Thursday, July 7, 2022



  Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you enjoyed my last post where I created A Ranking of Every First Episode From A Disney Channel Show Part 2. Like I said in that last post, there are three parts to this whole thing and today we have finally made it to the third and FINAL part of this first episode ranking. (Yay!!! You can cheer now.🎉😊) These are THE first episodes of first episodes to watch from Disney Channel. They are the creme de la creme of first episodes. I know this has been a long awaited post (at least for some of you), so let's not waste any more time or space and let's get into A Ranking of Every First Episode From A Disney Channel Show Part 3. 🎬

Just a brief note before I begin: Again, for this ranking I included every first episode only from every Disney Channel show that I could find to watch on Disney Plus. Some of these episodes are ones that I have seen and others that I have never seen before doing this. Unfortunately, I was not able to include a few other shows and their first episodes that I also grew up watching or knew about in some way from Disney Channel such as Cory in the House, Life With Derek, Naturally Sadie, and My Babysitter's A Vampire. 'Cause again, none of those shows I just mentioned are available (as of now) to watch on Disney Plus, so I could not include them in this ranking. 😞 But, don't worry because there are still so many great shows and their first episodes on this ranking to look forward to. Also, I just want to give a shout out to a few other Disney Channel shows and their first episodes that are available to watch on Disney Plus but were not fair to rank among all the other episodes/shows on this list. Those shows are: Boy Meets World, Smart Guy, and Out of the Box. Now, for real this time, let's get into A Ranking of Every First Episode From A Disney Channel Show Part 3!! 

(from least to most favorite)...

#16 Bizaardvark S1E1 "First!" Premiered June 24, 2016 

Unlike the last episodes from my previous posts, even though this particular first episode is technically last on this list it doesn't mean that this episode is not good. This is a great episode, but just when compared to all the other episodes on this ranking, it's not the best or my most favorite.  As I've mentioned before on this blog, I never watched this show when it was originally airing on Disney Channel. However, I do remember watching this one episode just to see what the show was going to be like. Though, before re-watching it again for this post, I did not remember a lot about this episode. The only thing I remembered about this episode before doing this was the "Blobfish" song that they sing at the beginning. For some reason when this episode first premiered I didn't like it and thought it was lame (to say the least). Hence, why I never continued to watch the rest of the series. But now, I will say after having watched it again for this post, that I was wrong before. 'Cause this show is better than I once thought (at least with the few episodes that I've seen so far) and this episode in particular is a good one.

Basically, if you've never seen this episode, it's all about Paige and Frankie struggling to come up with ideas for a video that they feel would be good enough to present at their first VidView party at Vuuugle. But doing this just makes them begin to second guess their talents. If you know and watch a lot of YouTube like me, than you will love this episode and show in general because the whole show is basically that whole idea. This episode, like all the other episodes from this show that I've watched so far, is very funny and random which is why I enjoy watching it. I also love that there's music and singing in this episode, which just makes anything and everything better. This is definitely a must-watch episode if you've never seen it before or even if you have seen it already, because I would watch it again for sure. 

#15 Best Friends Whenever S1E1 "A Time To Travel" Premiered June 26, 2015 

This is another episode that I was familiar with before doing this ranking because, as I've mentioned before on this blog, I did watch the first season of this show when it was originally airing on Disney Channel and this is one of the episodes from that season that I remembered the most. This episode is one of my favorites because I really like the time travel aspect of it. I mean who wouldn't like to be able to time travel? I know I would love that. In this episode, Shelby needs help creating the perfect ambiance at school to ask her crush (Cameron) out to the big dance, so she enlists her friends Barry and Naldo. However, when the unexpected spoils her plans, Shelby and Cyd try to use their newfound power to travel back in time in order to fix everything. 

This episode is funny and just interesting to watch. It also has a great message about never giving up on someone that you care about. As Cyd and Shelby were almost going to stop being friends in this episode but realize in the end that just because they have their differences doesn't mean that they can't be friends. As Shelby basically says in her speech to Cyd, "But here's the thing. We don't love each other because of what we have in common. What we have common is that we love each other". If you have never seen this episode, I highly suggest you check it out. Also, if you like the previous show I mentioned (Bizaardvark) then you will enjoy watching this episode as well, because the girl who plays Frankie in Bizaardvark plays the recurring character Marci in this episode. So, that's another fun little surprise. 

#14 Stuck in the Middle S1E1 "Stuck in the Middle" Premiered February 14, 2016 

This is an episode that I had never seen before doing this. However, I was familiar with this show in that I remember seeing a lot of commercials about it on Disney Channel at the time and a couple years ago I did watch a Christmas episode from this show with my sister ( So, I kind of already knew what this show was all about, just not what this episode in particular was about. I never found this show to be interesting when it was originally airing on Disney Channel, but after watching this episode for the first time for this post, I was actually pleasantly surprised how much I liked it. Basically in this episode, avid inventor and middle child of seven, Harley, is all set to accept a community award but she must first devise a way to get her family out of the house and to the ceremony on time. 

