Friday, October 28, 2022

Top Ten BEST Episodes from My Babysitter's A Vampire

  Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you enjoyed my last post where I created A Ranking of Every Halloween Episode from Boy Meets World. I’m back today with another Halloween/Chilloween post for you to enjoy, and it has something to do with VAMPIRES…No, it’s not Twilight…Yes, it is a bit of a twist on the Twilight movies, but it’s a show….Does the word “Dusk” ring any bells?...Okay, okay. If you can’t already tell by the title of this post, YES, this post is all about the unforgettable little show that was on Disney Channel called My Babysitter’s A Vampire.🖤💓🧛

If you’re a true Disney Channel fan, like I am, then you know exactly what this show is. But for those of you who maybe didn’t watch Disney Channel as much growing up or just missed this little gem of a show in 2011 and 2012, I’ll give you a little run-down about this show really quick. Basically, My Babysitter’s A Vampire is a 2011 Canadian television series, based on the 2010 comedy/horror TV film of the same name. The series premiered on March 14, 2011, in Canada on Teletoon and on June 27, 2011, in the U.S. on Disney Channel. It only had two seasons. The last episode aired on Disney Channel in the U.S. on October 5, 2012, and on Teletoon in Canada on April 11, 2013. The show follows the adventures of “geeky” freshman Ethan Morgan, who, in the TV film, learns that his babysitter (Sarah) is a vampire. Ethan also learns in the film that he is a Seer. As when he touches anything paranormal, he has these visions. His best friend Benny Weir is a spellmaster, as we also learn in the film. So, the show follows the three of them as they take on supernatural forces including ghosts, witches, zombies, and other creatures taking over their high school all while still attempting to just live life as normal teenagers. They are also often aided by their “dorky”, vampire friend Rory and Sarah’s best friend, Erica, who’s also a vampire.

Seems like a good show, right? Well, it really is, which is why I wanted to create this post. Cause it’s the perfect Disney Channel show to watch during this holiday season. I mean…vampires, ghosts, spellmasters, witches, werewolves, zombies…what more could one need or want from a show this time of year? That’s right, nothing. Although, a third season of this show would have been great. But I’ll get more into that later.  Right now, let’s get into my ranking of The Top Ten Best Episodes from My Babysitter’s A Vampire!

Just a brief note before we begin: Since there are only two seasons of My Babysitter’s A Vampire, to make it even, I decided to choose five episodes from each season that I feel are the best and my most favorites of each. So, you will see a ranking of the best five episodes from Season One and the best five episodes from Season Two. In other words, the seasons of the show will go from my most favorite to least favorite, but the episodes of each season will go from my least favorite to my most favorite. Also, since the TV film (of the same name) laid the groundwork for what the series came to be, I will also give a brief synopsis of the movie and my reflection on it. Cause I do love the movie as it’s what introduced me to this whole series, and I would also say that it’s important for one to watch the movie first before they start the series, as I did myself this time watching it back again. Now, for real this time, let’s get into my ranking of the Top Ten Best Episodes from My Babysitter’s A Vampire!



My Babysitter’s A Vampire (The Movie) – Premiered October 9, 2010

In this 2010 TV film, after Ethan’s parents don’t really trust his babysitting skills, they hire a new babysitter named Sarah to watch after him and his younger sister Jane. Ethan becomes suspicious of Sarah after he notices that she has no reflection in the mirror at their house. Eventually, he (Ethan) and his best friend Benny find out that Sarah’s a vampire. Although, she’s not considered a full-fledged vampire since she hasn’t drunk human blood before, which is different from other vampires in their town. So, together Ethan, Benny, and Sarah must save their home from the evil vampire Jesse in order to go back to living a normal life.

This movie is just very nostalgic to me. Before doing this, I hadn’t watched this movie or this series since they came out in 2010/2011, so I was very curious and excited to get to watch this movie again and the series after it. I honestly had no idea what to expect because it’s been so long since I’ve seen it, but once I played it, it all came back to me, and I remembered a lot more things about this movie. I actually remembered more scenes from this movie than a lot of the scenes from the actual series itself. But, having said that, this movie still wasn’t what I once thought it was. Not in a bad way. I was just a little surprised how I used to really like this movie and the show a lot as a teenager. But I’m sure it was just the times that I was living in, with all the vampire and werewolf stuff to come out at that time. I mean I used to watch it all: Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, and Teen Wolf. And if you like those shows/movies then you will more than likely also enjoy this movie, too. As there are a lot of references to those shows/movies, such as Dusk, which is a big thing they show and talk about a lot in this movie. This movie is basically like a parody of Twilight and The Vampire Diaries, which makes it a bit cheesy but it’s actually pretty good to be a Disney Channel movie/show.

