Sunday, October 31, 2021



Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you enjoyed my last post where I ranked the Top Ten Disney Channel Original Halloween Movies Of All Time. It's officially Halloween today, and I'm sorry for not posting yesterday as promised as some other things came up, but you can consider that a trick and well now here's the treat. I am back with another spooktacular post. Since I already listed and and ranked my favorite Disney Channel Original Halloween movies, I of course had to list and rank my favorite Disney Channel Halloween episodes, because it wasn't just the movies that made Halloween a fun and special time of year on the Disney channel. So, what are we waiting for, let's get into the Top Ten Best Disney Channel Halloween Episodes

(from least to most favorite)...

#10 Phil of the Future "Halloween" S1E15

Click image for source.


This is last on my list just because it's the most creepy from all the ones on this list, in my opinion. It is also one that I am not the most familiar with from my childhood. But, don't get me wrong after watching all, if not majority, of the Disney Channel Halloween episodes this was still a stand-out episode and a must-watch for this time of year. I actually watched this episode for the first time last year. Even though I do remember watching this show here and there growing up I never remembered watching this episode specifically. But, I even decided to watch it again this year, which says something about how good this episode is. This episode has just the right amount of spookiness while still being funny at the same time. This episode is basically about Phil finding out that this girl he goes to school with is an evil cyborg from his time zone. So, Phil and Keely have to defeat her in order to save Halloween. 

#9 Lizzie McGuire "Night of the Day of the Dead" S1E24

Click image for source.


I really wanted to put this episode higher up on this list just because I've always been a huge fan of this show growing up, but after re-watching this episode and really breaking it down, I decided to put it lower on this list because I didn't like the bullying aspect at the end of this episode. I felt like this episode was really strong all the way through until the part when they (Lizzie, Gordo, and Miranda) basically humiliated Kate Sanders. Basically, if you've never seen this episode, in this episode Lizzie's school is having their annual Fright Night celebration and Kate has put herself in charge of everything. She not only steals Lizzie's thunder by wearing the coveted vampire costume after making Lizzie clean out the janitor's closet, but she also snubs Miranda's ancestors not allowing them a place of prominence in observance of Dia De Los Muertos. So, Lizzie, Miranda, and Gordo, with the help of Matt and even Miranda's parents, join together to get revenge on Kate. They get revenge on her by making Kate believe that Miranda's ancestors are out to get her. I feel like the antics and tricks that they pull on Kate in this episode is just a little too humiliating and mean-spirited. I don't believe in bullying the bully and that is basically what they did in this episode. Having said that, I still can't lie and say that I don't like to watch this episode every Halloween season, because I do still enjoy watching it this time of year. There are still things I love about this episode such as the costumes, the fact that they included talks about Miranda's Mexican heritage, and just the whole Halloween vibes it gives off. So, this is still a classic, must-watch episode and one of the most Halloween, spooky episodes out of any of the others that I watched. Just take the bullying thing as an even greater lesson to NEVER bully someone just because they are bullying you. In other words, don't do what Kate, Lizzie, Gordo, or Miranda did in this episode. 

#8 Girl Meets World "Girl Meets World of Terror" S1E11


This is another great and must-watch Disney Channel Halloween episode. I enjoyed watching this one the first time it premiered on the Disney channel and I still enjoy watching it to this day. Girl Meets World has some quality Halloween episodes. In fact, they had one for each of it's three seasons on the air. But this one is by far my favorite out of the three they had. Basically, in this episode they break the fourth wall by letting Auggie tell three different stories about one of the characters overcoming their fears. I love the lessons the kids learn in this episode, as this episode is all about kids being afraid of monsters under the bed and being afraid of the dark. In the end, however, they come to realize that some things are not always as scary as they might seem. So, this episode is really relatable and all the plot lines actually work really well together. They also all fit the Halloween theme very well. This is just another great Halloween episode that I try to watch every year at this time. 

#7 Suite Life of Zack & Cody "The Ghost of Suite 613" S1E19

Click image for source.


