Monday, October 31, 2022

Top 12 BEST Episodes from Wizards of Waverly Place (in honor of Wiz-tober)

  Welcome Back to Disney and HAPPY HALLOWEEN/CHILLOWEEN! I hope you enjoyed my last post where I created a ranking of the Top Ten Best Episodes from Gravity Falls. It’s officially the last day of October, which means this is also my fifth and final Halloween/Chilloween post of 2022. I know what you’re thinking, BOOoooooo!!๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘ป But don’t worry because it’s not over just yet.๐Ÿ‘ Not until you read this Wiz-tober post. And trust me when I tell you, I saved the BEST Halloween/Chilloween post for last. If you haven’t noticed yet, by the title of this post, then let me just say...does Waverly Place ring any bells for you?... YES, you’re correct. This post is all about one of my all-time favorite Disney Channel original shows, Wizards of Waverly Place (WOWP). 

I’ve been planning on doing this post since forever ago. Basically since the very beginning of me creating this blog, so I was so excited to get to watch this show again and create this post for you all to enjoy. If you remember from one of my first blog posts ever, then you know that I already ranked the Top Ten Disney Channel Shows, and Wizards of Waverly Place was in that ranking as #2. If you also remember from one of my earliest, EARLIEST blog posts, I did a ranking of all my most favorite episodes from my favorite FAVORITE Disney Channel show of all time, Hannah Montana. If you don’t remember that, or do remember and just want to see what my other favorite shows from Disney Channel are, just click here. But, basically since I had so much fun doing that Top 12 Hannah Montana Episodes post, I also wanted to watch and pick the best episodes (my most favorite episodes) from each and every show on my Top Ten Disney Channel Shows post. Of course, in the order of how I ranked them. In other words, since I already ranked the best episodes from Hannah Montana (my #1 favorite Disney Channel show), it was now time for me to rank all the best episodes from my second favorite Disney Channel show, Wizards of Waverly Place. So, that is finally what I did and how this blog post came about.

One of the reasons why I really wanted to watch this show and do this ranking is because I grew up watching this show. As a kid, I’ll admit that I didn’t watch this show as much as I watched Hannah Montana. Though, don’t get me wrong, because I still watched it quite a lot as it was on during the golden era, what I call “THE BEST era” of Disney Channel. But when I was a teenager, I watched this show way more than I did when I was a kid watching it. And I mean a lot, A LOT. I mean, I was not only obsessed with this show, but I was obsessed with Alex’s outfits in the show. That I would literally just have the show playing and draw all of Alex’s outfits, because I wanted them so badly for myself. Although, that was impossible, because I could never actually get the same ones. Plus, that would just be weird. Though, I did try to make whatever I had in my closet work to look like her outfits in some way. But anyways, that’s how much LOVE I had for this show, and my love for it has never really gone away. Although, I did take a long break from watching this show which is why I wanted so badly to watch it again and creating this blog post gave me the best opportunity to get to do so.  Which is another main reason why I wanted to watch this show again and create this ranking because not only did I think that it would be fun and interesting, but also just because I hadn’t seen this show (except the themed episodes I’ve mentioned before on this blog) since like 2014. And I mean, a show all about WIZARDS…perfect for Halloween-time.๐Ÿงก๐ŸคŽ๐ŸŽƒ

Basically, if you’ve never seen Wizards of Waverly Place and therefore have no idea what I’m talking about…which if you haven’t…what?!, that’s insanely crazy….then I’ll just give you a brief little history about the show and why it’s one of the more ICONIC Disney Channel shows of all time, and of course one of my most favorites. Wizards of Waverly Place is a Disney Channel Original fantasy, teen/family sitcom that ran for four seasons from October 12, 2007, until January 6, 2012 on Disney Channel. It’s about three teenage siblings, Justin, Alex, and Max Russo, equipped with magical abilities competing to one day become the family wizard. As only one of them in the end can keep their powers. (Well, if you know how the series ends, then technically that doesn’t end up being completely true). What’s also unique and special about this series is that the siblings help their parents (Jerry and Theresa) run a sub sandwich restaurant, called The Waverly Sub Station. Cause it’s on Waverly Place in New York, which you see, is where the title of the show comes in.๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s just a brilliant concept for a show and I love the restaurant aspect of this show because no other Disney Channel show before this one or even after this one (except Shake It Up) had where working at a restaurant was a big part and staple of the show. It also just makes this show more relatable, because other than them going to school and helping work the family restaurant, they are just wizards and no one could relate to that as kids growing up, because that's just fiction. In other words, the Sub Shop really just brought more reality and relatability to the show. But anyways, the show really focuses on Alex’s challenges in keeping her wizard powers hidden while she deals with the everyday normal life issues of being young. As she is the one out of the three siblings who uses magic the most in her everyday life, sometimes irresponsibly, to which her older brother Justin usually has to help her fix her mistakes. Though, there are times when she (Alex) must even help Justin get out of a bad situation. So, it’s interesting to watch as she develops her supernatural abilities over the course of the show.With her two brothers also being a big part of it.

Wizards of Waverly Place not only released a movie (a Disney Channel Original Movie) in 2009, but it also won TWO Emmy’s that same year, as well. One for the movie and one for the show itself. The show ended as being the longest-running Disney Channel Original Series, even surpassing That’s So Raven, with 109 episodes over four seasons. And its series finale averaged nearly 10 million viewers, live and on the same day, making it the most-watched series finale in Disney Channel history. The final TV special, “The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex” aired on March 15, 2013.