I really like and enjoyed watching this episode just because I can relate to Harley, as I myself, am the middle child of three (two sisters). However, having said that I also can't relate to exactly everything that Harley feels in this episode about being the middle child of her family, either. As she says she feels left out and mostly goes unnoticed in her family. In fact, in the episode, she thinks of herself as Hump Day Harley and goes on to explain that she is the "Wednesday" of the family. With her older siblings (Rachel, Ethan, and Georgie) being the start of the week, while her younger siblings (Lewie, Daphne, and Beast) being the end of the week. As a result, she feels like she doesn't matter.

Personally, I feel that my sisters and I were always (and still are) seen the same. In other words, my sisters and I got pretty much the same attention as kids and even to this day. I never felt left out or unnoticed. Being unheard sometimes in conversations, that I can relate to. But not left out, because if my family did something without me, most likely it was because I chose not to do it with them. It was never that they just intentionally wanted to leave me out of something that they were doing. So, I don't think everything that Harley feels in this episode is a middle child thing, I think it's just maybe a big family thing. As I'm sure in a big family like Harley's, whether you're the middle child or not, you can feel unnoticed or left out at times just because there is so many kids and less adults that make up the family. In other words, I'm sure being the middle child of a big family like Harley's is way different than being the middle child of just two other siblings like me and therefore that I can't relate to at all. Plus, I don't believe in putting anyone in the same box. In this case, not all middle kids have happen to them what Harley has happen to her in this episode.  As this episode also goes on to show how Harley has to sit in the middle seat of the car when her whole family is going somewhere, how she doesn't get the best seat at the table cause they don't even have a table big enough for their whole family in the first place, so she gets the short end of the stick most of the time. Again, as a middle child, I can't relate to any of that.

I find movies and shows about big families (e.g. Cheaper by the Dozen; Yours, Mine, & Ours) interesting, so that's also why I really enjoyed watching this episode. It just brings a whole other element in and of itself to the episode/show. This episode was pretty funny at times, as well. It also has a great positive message. Simply getting across to viewers that YOU matter, even when you feel like you don't. As I like what Ethan (Harley's brother) tells her towards the end of this episode as he says, " You're the glue of this family. Just like Wednesday's the glue of the week. Wednesday holds the week together". As Harley does just that throughout this whole episode. In this episode, all Harley wants is one day to show that she matters. However, in the end she realizes that in fact she is the glue that keeps her crazy family all together; as she says in the end, "Turns out I didn't need one day, I matter every day". I like how at the end of this episode it shows a little quick recap of everything from the episode while she explains what she learned. I don't know if that continues throughout the rest of the series but that is just another great, interesting and unique part about this episode. Again, I was pleasantly surprised by this episode. It definitely made me want to watch the rest of the series. Also, I've just got to say that I think her table invention at the end was pretty cool and made for a really sweet ending. 


#13 Good Luck Charlie S1E1 "Study Date" Premiered April 4, 2010 

This is a very nostalgic episode to me and one that I was so excited to get to watch again because I hadn't seen it in so long before doing this. I watched this show a lot growing up and this episode has always been one of the most memorable ones to me from the show itself, because I remember exactly when and where I was when I watched the premiere of this episode. I remember it was Easter and my dad, sisters and I watched it together after we got back home from having Easter dinner out. I remember watching this episode for the first time like it was yesterday. So, this episode brings back up a lot of memories and different emotions for me. Having said that, because I have such fond memories of watching this episode growing up, I thought that I was going to really enjoy this episode a lot more and rank it higher on this list than I have and either it's because of the fact that I've seen it so many times or just because it really isn't as great as I once thought it was, but I didn't enjoy watching this episode as much as I thought that I would. 

Don't get me wrong though, I still love this episode and the show in general, but I just thought I was going to like it a lot more and it rank a lot higher than it is now before doing this. Again, this is still a great, must-watch first episode from a Disney Channel show. Just when compared to all the other episodes that I will be mentioning later, it's not the best or my most favorite. This episode is interesting and different from all the episodes I mentioned previously because it consists of four different plot lines that all really meet to make up one big story line. That's more plot lines than any other episode on this ranking. In this episode, Amy goes back to work for the first time since having Charlie, so Bob is left home alone to take care of the kids. Since all the kids are supposed to be home helping Bob with Charlie and PJ and Emmett are rehearsing, Teddy decides to invite Spencer over for a study date. Unfortunately, Teddy ends up being left home alone to look after Charlie and Gabe while PJ takes Bob to the hospital after Bob falls down the stairs. Meanwhile, the whole time Gabe is feeling as if everyone is forgetting about him and goes to Mrs. Dabney's house. This episode introduces all the characters well and it's pretty funny at times, too. Again, I love shows/movies focused around big families. So, this episode is fun and interesting to watch for that reason alone. This is another episode that I would most definitely choose to watch again just for the nostalgia. 

