Wednesday, July 26, 2023



 Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you enjoyed my last post on the Top 12 Best Episodes from Austin & Ally. Today, I'm sharing with you something a little bit different from what I normally do. 'Cause if you don't know or just don't remember, today marks 15 YEARS since the unforgettable and MOST ICONIC concert of our childhood premiered on Disney Channel!?! Yep, that's right. We're going back and reminiscing on all the FUN and NOSTALGIA that was the Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert in honor of its 15th anniversary. So, get your tickets and your 3D glasses ready because we're going to a concert tonight!πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸŽ‰πŸŽΉπŸŽΈπŸŽΆπŸŽ€πŸ˜Ž



If you have never seen this concert movie before and therefore have no idea what I'm talking about, which, if you haven't...what!?!, that's crazy. Well, don't you worry because you'll be seeing all the performances from it here shortly. Just you wait. But, I'll just still give those of you who haven't ever seen this concert movie, a brief little history and synopsis about it before we get into the song battle. Basically, the Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert is a 3D film documenting the Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour starring Miley Cyrus as herself AND as her character Hannah Montana. The concert was filmed on the tour stop in Salt Lake City, Utah on October 26 and October 27, 2007. The film gives fans not only a front-row seat to see the AMAZING performances by Hannah and Miley but it also gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at Miley's life on tour. The concert movie was theatrically released in the U.S. and  Canada, at 683 theaters, for ONE WEEK ONLY starting February 1, 2008 (just one day after the actual tour ended). It was a box office hit and the biggest opening weekend EVER for a movie debuting on the same weekend as the Super Bowl.πŸ‘ The world television premiere on Disney Channel (which is what we are celebrating today) was on July 26, 2008 and it garnered 5.9 million viewers (me being one of them😊). According to my research, the Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert is the channel's highest viewed film. Although, it's not counted as a DCOM due to it being shot live and having a theatrical release. The 3D film was then released to DVD on August 19, 2008. A DVD that I also have owned since I was 13 or 14 when my cousin let me have hers, because she knew I loved it so much. And let me tell you, I watched that DVD so many times throughout my childhood/teenage-hood. I was a little obsessed with it.😊 



The songs from the tour featured in the concert movie are as follows: 

Set List as Hannah Montana:

1. Rock Star

2. Life's What You Make It

3. Just Like You

4. Nobody's Perfect

5. Pumpin' Up the Party

6. I Got Nerve 

7. We Got the Party (ft. the Jonas Brothers)

Interlude (Jonas Brothers):

When You Look Me in the Eyes 

Year 3000

Set List as Miley Cyrus:

1. Start All Over

2. See You Again 

3. Let's Dance

4. Right Here 

5. I Miss You 

6. G.N.O. (Girl's Night Out) 

7. The Best of Both Worlds (ft. Hannah Montana) 

The Best of Both Worlds Tour itself ran from October 18, 2007 to January 31, 2008 in North America and in 68 cities. It was the most in-demand concert ticket of 2007. The tour was held to promote Miley's debut and double-disc studio album Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus (A CD that I have a very fond and special memory of getting when I was 10 years old, around the time it first came out. It was a CD that I listened to so many times, as you can tell from the pic below), which consisted of the soundtrack to Hannah Montana's second season on the first disc and Miley Cyrus's debut studio album on the second disc. An ICONIC album in and of itself. πŸ’ΏπŸŽΆ Even to this day, the Best of Both Worlds Concert is still the third highest-grossing concert movie in history in North America.πŸ‘ This movie not only had an impact on me as a kid but it also had a significant impact on pop-culture in general. As during the years following this concert movie, a pretty large amount of other concert movies made their way to theaters. Such as Justin Bieber's Never Say Never (Also ICONIC and another movie I LOVE. But sorry to say, it doesn't beat the Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert. And that's coming from a big Justin Bieber fan.πŸ’“), This Is It, Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience, and Katy Perry's Part of Me, to name just a few. So, this concert movie started all the other concert movies that come after it. But to me, none of those other concert movies can compare to, capture, or replicate what the Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert is. It's truly one of a kind. 

Now I just have to mention again, that this isn't the 15th anniversary of the tour starting, or of the concert movie coming out in theaters, but this post is to CELEBRATE the 15th anniversary of when the Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert premiered on Disney Channel in 2008, which was 15 years ago today on July 26th. 'Cause I don't know about you, but I was one of the few kids at the time that didn't actually get tickets to go see this AMAZING concert live and in-person.πŸ˜”πŸ‘Ž Although, I do remember my parents at the time mention that they wanted to get my sisters and I some tickets to go see it, but for some reason that didn't happen. Which is something that I was completely fine with and I still am fine with, knowing that I didn't go as a kid to see this concert in-person, because...well, at least we got to see it period, thanks to it being made into a whole movie. Besides, even though I'm sure it was AMAZING for those who actually went to see the concert live and in-person, I think a lot of times things like this are better to watch on TV or on YouTube anyways, because it's cheaper than if you had to pay millions of dollars to get an actual good front-row seat to see it in-person and you get just as good a view watching it on TV as any front-row seat person at the actual live and in-person concert, if not better. Thanks to Disney for making it a movie and premiering it on Disney Channel, we did. As watching this concert movie really does give you that up-close and personal experience, that I more than likely wouldn't have even gotten if I had actually been there live and in-person when the concert came to my city in 2007. So, again, thankfully for the kids who didn't get to go see this concert for whatever reason back in 2007/2008, the Disney Channel came through and decided to make a movie out of it. And YES, in 3D! (Lol, how times have changed. 'Cause now it would have to be virtual reality.🀣)

