Thursday, October 27, 2022


  Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you enjoyed my last post where I created A Ranking of Every Song From Girl vs Monster – A Disney Channel Original Halloween Movie. Today, I’m back with another fun and exciting Halloween/Chilloween post and it centers around one of my all time favorite 90’s sitcoms, Boy Meets World. I’ve talked about Boy Meets World a few times before on this blog, and I compared some of its episodes and ranked them among other Disney Channel Original Shows episodes, which now looking back was not fair because Boy Meets World can’t really be compared to all the other actual Disney Channel Original Shows that aired on the channel. Though, don’t worry because I can still talk about Boy Meets World on this blog because it was syndicated on Disney Channel from 2000 (after it's final episode)-2007 and again later in 2014 to promote Girl Meets World. So, to me, if it played on Disney Channel at any point it’s considered Disney and can be mentioned on this blog.😊📺💙💚

From now on when I talk about this show I will not be ranking it among Disney Channel’s other original shows, because Boy Meets World is 90’s and it really stands apart from the other Disney Channel shows I grew up watching. So, all that to say, I thought it would be fun to go back and watch all of the Halloween episodes from Boy Meets World and rank them from the least to most best. I mean, every year I try to watch all the Halloween episodes from my favorite Disney Channel shows (BMW included), so I thought why not just post my thoughts about all the BMW Halloween episodes this time. Last October, I only included ONE of these episodes that I will be talking about later, in my Top Ten Best Disney Channel Halloween Episodes post . But like I said before, it wasn’t really fair to do so. So, I wanted to redo the ranking of that episode, and this gives me the perfect chance to get to talk not only about that episode again but all FIVE of the Halloween BMW episodes and rank them among each other. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get into that 90’s Halloween spirit with A Ranking of Every Halloween Episode From Boy Meets World!🧡🤎🎃


 (from least to most favorite)…


#5 Boy Meets World “The Witches of Pennbrook” S5E5 (October 31, 1997)



After watching all of these BMW Halloween episodes again, this was definitely my least favorite of them all. Which is kind of surprising to me, because I used to love to watch this episode during this time of year when I was a teenager, but my opinions have definitely changed about this episode since then. As nostalgic as this episode is to me, I hate to say it, but this is the only episode on this ranking that I would choose to NEVER watch again. 

In this episode, Jack starts dating a girl named Millie (played by Candace Cameron Bure) who Eric becomes suspicious of. When Jack keeps blowing off his plans with Eric, Eric of course gets upset that Jack is putting his relationship with Millie in front of their friendship. Eric discovers that Millie is a witch and when he tries to warn Jack about this, Jack is in too deep to see the truth, which puts the two of them more at odds with each other. On the other hand, Topanga must overcome her fear of flying after Cory surprises her with plane tickets to visit her parents in Pittsburgh. However, Cory ends up becoming just as scared as Topanga to fly in a plane after he learns that their pilot was tutored by Eric and the pilot believes that Eric is really smart.

This was a pretty memorable episode to me just because it’s a holiday themed episode and I usually remember those the most from shows like this one. However, I hadn’t seen this episode in a very long time before doing so for this post, so I was very curious and excited to watch it. The only thing I really remembered from this episode before watching it again was that Candace Cameron Bure (from one of my other all time favorite 90’s shows to watch growing up, Full House) guest starred on this episode. And this was just three years after Full House ended that she appeared on this episode. So, this episode is pretty fun and interesting to watch for that reason alone, because she plays a VERY different character in this episode compared to her character on Full House

This episode is very funny right from the very beginning. I mean it starts off with Eric, so you know it’s going to be funny when you see his character. And it just gets funnier and funnier as it goes on, and also more creepier. One thing Eric says in this episode that I thought was hilarious was when he just introduces himself to Millie as “Eric Allison Matthews”, because since when was that his full name. When I heard him say this I was like, “Is he for real?”, but then I realized it's Eric. So, he had to just be joking when he said that. Right?! Hmm... Anyways, I also found it funny when Eric is talking to Mr. Feeny about the problem he’s having with Jack and he says, “I know, but of all the nights to fight, I mean Halloween. This is the one holiday that’s supposed to bring loved ones together”.😂 Obviously, Christmas or Thanksgiving are usually the holidays that bring people together not Halloween, so I just thought that was random and very funny of Eric to say.

Both story lines in this episode are very funny, but of course the Eric and Jack storyline is the funniest and the most entertaining to watch. I mean, I was literally smiling and laughing so much during this episode, but I was also disappointed a lot by it. Which of course, I should have expected. All I can say is that I don’t know why I ever watched this episode as many times as I did when I was a teen because it’s just not something I enjoy watching today. Which again, I hate to say, but there is unfortunately for me a lot more bad in this episode than there is good and so that is why it ranks last on this list. I really want to try to never watch this episode again because I just don’t agree with a lot of the things said in it. This episode has all the Halloween vibes, but too much Halloween and evil talk for me. Definitely not an episode I would recommend anyone to watch. 