#12 Dog With A Blog S1E1 "Stan of the House" Premiered October 12, 2012 

This is another episode that I was familiar with before doing this because I did watch some episodes of this show when it was originally airing on Disney Channel, but I didn't really remember what exactly happens in this episode before going back to re-watch it for this post. However, I knew just because of the cute dog that I was going to like this episode and want to rank it high on this list. This is another episode that's funny, introduces the characters good, and also has an important life lesson. The important life lesson of this episode being that of forgiving each other, especially your family. As Stan says at the end of this episode, "And we all forgave each other for everything. 'Cause that's what you do when you're family. So, if there are any other pets out there who are reading this blog, I hope that you're family loves you as much as my new family loves me". Now, I get the nice sentiment in that lesson but I believe in forgiveness only if that person that hurt you actually acknowledges what they've done wrong and asks for your forgiveness. I don't believe you should just forgive anything and everyone, even if they are your family. 'Cause if they are really your family and love you than they wouldn't mind doing what's right when they are in the wrong. Again, we shouldn't go around just forgiving anyone and everyone for anything and everything. It doesn't work that way, at least in my opinion. But again, at least there was some kind of lesson and positive message in this episode. 

This is just a very cute, sweet, and sentimental episode. As this episode is all about three kids (Tyler, Avery, and Chloe) who adopt a dog (Stan) hoping that it will bring their family closer together, but they end up discovering that Stan can talk and the kids agree that his ability to talk must be kept a secret from everyone, including their parents. I mean you can't not love an episode with a cute talking dog who runs a blog (Hey, that rhymed. Lol.). Dogs just make everything better, hence mainly why this show is so good to begin with and why this episode ranks so high. This is another episode that I would not mind watching again and one that definitely makes me want to watch the rest of the series just to continue to see the cute dog (Stan). 


#11 The Lodge S1E1 "The New Girl" Premiered October 17, 2016 

This episode was one that I was already familiar with before ever creating this post and that's because I did watch this show when it first premiered on Disney Channel in 2016. This episode is very different and unique from all the other episodes on this ranking, and even the ones from my previous post, because it's an international Disney Channel series. In fact, other than the show Life With Derek, this is the only other Disney Channel international show that I've seen; which makes this episode pretty special and one of the most memorable to me. This episode is very nostalgic to me because I remember coming across this episode, and therefore the whole series, when I was just a freshman in college. As I was watching this episode I was just shocked that it has already been five years since I last watched this episode. This episode just brought back so many fond memories of that time. But of course, what I really love about this episode and the show in general is that there is a lot of music and singing involved in it. I mean, the very start of this episode begins with a musical number, which I love and is what drew me to want to keep watching for more from the very beginning. I couldn't help but want to sing and dance along with the characters. 

Basically, if you've never seen this episode, it's all about a fifteen-year-old girl named Skye as she moves from the big city to her family's summer lodge (the North Star) in rural Northern Ireland for the first time in ages and since her mother passed away. However, when she learns that her dad is planning to sell the lodge, she is determined to stop this from happening. Again, I was just so happy to get to watch this episode/show again after having not seen it in so long. From the very beginning this episode just made me smile and gave me all the warm, fuzzy, happy feelings inside. The scenery and visuals are just amazing to watch in this episode. Speaking of the scenery and visuals, I love that this episode/show takes place in Ireland and that the characters are outside most of the time (at least in this episode). I love the characters' accents, as we get to hear British and Irish accents from them. This is truly a great first episode from a Disney Channel show. It's such a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of the other episodes and shows on this list. After watching just one episode, this episode in particular, you'll be hooked like I was. This episode ends kind of mysteriously as well, so it does leave you wanting more. I also like how this episode shows an "up next on..." at the very end so you already get a small glimpse into what the next episode of the show will be about. If you love musicals, dramas, mysteries, and non-American accents, then you will love this episode because it has it all. 


#10 A.N.T Farm S1E1 "TransplANTed" Premiered May 6, 2011 

This is another great first episode from a Disney Channel show and one that I had seen before ever doing this, because this is another show that I grew up watching. It was never my favorite Disney Channel show, but I did watch it here and there. So, this episode is pretty nostalgic to me. In this episode, 11-year-old Chyna Parks joins the A.N.T. (Advanced Natural Talents) program at high school because she is a musical prodigy. When Chyna and her A.N.T. friends (Fletcher, Olive, and Quimby) find out that the "popular big kid" at their school (Lexi Reed) is hosting a school party at her house, they (Chyna, Olive, Fletcher, and Quimby) decide to sneak out of Chyna's house and attend the party. Fletcher makes wax figure copies of themselves, so they can sneak out successfully (or so what they think will be a successful attempt). At the party, Chyna, Olive, and Fletcher accidentally break the stereo, therefore ruining Lexi's party. Everyone ends up turning on Chyna, including her new A.N.T. friends. Chyna ends up making things better by performing a song, which is a great cover of an iconic 2010s song called "Dynamite" (originally sung by Taio Cruz). But when Chyna's dad finally catches them at the party, will he pull Chyna out of the A.N.T. program? You should watch to find out. (Okay, SPOILER ALERT: Obviously, he doesn't because then there would be no show)

I remembered a little bit of this episode before doing this but I forgot a lot of it as well, so it was nice to get to watch this episode again after so long to refresh my memory. This episode ranks higher than all the previous ones I've already mentioned because not only is there music and singing in this episode but it is also really funny. It literally made me laugh out loud. Comedy and music that's really all you need to make for a great episode and that is what this episode is all about. I love the whole concept of this episode/show and it did get me hooked to want to watch more, just so I can laugh some more and hear more singing from Chyna. There's also an important subtle message that Fletcher and Olive learn at the end, and that viewers watching can also take away from this episode, about the importance of not turning your back on your friends when things get bad. 