This movie was a lot funnier than I ever remember it being. It was just really random at times and literally made me laugh out loud a few times, which I love. This movie has comedy, mystery, friendships, first crushes, dancing, VAMPIRES, and a whole lot more for anyone to enjoy. There’s also a great overall message about good always triumphing over evil and the importance of always being good and doing what’s good. As Benny’s grandma says to them at one point in the movie, “Remember, evil is always at a disadvantage. The Earth is good. You’re fighting on the right side”. All in all, I would for sure watch this movie again. Especially, every year during this time. And of course it made me want to watch the whole series, which I did and will be talking about next. 




Also, before we get into the best episodes from MBAV, can we just talk about the theme song from this movie/show for a minute. I mean, the theme song to this show is so good and catchy. There’s just something about it that always gets me hooked right from the very beginning. The theme song was one of the only things I fully remembered from this show before I watched it again for this post. It’s just one of those contagious, unskippable theme songs. Literally, every time I started an episode from this show, I never skipped the theme song. I wanted to listen to it every time, because it’s just so nostalgic to me and really fun to sing along to. It truly never gets old. I love it so much that I even searched for the full version of it on YouTube and included it below. So, take a listen for yourself. Trust me, you won’t regret it.😊🎶🖤




My Babysitter’s A Vampire : SEASON 1



(from least to most favorite)...

#5 “Re-Vamped” S1E13 – Premiered July 19, 2011 

This is not only the finale episode in season one of My Babysitter’s A Vampire but also one of my favorites from the whole season. This episode takes place three months after the events of the movie with the returning appearance of Jesse, Sarah’s ex-boyfriend. Jesse wants Sarah to go away with him as a vampire, but she refuses. So, on the night of their high school dance Ethan and Benny try to destroy Jesse again, but Jesse ends up biting Ethan. Which leaves Sarah with a difficult decision to make: save Ethan (which will turn her into a full vampire) or let him become a fledgling. And I won’t tell you what she decides to do just in case you’ve never seen this episode before and decide to watch it.

Like I mentioned before, this is an episode that I hadn’t seen since it came out on Disney Channel in 2011. So, I was very curious and excited to watch this episode again. Especially, because it’s the last episode of the season and those are usually always one of the best ones. And as you can see, this is definitely one of the best episodes from season one. I love this episode because it’s very funny as usual and it’s also a school dance episode, which I always enjoy watching. This is just a great end of the season episode, because after I watched it it definitely made me want to watch more. Cause, SPOILER ALERT: Sarah is no longer a fledgling. She becomes a full-fledged vampire. Again, SPOILER ALERT…I think it’s really sweet that Sarah gives up whatever chance she had at a normal life to save Ethan. I didn’t remember this episode at all, that I literally thought Ethan was going to become a fledgling. Which honestly, could have made the show more interesting to watch during the second season. But it does make more sense why Sarah becomes a full-fledged vampire. Either way, I think it would have been good for the show. There is nothing that I didn’t like about this episode. Again, it’s just a stand out episode from the season and of course one of my favorites. Also, a quote that stood out to me from this episode is when Ethan is asking Sarah if she wants to go to Chess Club with him and Benny and Sarah basically says that she can’t because she has to study for these make up tests for Mr. G’s class or she’ll fail the whole semester and Benny says to Ethan, “She’s gotta relax. Count Dracula never had a degree. And he owned a castle”. I just like that quote that Benny says because it’s not only so random and funny but it’s so true in that one doesn’t need school or a college degree to succeed in life or to be considered smart. This is just a great episode from season one of MBAV and one that I would for sure watch again. 


#4 “Lawn of the Dead” S1E1 – Premiered June 27, 2011

This is the very first episode of My Babysitter’s A Vampire and another one of my most favorite episodes from season one. I mean how could I not have the first episode on here? It’s just a classic, and the episode that started off the season with a bang. And let me tell you, this episode did a great job at getting me hooked to watch more episodes of this series. In this episode, it’s the first day back to school after defeating Jesse and Ethan intends to keep the supernatural occurrences to a minimum. However, when Benny finds out that his new crush’s dog (Puffles) has passed away, he attempts to resurrect it in hopes that Della will agree to go on a date with him if he does. On the other hand, Sarah is trying desperately to get some money and Rory becomes “Vampire Ninja”.

