Monday, May 30, 2022



 Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you enjoyed my last post where I ranked The Top 20 Greatest Disney Princess Film Songs Of All Time. For this post, and my next couple of upcoming posts, I wanted to go back and watch all of the first episodes from every Disney Channel show. Some shows that I've seen many times before and some that I have never seen until doing this post. I decided to rank the first episodes from Disney Channel's animated shows separately from the first episodes from Disney Channel's live-action shows, just like I did earlier this year when I created A Ranking Of All The 22nd Episodes From Disney Channel Shows. Cause as I mentioned before in that post, it is unfair (at least in my opinion) to rank animated shows against non-animated shows (or live-action shows). So this post (the first post), Part One, is solely about the very first episodes from Disney Channel's animated shows. Then my next couple of posts that will come after this post will be solely about Disney Channel's live-action shows and their very first episodes. Though, those last two posts will be split up into two separate posts due to the fact that there are a little over thirty total first episodes from Disney Channel's live-action shows that I watched and ranked and therefore just to save some time and space I decided to split those in half. So, in other words, Part Two of this post will be every first episode from Disney Channel's live-action shows ranked from 32-17 with the third and final part of this post (Part 3) being every first episode from Disney Channel's live-action shows ranked from 16-1. Alright, I know that might sound a bit confusing, but hopefully you understood that. So, let's not waste any more time and get into A Ranking Of Every First Episode From A Disney Channel (Animated) Show Part 1