Monday, February 27, 2023



  Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you enjoyed my last post where I created A Definitive Ranking of Every Music Video From Shake It Up. Well, that was my first Valentine’s Day-themed post for this year, but it wasn’t the last. ‘Cause February isn’t quite over just yet, and I like to celebrate V-Day all month long. Plus, this post will also give you some of those Valentine’s Day vibes we all need. Although, you don’t just have to enjoy reading this post for Valentine’s Day (or Valentine’s month) but it just so happened to work out perfectly this way. 😊 In other words, I was able to watch one of the best Disney Channel shows during one of the best months and one of the best holidays. That show, being Lizzie McGuire and that month, obviously being February (aka Valentine’s month). I mean, what better way to end the month of February than with an I Love Lizzie Marathon, right?💕