Like I kind of mentioned before, I was a little nervous to watch this episode and start this series again because I hadn’t seen it in so long before doing this and I didn’t remember if it had anything bad in it that I would make me dislike it. In other words, I didn’t want my childhood memories of this show to be ruined if I found out anything bad about this show that I didn’t like. But thankfully, watching this episode back now that I’m older, it didn’t have anything bad like that in it to make me dislike this show too much or ruin my childhood memories of watching it. To me this is a great first episode. I specifically love it, because it’s funnier than the previous one, more nostalgic to me than the last episode I mentioned, and it has cute animals. A dog and some racoons…well, more like ten racoons, which is always a plus. Overall, this episode is just really funny and if you watch it, you will definitely get hooked on this show. Cause I would most definitely choose to watch this episode again. 


#3 “Guys & Dolls” S1E4 – Premiered June 30, 2011 


This is one of the episodes that I remembered the most when going back to watch this show for this post. For some reason, everything about this episode was familiar to me, which means I must have watched this episode quite a lot when I was younger and when this episode first came out. In other words, I was looking forward to watching this episode again the most when starting this, and it didn’t disappoint. Although, it was a little creepier to me this time around. I don’t remember if I thought the same thing about this episode the first time that I ever watched it, but it definitely is creepy. Although, I clearly still like it more than a lot of the other episodes from season one. Basically, if you’ve never seen this episode before, it’s all about Ethan’s little sister Jane who uses Benny’s spell book to help fix her broken Debbie Dazzle doll. Though, instead of fixing her doll, the spell just brings her doll to life. And things get worse when the doll starts draining the life from everyone she touches, cause it’s the only way for her to maintain her human form. This is just a really fun, interesting, cute and unique episode to watch. Viewers also get to see Ethan interact with his sister more in this episode, which is different and nice, because it doesn’t show Jane much in this show. So, it’s kind of refreshing to see. This episode is funny, but also kind of creepy, which just makes it great to want to watch this time of year. Yeah, there’s not really much I have to say about this episode, except that it’s one of the best from season one. It’s definitely more nostalgic to me which is mainly why I ranked it higher than the previous ones. But I also just really like it for what it is. This is for sure an episode that I would choose to watch again every October, and only in October, because that’s just the vibes of this show and I’m weird like that. 



#2 “Die Pod” S1E8 – Premiered July 11, 2011 

This is another episode that I didn’t really remember at all, so I was very curious and excited to get to watch it again after so long of having not seen it, especially after reading the description of it. Even after reading the description for this episode, I really didn’t know what to expect from it and yet it’s become one of my most favorites from the season. In this episode, after Whitechapel’s oldest tree has been cut down, it takes its revenge by growing weeds into the school’s computer system. Therefore, Sarah, Ethan, and Benny must find a way to stop the roots before it infects everyone’s’ brains or takes one of their own. Meanwhile, after discovering that he and Erica like the same band, Rory attempts to download a rare concert video for her in hopes that she will agree to go out with him. This is just a very funny episode which is why it ranks so high, and it’s also not as creepy as the doll episode which is also why it ranks a little higher than that one. This is just one of the episodes that stood out to me the most. One that I could not forget about even if I tried. It’s pretty unique, in that I’ve honestly never seen a story line like this one before on a show, which just makes it all the more interesting. A moment that also stood out to me from this episode is when Ethan and Benny are gardening at the school as punishment for something they did and their principal comes up to them and says, “Oh, gardening isn’t punishment gentleman. It is an opportunity” and Ethan says to him, “An opportunity to get our hands dirty and jabbed with thorns?” and the principal then says, “No. An opportunity to look within. To banish the weeds inside your soul…What you have to do is remove the root, so that the leaves never grow again”. I don’t know, but I just thought that was really deep and informative. Just a quote that I like from this episode, that anyone can relate to. It didn’t have anything bad in it that I didn’t like, which is also a plus. And this is just an episode from the show that I would certainly watch again one day. And a little fun fact that I just found out about this episode, is that in Canada it premiered on March 8th, which is my birthday. So, that’s pretty cool for me. :)