This show is just awesome and so fun to watch, but mostly just super nostalgic to me, which is why I can’t wait any longer to get into this ranking so I can talk about these amazing episodes from the show. So, let’s get into the Top 12 BEST Episodes from Wizards of Waverly Place in honor of Wiz-tober!๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŽฌ

Just a brief note before we begin: Since there are four seasons of this show, to make it a fair and even total number of episodes, I decided to choose only three episodes from each season that are my most favorite and ones that I truly believe are the best. So, three episodes for each season to make twelve total best episodes. The seasons are also not going in any particular order of what I like least or most best, only the episodes in each season. In other words, the seasons themselves are not ranked in any particular order, you will just see season one’s episodes first, but then the episodes for that season and for each season after that are ranked from least to most favorite. I will just tell you my favorite seasons in order at the very end of this post. Now, for real this time, let’s get into the Top 12 BEST Episodes from Wizards of Waverly Place!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŽฌ๐Ÿ“บ 






Wizards of Waverly Place: SEASON 1


(from least to most favorite)…

#3 “I Almost Drowned in a Chocolate Fountain” S1E3 – Premiered October 26, 2007

Although, this is ranked as my least favorite of the three best from this season, I still LOVE this episode SO MUCH. Obviously, because it’s on this ranking as being one of the top 3 best episodes EVER from season one. This episode is and has always been one of the more memorable and one of my most favorite episodes from not only season one but from the whole show in general. In other words, it’s just super nostalgic to me.

In this episode, Alex decides to use a pocket elf to cheat on her Spanish exam so she can pass and therefore be able to go on a date with this guy she likes (Riley). Though, Justin and Max decide to get revenge on Alex for her snitching on them about playing paintball on the terrace to their parents, so they plant the pocket elf in her purse. The purse that Alex then takes on her group “date” with Riley. While on this date with Riley, the pocket elf ends up biting Alex, causing her to become a Chocoholic. And things get, well..VERY MESSY, to say the least. 

Again, I just can’t put into words, how much I love this episode. I still remember the very first time I watched this episode when it first premiered on Disney Channel and all the many times I watched it after that. I also remember watching this episode a lot when I started taking Spanish in 9th grade (high school). Cause I was just learning Spanish for the first time as well and I just thought it was fun to watch this episode and see if I even knew what Spanish words Alex’s mom was asking her in this episode. This is an ICONIC episode for sure. I mean, I myself, am a big chocolate lover. So, this episode is just awesome for that reason alone. I’m so jealous of Alex in this episode. I mean, am I the only one who thinks every time that I watch this episode that it would be so fun to eat all that chocolate that Alex gets to eat in this episode and slide down a chocolate slide? I mean, like Harper says in this episode, “You know us girls, gotta have our chocolate”. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿซ

This is just one of the most unforgettable, feel-good episodes to watch and it’s very funny too, which I love. This episode truly never gets old and will forever be one of my most favorites. If you haven’t seen this episode before, I highly suggest you watch it as soon as possible. ‘Cause trust me, you won’t regret it. I mean, this episode has everything: chocolate, chocolate, and MORE CHOCOLATE. So, what’s not to love about it? ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿซ


#2 “New Employee” S1E4 – Premiered November 2, 2007

This is another unforgettable and ICONIC episode, not only from season one, but from the whole show in general. As in this episode, Alex persuades her parents to hire Harper (her best friend) as an extra waitress at the Waverly Sub-Station, so that she can spend more time with her. However, after Alex sees how not so well Harper is doing as a waitress, she (Alex) uses a spell that transforms Harper into a superior serving wench which ends up making her (Harper) too good at the job. In a subplot, Justin sets up a tutoring program in the Sub Station that causes problems with the local Wiz Kid. 

I enjoy watching this whole episode, but of course the Alex and Harper story line is my favorite thing about it. This is another episode that I used to love watching as a teen. It was one that I literally would watch over and over and never get tired of. This is also an episode that was still pretty fresh in my mind before watching it again for this post, because I had watched it with my little sister ( just a few months before watching it again for this. But, to me, this has always been a stand out episode from the show. I mean, like I mentioned before, this episode is pretty ICONIC, because it’s the first time that we see Alex and Harper sing the “Crazy, funky, junky hat” song. And they not only sing it once in this episode, but FOUR times. Which I never really realized before, or just didn’t remember before going back to watch this episode again.

Wait…before I go on about this episode, let’s stop and sing it: 


What’s that? A hat?

Crazy, funky, junky hat

Overslept, hair unsightly

Trying to look like Keira Knightley

We’ve been there, we’ve done that

We see right through your funky hat


But another one of my most favorite scenes from this episode, that has always been my favorite part, is the messy frozen yogurt scene with Alex and Harper at the end. It’s just another food stunt that I would have loved to do myself, even though it looks messy, but it also seems like so much FUN. This is just a very interesting, funny, and relatable episode. It also teaches viewers a great lesson about the importance of friendship and not putting business before one’s friendship. And that sometimes it may not be the best idea to work with your friends or family. As Theresa says to Alex and Harper at the beginning of this episode, “Girls, I know you think it’d be fun to work together but it’s really hard to work with friends…or family”. And Alex and Harper end up both learning this by the end of the episode. I also like when Justin says to Alex at the end of this episode, “If you want her to be your friend, you gotta be a friend to her”. That was just a standout quote to me from this episode and a great little message about friendship.

This is also the episode where I feel like we first get to see Alex become Alex. That character we see her as throughout the rest of the series. As in the kitchen scene when Alex pulls her parents to the side and tries to hide from Harper to talk to them about how Harper’s doing as the new waitress. To me, this was the first scene and first episode where I saw just a glimpse of the Alex we all come to know and love throughout the rest of the series. With her scheming ways and sarcastic sense of humor. I don’t know, but her character was just different in this episode compared to all the previous episodes that came before this one. Especially, if you’re watching the show in order like I did, you notice this about her character very quickly. Or again, at least I did. But anyways, I just love this episode. It’s one that I could watch all the time, cause it truly never gets old. ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿฆ



#1 “Movies” S1E9 – Premiered December 14, 2007

This is THE BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from season one for so many reasons. I’m so glad that  I finally get to talk about this episode, because I love it so much. This is one of the episodes that I was the most excited about getting to watch again after so long of having not seen it, before doing this. Basically, in this episode when Justin tells Alex that she can’t hang out with his friends or go with them to see an R-rated movie she decides to use magic in order to get in. But she winds up actually IN the movie. Meanwhile, Theresa worries that her kids are growing up too fast so her and Jerry spend all their time spoiling Max. My short summary of this episode doesn’t even do it justice. Just trust me, this episode is GREAT. 