I'm sure everyone who was a kid/tween/teen at the time that this ICONIC concert movie premiered on Disney Channel remembers it well. I know I do. In fact, I have such a vivid, fond, special memory of watching this concert in the living room of my childhood home with my sisters on that day of July 26, 2008, with our one pair of Walmart bought 3D glasses (Yes, we had to share because all the rest were sold out when my dad took me to our local Walmart to get some for the movie premiere. Another very vivid and special memory I have of that time.) Watching the premiere of this movie on Disney Channel with my sisters is a memory I'll never forget. 'Cause as you already know, if you've been reading this blog of mine since the very beginning, Hannah Montana has always been my FAVORITE Disney Channel show EVER (flaws and all, because it's not perfect but it's still GREAT). In other words, as a kid, you could say I was a big Hannah Montana fan. So, watching  this concert any way that I could back then, was EVERYTHING to me. And even still to this day, any and every time that I go back and re-watch this concert movie, it's just as COOL and EXCITING as it was when I first watched it as a kid 15 years ago. It truly never gets old. This concert movie left a very big IMPACT on me as a kid and still does whenever I watch it, so that's why I couldn't wait any longer to reminisce on it and share with you my thoughts, opinions and memories about it here. Hence, why you're reading this now, today.πŸ’™πŸ’œ:)

Before we really get started with this song battle and concert nostalgia, I first want to give a huge shout-out to my little sister ( for helping me come up with the idea for this post (Ha, Amber see what I did there.iykykπŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š) So, thank you Amber!πŸ’“:) 'Cause I always knew that I wanted to talk about this concert on my blog but I didn't know the best way to go about it. So, last year when my sister (Amber) did a post about the same concert movie, it inspired me to do mine the same way that she did (with my own special, added touches, of course). So, definitely go check out her post that she did about this concert movie here.πŸ’•

Now, like I mentioned briefly before, this is not going to be a ranking of the songs/performances from the concert movie. Instead, since this year also marked 16 years since the Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus CD was released and because this concert was held in support of that exact album, I decided to do like my sister did and take all those songs based off that album that she performed during the Best of Both Worlds Concert and do a little song battle. So, you could say that this is sort of a double celebration. As Miley performed most of the songs from that album during the Best of Both Worlds Tour. Only three songs that she performed during the concert were NOT on the Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus album, which are songs/performances that I will be including in this post, but NOT for the actual song battle. In other words, the song battle only includes the songs from the Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus CD, which are also a lot of the songs that she performed during the Best of Both Worlds Concert. As there are six songs from the album that she did not perform at all during the tour. So, there will be ten rounds and each round will include a Hannah Montana song versus a Miley Cyrus song. Also, the songs that I chose to put up against each other for each battle are just by chronological order from each disc on the CD. In other words, the first Hannah Montana song on the CD will go up against the first Miley Cyrus song as seen on the CD, and so on and so forth. Get it? Got it? Good.πŸ‘πŸ˜Š If not, you'll see what I mean very shortly. Oh, and if you want to see an actual ranking of all the songs from this ICONIC CD, don't worry, because I will be talking about this album again soon. As I want to do a ranking of every song from every Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus album in the near future.πŸ˜‰

For each round I also included the live performances that go along with each of the songs, so that we can reminisce on the whole concert and not just some of it. However, when doing this battle I only chose my FAVORITE song and which song I believe to be the BEST based on the song itself, NOT the live concert performance of it. 'Cause again, I just included the concert performances for FUN and for the sake of this post and CELEBRATION. Although, it goes without saying, but EVERY SONG on this album is a BANGER. Seriously, I LOVE all the songs from this album. This is just for FUN, like if I HAD to choose a FAVORITE or BEST one, the ones below would be just that. There will also be a few other FUN and NOSTALGIC surprises included on here along the way. So GET UP, GET LOUD, and let's START PUMPIN' UP THE PARTY NOW! And for all you girls out there, LET'S GO G.N.O., because it's a girls night tonight (Well, if you're reading this at night.🀣)! Okay, I'm gonna stop with the puns now, because I'm pretty bad at them.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸŽ‰πŸŽΆπŸŽ€