#4 Boy Meets World “Janitor Dad” S4E6 (October 25, 1996) 



Okay, so this is an episode that I found last minute when I was looking up promos on YouTube for all the other BMW Halloween episodes on this ranking and I came across a commercial of this episode to which I saw a pumpkin in the background of one of the scenes it showed and I was like, “Wait, what?! There’s another BMW Halloween themed episode”. And yes, this is another Halloween-themed episode. So, I’m calling this the forgotten BMW Halloween episode, because that’s what it was to me until I found it again. And I say again, because of course I’ve seen all the episodes from BMW many times before, but I didn’t remember this episode being a Halloween-themed episode because I haven’t watched BMW in a very long time (except of course the few themed episodes I’ve already mentioned on this blog). All in all, I was just so happy to find this BMW Halloween-themed episode.

This episode is kind of like the Halloween episode from Season 1 that I will be mentioning later, because Halloween isn’t so prominent all throughout. When you turn it on you’re not like, “Oh, it’s Halloween”. However, at least in the Season 1 episode they mention the word Halloween a few times, but in this episode none of the characters mention Halloween, you just assume it is Halloween based on all the Halloween and fall decorations placed behind them during a lot of the scenes. I mean, I’m always up to watch a BMW episode, so I was very excited to find and get to watch this episode again after so long of having not seen it. I was also, of course, just very curious to watch this episode not only because it’s been so long since I’ve seen it but I also just wanted to know how much Halloween vibes this episode really gives off.

In this episode, after Chet and Virna (Shawn’s parents) get in an argument about Chet not having a steady job, Chet goes out and gets an honest job as the new janitor at Shawn’s school so he can make Virna happy and be with Shawn to make up for lost time. Shawn is surprised and humiliated when he finds out that his dad is the new school janitor and his fellow classmates don’t make him feel any better about it. So, after a series of embarrassing incidents about this, Mr. Feeny lets Shawn decide his father’s fate. To which Shawn asks Mr. Feeny to fire his dad. However, Mr. Feeny never intended to actually go by Shawn’s decision and Shawn ends up learning a valuable lesson in looking beyond appearances and not caring what others think about you or your family or how one decides to make a living. Meanwhile, in the secondary story line, Eric and Alan look to hire someone new so that they don’t lose their business due to Amy sending potential customers away. 

This is just a great episode. However, my favorite storyline and the only one I really care about from this episode, is the Shawn and Chet storyline. ‘Cause their storyline is the one that brings the great overall message and lesson of this episode, and it’s just a really sweet moment between Chet and Shawn. I love that although other kids were being mean to Shawn about his dad being a janitor that Shawn’s real friends (Cory and Topanga) stand up for him and support him and his dad. As in this episode when Shawn disappointedly says, “My dad’s a janitor”, Topanga says to him, “Shawn, there is no shame in your father being a janitor”. And Shawn continues to say, “But he could have been anything. I mean, my dad has all these wonderful dreams. And why does he have to be a janitor here?” and Topanga says to him, “Everybody needs a job. People understand that”. I’m glad that Mr. Feeny didn’t let Shawn decide whether or not his father should work at his school even though Shawn is the student and even though Mr. Feeny says at the end to Shawn, “This was never about your father, Shawn. This was always about you. You’re the kid. You’re in school. It’s always about you”, because it doesn’t matter if Shawn is the student or not, he had to learn that he can’t dictate his parent’s life and he also had to learn to be okay with his parent being a school janitor no matter what others think about it and no matter what he thinks about it.

The scene between Shawn and his mom (Virna) also stood out to me. When Shawn goes to his mom complaining about his dad being the school janitor and his mom says to him, “Well, I’m sorry you feel that way because I’m so proud of him I could bust” and Shawn then says to her, “Mom, what’s there to be proud of?” and his mom says, “Shawn, for twenty years we have lived on your father’s stories and those stories just used to make me angry because none of ‘em were real. But your story about your father being a janitor, that’s real. And yeah, it makes me proud”. I also think it’s sweet that Chet chose the job as the school janitor to be close to Shawn after being away from him a lot. As after Shawn asks his dad if he is okay with the job and what are the benefits to being a janitor, his dad says to him, “Well, for one thing, after being on the road a year away from my son, what better benefit than a job that lets me be near him?”. And of course I love the ending when Shawn gets Cory to spill his milk and in front of the bully he cleans up that milk for his father and Chet says to Shawn, “You don’t have to do that Shawn” and Shawn says to his dad, “I know I don’t. And I know you don’t either”. That is just such a sweet scene which makes for just a sweet episode all around.