This has always been one of my MOST FAVORITE episodes from season one and one of my most favorite episodes from the whole show in general. Actually, now that I’ve watched this whole show again from beginning to end, I can say that this episode is my #1 most favorite episode from the whole show. I just have so many fond memories of watching this episode growing up. It’s always been a standout episode to me. I love a good episode or movie where characters go to the movies, like in Phantom of the Megaplex and in those two episodes of Hannah Montana, because it just reminds me of my childhood. As the movie theater was a place where my family and I would go to a lot when I was younger. ๐Ÿฟ 

This is another one of those episodes from the show where I was just obsessed with Alex’s outfit that I tried to create a look just like it from my own closet, but don’t worry because that’s not the only reason why I love this episode. This episode is so funny that I was literally smiling and laughing throughout this whole episode. This episode is also just really relatable. As in the beginning when Alex, Max and their parents get back from watching a movie for family fun night without Justin, because he’s old enough for more freedom to hang out with his friends instead of his family if he chooses, Alex isn’t so cheerful about it. To which Theresa says to Alex, “Whattt?! I thought you love family fun night” and Alex says, “I used to, but I’m 14 now. I think I’m getting a little too old for talking animal movies” and her dad says to her, “Oh, I get it. It’s a confusing time. On one hand you’re not a little girl anymore and yet at the same time you’re not yet a woman” (lol, Britney Spears song reference I see). And I really love when Alex’s mom then says to her, “I think what your father’s trying to say is that no matter how old you get honey, you’re never too old to spend some time with your family”. 

I’m sure anyone who was once Alex’s age can relate to what she’s feeling in this episode, I know I can. And the reminder that you’re never too old to hang out with your family is just one great message/lesson one can take away from this episode. I also love the other important message in this episode about the importance of trying not to grow up too fast and just enjoying where you’re at in your childhood. As Justin reminds Alex in this episode when she’s apologizing to him for getting him into trouble and he says to her, “It’s alright, it was kind of fun being in a sorority girl movie” and Alex says, “Yeah, well it wasn’t what I expected at all” and then Justin says, “Well, maybe you were just trying to grow up too fast” and Alex says, “I guess I was”. And as Alex’s parents also say to her, “learn to embrace your fleeting childhood”. Another quote that stood out to me from this episode was when Justin says to Alex, “Part of being a mature adult is knowing when to follow the rules”. 

Again, there’s just so many great messages/lessons that one can take away from watching this episode. This is also a great and sort of special episode because it’s the first episode where we get to see Justin’s best friend Zeke. One of the best and funniest characters from this show. However, in this episode they refer to him as Zack not Zeke, which I found funny and interesting. Tiffany Thornton, aka Tawny from Sonny with a Chance, also guest stars on this episode. This is just an ICONIC, classic, unforgettable episode from WOWP and HAS always, and WILL always, be my MOST FAVORITE from the show. It TRULY never gets old. And I just noticed that this episode premiered on my dad’s birthday, which is pretty cool, too. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿ’“







Wizards of Waverly Place: SEASON 2

(from least to most favorite)...

#3 “Make It Happen” S2E11 – Premiered December 31, 2008 and January 1, 2009

This is another pretty iconic episode from WOWP and one that I used to watch on repeat as a teen. Mostly because there’s singing and music in this episode, which I LOVE. I hadn’t seen this episode in so long before doing this, so I was very excited and very curious to watch this episode again, because the only thing I really remembered about this episode is the song that Justin and Alex perform in it. So, other than that, I didn’t fully remember what this episode was actually about. 

But, basically in this episode, Jerry’s wizard lesson for the day to Justin, Alex, and Max, is all about “the future”. So, a guidance counselor from the Wizard World is sent to advise Justin, Alex, and Max on alternate career plans in case they were to fail their wizard training. Justin and Alex, after much arguing, decide to form a two-person rock band together. They name themselves “a la The White Stripes” and prove themselves to be quite the duo. Meanwhile, Max decides that being a magician is his alternate plan, and proves to be just as good as Justin and Alex. If not, better. 

This episode is one of the more relatable ones and I think one of the more important episodes from the show. The main message I got from this episode is to follow your dreams no matter what they are and don’t let anyone or anything stop you from doing that. It’s also great that this episode showed how not one career is better than another career. In other words, whether you’re a singer in a rock band or decide to have a family and own and operate your own sub-station restaurant, both are great careers for anyone to have. You just have to do what’s best for you and what makes you happy. Not at all what makes other people happy. When Alex says to her dad (Jerry) that her Plan B is to be a professional drummer, her dad says to her, “A drummer? This assignment is about you finding something practical”. And Alex says to him, “Dad, come on, didn’t you ever have a dream?” and Jerry says, “Yes. A practical dream. To own and operate my own subway themed sandwich shop and look at me now, living the dream”. I’ve had similar conversations with my dad in the past, about dream jobs and the future, “realistic jobs”, and having back up plans. So, I can totally relate to Alex in this episode. I’ve also always wanted to play drums too, not as a profession but just for fun, so I envy Alex getting to play the drums in this episode. I don’t really envy her, but you know what I mean. Playing the drums always just looks like so much fun to me, and I feel like I could be really good at it. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽค๐Ÿฅ

After Alex finds out that her dad didn’t go after his own dream of becoming a professional bull rider cause his dad talked him out of it, and therefore he decided to own a sandwich shop instead; she (Alex) says to Justin, “I think we should get the band back together. Because it’s important for us to chase our dreams while we’re still young. And I’m even willing to compromise in order to do it”. So, that’s another great message/lesson that viewers can takeaway from this episode about the importance of going for your dreams when you’re young and knowing that you may have to compromise certain things in order to live out your dream. Although, I would add to that by saying, you’re never too old to live out your wildest dream(s). Anytime is a great time to do so, in my opinion. And that is something that I also try to remind myself of every day. Which at the end the kids do end up taking Jerry to a rodeo for him to ride a bull and somewhat live out his oldest, wildest dream. 