                                                    ROUND #1



Like I said at beginning of this post, I LOVE both of these songs, but to me this round was a NO-BRAINER. I choose See You Again as the BEST and my FAVORITE just because I would rather listen to it more than the other one. It's just simply the better one of the two. We Got the Party is a fun pop-rock song with a little more complex lyrics than some of the other Hannah songs, but See You Again is more edgy, mysterious, and of a dance-rock style, which I absolutely love. See You Again is also very catchy and a lot of fun to sing along to, while We Got the Party is catchy and fun to sing along to as well, but it's just very repetitive and not always in the best way. See You Again to me is just more unique all around. We Got the Party is just about getting up and letting go and having a party wherever you are. Just living life freely. While in the song See You Again, Miley sings about looking forward to seeing a guy she really likes (hence, the title, See You (him) Again), after she seemingly got choked up the last time that they saw each other, therefore she wants another shot with him to redeem herself. Oh, and we can't forget that the Jonas Brothers also sing with Hannah on the song We Got the Party, but even that doesn't change my opinion in that See You Again is the better of the two. What I also love about See You Again is that the song just continues to build and build and get better and better as it goes along. I love every verse, bridge, and chorus of this song, especially the third and last time she sings the chorus, after the bridge, because it gets even more intense and louder and it's just AWESOME. I do love that both songs are upbeat and give you that unwavering burst of energy instantly from the beginning. Both of these songs are also VERY NOSTALGIC to me, but I've always LOVED See You Again the most out of the two and that will never change. :)


                                                  ROUND #2




I mean, did you really think that I was going to choose any other song? How could anyone choose any other song over Nobody's Perfect? This was another NO-BRAINER, very easy decision to make. 'Cause Nobody's Perfect is not only the better song of these two songs from Round 2, but it's THE BEST song from Hannah Montana EVER! Yep, I said what I said. Don't get me wrong, I also LOVE Miley's song East Northumberland High, as I think it's one of her most underrated songs ever and it's a BANGER in it's own right but Nobody's Perfect is...well, PERFECT. No, but seriously, words can't even begin to describe how much I love this song. This song is EVERYTHING. The beat is AMAZING, the lyrics are so relatable, it has a great message that still holds up today, it's just everything you would want from a great song and more. It's so catchy and addictive to listen to. Seriously, I've listened to this song so many times throughout my life and it never gets old. That's how you know it's a GREAT song. Again, this song really sends out a great message to listeners. The message of this song is pretty obvious as it's clearly about knowing that nobody's perfect, that we all have bad days even "famous people", and reminding listeners that if you make a mistake to not stay upset and down about it, just get back up and try again until you're content with what you've done. In other words, accept your mistake(s), learn from it, and don't be so hard on yourself after making one. Get right back up after you fall down. I mean, the ICONIC spoken part of the song says it all, so let's just sing it all together now🎀🎢: 

Next time you feel like, it's just one of those days 

When you just can't seem to win 

If things don't turn out the way you planned

Figure something else out, don't stay down, try again 

Yeah :)

I love EVERY of part this song (Nobody's Perfect). All the verses, the chorus, the bridge, the spoken interlude part, and even the rap/refrain part of the song. I love when a song starts out as something you don't expect and turns out to be the complete opposite. As this song starts out with a light, twinkling piano and then it hits hard with the eruptive synths, and then into it's loud, fun, and infectious chorus. And although the musical style of this song is mainly synth-driven pop it is also a great dance song and it has some rock elements to it, as well, which I love. When it comes to the song East Northumberland High, I love the pop-rock vibes, but for what seems like it's just a song about a school, it actually goes a little deeper than that. As it's about a girl and a guy who like each other, but she grew up and he didn't. As he was still stuck in his high school phase and she matured and realized that this is not the type of guy she wants to be with. Take away the high school crush aspect, and East Northumberland High is a song that I think a lot of people can also relate to in many different ways. In other words, you don't just have to relate this song (East Northumberland High) to a girl-guy relationship, but any relationship really. I know I can relate this song to some situations and people in my life. Fun fact: East Northumberland High is actually the name of the school that the writer of this song went to. Overall, both songs are GREAT, upbeat songs you can sing AND dance along to, but Nobody's Perfect is the ultimate self-acceptance anthem which makes it the clear winner.

                               ROUND #3

(Sorry, but no concert performance clip for Make Some Noise, as this is one of the songs that she did not perform during the concert. And I wanna save the actual music video of Make Some Noise for a future post.)