#9 Sonny With A Chance S1E1 "Sketchy Beginnings" Premiered February 8, 2009 

I was so excited to get to watch this episode again for this ranking because I haven't seen this show and this episode in particular in so long. This was another one of my favorite Disney Channel shows growing up and so I was already very familiar with this episode before doing this. I have really fond memories of watching this episode for the first time when it originally premiered on Disney Channel. I even still remember a lot of the commercials leading up to the premiere of this episode (which you can check out some of them below). But, I didn't just rank this episode higher for nostalgic reasons because there are other reasons why I think this first episode is one of the best. One of the reasons being the whole concept of the show/episode, in that it is a show within a show and was the first of its kind on Disney Channel. So, this episode is very unique in that way. I also love that there's really no adults in the episode and it's mainly focused on the kid/teen characters. 

This episode is all about a teenage girl (Sonny) from Wisconsin who moves to Los Angeles to star in the hit TV sketch comedy series "So Random" after she wins a nationwide talent search from posting videos online. But, like many who enter Hollywood for the first time, she finds that it's not at all what it seems to be. As all the cast members from the show are enthusiastic about Sonny being there, except for Tawni. Tawni is not happy that Sonny is joining the cast of So Random and starts to be really mean to her. Therefore, Sonny tries everything in order to make Tawni accept her being there, but of course nothing works. I love the whole message in this episode about never giving up on your dreams. It's so cliche, but so true. As Sonny's mom says to her, "When chasing your dreams there's always going to be bumps on the road...We did not travel all the way from Wisconsin for you to give up on your very first day". This episode is also very funny. Of course, my favorite part of this episode is the singing..well, in this case, rapping part. I remember that always being my favorite part of the episode when I was a kid, too. Trust me, after you watch this episode, you won't be able to get "SIS' BOOM BUZZ" out of your head. At least I couldn't and now I'm singing it in my head again as I type this. 🎶🎤🙄🐝


#8 Even Stevens S1E1 "" Premiered June 17, 2000 

Surprisingly, this is only my second time having watched this episode. 'Cause like I mentioned before on this blog, I never watched this show a lot growing up. I only remember ever seeing bits and pieces of it when I was a kid and that's only because my older sister (shout out to you Ariel) would watch this show more often than not when we were younger. So, I never saw a full episode of this show until last year when I binge watched the whole series with my little sister ( and I have to say, ever since then, I've found more of an appreciation and love for this show than ever before and this episode is no exception. I still can't believe I never watched this show/episode until just last year. It's just kinda crazy to me. But anyways, this show truly is one of the best Disney Channel shows ever and this episode greatly shows why. Although there's no musical moments in this episode like some of the previous episodes I mentioned, this is still a better episode to me for many reasons. First of all, I love the character Louis. He's my favorite character on the show cause he's just so funny and never fails to make me laugh. His comedic timing and improv is everything. So, this episode is of course very funny, which I love. 

This episode and show in general just stands out to me and is unique from majority of the others on this ranking as well, because if you notice, it doesn't have a laughing track behind any of its scenes. Which just shows with them not having one, how great this episode/show is. Those laugh tracks can be really annoying sometimes and a lot of times they are not needed at all for the line or scene that a character is doing. In this episode, Louis desperately wants a rare trading card that Ernie Morton, the "school nerd", has. Ernie is only willing to give up the card for a price: A date with Louis's popular sister, Ren. There's a really sweet sibling moment in this episode and a great life lesson about not using people for your own benefit. As both characters, Ren and Louis, do in this episode but learn not to do in the end. This episode is just really calming to watch. It's a feel-good, funny episode with all those early 2000s vibes going on. Definitely a must-watch episode from a Disney Channel show and one that I will certainly choose to watch again in the near future. 


#7 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody S1E1 "Hotel Hangout" Premiered March 18, 2005

This another one of those shows that was my childhood and therefore one I grew up watching all the time. So, I had seen this episode way too many times to even count before re-watching it again for this post. I basically knew every line the characters would say before they said it and every scene that happened before it even happened. This episode consists of two different story lines. The first one being about identical twin brothers, Zack and Cody, being the new kids at school and struggling to make friends. Though, they do end up making friends with two "unpopular" kids at their school, Max and Tapeworm. However, Zack and Cody then meet a kid named Drew, the "popular" kid at school, and his crew who befriends the twins after learning that they live at the Tipton Hotel. After Zack and Cody's newfound popularity, they begin to ignore their real friends, Max and Tapeworm. In the subplot of this episode, London needs to better her grades so Mr. Moseby hires Maddie to be her tutor. This episode is pretty funny, but mostly just super nostalgic and comforting to watch. 