This is definitely more of a deep and emotional episode. Actually, the only really deep and emotional episode on this ranking. However, you still get the comedy watching Eric and Alan’s storyline, which is just the best of both worlds. Though, again, this episode to me is just all about Chet and Shawn. I would most definitely watch this episode again, and not even just for Halloween. This episode only ranks lower on this list because it is more sad and emotional to watch and it's not really as Halloween as some of the others on this ranking. As again, it doesn’t actually give off all the Halloween vibes because it just has decorations that you can see behind the characters in each scene, but it’s still a GREAT episode nonetheless and a very important and relatable one. 



#3 Boy Meets World “Who’s Afraid of Cory Wolf” S2E6 (October 28, 1994) 


This is another BMW episode that I used to love watching during this time of year when I was a teenager.  I made sure to try and watch it every year on Halloween. So, this episode is definitely a more memorable episode to me and is therefore very nostalgic, as well. I hadn’t seen this episode in a very long time though before doing this, so I was very excited and curious to watch this episode again for this post. The only thing I remembered about this episode was that it’s about Cory, a werewolf, there's a fortune teller, and that it’s funny. Other than that, I didn’t remember anything else about this episode and therefore didn’t know what to expect from watching it back this time around. Also, Season 2 of BMW used to be one of my most favorite seasons of the show, so I knew that I would just like the whole vibe of this episode for that reason alone. This episode is all about Cory being terrified that he may be turning into a werewolf after he’s bitten by a strange animal, but in reality, he’s just growing up and going through some teenage changes (aka puberty). Yep, that’s all you really need to know about this episode, cause that's really all it’s about.

Right from the very beginning of this episode, you get those dark, stormy, spooky, Halloween vibes. As it’s pouring down rain and Cory’s in his room writing a letter, but all you hear is his voiceover as he’s writing. This episode is also just very funny right from the very beginning, which is one of the main reasons why I decided to rank it higher than the previous one. But, again it’s also very nostalgic to me and it gives off more Halloween/Chilloween vibes than the previous one, as well. As there are mentions of All Hallow’s Eve, October 31st, and Halloween parties (or just one party in this case). The only thing that I don’t like about this episode is the fortune teller scene, as I don’t believe in that kind of stuff, so that is really the only reason why I put this episode a little lower on this ranking. But, I still do love this episode despite that scene and can still appreciate everything else in this episode for what it is. Like I mentioned before, I didn’t remember a lot about this episode before doing this, so it was nice to get to watch it again to refresh my memory.

One of my favorite quotes in this episode is when Topanga is telling Cory about her costume and she says, “Because I’m a damsel. But not the distressed kind. One who’s very together and in complete control of her own destiny”. I just think that line is so funny and a good idea for a costume. I also like the ending scene when Cory is trying to get Topanga to leave so he doesn’t “kill” her after he turns into a “werewolf”. Cause it's just another funny and sweet scene. As Cory says to Topanga, “Okay, look at me. Tell me what you see” and Topanga says to him, “I see you” and Cory says, “No, you don’t. You see hair and teeth and the beast within me” and Topanga reiterates to him again saying, “No, I see Cory. The same Cory I’ve known since I was three”. Then they kiss and it’s just a cute, “aww” moment. Oh, and the cute little bunny rabbit at the end of this cute, and always a plus.

Again, this episode is just hilarious, and it has just enough of the Halloween vibes for me to enjoy. The topic of this episode is a little weird and awkward for a Halloween episode, and just for any episode in general. But it’s also just what makes this episode all the more relatable to viewers and funny because the parallel of growing into adulthood (puberty) and feeling like your turning into a werewolf is spot on and just hilarious. Though, the topic of this episode and the fortune teller part of this episode, are also the only reasons why I decided to rank this episode a little lower. Although, don’t get me wrong, because I still love this episode and would for sure watch it again. Just when compared to the other Halloween-themed episodes from the show that I will be mentioning next, this one is not my most favorite or the best in my opinion. But again, I love a typical (well, in this case, not so typical) werewolf story, and this episode is just that. Perfect for this holiday season.