Now, this was actually a pretty hard decision for me to make about which of these two songs is better because again, they are both so GREAT but also so very different. As Make Some Noise is a slow, pop, inspirational power ballad and Let's Dance is an upbeat, dance-pop song. I LOVE ballads, but in this case, Let's Dance is more of a song that I would choose to listen to all the time just because it is the more upbeat, fun one to listen to. Again, don't get me wrong because I absolutely LOVE the whole message of Make Some Noise as it speaks about how when you feel like nobody sees the real you, you have to make some noise and show everyone who you are. In other words, it urges listeners to stand up for what they believe in. Which is an AMAZING and VERY IMPORTANT message, but because it's more slow, it makes it a little more depressing (Well, it can make you think and feel real deep and make you sad and down. At least for me it does at times.). Whereas Let's Dance is just a feel-good song with a great beat and great lyrics which also lends a great message to listeners in and of itself. About the importance of just having fun, letting go, and...well, DANCING. In other words, Let's Dance, as the title suggest, is literally just all about going out with you friends and dancing. Which, I mean, who doesn't love that? Two of my most favorite parts of this whole song (Let's Dance) is when she sings the bridge and the little rap/speaking part at the very end. Sometimes all you need is a good dance song and Let's Dance is the ultimate dance song. So, ultimately I just choose Let's Dance as the BEST song and my FAVORITE song, from the two songs in this round, because I'd rather listen to a song that makes me happy rather than sad.

                               ROUND #4




This was another pretty easy round because I mean, G.N.O. Girl's Night Out is just ICONIC in so many ways. I mean, it created a popular acronym that I'm sure everyone uses, or says, whenever they're hanging out with their friends, whether it be a girls night out or a guys night out. Although, sorry guys, but this is a song more for the girls, which I absolutely just LOVE about it. In other words, it's the ultimate hanging out with friends, sleepover, night out, party song and the ultimate GIRL POWER anthem. I also mainly chose this song over Rock Star because I would rather listen to a song all about forgetting the boys and hanging out with friends, than a song just all about being...well, a rock star, which is not relatable at all. However, Rock Star does talk about there being more to a person and another person not taking the time to realize it, which is a great message but it's also kind of contradicting in the song. Because she's more so upset that the other person doesn't see that she's a Rock Star and not just a normal girl at school. So, the overall message in Rock Star is kind of all over the place, but that's not really why I didn't choose it as my favorite or the best. As I was just thinking in terms of, "If I had to choose one song to throw away, which one would it be?", and I would have to pick Rock Star and keep G.N.O.. Rock Star is a fun straight up pop song, but G.N.O. is more edgy and of a dance-pop style with even a little bit of country elements added in there, which I love. Well, I'm not a fan of country music, but the little bits of it work for this song. In other words, G.N.O. is not just a sraight up pop song. Which I LOVE straight up pop songs, don't get me wrong, but I also love other genres of music and G.N.O incorporates a few different types of genres of music. 

G.N.O. is also very catchy and a lot of fun to sing along to, while Rock Star is catchy and fun to sing along to as well, but it's just a little more repetitive at times and not always in the best way. Sometimes when I listen to Rock Star I can get annoyed by it and other times I LOVE it all the way throughout, but I've always had a consistent love for G.N.O. since I was a kid because it truly NEVER gets old. G.N.O. is just such an energetically, fun, hype song and it stays that way all throughout. Again, I just LOVE the GIRL POWER, coming together, and forgetting your troubles (be that with boys or whatever) and just having a good time with friends, message of the song. I love everything about this song, but I especially LOVE the post-chorus chanting and the bridge. Again, I really do LOVE both of these songs, because they are both upbeat and full of energy. They are truly GREAT and ICONIC in and of themselves, but G.N.O. (Girl's Night Out is just more so, in my opinion. And it has the better, clearer message one can actually relate to. 

                              ROUND #5



These two songs in Round 5 are also BOTH really, really GREAT songs. But, Right Here is the clear winner for so many reasons. First of all, Old Blue Jeans is definitely one of the more unique Hannah Montana songs because it doesn't rely on a powerful chorus but it uses more of a funk-influenced sound. Also, just the subject of the song itself is so different and unlike any other, being that it's all about jeans. Well, it's not really just all about the tangible clothing item that is blue jeans, because it actually has a pretty deep message that's more than that. As the message of Old Blue Jeans is pretty similar to that of Rock Star that I mentioned before, but I think it's the more clearer and better message out of the two songs. As Old Blue Jeans is about someone thinking that they know the real her when in reality they're not seeing the real her because they believe in all the hype surrounding her. So she's asking that person if they would take away all "the glamour, the mirrors, the limos, the lights, and the world that is show", then would they be able to see the real her? Would it make a difference if she walked out in her old blue jeans without all the glamour, makeup and fancy clothes? In short, she's really asking listeners to take a second look at her because the glitz and the pop-star glamour are not the real her. 