This episode is also great because it has two very important lessons that viewers can take away from it. One being about the importance of not giving into peer pressure or ditching your true friends to be considered "popular" by someone else who doesn't even know you but only likes you for the material things that you have, like Zack and Cody end up realizing at the end of this episode; and another important lesson that Maddie learns in this episode in that it should never be about someone's outward appearance but who they are on the inside is what counts the most. As she (Maddie) thought Lance (the lifeguard) was cute, but when she actually got to talking to him she realized that they had nothing in common. Again, I've seen this episode so many times and I could watch it so many times more. It's just one of those classic, iconic first episodes from a Disney Channel show. 



#6 Lizzie McGuire S1E1 "Rumors" Premiered January 12, 2001 

This is another episode that I was familiar with before doing this, because like many of the shows on this list, I did grow up watching and loving this show as a kid. I also just binge watched this show last year with my sister (, so this episode was still kind of fresh in my mind. But this episode has always been one of the most memorable. Much like the previous episode I mentioned, this episode has two plot lines. The main plot line is about it being cheerleading tryouts and Lizzie wanting to try out. Well, of course she does this, but she doesn't make the team because the most popular girl in school (Kate Sanders) is the cheer captain. So, Lizzie accidentally starts a hurtful rumor about Kate. But Miranda (one of Lizzie's best friends), like good friends do, stands up for Lizzie and takes the blame for the rumor. Therefore, Lizzie must find the strength and courage to confront Kate and tell the truth that she was the one who actually started the rumor about her, not Miranda. Meanwhile, Matt has to take care of a lizard for class. 

Both of the plot lines in this episode are fun and interesting to watch, but of course I enjoyed watching the part of the episode that involved Lizzie, Miranda, and Gordo the most. I love the cheerleading theme of this episode. As I'm sure anyone can relate to Lizzie in this episode when it comes to cheerleading. I mean every little girl grows up wanting to be a cheerleader at some point in their lives, right?. Fun fact: I was actually a cheerleader once, too. I did cheerleading for two years of my life, when I was eight and nine years old. Having said that though, there are some things said about cheerleading in this episode that I agree with but also some things that I do not agree with. Such as when cartoon Lizzie says at the beginning of this episode, "I mean nothing could be more superficial, demeaning, and shallow. Cheerleading is like this plot to make girls feel bad about themselves". I can see where that could be true for some cheerleaders or cheerleading teams, especially when it comes to middle and high school cheer teams, but I wouldn't put all cheerleaders in a box and say it's all bad. I also think that cheerleading is not the only extracurricular activity or sport that can be superficial, demeaning, and shallow. 'Cause beauty pageants are another thing that comes to my mind when I hear those words. I don't agree with anything that's just based off peoples' looks.

Again, I believe cheerleading can be those bad things but I don't want to put down the sport of cheerleading as a whole or put all cheerleaders in a box like they are all this one thing like Lizzie's dad does in this episode, when he says, "I never liked cheerleaders anyways. They were always so snooty, and you Lizzie are no snoot". But hey, everyone has their own experience with cheerleading and cheerleaders. Plus, I'm sure that Lizzie's dad was just saying this to make his daughter feel better about not making the team (because what if she would have made the team, what would he think then?). I like the approach that Lizzie's mom says to her at the beginning of this episode, "Lizzie if it makes you feel any better I was never a cheerleader and my life turned out just fine". I also think it's important for girls like Lizzie to know that just because you don't make the cheer team doesn't mean that your life is over or that you're just a nobody, because it's truly the opposite of that. So, although I don't like that one comment made by Lizzie's dad in this episode or the "U.G.L.Y" cheer that Kate and her cheer squad does at the end of this episode, I still think this episode is better than all the previous ones I've already mentioned. At least, I would definitely choose to watch this episode over all the previous ones I mentioned. I also just chose to rank this episode above all the others because it's so unique from them in that it's a mix of animation and live-action, which is so great. You get two things in one. Again, this episode is just so nostalgic and comforting to watch and I love all the early 2000s vibes I get while watching it. I also love the message about the importance of telling the truth and sticking up for yourself, your friends, and others against bullies, something that this episode shows to viewers. 


#5 Girl Meets World S1E1 "Girl Meets World" Premiered June 27, 2014 

This first episode is one of my all time favorites for so many reasons, but one of the main reasons being that it is VERY nostalgic to me. I've always loved the original show Boy Meets World and I remember being so excited for this new show, to see some of the OG characters and the new characters, as well. Just from seeing the title alone I was excited because I obviously knew that it was going to be based off of a girl's perspective this time instead of a boy's. This is another one of those episodes where I remember exactly when and where I was when this episode first premiered on Disney Channel. I remember watching this episode with my sisters for the first time that summer and then I re-watched it over and over so many times after that just because I couldn't wait for the second episode to premiere. Yes, I really liked this episode that much and I still do.