It was also great to see that Justin and Alex didn’t use magic to achieve their dream and worked for it all on their own, which is also another great lesson to anyone that watches this episode. The very ending part of this episode also stood out to me. When Jerry is expressing his concerns about how, because of what Max does, they still don’t know if music will be a viable career or not, for Justin and Alex. And he (Jerry) says to the kids, “I need to know that everything’s gonna be okay for my kids” and Alex says to him, “That’s just it dad, you can never be sure of that. Sometimes dreams don’t work out, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try”. As, once again, that’s just another great message/lesson from this episode. Knowing that no matter how hard you try, that sometimes your dream(s) may not always work out the way you want them to. And sometimes that can be completely out of your control and have nothing to do with you but just because of other things that don’t align. I also like at the end when Jerry apologizes to the kids for getting in the way of their dreams and then Justin says to him, “ Actually dad, it’s kind of reassuring to know that you didn’t have a practical back-up plan and you’re life still turned out pretty good, heh?”. And then Jerry says, “Yeah, my life did turn out pretty good, huh? I am really proud of you guys. I mean you did something not even I had the guts to do. It must feel good to chase your dreams”. Just another great moment that goes along with the overall message/lesson of this episode. 

The only thing I didn’t like about this episode was at the very beginning when the gargoyle guidance counselor guy from the Wizard World is reminding the kids (Justin, Alex, and Max) how only one of them will win the wizard competition and thus become an adult wizard and go on to live a life of incredible excitement and adventure and he goes on to say, “Two of you on the other hand will lose your powers forever, instantly becoming ordinary human beings. Completely average and unremarkable in every conceivable way, like your father”. Yeah, I just thought that was rude of the gargoyle guy to say about Jerry and about people who live "normal lives", but the rest of the episode made up for that comment anyways by basically giving viewers the better, opposite message about living a “normal life” without magical powers and having a “normal job”. In saying that that's okay and perfectly fine. Overall, this is just a very funny and sweet family episode with a great message, and a very catchy song. Definitely an episode I would watch again, even though I’ve seen it so many times at this point. 




#2 “Alex’s Brother, Maximan” S2E5 -Premiered October 19, 2008


This is another very nostalgic and great episode not only from season two but from the whole series. It’s another episode that I used to watch on repeat a lot when I was younger. However, because I hadn’t seen this episode in a very long time before watching it again for this post, I didn’t really remember which episode this was and everything that happens in it. Though, after just three minutes in I was like, “Oh, yeah the skating rink episode”. It all came back to me pretty fast and I remembered exactly what it was. 

Basically, in this episode after Justin, Alex, and Max fail to work together on a spell, Jerry devises a plan that forces them to have to work together. As he tells Max about an apparent spree of robberies happening around Lower Manhattan. To which Alex wrestles with sacrificing her first one-on-one date with Dean in order for her and Justin to help “Maximan”, Max’s alter ego. Justin also must sacrifice his newly built robot in order to help Max. Honestly, my short summary of this episode doesn’t even do it justice. You just have to watch this episode yourself to understand how great it is. 

One of the only reasons why I really like this episode more than all the others from season two, is because of Dean. The episodes with Dean are what made season two for me, and this is just one of my favorite Dean episodes from WOWP for many reasons. Again, I’ve always loved this episode because it’s when Alex and Dean go on their first date. Overall, this episode is just very funny, cute, and sweet mostly because of Alex and Dean. But it has a few great messages/lessons, as well. Such as the importance of working together as a team, always choosing family over anything else, the importance of not being anybody but yourself, and for girls there’s an important message or reminder when it comes to boys/guys in this episode about knowing that if a guy doesn’t like you for you than he’s not the right guy for you. As when Alex tells her mom that she doesn’t want to kiss Dean because she doesn’t want to be like all those other girls but she doesn’t know what to do, her mom says to her, “Well honey, this is what you need to remember. If a boy really likes you he’ll like you for who you are and I think who you are is a very beautiful girl who you know…can sometimes be a little scary and a little devious and sometimes very sneaky and would it kill you to clean a dish from time to time?...”. That quote from Theresa also shows how funny this episode is, if you can’t tell, but her message is the most important. 

Another quote that stood out to me when watching this episode again is when Alex and Dean are at the skating rink and Dean doesn’t want to be in the corner with Alex and so she ends up wanting to be in the corner with Dean because he doesn’t want to and when she questions him about not wanting to kiss her Dean ends up saying to her, “Look, kissing is all girls seem to care about, I was just hoping you weren’t one of those girls”. I love that Dean winds up not being that type of guy who just kisses every girl he’s with, despite that reputation that other people like to put on him in this episode. And then we see Alex and Dean’s first kiss in this episode. So, there are quite a lot of firsts in this episode. I also just love this episode for the skating rink element, as it makes me think back to my childhood. As going to the local skating rink was THE THING to do back when I was a kid/teen (and I’m talking back in 2006-2011) and something that my sisters, friends, and I would do a lot when I was growing up. So, anytime I watch something that has roller skating in it, it just brings back all those great memories of when I was a kid/teen. Again, this is just a really great, unforgettable, and ICONIC episode from season two of WOWP and just from the whole show in general. I’ve seen it so many times before and I would for sure watch it many more times over again. 