#1 “Blue Moon” S1E9 – Premiered July 12, 2011

This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from season one of My Babysitter’s A Vampire. Again, this was another episode that I hadn’t seen since it premiered on Disney Channel in 2011. So, I was excited and very curious to watch this episode again after so long, especially after reading the small description of it. Cause I knew that it would involve a werewolf of some kind, and I mean…werewolves and vampires, what more could you ask for during this time of year. Just a classic. In this episode, Ethan and Benny land themselves in a heap of trouble after they attempt to prove that the school’s hairiest jock, David is a werewolf. As Benny’s spell backfires and instead turns Ethan into a werewolf. Meanwhile, while Sarah is trying to help Ethan and Benny, she finds out that David was in search of a supernatural cure and sets out to find it herself with the intent on becoming human again. I love this episode because it’s very funny right from the very beginning. It literally had me laughing a lot throughout. Whenever I choose to watch this show again, this will definitely be the first episode I play. And this episode also just gets a major plus for the very cute dog shown at the end. More cute and fluffier than the dog from the first episode of the season I mentioned. Yeah, there’s not much to say about why this is my favorite episode, except that I just love a good werewolf story line and this is just that. 







My Babysitter’s A Vampire: SEASON 2  





(from least to most favorite)...

#5 “The Date to End All Dates – Part 1” S2E12 – Premiered September 28, 2012



This is part one of the two part series finale and the better part of the two in my opinion. Cause I was very, very disappointed by how this series ended. I for sure hated part 2 of this finale episode, but I chose to include part one of this finale episode in this ranking because it’s the only episode where we get to see Ethan and Sarah finally go on a date and almost kiss. There was also just no other better episodes from season 2 to choose from. Basically, in this episode The Vampire Council has been raided and the intruder is looking for something called the Lucifractor. However, Ethan has more important things to worry about – his first date with Sarah! So, Benny and Rory step up to handle the vampire adventuring on their own. Eventually, Ethan learns the terrible history of the Lucifractor and that it is a fearsome weapon that could wipe out every vampire in Whitechapel.

This is an episode that I hadn’t seen in forever before doing this. Probably since it came out in 2012, if I even watched it then, because none of the episodes from season 2 looked familiar to me at all. So, I was very curious and pretty excited to watch this episode. Especially, since it’s part one of the series finale. This episode starts out great because it begins with Ethan and Sarah on a date about to finally kiss, but then we see that it’s just Ethan dreaming. Although, they still do go on a date in this episode even after that dream, which is the best part of this whole episode and series finale.  Although, I feel like the show should have had them going on this date sooner so we could get to see them more as a couple, but I’m glad we at least get this short date episode. It was also interesting watching this episode from the very beginning just because when the theme song comes on it’s finally a different theme song from the previous season’s one and from all the previous episodes’ from this season. When I heard the new theme song I was confused at first because I thought that I was watching the wrong video on YouTube but then I checked and it was the right video. So, when watching this episode and part 2 of this series finale we get to hear the original theme song with a girl singing it instead of the guy. And I don’t know for sure, but it actually sounds like it could be one of the main girls from the show (Erica or Sarah) singing the theme song for this finale episode. So, if that’s the case, that’s even more of a great thing about this episode. Although, I still think that they should have changed up the theme song from the very beginning of season two, I’m glad to at least see the change for the last two episodes of the show. The lyrics are also changed up a bit too, which is great. Overall, I mainly just chose this episode because it’s funny and because it’s the only time that we get to see Ethan and Sarah go on a date. Of course, this episode leaves with a very mysterious cliffhanger and you have to watch part 2 to find out what happens next. This episode definitely left me wanting to see what happens and how this series ends, so I clicked the last episode as soon as possible. And again, to say the least, I was very disappointed in how the series ended because it just left viewers like me with more questions unanswered and it didn’t even end showing Ethan, Benny, or Sarah as the last scene shows Rory and Erica and that other little girl. Which is just a bummer. Though, if you ever watch this series, I would recommend you to not skip this episode if you are an Ethan and Sarah shipper. 