Basically, if you've never seen this episode (which I highly suggest that you do), it's been several years since Cory and Topanga moved to New York City and we meet their daughter Riley and her best friend Maya as they begin to navigate the challenges of life and school. In this particular case, after Cory (who's also Riley's history teacher) assigns the class to write an essay about something they would fight for, Riley and Maya decide to fight for no homework. Maya leads this rebellion against homework in the class and Riley joins in because she wants to be just like her - much to her dad, Cory's, surprise. This ends up with a fire alarm sprinkler setting off in the classroom and Riley winding up choosing to fight for friendship instead, as well as Cory and Topanga understanding that their daughter (Riley) is growing up and they need to be there for her. I just love the new take on the old classic and iconic show that is Boy Meets World. Even if it is a little bit cheesy and unrealistic, this is still a fun episode/show to watch just because it's an extension of the original. I hadn't watched this episode in a while before doing so for this post, but once I played this episode again after a few years of not seeing it, I still knew exactly every line and every scene. It just immediately came back to me, as any good episode should.

Like Boy Meets World, there's a lot of great and important life lessons in this show, and this episode is no exception. I like how their life lesson always intertwines with the history lesson that they are learning in class. As in this episode, the topic was about the Civil War, and Riley has to deal with her own personal Civil War in this episode. Again, as she (Riley) wrestles with what she should fight for. Something as simple as homework or friendship and in the end she chooses her friendship with Maya and she wins. Which that also ties in with another great lesson about standing by your friends and not abandoning them even if they want you to. In other words, it's important to always be there for each other no matter what. 

There's also a lesson in this episode about the importance of just being yourself and not trying to be like anyone else because then you lose yourself and the world needs YOU not two of someone else. As after Riley gets in trouble with Maya for trying to be like her and helping to lead this rebellion, she says to her dad, "I just want to stand by my girl" and her dad (Cory) responds, "You missed the moment to stand by your girl. You were so busy trying to be her Riley, you forgot the best thing you could do for her is be you". So, this episode is very educational with life lessons and history lessons much like Boy Meets World. This episode is funny, nostalgic, very dramatic, and more deep-thinking than a lot of other episodes on this ranking. This is definitely one of the most memorable first episodes from a Disney Channel show. The way this episode ends also makes you want to keep watching for more life lessons, drama, and nostalgia. At least for me it does. To top this episode off, viewers also get a small cameo from Mr. Feeny at the very end, which is a plus. 


#4 Austin & Ally S1E1 "Rockers & Writers" Premiered December 2, 2011 

As I mentioned before on this blog, this is another show that I grew up loving and watching a lot on Disney Channel and of course it's all because of this amazing first episode. I've seen this episode way too many times to even count and it's one of those that never gets old. This episode introduces viewers to an extrovert singer (Austin) and a shy but brilliant songwriter (Ally) along with their friends Dez and Trish. When Austin and Dez "accidentally borrow" one of Ally's songs records it, creates a video, and then posts it on the internet for the whole world to see; Austin and the song that he sings becomes an overnight sensation, unbeknownst to Ally.  After Ally ends up finding out about this whole situation, Trish convinces Ally to tell the world that she wrote the song, but when Ally confronts Austin about it, he refuses to give her credit. However, Austin ends up pleading with Ally to write another hit song for him after he's asked to perform another original song on a popular TV show the next day. (This "popular" TV show being one reason why I ranked this episode a little lower. A reference to a talk show I don't like and don't support. iykyk) Ally refuses to do this at first but after learning about Austin's dream to pursue music, she agrees to work with him and they include Trish and Dez as their team to help further Austin's music career. 

This episode is just so nostalgic to me and I have the fondest memories of watching this episode for the first time when it premiered on Disney Channel. But this episode is mainly one of my most favorites because it's all about music, which I love. It's really relatable, as well. At least to me it is, because I've always been a music lover and have always loved to sing since I was little and I still dream about and would love for it to be my profession one day. So, I can really relate to Austin in this episode but also Ally because my shyness also holds me back from doing what I would love to do and I definitely get the whole stage fright thing. There's not only a lot of music, singing, and even dancing in this episode, but there's also a lot of funny moments throughout the episode. I also love that this episode is based not only on two best friends but FOUR best friends and we even get to see the beginning of a beautiful relationship between Austin and Ally. So, this episode truly does have everything: romance, friendships, music, drama, dancing, and comedy. Talking about music, this episode also features one of my all time favorite Austin & Ally songs called "Double Take", if you remember from a post that I did a while back where I ranked the Top 10 Songs From Austin & Ally. This episode just made me smile a lot while watching it, because again, it's so nostalgic to me and just really cute and fun to watch. In fact, this show inspires me so much that every time I watch an episode from it, like this first episode, it just motivates me to want to go after my dreams even more and start writing songs myself. This is definitely an episode I could watch over and over again and never get sick of. 

