Monday, April 11, 2022



Welcome Back to Disney and Happy Spring!πŸ’œπŸŒΈπŸŒ· I know, I know. It's been a long minute since I've posted on here, but I hope you enjoyed my last post where I created A Ranking of Every Episode From A Disney Channel Show That Premiered On My Birthday. I did not intend for it to be this long til I got a new post up for you guys. But, well, I can explain. So, I was actually working on a specific new post since the end of February that I wanted to get posted on St. Patrick's Day, buuuttt...that post idea ended up being much more tedious and time consuming than I originally thought it would be and so I obviously wasn't able to get it finished and up in time by St. Patrick's Day.  I am also a perfectionist, so I couldn't just post anything or only half of what I had done. So, I just had to scratch the whole idea. Also, you might be wondering, "Well, why don't you just post it whenever you can get done with it?", and that's a good question, but I can't do that because it only made sense for March or St. Patrick's Day, specifically. But don't worry, because you will be seeing that post eventually, hopefully, if I still have this blog by next St. Patrick's Day. Cause I really do want to post it for your entertainment. 

So, that is why I haven't posted in a while. But today I'm back with another fun post that hopefully you'll have fun reading. I've been wanting to do this post for so long now and I'm so glad that I could finally do it and for you guys to get to read it. This week I decided to watch and rank every Disney Princess film. I mean who doesn't love a good Disney Princess movie, am I right? I grew up, as I'm sure every little girl did, loving these movies and wanting to dress up and be a Disney Princess myself. I mean, it's every little girls dream, right? Let's not forget the best part about going to Disney World as a kid was getting to see the Disney Princesses in person and getting a picture with them and their autograph. I still remember when my sisters and I were little and went to Disney World for the first time and got a picture and autograph with the Little Mermaid. Memories like that never go away and neither do the Disney Princesses themselves because the line-up just keeps getting bigger and bigger, with a new Disney Princess being added for what seems like every year (at least every time a new animated movie with a female lead comes out) and we can thank the success of their iconic films for that. Of course, I've always known the names of all the old Disney Princesses and have heard about some of the new ones for the new generation of kids, but I realized before even creating this post that I had never actually watched every Disney Princess movie that all these princesses starred in. I mean, I had never even fully seen the movie Frozen before doing this. I know, crazy right? But, I'll get to that later. So, that is one of the main reasons why I wanted to go back and watch every old and new Disney Princess film. One to say that I've watched them all and two to see if I felt the same way about my personal favorite Disney princesses (and their films) that I've always said I love. I also just thought that it would be fun to do a ranking like this and because I haven't watched a lot of these movies that I was familiar with before doing this in so long and I mean SO LONG. Everyone has their favorite Disney princess and you'll find out mine by the end of this post. So, what are we waiting for? Let's get into A Ranking Of Every Disney Princess Film.πŸ‘‘