#4 “Mirror/RorriM” S2E5 – Premiered August 10, 2012

This was another episode that I didn’t remember ever watching at all before doing this, so I was very curious to watch it for what seemed like the very first time. Cause even the title alone made this episode seem very interesting and kind of creepy, which it is. In this episode, it’s twenty-five years since Whitechapel High’s first production of The Rainbow Factory when a star was tragically crushed on stage in a prank gone wrong. The school is putting on the play again this time, but Ethan and the gang have to handle a ghost with a thirst for revenge. As the spiteful spirit attempts to bring down the house on opening night by controlling Erica through a haunted dressing room mirror. Like I said before, this is just a very interesting episode. It’s also funny but also pretty creepy. Which I don’t really like to watch creepy things, but this episode is one of the better ones from season 2 so that is why it’s on this ranking at #4. It is a good episode from the show and I would actually choose to watch it again if I ever were to watch this show again. Also, Bindi Irwin guest stars on this episode, which is really random but makes this episode even more interesting to watch. 



#3 “Fanged and Furious” S2E3 – Premiered July 20, 2012

I was very curious and excited about watching this episode for this post, because like most of these episodes from season two, I didn’t have any recollection of having ever seen this episode. So, this seemed like the first time ever that I was watching this episode and I really had no idea what to expect. Basically, this episode is all about Ethan getting his learner’s permit and buying his first car to impress Sarah but finding out that it’s possessed by a blood-sucking backseat driver from beyond the grave. So, Ethan, Benny and the gang must figure out why it’s attacking people and get it to stop. I call this “the possessed car episode”. I’ve never seen an episode like this one before, so it gets points for being more unique and different. This episode is very interesting and mysterious, as you can probably tell just by reading the summary that I gave. It’s also funny, as well. You would think this would be a really scary and creepy episode, but…creepy, YES…scary, NOT AT ALL. I would definitely watch this episode from season 2 again, because it’s just one of the most better ones compared to all the others from this season of the show. 



#2 “Village of the Darned” S2E6 – Premiered August 24, 2012 

This is another one of those episodes from season two that I had no recollection of. So, I was very curious and excited to watch this episode for what again, seemed like the very first time. In this episode, it’s the annual cookie drive for Jane’s youth troop and when a creepy, otherworldly Troop Leader conspires to rid the town of adults and lure the kids to its Eternal Playground, Ethan and the gang have to take charge and stop the beast before Jane is lost forever. And especially before the vampires, Sarah and Erica, get hungry enough to start preying on the young. This is another very interesting and unique episode. It’s a little more on the creepy side, but it’s really not that bad. At least to me it isn’t. I just call this “the Girl Scout episode” because that’s what I think of when I see this episode, and I love this episode for that reason. But I also love this episode because it’s really funny, as well. This is just a great episode. Definitely one that stood out to me the most from season two and one that I would for sure watch again. It had nothing bad in it that I didn’t like and it’s just a fun episode to watch. 



#1 “Siren Song” S2E9 – Premiered September 16, 2012


This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from season two of My Babysitter’s A Vampire because I mean it has singing in it, so of course it’s my favorite. The title of this episode seemed very familiar to me before I watched this episode, which made me think that I had seen it before, but I didn’t remember this episode at all before going back to watch it this time around for this post. So again, much like all the episodes from season two of this show, I was very curious and pretty excited to get to watch this episode for what seemed like the first time ever. Basically, in this episode, Ethan and Benny discover that a local singing sensation may have a voice like an angel. But, in reality, she’s a Siren – a mythical creature whose song brings out the self-destructive worst in anyone who hears it. So, they have to team up with Sarah, Erica, and Rory to form a band, and blow her off the stage at the school talent show. This is another very funny and interesting episode to watch. I love a good talent show episode and this is just that, too. They also randomly mention Justin Bieber in this episode, which is also always a plus. Again, I don’t really have much to say about this episode. It’s just a great episode from season two and one I would definitely choose to watch again. 



  Well, that concludes my ranking of the Top Ten Best Episodes from My Babysitter’s A Vampire and my third Halloween/Chilloween post of the year. I really enjoyed getting to go back and watch this series again. Especially now as an adult, because I hadn’t seen this show since I was fourteen/fifteen. So, it was really refreshing and interesting watching these episodes again, and more so just very nostalgic. Although, I was very disappointed in how this series came to an end, I would still watch this show again. Well, at least all the episodes that I mentioned here, because these truly are some of the best episodes from the show. There are only a few episodes from this show that I would never watch again, but why even mention those, right? Anyways, I’m just rambling now. I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed creating it. Have you seen My Babysitter’s A Vampire before? If so, let me know in the comments below what your favorite episode is and come Back to Disney VERY SOON for more treats!!🖤💓🧛🎃



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