#2 Boy Meets World “Boys ll Mensa” S1E6 (October 29, 1993)

This is an episode that I literally just watched a couple of months ago, so obviously it was still fresh in my mind before watching it again for this post. At first I wasn’t going to watch this episode again for this, since I had just recently watched it for another post that I will be doing in the future for this blog, but I decided to go ahead and watch it again anyways for this post because…well, why not? Since I had already written down my thoughts about this episode before watching this episode again for this post, that just meant that watching this episode this time around, I could just really take it in and enjoy it without worrying about all the specific details and things I wanted to say about this episode. Also, I just have to say that the first time I watched this episode this year I didn’t know that it was a Halloween-themed episode. And I used to make sure to watch every BMW Halloween episode every year when I was younger, but this one I clearly forgot about. Cause again, I know I’ve seen all the BMW episodes many times over before, but I just forgot that this one is technically a Halloween episode. But now that I know that this episode is Halloween-themed, I’ll be sure not to forget to watch it every October from now on. And we know that this is a Halloween episode because of all the Halloween and fall decorations placed in the Matthews’ home, and in Mr. Feeny’s classroom, and in the lunchroom at the school.  They also say the word “Halloween” a few times in this episode and of course at the very end we get to see their Halloween costumes as they go trick or treating.

Basically, in this episode Cory decides to cheat on an IQ test and runs with the idea of everyone thinking that he’s a genius. Though, when a Mensa International representative comes to test him for a second time at home, he must finally come clean to his parents and Mr. Feeny. This is just a very funny BMW episode. I laughed just as much this time around watching it as much as I did the first time I watched it this year. It never gets old, apparently. The Halloween theme fits perfectly with the overall storyline of this episode. Just like Mr. Feeny says to Cory in this episode, “Don’t you love Halloween? No one is what they seem to be”, as Cory is pretending to be a genius throughout most of this episode. Morgan’s scenes are of course always my favorite, cause she’s just so cute and funny in every episode, this one included. But Cory was also really funny in this episode, as well. Especially, the scene when he is orchestrating along to classical music in his room. Hysterical.😂 This is just a feel-good Halloween episode. It’s not too dark, or creepy, weird, or unrealistic and it has just enough Halloween/Chilloween vibes. There’s also just some great, positive lessons and messages one can take away from watching this episode, or at least some that I was reminded of. Such as the importance of never trying to be something that you’re not, knowing that lies have consequences, that you don’t have to be a genius in order to get respect from others, and that there’s nothing wrong with being “normal” (whatever “normal” is). Again, knowing now (or recently) that this is in fact a Halloween episode, I look forward to watching it every year from now on. 



#1 Boy Meets World “And Then There Was Shawn” S5E17 (February 27, 1998) 



And surprise, SURPRISE…this is my MOST FAVORITE and THE BEST BMW Halloween episode. So, if you’ve been a follower of my blog for a while now then you already know my opinions of this episode. But if you’re new here, just click here to understand more about why this is not only my favorite BMW Halloween episode to watch but also just one of my favorite Halloween episodes from a show to watch during this season in general. I’m not even going to give a synopsis of this episode because again you can read about that here, and if you’re truly a BMW fan you know, YOU KNOW this episode for all that it is and why it's a favorite to watch this time of year. However, like I mentioned in my Halloween post last year, this is technically not a Halloween episode but to me it is and it’s definitely the way better “Halloween” episode of Season 5 and the better of all the ones on this ranking in general. Cause again, NO, Season 5 did not have two Halloween themed episodes. I have just always counted this episode as a BMW Halloween episode.

Again, I’ve really already said all my thoughts about this episode last year, but I’ll add a few more comments about it here too just for fun. I mean I’ve seen this episode way too many times to even count at this point. I basically know every scene that happens before it even happens and every line that the characters say before they even say it. This episode is definitely just a stand out episode for many reasons, not just because it’s a “scary” kind of mystery episode, but also because it’s like the only episode (at least that I can remember) where all the characters are a part of like every scene together. In other words, it’s always them mostly together throughout this whole episode, which is just the best. It makes it all the more fun and interesting to watch. This episode just never gets old and never fails to make me laugh. It also mostly ranks the highest in my book, because it is THE FUNNIEST Halloween episode from BMW. It’s definitely one of the episodes that I always think of first when I think about this show, which says a lot about how good this episode is.

This episode is just a classic, must-watch for October, Halloween, Chilloween…whatever you wanna call it. It’s just the right amount of spooky Halloween vibes for the season. This episode does have some scandalous, inappropriate, more “mature” scenes that I don’t like or enjoy watching at all, but I have and will forever love this episode for Halloween despite those tiny things I can skip over. Yep, pretty much my same thoughts on this episode as always, but if you would like to hear even more of my thoughts about this episode just click here.



  Well, that concludes A Ranking of Every Halloween Episode from Boy Meets World and my second Halloween/Chilloween post of 2022. 🎉 I really enjoyed getting to go back and watch all these episodes again and I hope that you enjoyed reading my thoughts about them just as much. Have you seen any of these BMW episodes? If so, which Boy Meets World Halloween episode that I mentioned here is your favorite? Comment down below and come Back to Disney VERY SOON for more treats!!🧡🤎🎃🍬

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