Again, Old Blue Jeans seems like such a simple song but it's very deep and has an important message to go along with it, which I give it props for. But, Right Here is even deeper, and a lot more thought-provoking, which makes sense because it's more of a ballad type song. It really makes me think and feel very deeply whenever I listen to it. In fact, it makes me super emotional not only because it's VERY NOSTALGIC of the time but also because of the message and beat of the song itself. As the message of Right Here is such a GREAT one, in that it's all about friendship and being there for others. For people you know and for people you don't know. Telling someone that you're always there in their heart even if you can't physically be there in-person for them. And that 'them' meaning anyone: a friend, a family member, boyfriend, girlfriend, a co-worker, etc. It's just such a sweet and very inspirational song. I have no words to truly describe the feeling I get whenever I listen to Right Here, but it's a feel-good song for sure. More slow and emotional than Old Blue Jeans, but still a feel-good song. So, both of these songs are GREAT and so ICONIC but Right Here being the winner for this round was a NO-BRAINER for sure, because it never fails to give me chills (in the best way possible) whenever I listen to it. 



There were three opening acts during the Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds tour: the Jonas Brothers, Aly & AJ, & Everlife. The concert movie only included the Jonas Brothers performances, but I'm going to include ALL of the opening acts right now in this post. Each opening act performed a song with Miley as Hannah Montana and then a couple of their own songs. I only decided to include all the Jonas Brothers songs and performances that they did during the tour just so this post wouldn't be too long and because they were the only ones included on the Hannah Montana Best of Both Worlds Concert Extended DVD and also just because I couldn't find all of the other performances by the other acts, but I did include the one song that Aly & AJ and Everlife each performed with Hannah Montana (aka Miley). So, enjoy!πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

The Jonas Brothers performed "We Got the Party" first with Hannah Montana, but since I've already included that video previously I'm not including that here. The clips below are just their other performances that they did. 





Before we get into the rest of the songs and performances, let's watch all the behind-the-scenes moments from the concert movie about the making of the tour...


 ...and some extra behind-the-scenes moments about the making of the tour 





                                ROUND #6

(Again, sorry, but no concert performance clip for As I Am, as this is another one of the songs that she did not perform during the concert.)

Again, did you seriously think that I was going to pick anything different than this song? 'Cause to me this is not only the better song of the two from this round, but it's also one of the BEST songs from Hannah Montana EVER! In fact, it's my second MOST FAVORITE Hannah Montana song. My FAVORITE Hannah Montana song after Nobody's Perfect that is. However, I do also really LOVE As I Am. Another very underrated Miley Cyrus song. But, it was pretty easy to pick my FAVORITE and the BEST for this round just because both of these songs are very different from each other. As Life's What You Make It is more upbeat and of pop-rock style, while As I Am is much slower and more of a pop ballad. Both songs also have very different messages and meanings. Life's What You Make It is all about how even when life seems hard or you feel sad about something, it is possible to turn things around just by adjusting your attitude toward the situation. As the the song basically says, life's what you make of it so make it rock. Turn that frown upside down. All the cliches' I'm sure you all know. In fact, one of my favorite lyrics from the song is when she sings, "Life is hard or it's a party, the choice is up to you." Which I know, that that can sometimes be easier said than done, but it's still true and always worth a try. I love, love, LOVE that message so much and this song is just so uplifting. Literally, it's one of those songs I would immediately go to play, even now as an adult, if I'm ever feeling down and sad or if I am just having a rough day because just this song alone will lift anyone's spirit instantly. Life's What You Make It is also just one of those songs that gets better and better as it goes on. I also just love the ICONIC instrumental break after the bridge in this song and this song is also just a very FUN song to dance and sing along to. It's truly a song that never gets old. As I've listened to it so many times throughout my life and I never get sick of hearing it. While As I Am is just all about her finding a guy who actually likes her for who she is. He listens to her and never pushes her to be different and he's the piece that she's been missing. Okay, obviously the song is very self-explanatory. Both of these songs from this round are, but Life's What You Make It is hands-down the better of the two. Life's What You Make It has always been one of my FAVORITE Hannah Montana songs since I was a kid and it always will be. In fact, I still remember the first time I ever heard Life's What You Make It as a kid, something I've talked about before on this blog, and it will always hold such a special place in my heart. 


                                ROUND #7

(Again, no concert performance clip for One In A Million, because this is another one of the songs that she did not perform during the concert and I want to save the actual music video clip for a future post.)