#3 Wizards of Waverly Place S1E1 "Crazy Ten Minute Sale" Premiered October 12, 2007

As you already know by now, this show is one of my all time favorite shows from Disney Channel; and this episode in particular is, as you can see, one of my all time favorite first episodes from a Disney Channel show. At least when compared to all the previous episodes that I've mentioned. This show, along with many others from Disney Channel, was my childhood. I used to watch and re-watch this show so much growing up and this specific episode is one of the episodes from the show that I would watch all the time over. So of course, I was already very, VERY familiar with this episode before doing this post. I had also just recently watched this episode earlier this year with my little sister ( after having not seen it in so long before that. 

In this episode, we're introduced to wizards in training Alex and her two brothers Justin and Max. During wizard class one day, Alex is determined to take a break from her lessons and go to the Crazy Ten Minute Sale with her best friend Harper in order to get a jacket before her enemy (Gigi) does. However, of course, Alex's dad will not let her miss her wizard lesson for this. So, Alex uses a spell to duplicate herself so she can be in two places at once. Though, of course, Alex's plan does not end up working the way she wanted it to in the end, as both of her parents end up finding out that she's at the Crazy Ten Minute Sale and not in class. This is just a classic , iconic first episode from a Disney Channel show. It's just one of those episodes that's unforgettable. It's very funny, too. I, of course, also have fond memories of seeing this episode for the first time when it originally premiered on the channel. Although, this episode doesn't have music or singing in it, I would still choose to watch this episode over the previous one I mentioned just because again it was my childhood and it's even more nostalgic than the last episode I just mentioned. You know I've seen an episode too many times when I can practically recite every line from it and know what the next scene is before it even happens, and that is exactly how it went when I re-watched this episode. 

Although, I don't believe in wizardry, I still can enjoy and appreciate this episode for what it is. Plus, the wizardry in this episode/show is not the same as actual wizardry that's evil. Having said that, the magic and wizard element of this episode/show is cool and what makes this episode more fun and interesting to watch than all the others I mentioned previously. It makes it unique and makes it stand out a little more than the others in that way, as well. In other words, the fact that they're wizards just adds a whole other fun element to this episode and the show in general. There's also a great message about revenge in this episode. As after Alex's dad says to her, "Was revenge worth missing your wizard training? Was it worth having your brother lie for you, or your best friend lying to your mom down at the store?" and Alex replies, "So, what you're saying is by getting back at Gigi I was really hurting myself?". Therefore, she learns in the end that if you try to get revenge on someone you don't like, it isn't worth it if it ends up just hurting others you love and therefore yourself in the process. Sometimes the best revenge is no revenge. 


#2 Shake It Up S1E1 "Start It Up" Premiered November 7, 2010 

Ahhh...I'm so excited to finally get to talk about this episode!!!!😊 As you know from reading one of my most earliest blog posts, Shake It Up is one of my all time favorite Disney Channel shows EVER (and if you don't know why then you can read more here) and this episode started my love (more like obsession) with this show. Words really can't even begin to explain how I feel about this episode and this show in general. I just love it SO MUCH. Is that enough explanation for you? No, but for real, if you've never seen this episode before (which if you haven't...what?!, that's crazy) it's about CeCe Jones and her best friend Rocky Blue as they find out about and decide to audition to be back-up dancers on their favorite local popular television dance show (as I say in the voice of Gunther) Shake It Up Chicago. Both girls get their chance to audition for the show, but CeCe gets stage fright right when it's her turn to perform her audition. So, Rocky ends up getting in, but CeCe does not. However, Rocky doesn't want to do the show without her best friend, even though CeCe encourages her to do it anyways; therefore, Rocky tries to think of a way to get the host (Gary Wilde) to reconsider his decision. Which, let's just say, involves handcuffs and some pushing and pulling (literally) by Rocky. Honestly, even my description of this episode does not do it justice. You just have to watch this episode for yourself to understand how amazing this episode and this show in general really is. 

This was the first and only dance show to come out of Disney Channel and that is one of the main reasons why I love this episode (and show) so much. The dancing aspect of this episode makes it very unique and special compared to all the other episodes on this ranking. This episode/show actually made me become a huge lover of dance. Literally, because every time I would watch an episode of this show (including this one) I would try to learn every dance they did. I would just rewind and rewind the episode until I got every move down to the best of my ability. I'm forever grateful for this episode/show because it really was a huge part of my teen years growing up. I am the same age as the two main characters in this show, so I felt like I was really growing up with them in a way at the time. Not a lot of shows have had such an impact on my life, but this is one of the few that did. In fact this episode/show really helped me in a lot of ways get through a really tough time in my life. It sort of helped me escape what was happening in my real life at times. So, as you can tell, this episode is just not only super nostalgic to me but so much more than that. I knew from the very beginning of creating this post that this episode was going to be at the top of this list and I never changed my mind once while watching all these episodes. I've literally seen this episode so many times that I can recite every line and know every scene before it even happens. 

