Sunday, October 30, 2022


  Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you enjoyed my last post on the Top Ten BEST Episodes from My Babysitter’s A Vampire. I’m back again today with another fun Halloween/Chilloween post for you to enjoy. As you know, I’ve already talked about My Babysitter’s A Vampire and Boy Meets World as shows that I watched for these October blog posts, but another show that I watched over the last couple of months is the Disney Channel show called “Gravity Falls”. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while now, then you might remember when I once said that I’ve never been the biggest fan of animated shows since I was a little kid watching them. However, after starting this blog and going back to watch some Disney animated shows that I grew up on and even discovering some new ones that I had never seen before, I’ve grown to love animated shows more than I ever did before. I mean, even this year I started listening to a podcast all about animation. I know, I know. I’ve come a long way. 

Like I mentioned before, I decided to watch three live-action Disney Channel shows for my Halloween/Chilloween posts this year, but I also really wanted to add an animated show into the mix. So, that’s how Gravity Falls came into the picture and why I chose to create this post that you’re reading now. The last time I talked about this show on here was when I did A Ranking of Every First Episode from A Disney Channel (Animated) Show Part 1. In that post, I mentioned how that was my very first time ever watching this show. Though, I had seen and heard about it from watching Disney Channel at the time that it first came out, I had never seen a full episode of Gravity Falls since that post I did back in May of this year. I also mentioned in that post how much I really enjoyed watching that first episode and how I eventually wanted to watch the whole series. Well, I have now done just that, which is why I bring to you this ranking of the best episodes from the show.

If you’ve never seen or heard of Gravity Falls before, then I’ll give you a brief synopsis of the show before I begin giving you my thoughts on the episodes themselves. Gravity Falls is a mystery-comedy animated series that premiered on Disney Channel on June 15, 2012. The show ended on February 15, 2016 after two seasons. To me, two seasons is not a lot, but what’s really interesting about this show and how it ended is that the executive producer of this show wanted to 100% end it after two seasons. As he once stated, “The show isn’t being cancelled – it’s being finished”, and that it has come to its natural conclusion. First of all, I just love that about this show, because sometimes shows go on too long and just aren’t meant to continue though they do anyways. So, I like how the producer of this show didn’t let it go on longer than it needed to and was able to wrap it up in a nice bow on his terms, with a great natural conclusion to everything. I also just love the premise of this show. It’s very different from any other animated show that I’ve seen or even remember. As the show follows the adventures of twin siblings Dipper and Mabel Pines who are sent off to Gravity Falls, Oregon to spend the summer with their great-uncle (or as they call him, “Grunkle”) Stan. Although, Gravity Falls isn’t just any normal town, it’s a mysterious town full of supernatural creatures and paranormal incidents. So, the kids must help Stan run the tourist trap that he owns, the “Mystery Shack”, while also deciding to investigate all the local mysteries that happen.

Honestly, this is a really great Disney Channel animated show. Hence, why I wanted to create this post. Even after watching the first episode of this show for that one post I did in May, I still had no idea what to expect before going into watching this show again. And it did surprise me a lot of times. There are so many twists and turns and fun mysteries in this show, which keeps you interested all throughout and makes you get really invested in the show. Well, at least it did for me. I, myself, was shocked with how much I was into watching this animated show. I mean, I literally watched four episodes a day until I finished the whole series. Yes, it’s that good. I’ve literally never been so into watching an animated show before, so that’s also why it’s shocking to me. I was even kind of sad when it ended, even though I can literally just start the show back over whenever I want to. Though, there were of course a few episodes and things said within episodes of the show that I didn’t like. But I would still watch this show again. Well, just the episodes that I mention here again and a few others that I liked, because it is a cute and very funny show. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get into my ranking of the Top Ten Best Episodes from Gravity Falls!

Oh, and like I mentioned before in my previous post, since there are only two seasons of this show I decided to choose the top FIVE best episodes from each season. Just to make it even and fair. The seasons themselves are not ranked in any particular order, you will just see season one’s episodes first, but then the episodes for season one and season two are ranked from my least to most favorite. Now, for real this time, let’s get into the Top Ten Best Episodes from Gravity Falls!💚🤎🎃