#1 “Graphic Novel” S2E3 – Premiered October 5, 2008

This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from season two of WOWP. It’s also just one of the most NOSTALGIC episodes to me from season two and from the whole show in general. As I just have such fond memories of watching this episode as a kid/teen. When I first started watching these episodes again for this post, this is one of the episodes that I couldn’t wait to watch. Although, for some reason I thought before starting this, that this was a season one episode and not a season two episode. So, I had to wait a little longer to watch this episode than I initially thought I would have had to. Although, I don’t really know why I thought that this was a season two episode because this episode has Dean in it, and Dean is only in season two and he comes back for one episode in season 4. I was not only very excited to watch this episode again, but I was also very curious to watch it again, because it had been so long since I had last seen this episode and therefore, I was curious to know if my opinions of it would change at all after watching it now as an adult.  Which is safe to say, my opinions about this episode are still pretty much the same, being that this is still one of my favorite episodes from WOWP EVER. 

Basically, this episode is all about when Justin and Max steal Alex’s journal only to then have it stolen by Alex’s arch-nemesis, Gigi, when they bring it to school. Justin and Max even accidentally place Gigi inside the journal and into Alex’s secret fairy-tale princess world, after an attempt to recover the journal taken by Gigi. Again, my short summary of this episode doesn’t even do it enough justice. You just have to watch this episode to truly find out how great it is.

Again, this has always been a stand out episode from the whole series for sure and I’ve always loved it. I’ve never seen any other episode like this one. In other words, it’s so unique not only when compared to other episodes of the show, but when compared to any other Disney Channel show and episode in general. It’s just so fun and interesting to watch. This is one of those episodes that truly never gets old. It’s also really relatable to anyone that’s had a diary or journal of their own before, which I know I have. It’s just a really cute concept of this episode to have Alex’s journal come to life. And the imagery of this episode is just as amazing, unique, and so well done. As it really gives you that journal looking feeling and vibes while watching this episode.๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ“•

I also really love the overall message of this episode. As it’s about the importance of not caring about what other people think of you, just being yourself, and doing things that make you happy no matter what others think. As Justin says to Alex at the end of this episode after she tells the whole school about her journal, “It always pays to be proud of who you are”. I just thought that that was a really sweet moment between Justin and Alex and such a true and important statement by Justin. Of course, what Alex says to the students when she tells them about her journal also stood out to me when watching this episode again. When she says, “Hey, I have a journal with secrets in it. I’ll admit it. I like pretending I’m a princess, but I’m also the kind of girl who wouldn’t be caught dead at prom. Unless it was a zombie prom and we all dressed up as zombies (which I also thought was funny and interesting about her saying this because they do end up having a zombie prom in a later episode of the show, and she does end up going to it, so were they always planning on doing the zombie prom episode…hmmm..๐Ÿค”๐ŸงŸ๐Ÿ’š) Bottom line, I’m hard to figure out. Deal with it”. Again, this is just an unforgettable episode and one that I would for sure watch again and again. 








Wizards of Waverly Place: SEASON 3

(from least to most favorite)...

#3 “Alex Charms A Boy” S3E8 – Premiered January 15, 2010

Ahhh…, I was very excited to get to watch this episode again for this post. Even though I’ve never been the biggest fan of Mason and especially not in season four of the show, I still have always loved this episode and knew from the very beginning that this episode would be on this ranking as one of the best and one of my most favorite episodes from season three. And I never changed my mind once about it. This is definitely the best and my most favorite Mason and Alex episode from not only this season but from the whole show in general. Again, I hadn’t seen this episode in so long before doing this, so I was very excited and curious to watch this episode again. Especially, to see if I actually even liked it anymore. Which is safe to say that I did, and I still do love this episode.

In this episode, Alex meets a cute British exchange student in art class named Mason, who for some reason paints every one of his subjects as a dog. Everything about him is perfect to Alex, except his artwork. So, she uses magic to turn herself into his new artistic muse in an effort to make him a better artist. However, when he can’t stop painting her and everything to him is Alex, Alex, Alex, it becomes annoying to Alex and she must find a way to stop it. Meanwhile, Jerry gives Justin a pair of protective goggles to help him fight the mummy that kidnapped Juliet. This has also always just been a more memorable episode to me because it’s the first time we get introduced to Mason’s character. And let me tell you, it’s a great first introduction of a character episode. One of the best from a Disney Channel show ever. 

Again, this is one of the more unforgettable episodes from season three of WOWP for so many reasons. I mean, who could forget this ICONIC episode? Cause even if I wanted to, I just couldn’t. It’s like engrained in my mind forever. It's like I want to hate this episode, but I just can't. Although, I will never forgive the show for replacing Dean with Mason. ๐Ÿ˜ 

This episode has a little bit of everything: comedy, romance, drama, art, dogs, cats, music, a cute "silent movie" date montage, and a cute couple’s kiss in the rain. I mean, what more could you ask for? No, but for real, a little more of that romantic date montage scene with Alex and Mason would have been great. Honestly, if that was just this whole episode, I would have loved it. Just kidding. Maybe?๐Ÿ˜‚ I mean it is my favorite part of this whole episode. Anyways, one of the funniest and truest quotes that stood out to me from this episode was when Alex’s dad says to her, “Listen, honey. If you really like Jason (it’s Mason, so that’s what makes this advice from Jerry funny)…then maybe it shouldn’t matter what kind of artist he is. It should only matter what kind of person he is. As a great poet once said, “Don’t go changin’ to try to please me”. Again, I can’t say this enough, but this episode is just a very funny, classic, cute, and sweet episode. Also, just very NOSTALGIC to me. And of course, I would for sure watch this episode again because it truly never gets old. 



