Thursday, August 4, 2022



  Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you enjoyed my last post where I created A Ranking of Every First Episode from a Disney Channel Show Part 3. Since we're still in the midst of summer I thought it would be fun to look back and watch all the ICONIC concert performances from the ICONIC thing that was the Disney Channel Games. I mean, when it comes to Disney, what screams SUMMER more than the Disney Channel Games, am I right? If you were a kid during what I believe to be the BEST ERA of Disney Channel (the years 2006 to 2008), then you know exactly what the Disney Channel Games were/are. But, for those of you who weren't kids/teens during that iconic era of Disney Channel, then I'll just give you a brief explanation of what the Disney Channel Games were. Basically, every summer from 2006 to 2008 (and eventually again in 2011 with the Friends For Change Games; which was also just as iconic and memorable to me as the original DC Games), Disney Channel would bring together various stars from all of its TV series at the time to be formed into teams and compete in various different games to win for their charity. If you remember having field day as a kid in elementary school, then this is basically that whole idea. It was a field day for them and for us as viewers watching it every summer it was just as fun, especially once they started including concert performances from some of our favorite Disney Channel stars (some who were also playing in the games). I've always been a big music lover, so these concert performances were everything to me as a kid watching the DC Games. Sometimes they were the BEST and most exciting part of the whole show.