Gravity Falls: SEASON 1

(from least to most favorite)…

#5 “The Time Traveler’s Pig” S1E9 – Premiered August 24, 2012

This is an episode that I, of course, had never seen before. So, I was very curious and excited to watch this episode for the very first time. In this episode, after Dipper accidentally hits Wendy playing a game at the fair and then sees her going out with Robbie, he (Dipper) wishes that he could go back in time to undo the mistake he made with her. So, he (Dipper) then discovers a time machine that can help him do just that. Meanwhile, Mabel wins a pet pig at the same fair and it’s love at first sight. This is one of my most favorite episodes from season one of Gravity Falls, really just because of the cute pig. I mean, it’s the first time that we are introduced to Waddles, Mabel’s pig. No, but for real, not only do I like this episode because of Mabel and Waddles story line but I also enjoyed watching Dipper’s story line with the whole time travel thing. Although, I only ranked this episode as my least favorite of the five best from this season because it did start to get kind of annoying and monotonous when Dipper had to keep going back to fix the problem with him and Wendy. However, don’t get me wrong, because I obviously still love(d) this episode. It’s very funny and I just love a good fair episode. And the time travel part of this episode is also always just as fun and interesting to watch. This episode also has a great message about knowing that people make mistakes and that’s okay (most of the time) and also just a great lesson about why it’s important not to want to change the past. Again, my most favorite thing about this episode is cute, little Waddles. But, the rest of the episode is great, too. I would most definitely choose to watch this episode again in the future. 



#4 “Double Dipper” S1E7 – Premiered August 10, 2012 



As I mentioned before, this is another episode that I had never seen before, so I was very curious and excited to watch this episode for the first time ever. Especially after watching all the previous episodes before this one. This episode is all about Stan throwing a big party to promote the Mystery Shack while Dipper makes clones of himself to impress Wendy using a strange photocopier. This episode is one of my most favorites from season one because it’s really funny. Even funnier than the previous episode I mentioned. I also just love a good party episode and this is just that. The Dipper story line is also very unique, interesting, and funny to watch. But, both story lines are great in and of themselves. One of the only reasons why this episode ranks lower than the others I will be mentioning next is because of one word that the character Pacifica says. As in this episode when Mabel introduces herself to the popular girl (Pacifica Northwest) at the party she says, “Hi, I’m Mabel” and Pacifica says back to Mabel, “That sounds like a fat old lady’s name”. I know she’s supposed to be the mean girl and Mabel says to Pacifica, “I’ll take that as a compliment”, but I still don’t like it when comments like that are added into a show. Especially, because this wasn’t the first time that a comment like this one was added in to be “funny”, when it’s not funny at all. However, I still enjoyed the rest of this episode despite that comment, and it’s still one of my most favorites that I would watch again. Especially, when compared to all the other episodes not on this ranking from season one. This is also kind of an important episode from season one because we find out how Dipper got his nickname, which is because he has a big birth mark of the “Big Dipper” on his forehead. There’s also a great lesson in this episode about just being yourself and not being afraid to talk to anyone, especially if you are just yourself. In other words, Dipper also learns in this episode about the importance of not getting in his own way and to just go for the things he wants. As he (Dipper) realizes after he’s made all these clones of himself and says to the clones, “Look, maybe we don’t need a plan anymore you know. Maybe I could just go talk to her like a normal person”. So, again, this episode is just great not only because of the lessons that one can take away but also because it’s funny and very interesting. At least to me it was when I watched it for this post. 



#3 “Tourist Trapped” S1E1 – Premiered June 29, 2012


This is the only episode on this ranking, as I mentioned before, that I had already seen before even creating this post. So, of course, I just had to include this episode somewhere on this ranking because it was THE episode that even got me into watching this whole series in the first place. But, that’s not the only reason why this episode ranks where it is here, because honestly it is one of the best episodes from season one. Ever since I watched this episode for the first time in May, I never could forget about it. Even after watching all the other episodes from this show, this was still one of the episodes that stood out to me the most. This is also probably a more memorable episode to me because it’s such a funny episode and I mean, again, it’s the episode that laid the groundwork for what the show would become. Basically, this episode is all about when Dipper and Mabel first arrive to the remote town of Gravity Falls, Oregon to spend their summer break with their uncle Stan (aka “Grunkle Stan”). However, the twins come face to face with the town’s strange and uncanny secrets due to Mabel’s suspiciously weird new boyfriend. Since I’ve already talked about this episode from the show before on this blog, I won’t go any further on talking about this episode just to save some time and space, but if you would like to know more about my thoughts on this episode just click here. 