This was actually another really hard round of songs to choose from, because both of these songs are truly AMAZING and I LOVE them both. In fact, I'm actually quite surprised that I chose One In A Million over Start All Over, because the last time I actually did this song battle (last year when my sister did the same thing) I chose Start All Over, not One In A Million. So, I've clearly changed my mind on that once again. What can I say? Both of these songs are so, SO GOOD and ICONIC in and of themselves. This is one round where I literally had to replay each song over and over many times because I just couldn't pick my favorite. But, as of now, I do believe that One In A Million is the solid WINNER for this round. However, my favorite from these two songs could always end up changing just depending on what mood I'm in, I guess. And clearly, this time around, I was more in the mood to choose One In A Million as the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE song out of the two. It was also just hard to choose my favorite from this round because both songs are so different in terms of their style and in terms of their meaning. As One In A Million is a slow, pop-ballad all about a girl who has given up on love but then stumbles upon the "one" and how she then thinks there is no one else like him. In other words, she believes him to be "one in a million". So, One In A Million is a very beautiful, sweet, more romantic song. However, it can really be about anyone. As you can really think that anyone you know or meet is one in a million. While Start All Over is a very upbeat, pop-rock jam all about having a second chance in a romantic relationship. I also love the other-worldly sound of Start All Over as that alone goes along really well with the message of the song. However, Start All Over can also just be about having a second chance in anything, not just a romantic relationship but any kind of relationship. In other words, this song no matter what, is all about self-reinvention. Also, did you know that One in A Million is actually a cover of a song by a German artist named Sandy Molling. I did not know that until I just researched it for this post, so that's interesting. But that was just a fun fact I wanted to share with you. It did not effect my opinion about this song at all in choosing whether it was the better song or not when compared to Start All Over. 'Cause whether it was written by Miley or not, I LOVE it all the same. Again, both songs have GREAT messages and meanings but One In A Million is just...well, ONE IN A MILLION. No, but seriously, something about One In A Million just gives me goosebumps (in the best way possible) and it makes me sort of emotional every time I listen to it. Probably, mostly because it's so NOSTALGIC to me of the time but also because it is just a really sweet and emotional type of song. And when a song can make me think and feel really deep, I LOVE that which is why I ultimately chose One In A Million as the BEST. I LOVE the beat of the song and the whole lyrical meaning. In fact, my two favorite parts of the song is when she sings the post-chorus and verse 2. As they're just such a vibe in and of themselves. This song (One In A Million) could be thought of as more repetitive at times, but to me it works GREAT for this song. Give me all the repetitiveness. Is that a word? Well, if not, I just made it one.😊


                                                             ROUND #8

(No concert performance clip for Bigger Than Us, because this is another one of the songs that she did not perform during the concert and I want to save the actual music video clip for a future post.)

(The clip below is Miley's only live performance of Clear, which is a song that she only performed ONCE during the Best of Both Worlds tour on the last and final stop in Miami,FL as an encore.)


This was not a very clear decision to make at first. (Ha, see what I did there?😊) 'Cause I kept going back and forth listening to each of these songs over and over again to decide which one I liked best because I really do LOVE both of these songs so much. And I think they are two of the most underrated Miley/Hannah songs out there. In fact, I literally had Clear as the winner until the very last minute when I changed the winner back to being Bigger Than Us. I've always loved Bigger Than Us since I was a kid, more so than Clear, because...Well for one, Disney Channel didn't play as many Miley Cyrus songs and music videos as they did Hannah Montana songs and music videos. So, I just saw and heard Bigger Than Us more than Clear at the time. Which makes Clear not as nostalgic to me as Bigger Than Us is. Second, I also didn't really understand the whole meaning of Clear until I got a older. In other words, as an adult I definitely have found a new love and appreciation for Clear more than I ever did as a kid listening to the song. I fell in love with the song (Clear) even more so, after I read my sisters post last year, when she included the song on her post. It got stuck in my head and I remember going back to listen to it on repeat after that. But ultimately, as you can see, this time around after re-listening to all of these songs and comparing these two specifically against each other, I have to say Bigger Than Us is the clear winner (Ha, see what I did there again?πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰) Which I'm kind of shocked myself that I had such a hard time deciding on this one, and that it wasn't just a NO-BRAINER because I've always loved Bigger Than Us. As I even included it on one of my very first posts I ever did when I chose and ranked all the Top 3 songs from EVERY Hannah Montana album, which you can read here.  

Bigger Than Us is my FAVORITE of these two songs, because it's more deep and emotional and it really makes me think and feel in a different way than Clear does, because Clear is also a very deep song as well. I also just L.O.V.E. (Ha, see what I did there?😊) the message of the song. As the song (Bigger Than Us) is all about LOVE and LOVE being the most important thing. Specifically, about the fact that everyone wants to believe in LOVE because it is in fact bigger than we are as people, and everyone should believe in something bigger themselves. The song also talks about how love is something you can hold onto because it's bigger and better than all the other bad things out there. It's more of a romantic type song, as the beat kind of gives off that vibe, as well as the lyrics. But I also like to attribute some of the lyrics to God being LOVE because God is LOVE. When the song says, "We all wanna be a part/ Of the greater picture/ That's hanging in our hearts/ Yeah it's bigger than us/ It fills the universe/ Lights the skies above..." I make that to mean we all want to be a part of God's greater picture for us (our beginning and our ending), his plan for our life, as God is bigger than us, fills the universe, and lights the skies above. So, that's also why I really LOVE this song because I can relate it to my faith.