#2 “Positive Alex” S3E11 – Premiered February 26, 2010

This is another episode that has always just been one of the more memorable episodes to me from not only this season but from the series as a whole. In other words, it’s super NOSTALGIC to me. As this is one of those episodes that I would watch on repeat as a kid/teen. So, of course, you can believe that I was very excited to get to watch this episode again. Cause I hadn’t seen this full episode in a very long time. I had just seen clips of this episode back in June of this year when I read a post that my sister ( created that included this episode in it, which you should read here, because it’s a really interesting and fun one. But I hadn’t seen this full episode really, in a long time. 

Basically, if you’ve never seen this episode before, it’s all about Alex learning that the boy she likes, who is the leader of the pep band at her school, thinks that she’s a negative person. So, Alex being Alex, casts a spell on herself that makes her be more POSITIVE in hopes that George (the boy she likes) will take her to the homecoming dance. Though, she becomes a little too POSITIVE (and a little annoying at times), even at times when she shouldn’t be. This is just a classic, ICONIC episode. It’s one of those episodes from the show that I couldn’t wait to watch. In other words, it was definitely an episode of the show that I was anticipating on watching again the most since the very beginning of starting this whole thing. I also just love this episode because it’s not only all about POSITIVITY, but it's also all about CHEERLEADING. I mean, who doesn’t like to watch some cheer routines from time to time?๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ“ฃ

Every time I watch this episode or see clips from this episode, it just makes me so smiley and happy, because it makes me think back to my childhood when I was a cheerleader as a kid, which is just another thing that I love about this episode. It was also just nice and refreshing to watch this episode after I had watched the episode that came before this one, because the previous episode that came before this one in the season was very sad and emotional, but this one was very energetic and, well..much more POSITIVE. ๐Ÿ˜‰A quote that stood out to me from this episode that I really like was when Alex says to Harper and George, “Come on guys. Okay, yes, fine. I may have not been that up with people in the past but I can cheer lead for real because being a POSITIVE, supportive, upbeat person is what makes the world go round and that’s who I am”. That’s so TRUE and just a great message from this episode. Trust me, every time you watch this episode, you will leave feeling more peppy, CHEERFUL and POSITIVE than ever and you’ll feel like you can do anything. At least, that’s how I feel after every time I watch this episode. And it also just makes me want to put on a cheerleading uniform and CHEER again. 

Again, this is just one of the most feel-good, stand out episodes from season three and from the series as a whole. I was smiling and laughing throughout this whole episode, which is always a plus. I would for sure watch this episode again because it TRULY never gets old and will never get a NEGATIVE from me (See what I did there? Well, I try.๐Ÿ˜Š). 



#1 “Doll House” S3E6 – Premiered November 20, 2009

This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from season three and one of my most favorites from the whole show in general. This is another one of those episodes that I used to watch a lot growing up. So, it’s definitely more of a NOSTALGIC episode to me and my favorite for that reason alone. But, also just love the whole concept and story line of this episode. As in this episode, Alex finds her old doll house after Harper moves in with the Russo’s and Alex’s art studio therefore gets taken down. So, Alex decides to use magic and shrink herself down to fit inside of her doll house to use it as her own new personal art studio. But when Jerry and Theresa accidentally give Alex’s doll house away to a little girl with Alex still in it, she (Alex) must come up with a solution and fast. Meanwhile, Justin tries to sell his Captain Jim-Bob Sherwood Farmhouse Space Command Module that is worth $400. 

This is a very fun and interesting episode to watch. Of course, my favorite story line to watch from this episode is the one with Alex and her doll house. I don’t really care for Justin’s part of this episode, but it’s not bad, just less interesting compared to Alex’s. Like I mentioned before, this has always been one of my all time favorite WOWP episodes, so I was very excited to watch this episode again after so long of having not seen it. Cause it’s definitely a classic, must-watch from the series. I mean this episode is very funny right from the very beginning. 

As in the beginning after the Russo’s see that Alex is cleaning out the basement for some odd reason and Justin says to her, “Wait a minute. Now why would you be cleaning out the basement? You don’t clean out anything. What are you up to? Come on. Tell me” and Alex says, “Nothing. Nothing. I just, I just think that in these tough times families have forgotten what really matters. And I’ll tell you what really matters, each other. And do you know how we celebrate each other…with tokens from our past memories”. Although Alex was kind of acting and being sarcastic when saying that, I still love that she said it because it’s true. Family is all that really matters. So, that’s one positive, key takeaway from this episode. Again, I just can’t put into words how much I truly LOVE this episode. I just have such a special place in my heart for this episode. Probably because it reminds me of my childhood a lot every time I watch it. As I used to have a doll house when I was a kid too, and I would play with that thing all the time with my little sister ( Ahhh…the memories. It was that and Bratz dolls that both my sisters and I would play with together. 

But anyways, this episode had me laughing and smiling a lot throughout while watching it. It’s such a feel-good, comforting episode to watch. It’s also a pretty big and ICONIC episode too, because Harper moves in with the Russo’s. So, that’s a pretty big deal and important episode of the show. Again, this is just a cute, unique, and clever concept for an episode. I mean, it’s every little girls dream to be able to do what Alex does in this episode. I also love the message or reminder in this episode about knowing that sometimes it’s good for one’s trash to be another one’s treasure. Overall, this is just a fun episode that I could never get tired of watching, hence why it’s one of my most favorites.๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ ๐ŸŽ€









Wizards of Waverly Place: SEASON 4


(from least to most favorite)...