#2 “Summerween” S1E12 – Premiered October 5, 2012

Honestly, this is one episode that I didn’t think I would ever add on here as being one of my most favorites, but then after watching all the other episodes from this season of the show this was definitely one of the best and most memorable ones. Basically, this episode is Gravity Fall’s version of Halloween, but in the summer. Last year I watched all the Halloween episodes from Disney Channel shows and ranked the top ten best ones here, but I had no recollection of having ever watched this episode before doing so for this post. So, I was very curious and excited to get to watch this episode for what seemed like the very first time. I mean, it’s Halloween-themed and it’s October, so it was perfect getting to watch this and makes total sense for this post. Although, I don’t like summer vibes during Halloween-time, this episode isn’t really summer at all. In other words, this episode gives off all the Halloween vibes and not a lot of summer vibes, despite the title and description. This is not only a great episode to watch for Halloween/Chilloween time, but I also love this episode because it’s very funny, relatable and also very different from any other Halloween episode from a Disney Channel show that I’ve ever seen. There’s also a great and important message about the importance of not growing up too fast because before you know it your childhood will be over and adulthood last a lot longer than you’re childhood. So, live in the moment and enjoy it all while you can. As I like at the end when Mabel says to Dipper, “Oh, now you’re worried about the monster. I thought all you cared about was Wendy” and Dipper says to her, “Mabel you know that’s not true…I just, I felt like I was getting a little too old to go trick-or-treating” and Mabel says, “That’s exactly why we need to go trick-or-treating Dipper. We’re getting older, there’s not that many Halloweens left…I guess I didn’t realize it was already our last one”. This is an episode I would for sure watch again. Especially during this time of year, every year. And if you like Disney Channel Halloween episodes, then you will love this one, too. I highly recommend anyone to watch this episode because you won’t be disappointed. 



#1 “The Inconveniencing” S1E5 – Premiered July 13, 2012

This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from season one of Gravity Falls. I, of course, had never seen this episode before doing so for this post. So, I had no idea what to expect and was very curious and excited to get to watch this episode for the first time. This episode just stood out to me the most after watching this whole season. After I watched it, it was forever engrained in my mind. I couldn’t forget about it, and I knew for a fact that it was going to be on this ranking of the best episodes from the show somewhere, somehow and here it is. This episode is basically all about Dipper going along with Wendy and her group of friends to an abandoned convenience store that may be haunted in order to impress her. Honestly, my synopsis of this episode doesn’t even do this episode justice. I just highly suggest that if you are interested in watching this show at all, that you start with this episode, because it’s a great one. And that’s an understatement. But, I really enjoyed this episode the most and decided to rank it so high because it’s just the funniest, and the concept of this episode is really unique, cute, and fun to watch. 










Gravity Falls: SEASON 2

(from least to most favorite)...

#5 “Not What He Seems” S2E11 – Premiered March 9, 2015

Just like the majority of all the episodes on this ranking, I had never seen this episode before ever doing this. So, I was very curious and excited to watch this episode, especially after reading the small description of this one and seeing the end of the episode that came before it. This is a very big and important episode of season two because we finally learn who the author of the journals are, to which…SPOILER ALERT…turns out to be his twin brother Stanford “Ford” Pines. I didn’t even know that Stanley “Stan” had a brother before this episode. So, it was very much a surprise ending. As before this surprise reveal, this episode was all about Grunkle Stan being taken into custody by the government agents and Dipper and Mabel questioning if they even really know him. Again, this is a very suspenseful and mysterious episode. I was like on the edge of my seat the entire time, very curious to know what was going to happen next at every turn. This episode is pretty funny too, but more so just full of action, drama, and of course mystery. I would choose to watch this episode again. It’s not the best from season two but it’s still a great episode. 



#4 “The Golf War” S2E3 – Premiered August 11, 2014 


This is another episode from season two of Gravity Falls that I was very curious and excited to watch because I had never seen it before doing this. I actually really like(d) this episode. It’s a little creepy, which is why I ranked it lower than the others I will be mentioning next, but mostly just funny and more interesting. As in this episode, Mabel decides to challenge Pacifica to a miniature golf off after being belittled by Pacifica too many times. But things get out of control when some local residents offer their help. This is just one of those episodes from season two that stood out to me and one that I couldn’t forget about, even if I tried. The concept of this episode is also just really cute and unique. There’s also a great overall message about the importance of working together not fighting against each other. As Mabel says to the Lilliputtians (miniature creatures with golf ball-shaped heads), “I mean, why can’t you just get along?” and one of the Lilliputtians says to her, “Because we hate each other” and another Lilliputtian says, “That’s kinda how rivalries work, lass”. Then Mabel says to them, “Well, then maybe…Maybe rivalries are dumb. Maybe you don’t settle them with petty competitions. Maybe the only way to be “the best”, is by ending the fighting and working together!”. Another quote from this episode that just stood out to me and I thought was so true and really funny was after Mabel says to Dipper, “I’m not sure Dipper. I wanna beat Pacifica but doesn’t this seem like cheating?” and Dipper says to Mabel, “Pacifica’s rich, Mabel. She’s cheating at life”. But, cheating in any way, shape, or form is never the right thing to do, which they end up learning in the end. This is just a great and fun episode from season two and one that I would choose to watch again in the future.  