Now, Clear also deserves some talking about because it's one of the most, if not, THE most UNIQUE song on the Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus album. As it's not her typical pop, rock, or ballad, but it's a reggae song that gives off all the beach vibes. The song is also all about breaking up with someone and how much that would suck and sort of taking on that feeling, waking up one day and realizing how that person treated you was not good, and that all being so clear now. I literally LOVE EVERYTHING about Clear SO MUCH and also EVERYTHING about One In A Million. Having said that though, I just had to choose Bigger Than Us as the BEST, because there's just something a little more special about it to me. And I can't find the exact words to describe my LOVE for this song but the fact that it's GREAT is an understatement. I mean, how could anyone not LOVE this song (One In A Million)? It's so full of LOVE, whatever that LOVE may be to you. Again, I just knew Bigger Than Us was the clear winner when every time I thought I was finished listening to both songs I just wanted to keep going back to listen to Bigger Than Us one more time, which turned into like three more times. 

                                 ROUND #9

(No concert performance clip for You and Me Together, because this is another one of the songs that she did not perform during the concert.)

(The next clip is of a song that Miley performed on select dates of the tour, and was featured as a bonus feature on the Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Extended DVD. As you will see her mention in the clip, one dollar from each ticket purchased was donated to the City of Hope National Medical Center, a center dedicated to the prevention, treatment and research for the cure of cancer. According to sources, the Best of Both Worlds Tour raised over $2 million for the center.)


Now, younger me would have definitely chosen You and Me Together over Good and Broken any day because I just loved that song as a kid and I still do, but now that I'm older I really LOVE and APPRECIATE Good and Broken more than I ever did as a kid. Don't get me wrong though, because I still loved Good and Broken as a kid, too not just now, because I LOVED this whole album but I never understood the message of the song back then and now I do, which makes it way more special. Literally, every time I listen to Good and Broken it just gets better and better. In other words, the song truly never gets old, if anything it just gets better as time goes on. The message is still so relatable and still holds true even today. Plus, I can't even really listen to You and Me Together now without realizing how karaoke-sounding it is. Again, that part didn't bother me as a kid, but now it kind of does. In other words, for some reason it kind of annoys me now. Which is kind of sad, but it happens I guess, as you get older and listen back to more of your kid-favorite songs. And I also don't like how some of the singing parts in You and Me Together don't even sound like Hannah (aka Miley) singing at all. It actually sounds like Emily Osment (from Hannah Montana) but I couldn't find anything on who actually sings the chorus and background vocals on this song. Not that I think whoever is singing the background vocals is a bad singer, I would just prefer to hear Miley's (aka Hannah's). I would actually love it a little better if I knew it was Emily Osment singing on the song with Miley because they were best friends on the show and it's cool if they actually did this song together. But, I guess we'll never know. Unless, you who's reading this knows. Let me know in the comments below if you do. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

Both of these songs have great messages and just make me feel-good inside while listening to them, but Good and Broken more so, because it's more inspirational, as it has the better message of the two. As Good and Broken is all about living life to the fullest, going and getting what you what in life, finding a reason to believe in and telling yourself you can do anything. It encourages listeners to try not to hold onto all the broken moments in your life and go out there and find the good. It also kind of gives off that message about how we are all a good and broken world of people and how if we can join together for the good of the world we'd be less broken. At least those are some things that I got out of the song while listening to it this time around. I LOVE every part of this song (Good and Broken), unlike You and Me Together, but I have always specifically loved the part when she sings the bridge and makes those eight lines sound like one big, long run-on sentence. It's just AMAZING.  

You and Me Together just can't really compare to Good and Broken. I mean, first of all they are not only very different in their messaging but also Good and Broken is more of a slower, more emotional, ballad style of song but it still has a little bit of that edge to it. While You and Me Together has more of an uptempo, fun, straight pop beat. You and Me Together is also very repetitive and not always in the best way, which also makes it kind of annoying at times. Plus, the song (You and Me Together) is just all about two best friends always being there for each other no matter what and not letting anyone get in the way of their friendship. Still a GREAT, sweet, relatable and important message, but not as GREAT or INSPIRATIONAL as Good and Broken. Any and every time I listen to Good and Broken it just makes me want to hug people. It just makes you want to get out there and do some good in the world. At least it inspires me to want to do that whenever I listen to it. Good and Broken gives me hope whenever I'm down. The song literally also always makes me miss the good old days for some reason. It just gives off all the NOSTALGIC vibes at the same time that it's spreading a great message. It's very deep, emotional, and thought-provoking. Again, something You and Me Together really isn't.

                               ROUND #10

(No concert performance clip for True Friend, because this is another one of the songs that she did not perform during the concer and I want to save the actual music video for a future post.)

(The next clip of I Miss You was actually an encore performance that Miley sang during select dates of the tour and was included in the actual concert movie, as well.)

