 

*Mini Me's & Muffin Baskets 

*Caps and Gowns & Can't Be Found 





P.S. I'm not going to speak much on the finale episode of Austin & Ally, because I'm saving that for a future post, but I will just say that I prefer the last episode of Season 3. In other words, I think the last episode of Season 3 was a better finale episode than this finale episode. 'Cause the finale episode they ended up going with (the ending clip posted above) really left no room for the show to come back if it could, and I mean we all want to see Austin & Ally return as a movie or something, right?🤞I know I do. But I guess, the cast's occasional reunions will do for now.😊💓Check out some of their most recent ones below for all the nostalgia and good vibes: 









Well, that concludes my ranking of the Top 12 Best Episodes from Austin & Ally! I really enjoyed getting to go back and re-watch this show from the very beginning to the very end and getting to share my thoughts and opinions about it here with you. ‘Cause I’ve loved this show ever since it was originally airing and premiering on Disney Channel. Well, more so the first two seasons but now, I LOVE and APPRECIATE every season of this show more than I ever did before after re-watching it for this post. In fact, when I end up redoing my Top Ten Disney Channel Shows post, this show will definitely be going a little higher than I originally had it. 'Cause Austin & Ally is just one of those feel-good shows that I can literally watch at any time and I know that I can turn an episode of it on whenever I need a good laugh, or even just want to hear some great music. 😊🎶🎸


 I’m kind of sad that my time of watching Austin & Ally is over and that this post is over. :( I mean, that doesn’t mean that I’m done watching it forever, just for now I am, because I have to continue with this fun, nostalgia-filled series of posts on the Top 10 greatest Disney Channel shows ever and their BEST episodes. I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed creating it. Is Austin & Ally one of your favorite Disney Channel shows? What’s your favorite episode or season of the show? Let me know in the comments below and come Back to Disney soon for more!

Oh, and speaking of episodes and seasons, I know I mentioned at the beginning of this post that I would let you know my favorite seasons of Austin & Ally from most favorite to least favorite, so I will do that now, before I sign off. The seasons of Austin & Ally go like this for me (again, from most to least favorite): Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, then Season 4. I will say though, that I almost put Season 2 above Season 1 just because at first I wasn’t vibing with Season 1 and Season 2 of Austin & Ally is actually really good. But then after I watched the whole show, there’s just something about Season 1 that makes it a little more special. It's just more new, fresh, and energetic. Now, if you’ve never seen Austin & Ally before, I highly suggest that you go watch it right now. Run. Don’t walk.😂🏃 No, but seriously. I would suggest that you start with any of these 12 episodes I mentioned here, but it’s up to you. Now, for real this time, signing off! ✌💓


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