#3 “Roadside Attraction” S2E16 – Premiered September 21, 2015


This is another stand out episode from season two of Gravity Falls and of course another episode of the show that I had never even seen before doing this. So, I was very curious and excited to watch this episode for the very first time for this post. I was also just relieved that this was a good episode because a few of the ones before this one that I watched from season two were not good, because they involved the illuminati evil triangle thing, which is one thing that I didn’t like about this show at all. Again, season two had a lot of episodes with the evil triangle thing, which is why it’s not my favorite season of the show and why I didn’t like or enjoy a lot of the episodes from this season. However, this episode was actually a really good episode. In this episode, Stan takes the kids with him on a road trip in an attempt to sabotage all the other tourist traps in Oregon. Meanwhile, in another story line, Dipper is trying to move on from Wendy and therefore takes the advice from his uncle Stan and flirts with multiple girls at once. One of the girls Dipper meets is kewlgrl@jeemail-dot-com). Yeah, just that alone tells you how funny and random this episode really is. There’s also a great message about confidence and a lesson about the importance of using your confidence for good. As Stan says to Dipper at the end of this episode, “Alright, kid, I’ve gotta admit something. I’m no expert on women. Truth is, I’ve been divorced once, and slapped more times than I can remember. Confidence can buy you a lot, but at the end of the day pick-up artists tend to get your heads bitten off. When it comes to women, I’m a failure”. And Dipper says to him, “Hey, we’re both failures. You know, even if your dating tips were bad, I actually haven’t thought about Wendy all day. Plus, you did teach me to be more confident. I guess I just need to learn to use that power for good”. Again, this is just a great episode from season two and definitely one that I would watch again just because it’s so funny and I love a good road trip camping episode, which is exactly what this is. 



#2 "Little Gift Shop of Horrors” S2E6 – Premiered October 4, 2014 

Again, this is another episode that I had never seen before doing this. So, I was excited and very curious to watch this episode for the first time. The title alone made it seem interesting to me. And this is a very interesting and unique episode from Gravity Falls because there’s not just one, but THREE different story lines in this one episode. As basically in this episode, Stan tells a series of three spooky tales to an unlucky customer after hours at the Mystery Shack. In these three separate mysterious tales, Stan is cursed by a witch, Waddles builds a machine that allows him to speak for the first time after he consumes a bowl of some brain-enhancing goop, and Mabel faces her fear of Claymation. This whole episode was very funny as usual, and every story line was different and unique with its own great message/lesson to viewers watching it. As in the first story, Stan learns the importance of not stealing. In the second story, Waddles learns the importance of not forgetting who you are and who your real friends are, just being who you are, and the importance of remembering to make time for the people who love you and to not forget about the people who love you, among other things. As when Mabel says to Waddles, “The whole world? But when will you have time for us? I’m your best friend” and Waddles says to her, “I’m still your friend, Mabel. But I’m helping people now”. Then Mabel says to him, “But what about helping me? Do you really want to spend your whole life in meetings with dumb smart guys? This brain junk has made you forget who you are. Don’t you remember us?” (Cue Mabel and Waddles friendship montage clips) and Waddles says, “It all makes sense now. What good is helping the world if I can’t help my favorite person in the world?”. And Waddles then tells Dipper, “I’m sorry, Dipper. In my last eight seconds of consciousness, I want you to know that science is a horizon to search for, not a prize to hold in your hand”. And in the third and final story of this episode, we learn that you can remold your fears. All great messages/lessons for anyone to relate to, be reminded of, or takeaway from this episode. However, I will say that I do have a least favorite story line from this episode, and it’s the last one. The Claymation story line. Just like Mabel was in that story line, I am not a fan of Claymation, and this episode did not change my mind about it at all. Watching Claymation is just weird to me. It’s creepy. But, as you can tell, that still didn’t stop me from liking this episode more than a lot of the others from this season. This episode has it all, but I mostly just like it because it’s funny and we get a lot of cute, little Waddles. I also just found out while typing this, that this episode was the show’s second and last Halloween episode. I couldn’t tell the difference before because it didn’t say the word Halloween in it at all, like the first season’s “Summerween” episode, and it’s just hard to tell with this show in general what is Halloween and not, because all of this show’s episodes could be considered a Halloween episode in my eyes. Hence, why I chose to watch this show for this October post, because it just screams Halloween/Chilloween to me. Also, according to my research, this is the only episode of Gravity Falls to be considered not canon to the series. Which is weird, and I don’t know what that means, but okay.  All in all, I would still watch this episode again, but just skip the last story line with the Claymation. 