This was another NO-BRAINER, no overthinking it, clear WINNER for me. I Miss You is just ICONIC. It's the most sad and emotional song on the whole Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus album, but I LOVE it SO VERY MUCH. I Miss You is SO GOOD that I wish I wrote it. Both of these songs in this round are actually quite similar in that they are both slower songs. Well, with I Miss You there's no uptempo beat to it, but True Friend is not the fastest most upbeat song, either but it is a little more upbeat at certain times. I Miss You is a ballad with rock and country influences and it's also very unique in that it relies prominently on just a gentle strumming guitar, while True Friend is a straight pop, more mellow song all about having one (or more) really close friend(s) that you can trust with anything and that will stick by you no matter what. It's the ultimate song to dedicate to your best friend. Obviously, I Miss You isn't a song that I can just listen to all day every day, like I can with True Friend or majority of all the other songs on this album, but that doesn't mean it's a bad song. As you can see, it's one of my MOST FAVORITE songs from this album and from any Miley Cyrus album in general. And I think that's mostly because it's just such a real, raw, and relatable song to me and I'm sure to a lot of people. I can relate this song to so many people in my life and even animals that were once in my life that I miss dearly.πŸ˜’πŸ•πŸ’” I mean, this is not only the saddest song on the album but it's one of the saddest songs EVER. But again, just because it's sad doesn't make it bad. Sometimes it's good to dig deep into your emotions and this song makes you have to do just that. As I Miss You is all about, as the title suggest, missing someone you lost due to death but holding on to the hope that one day you will see them again. But it doesn't just have to be about missing someone who passed away, as it can be about someone leaving, moving away from home, or losing someone due to a breakup. It really has a variety of meanings for distinct people in many different situations Every time I listen to this song it never fails to make me get choked up and on the verge of tears. This song (I Miss You) is so simple and straightforward but so AMAZING. Plus, sometimes simple is better. In this case, it most definitely is. 


Speaking of encore performances, "I Miss You" was not the only main encore performance by Miley during the Best of Both Worlds Tour, because sporadically throughout the tour, Miley would either choose to sing that song or the one with her dad (Billy Ray Cyrus) called "Ready Set Don't Go". A song that definitely deserved a mention on this post because it's too ICONIC and special to pass up. Plus, it was a part of the Best of Both Worlds Tour, just not included in the concert movie or on the Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus CD. So, take a look: 



Going back to the Hannah Montana segment of the concert, I also couldn't end this post without including three other performances of three other ICONIC songs that are not from the Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus CD, but were still an important part of the concert. Take a look: 



Welp, there's no more songs from the Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus album that Miley/Hannah performed during the concert movie, so the song battle is officially over. BUT there is one song that I just had to include from the concert that wasn't on the CD because it's just the BEST, MOST ICONIC, UNFORGETTABLE, BEST ENDING to a concert EVER and a PERFECT ending for this post! And that is...πŸ₯...the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS!!πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸŽΆπŸŽΈπŸŽ€

Miley also brought Mitchel Musso (who, if you didn't know, plays one of her best friends on the show) on-stage during a few of the tour stops, to perform Best of Both Worlds with her and even her sister came on-stage to dance along on the last stop of the tour with them. Take a look:


I also came across this video of a moment during Miley's Best of Both Worlds performance at her last and final stop on the tour, where Miley does what looks like her dad's iconic fast feet dance thing (Sorry, I don't know the technical term for it) on stage before she exits. Now, I don't know if she did this at the end of all of her shows before she left the stage for good, and if she did it as like an homage to her dad, or if she just did it and didn't know she was doing it because it's just something she actually came up with on her own, but I couldn't help but see the similarity to some of her dad's performances and thought it was pretty interesting. Take a look:


Well, that concludes my Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert (15th Anniversary) Song Battle!πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸŽ‰πŸŽ† I hope you enjoyed the concert and reading this post just as much as I enjoyed getting to create this post and reminisce on all the GREAT songs/performances from the concert as well. It truly was the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š The concert may be over once again, and this post might be done and over, but the memories of it will always hold a very special place in my heart forever. As I’m sure it will for all of you, too, who took the time to read this post and enjoy the songs/performances once more. Thank you for reading this far and I would love to know, if you played this song battle along with me, do you like more of Hannah’s songs or Miley’s songs better? According to my results, as you can see here, I like more of Miley's songs than Hannah's when it comes to the Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus album. Which also shows that my taste in music hasn't really changed at all, since I did this same song battle last year with my sisters because my results are the exact same from that time . So, comment down below your results and come Back to Disney soon for more! Or shall I say, I'll SEE YOU AGAIN soon for more?!:)πŸ˜‰πŸ’™πŸ’œ✌

P.S. I also just thought that I would share some pages from Miley's autobiography, Miles to Go, where she included some BTS pictures and talked a little about the Best of Both Worlds Tour. A book I had gotten when I was a kid for my birthday one year. Just a some more FUN and bonus content for you that you can feel free to read whenever. :)

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