#3 “Finale (Part 2)/Who Will Be the Family Wizard? (Part 2)” S4E29 – Premiered January 6, 2012

It was actually quite difficult to pick my favorite episodes from season four of WOWP, but after I finished this one and therefore the whole series, adding this episode to this ranking as one of the best was a no-brainer. Like I’ve mentioned before, the very first and very last episodes of a show are usually the better and more unforgettable ones, and that is the case with this show and episode. I still remember exactly when and where I was when I watched this episode for the first time when it premiered on Disney Channel in 2012. However, I was never the biggest fan of the finale episodes of this show before. As they were not even episodes that I would like to play over and over like I would with a lot of the other episodes from this show, including the ones I’ve already mentioned previously on here. Though, after watching this episode and part one of this finale episode before it, I actually enjoyed them a lot more than I thought I would. And I would actually go back and watch it again. Well, at least part two (this episode) of the finale. There are a few things that I still think they could have done better with this finale episode(s), but I’ll get into that in a minute. First, I’ll give you a brief synopsis of this episode, for anyone that hasn’t ever seen it and has no idea what I’m talking about. 

Basically, this episode continues after the Russo siblings – Justin, Alex, and Max – compete in the long-awaited family wizard competition to determine which one of them will be entitled to keep their wizard powers. But after a griffin kidnaps Zeke during the competition, they (Justin, Alex, and Max) end up using all their time-outs to help rescue him (Zeke) and they are then disqualified. So, it picks up after the several magic-less weeks, and Justin, Alex, and Max discover that the disqualification was just a trial and that the final test is a maze to which the result is a surprise. Okay, well it’s not that much of a surprise anymore. Cause, SPOILER ALERT…Alex ends up winning and becoming the family wizard. Though, plot twist, because Justin also gets to keep his powers when Professor Crumbs hires him as the new Headmaster of Wiz-Tech. And Max gets the Sub Shop passed down from his dad, which he happily accepts.

Like I’ve mentioned before about all these episodes on here, I hadn’t seen this episode in forever before doing this. So, I was very, very excited and curious to get to watch this episode again for this post. Especially, after having watched all the episodes in order from the very beginning, up until this one. Part one of this finale episode was very emotional for me to watch and so I also knew that this one would be even more emotional for me to watch, because it really is the LAST episode of the show. Yes, I was actually kind of sad when I got done watching this episode because it was another amazing, nostalgia-filled journey to get to this point. Plus, I always get sad when I finish watching a great series like this one. Even though I know that I can just start this show over again from the beginning if I really wanted to, but I can’t really for a long while, because I have so many plans to watch so many other of my favorite Disney Channel shows and movies so that I can talk about them on here, too. But anyways, back to this episode.

Even though part one and part two of this finale episode are really like a total package, in that you can’t really choose one over the other, I still say that part two (this episode) is the better part of the two-part finale episode. Which is obviously why it’s on this ranking. This episode begins with a “previously on”, so if you haven’t watched the first part, you don’t really have to in order to watch this part and be able to follow along. This was a bittersweet ending for sure and it is a pretty great finale even ten years later. Again, I just wish things would have kind of ended differently in regards to who won the family wizard competition. They honestly should have just stuck to either ONE of them winning or ALL of them winning and keeping their full wizard powers. In other words, since they let Justin keep his powers after he lost the competition, they should have been fair and let Max just keep his, too. As this episode just made me feel really bad for Max, even though he maybe wasn’t as serious and smart with his wizard training throughout the series like Justin and Alex were, I still find it sad and unfair that Alex and Justin got to keep their powers when throughout the whole series they said ONLY ONE sibling would be able to keep their powers. Plus, Max just got left out a lot throughout the series. For a while, it seemed like it was just the Justin and Alex show, which is fine but also sad for Max. But anyways, that’s just me and how I feel about the whole thing. 

Though don’t get me wrong, cause even though I don’t really agree with how this show ended, it’s still a great episode and one that I would watch again. I also think, and this is something that my sister ( told me and what I totally agreed with, that it would have been cooler and a much better finale if Alex ended up with Dean so that when she won the competition, she would end up giving her powers up to Justin or Max, like their dad did when he was a wizard in order to be with their mom (a mortal). That would have honestly been a way better ending and would have made much more sense. Especially, because they would mention that a lot throughout the series and in the movie about their dad giving up his powers. 

One of my favorite parts in this episode is when Justin, Alex, and Max, after much arguing, work together at the Sub Shop and it’s like a montage scene of them with music in the forefront. I don’t know why, but I just love that scene cause it’s such a vibe. I actually never wanted that scene to end. Plus, we never really got to see all three of the siblings work together at the Sub Shop at the same time like that before this episode, so it was nice and just interesting to see and just a sweet moment. I also always love a good flashback, so I love how in this episode when they show some flashbacks to previous episodes of the show and there’s also references to previous spells they did throughout the series, as well. There’s also things that relate back to the movie, as Justin and Alex wear the same outfits during the second part of the competition and the rocks challenge is also like what they did in the movie. Although, they had a few flashbacks in the episode, I still kind of wish that they had shown more. But it did look like they had to squeeze a lot of other stuff in this episode to make it great, so it’s not that big of a deal just something I love to see and would have been very happy to see more of. Though, I feel like if they added even more flashbacks, I would have just been even more emotional while watching this episode, so it’s probably for the best that they didn’t. I also just love a good game show, and there is definitely that element added in this episode, as well.

Overall, I just never wanted this episode to end. It actually made me want to see more. Specifically, how their life looks now after the whole competition, which I guess that’s what is shown in the Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex TV movie. So, I need to watch that again too, because I haven’t seen it since 2014 and I forgot what it’s all about. I do have the DVD of it though, so that’s convenient, but it’s also on Disney Plus as well. So, I have no excuse not to watch that TV special again. This episode has its funny moments, emotionally sad moments, dramatic moments, romantic moments, sweet family moments, flashback moments, action moments, and so much more. All reasons why this is one of my most favorite episodes from WOWP and truly one of the best from season four. And I would certainly watch this episode again. Although because it does make me sadder and more emotional than any other episode from season four, is why it ranks here at #3. 