This is another episode that I just remember watching over and over waiting and anticipating the next episode to come out. Every time they danced in this episode I literally was moving in my seat along with them, as this episode like all the episodes from this show just makes me want to dance along with them every time. This episode just gives me all the feels. It has everything a great first episode should have: comedy, friendship, family, drama, music, dancing, great life lessons among many other things. A couple of great lessons in this episode being about the importance of always standing by your friends and never giving up on your dreams. As Rocky says to CeCe in this episode, "We're all in this together". She never gave up her dream of becoming a dancer and she never let CeCe give up on hers either. I literally could go on and on about this episode but I'll save the time and space for that another time, because I will be talking about this show again. If you've never seen this episode before then you should go watch it ASAP, cause I promise you, you won't be disappointed.


#1 Hannah Montana S1E1 "Lily, Do You Want To Know A Secret?" Premiered March 24, 2006 

YES!!! We've finally made it to the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE first episode from a Disney Channel show. I'm sure if you've been reading this blog for a while now, then you knew that this was most likely going to be my #1 choice. What can I say? I just LOVE this show and this episode in particular. But seriously, this is truly the BEST first episode of first episodes EVER on Disney Channel. Like I mentioned before about the previous show being my teenage years, this show was MY CHILDHOOD. Literally the theme for my 10th birthday was Hannah Montana (a little embarrassing, but I will admit the decorations and cake were super cute🎈🎂). This is the show that I watched on Disney Channel the most as a kid and it really impacted me (positively) in a big way. This episode/show really showed and encouraged young girls (like me at the time), and even boys, to go for your dreams and that your dreams can come true if you really work at it, because Miley was just a "normal" girl that got to live out her dream. In other words, it showed that anything is possible with a lot of hard work, dedication, and some sacrifice. I really shouldn't even have to explain why this is the best and my most favorite first episode from a Disney Channel show because if you watch it, it pretty much speaks for itself. But of course, I'm still going to give some reasons why I have always and will always love this episode more than any of the others on this list. 

First of all, this is not only the most unforgettable first episode from a Disney Channel show of all time but it's also the most unforgettable episode from the show itself. I've seen this episode so, and I mean SO, many times before even doing this post and it still never gets old. This is another one of those iconic, memorable episodes where I know every line they say before they say it and every scene that happens before it even happens. I just have the fondest memories of watching this episode for the first time with my sisters when it first premiered on Disney Channel. I even still remember the first time that I saw the commercial for this new show and episode on Disney Channel. I don't remember which commercial exactly it was now looking back (though it's definitely one of them that you can watch below) but I remember seeing some commercial about the show on Disney Channel and running downstairs after to tell my mom while she was cooking what I just saw on TV. I was so excited and thought that it was just the coolest thing ever. I also remember acting out this episode a lot with my little sister ( when we were kids, where we would act out one of the most iconic scenes from this episode and one of my favorite parts of this episode, when Lily sneaks into Hannah's dressing room and sees Hannah for the first time in person and ends up finding out that it's really Miley. I would always act out Miley's (or Hannah's) parts and my sister would act out Lily's lines and sometimes we would also switch roles. 

Having said that, I'm sure we all know the premise of this episode by now, but I'll give it you anyways. Basically, in this episode Lily buys two tickets to see a Hannah Montana concert for her and her best friend Miley. But Miley, who is Hannah Montana unbeknownst to Lily or anyone but her family, tells Lily that she can't go to the concert. So, Lily ends up having to go to the concert with Mr. Hannah Montana (as said in Lily's voice) aka Oliver, their other best friend. After the concert Lily ends up sneaking into Hannah's dressing room and finds out that Miley is in fact Hannah Montana. Lily gets upset because she was lied to by her best friend and therefore Miley then has to explain to Lily why she did not tell her her big secret. Miley then proceeds to show Lily something that she's never shown to any other friend, Hannah's closet. (Ugh, we all wanted that closet as kids. Am I right?) After seeing this, Lily tries to convince Miley that she should tell her secret to Amber and Ashley (the popular mean girls in school), but of course Miley doesn't like that idea. So, they get into another big fight. Meanwhile, in a sub plot, Jackson tries to impress a girl that he likes by telling her that he knows Hannah Montana. (Oh my gosh literally, as I type these lines I keep saying it exactly in their voices. I know this episode too well.)

This is just the most fun and interesting episode to watch compared to all the others on this list. It has everything a great first episode should have and more. Of course, I love the music and singing aspect of this show. In this episode we get to hear "This Is The Life" which is a great song from Hannah Montana (aka Miley). This episode overall just made me feel the most happy while watching it, as it always does, but I also feel kind of emotional as well whenever I watch it because it's just so nostalgic to me and brings back all those fun memories of that time when this show was on Disney Channel.  



Well, that concludes A Ranking Of Every First Episode From A Disney Channel Show Part 3 and the last and final part of this three-part post. I had a lot of fun getting to go back and watch all these first episodes again, and some for the very first time, and I hope that you also had a great time reminiscing on them as well and reading my thoughts and opinions. Although, I have my top three favorites out of all these episodes, I really do like all the first episodes on this ranking. 'Cause like I said before, these are the creme de la creme of first episodes from Disney Channel's live-action shows. So, I highly recommend that you watch all these episodes at least once and let me know what you think about them. Feel free to comment down below your favorite episode that I mentioned in this post and come Back to Disney soon for more!!💜

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