#1 “Soos and the Real Girl” S2E5 – Premiered September 22, 2014 

This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from season two of Gravity Falls for so many reasons. I solidified this episode as my favorite of the season right after I watched it and I never changed my mind once about it. I just love this episode so much and enjoyed watching it a lot. Basically, if you’ve never seen this episode, it’s about Soos buying a dating simulator game to help him learn how to talk to girls after promising his grandma that he can find a girlfriend in one week for his cousin Reggie’s engagement party. Honestly, my short description of this episode doesn’t even do it justice. Just trust me, if you decide to watch this show at all, I highly suggest this episode be one of the first ones that you watch. Of course, like all the episodes from this show, I had never seen this episode before doing this. So, I was very curious and pretty excited to watch this episode, because I had no idea what to expect. And it didn’t disappoint. I actually thought that if anything it would be boring when I saw that it was going be another one of those gaming episodes like from season one of the show, but I was totally wrong because this is definitely the better gaming-type episode of Gravity Falls. I also never thought an episode all about Soos would be my favorite, but I was wrong about that, too. Cause this is not only my all-time favorite episode from season two but one of my all-time favorites from the whole series. This episode is just funny right from the very beginning. Like when Soos is riding on one of the kid rides at the mall and this lady named Melody comes over to him and says, “Dude, that’s awesome that you’re a grown man riding a little train like that. You’re totally like owning it” and Soos says to her, “Huh, oh yeah. I’m like if it’s fun uh do it, you know”. Then Melody says, “Exactly, being an adult is the worst” and she lists off all the funny and random reasons why, “…skewing meat, remembering to pay bills. I just want to ride tiny trains all day”. I love that she says that. Although, I don’t think that an adult should ride on kids toys at the mall, but I do believe it goes along with that notion of knowing that there’s a difference between being childlike and childish. In other word, it’s okay to still be childlike. To still show that kid in you at times. It’s also funny that when Melody comes up to Soos, her apron says the word “Meat Cute” instead of “Meet Cute”, because she works at a meat place in the mall called that. But it’s just funny, because they’re meeting for the first time and it’s like a “Meet Cute” you know like in romance movies. I just love the funny and random things like that in this show. I also like(d) at the beginning when Wendy takes up for Soos after Stan says to him, “Soos, a little advice. You need to get rich or lie about being rich. Outside of that, I don’t like your chances” and Wendy then says to Soos, “Don’t listen to Stan, dude. You’re a sweet guy with a steady job and a pickup truck”. I thought that was sweet and so true of Wendy to say. Even though she kind of ruined it after, when she just looks down at her magazine and says nothing, after Stan directly asks her (Wendy), “Would you date him?”. I just love the whole concept of this episode, it’s really cute, bright, interesting and fun to watch. Definitely an episode from this show that I will never forget and one that I would for sure watch again. 



Well, that concludes my ranking of the Top Ten Best Episodes from Gravity Falls and my fourth Halloween/Chilloween post of 2022. I really enjoyed watching this show for the very first time. Although, I did skip a few episodes of this show that had some evil things in them, like the triangle thing (which I still don’t know what it really is or what it really means), I just knew that it had to mean something bad. I didn’t even get to watch the whole finale episode because of that evil triangle thing, but what I did see of the very last episode I did enjoy. In other words, from the parts of the series finale episode that I did see, the natural conclusion of this show was very good. I didn’t think I would ever feel sad or emotional about an animated show ending before, but I actually did feel sad about the ending of this one.

Again, even though there were a few episodes and things that I didn’t like about this show, I still grew to love watching most of the characters and therefore got really invested in it because of them as well as just the fun and mysterious story lines themselves. So, I would still choose to watch this show again one day, especially if I needed a good laugh. But just the episodes I mentioned in this post and a few others that were good and had no bad things in them. Have you seen Gravity Falls? What’s your favorite episode(s) from the show? Let me know in the comments below and come Back to Disney VERY SOON for more treats!!💚🖤🎃🍬

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