#2 “Rock Around the Clock” S4E26 – Premiered November 4, 2011

This is an episode from WOWP that I never thought I would ever include on a ranking such as this one. But, watching this whole show back for the first time as an adult, my favorites from this season have definitely changed since I was a teen watching this season. Cause I used to not like or really care for this episode, but I definitely found a new love and appreciation for it, watching it back this time around. This episode is all about the Russo’s going back in time to save their home and the Sub Station after they’re in jeopardy when a landlord who bought the building from Jerry’s dad in the 1950’s threatens eviction. Like I mentioned before, the Sub Station is an important part of this show, and it’s what makes this show so unique from a lot of other Disney Channel shows. So, this episode, all about saving the Sub Station and this history of how it came to be, is very interesting and fun to watch. At least to me it is. 

I hadn’t seen this episode in a very long before doing this, so I of course was very curious and excited to watch it again because I didn’t remember a lot about it at all and the short description about it on Disney Plus made me really interested to watch it, as well. The only things I remembered about this episode before was that they go to some other decade and there is dancing in this episode. But that was all I knew before watching this episode again for what seemed like the very first time. Although, I do remember watching this episode for the first time when it premiered on Disney Channel in 2011, so it all did come back to me pretty fast when I was watching it. I mean, this is a decade episode, so of course it’s always been a little more memorable to me for that reason alone. Cause decade episodes are so unique and different than any other type of episode, especially from this show. I also just love a good musical, dance episode and you do get a little bit of that in this episode, as well. As they do a couple of short dance routines in this episode.

This is just a great episode from season four and one that I would definitely watch again. I mostly love it because of the music/dance scenes, but it’s also really funny, as well. It’s just one of the most feel-good episodes from season four and from the series as a whole. I also just love it for all the nostalgia that it gives me while watching it. Even though, again, it was never my favorite episode when I was younger I still remember watching it during that time and it just brings back all those fond memories. Definitely a classic episode that I would highly suggest anyone to watch, as well. I also noticed for the first time while watching this episode, that when they go back to 1957 one of the stars from Teen Beach Movie (a Disney Channel Original Movie) who played the character Butchy, also appears in this episode a few times. I just thought that was funny and very interesting, considering the fact that Teen Beach Movie is also 50’s-themed, yet there was still another couple years before it actually came out on Disney Channel. ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ“บ⏰


#1 “Zeke Finds Out” S4E12 – Premiered April 8, 2011

This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from season four of WOWP because of, well…one word, Z-E-K-E. When I used to watch this show as kid/teen I never really cared for Zeke’s character, but now having watched this show back as an adult (young adult), Zeke has become one of my favorite characters from the show. In other words, if this was younger me, I would have never chosen this episode as being one of my most favorites from the show. But now older me, totally loves this episode, hence why it made it onto this ranking as #1. And again, that’s because it’s all about ZEKE. 

As in this episode, when Zeke takes up magic as a new hobby and Alex secretly and impulsively assists in one of his magic tricks, he (Zeke) begins to suspect that he himself might be a wizard. All to which he confides in Harper about this, forcing her to convince Alex to either expose the Russo family’s secret to him, or she will. Again, this is another episode from the show that I hadn’t seen in a very long time before ever doing this. So, I was very curious and excited to get to watch this episode again with new eyes, because I didn’t remember anything about this episode except from what the title already suggested in that Zeke finds out that the Russo’s are wizards. I just didn’t remember exactly how he found out and everything else that happens in this episode. I was also just very excited to watch this episode again because I knew it featured Zeke in it, and I knew from watching all the previous episodes before this one that any episode with Zeke in it is going to be very funny. And this episode was exactly that, VERY FUNNY, which is also the main reason why I ranked it as the #1 best episode from season four.

This is just a great episode for all the reasons that I mentioned above, but also because it has a great message/lesson about the importance of friendship and not keeping secrets from the ones you love. This is just an important episode not only because of the important messages/lessons but also just because it’s when somebody else close to the Russo’s gets to find out their secret, which of course is Zeke. Again, this is just now, forever going to be an unforgettable episode to me. It literally had me laughing and smiling all throughout while watching it because it’s so funny right from the very beginning, and that’s really all I need from an episode to make me like it. Definitely a classic, must-watch for anyone, though. ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐ŸŽฉ๐Ÿ”ฎ


  Well, that concludes my ranking of the Top 12 BEST Episodes from Wizards of Waverly Place (in honor of Wiz-tober) and my fifth and final Halloween/Chilloween post of 2022! I really enjoyed getting to go back and watch ALL the episodes from this childhood favorite show of mine and I hope that you enjoyed reading my thoughts on these episodes just as much. Cause this is for sure, one of my favorite posts that I’ve done so far. It was even more fun getting to do this for Halloween/Chilloween. Although, it was also much more difficult than I initially thought it would be, trying to pick my favorite episodes from each season of this show. Especially, from season one because I literally LOVE every episode from season one SO MUCH, except for only one episode. Speaking of that, I know I mentioned at the beginning of this post that I would let you know my favorite seasons from most favorite to least favorite, so I will do that now before I sign off. The seasons of WOWP go like this for me (again, from most to least favorite): Season 1, Season 3, Season 2, Season 4. So, there you have it. Let me know in the comments below what your favorite season(s) or episode(s) are from WOWP and come Back to Disney soon for more!!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™๐ŸŽ‰ Oh yeah, and I almost forgot, HAPPY HALLOWEEN/CHILLOWEEN!!!๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ–ค๐ŸŽƒ


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