Okay, so as a kid I probably would have ranked this episode much higher on this list but just because it doesn't give off the most Halloween vibes (I mean they don't even mention the word "Halloween") and because it's a little more creepy than the others, is why I ranked it a little lower on this list. But I've also seen this episode way too many times to count as well, so maybe that's also why I ranked it not as high on this list. However, having said that, this is still a must-watch "Halloween episode". I mean it's just more spooky and mysterious than Halloween, but I guess that's what Halloween is all about to most people. So, if you like Halloween for that reason, then you would love this episode. In this episode, when word gets out and goes around the hotel about Suite 613 being haunted, the twins make a bet that the other can't spend the night there without getting scared and chickening out. Eventually, this leads to Esteban conducting a seance to diminish the vengeful spirit and finally put it to rest. However, in the end, all the antics just turn out to be an elaborate prank pulled on Zack from the others. But, it certainly gets whomever is watching the episode going all the way through until the end. This episode is just a classic ghost story, which is why I find it very entertaining and fun to watch, because I mean we've all told ghost stories during sleepovers before and this just reminds me of that. Even though my ghost stories weren't as elaborate or planned out like theirs was in this episode. I also might just be a little bit biased, because I have many fond memories of watching this show growing up and watching this episode in particular. One other thing that I love about this episode is that all the characters share the same plot and you get to see them all work together in this way, which is always an interesting twist that makes for a great and memorable episode. 

#6  Wizards of Waverly Place "Halloween" S3E2


This is another great Halloween episode and a stand-out one to me when I went back and watched all the Disney Channel Halloween episodes. I ranked this a little higher than the previous episode I mentioned just because it is more Halloween. As they actually do say the word "Halloween" and because I like the story-line just a little bit more. I mean wizards and Halloween, what more could you want from a Halloween episode? During this episode, the Russo's are threatened to have their haunted house segment, that they do every Halloween at the Sub Station, taken away from them if it's not more scary this year. So Alex, determined to amp up the scare factor for their haunted house, visits the wizard world to get some real monsters and ghosts to be scarers in their haunted house. But when the monsters are not as scary as Alex hoped or wanted them to be, she and Harper go back to the wizard world to find the scariest monster of them all, Mantooth. Well, if you haven't seen this episode, I won't tell you if Alex's plan ends up saving the Russo's haunted house or not. But, I will say that this is just one of the most fun and more memorable Disney Channel Halloween episodes ever and you must go watch it. Also, who can forget Alex's iconic Halloween, or not-so-Halloween, costume in this episode.  

#5 Even Stevens "A Very Scary Story" S2E13


Sadly, this is the only Halloween episode that we get from Even Stevens. But, it's a great one nonetheless. A little creepy, but still great. It was actually my first time watching this episode last year on Halloween (I know..crazy right?!). Only because, as I said before, I used to be scared of this show when I was younger but my older sister loved to watch it so I still saw some scenes from certain episodes of Even Stevens, but I didn't ever remember seeing this particular episode as a kid until I watched it last year for the first time. But I made sure to watch it again this year and I still loved it. This is a really strange episode but I love how funny it is, especially how funny Louis is in this episode. I love an episode that can make me laugh which is why I ranked this one higher on this list. From the characters' hilarious costumes (especially Louis's), to Louis's crazy antics, to just the plot-line this episode overall is just so funny while still being scary. Great for Halloween. This was a stand-out episode from a lot of the other Halloween episodes that I watched this year. I think it's funny how this scene starts out as like a reference to the Scream movie with Ren getting a mysterious phone call and that whole situation and then it leads into a completely different story-line. Basically in this episode, on Halloween Louis's school is holding free eye exams. But not just any normal, legit eye exam, we're talking "students eyes being burned out of their eye sockets" eye exams. No, but seriously in this episode any student that goes in to get their eye exam comes out looking and acting like robots. So, the entire student body (except Louis of course) start walking around with sunglasses on their eyes and are obsessed with following the rules and drinking milk all of a sudden. This leads to Louis escaping capture throughout the school. Only to find out that Ren was the mastermind behind everything that when on all along. It was the first step in creating duplicates of herself and naming them "Ren-plicates". Now, don't read this part if you haven't seen the episode yet. But, in the end all of this craziness just turns out to be a spooky story Louis tells to gullible, young, terrified Beans to scare him. This is a classic,  must-watch episode. I fell in love with watching all the episodes of Even Stevens earlier this year and look forward to watching this Halloween episode every year at this time and you should, too.

#4 Jonas "The Tale of the Haunted Firehouse" S1E17


Okay, so as I've probably mentioned somewhere before on this blog, I was never a fan of this show growing up. I never was into the whole Jonas Brothers thing. I would see certain scenes from the episodes but I never saw a full episode of the series. Then earlier this year my sister and I decided to watch all the episodes of Jonas L.A. for the first time and we loved it. I just really enjoy watching this show and appreciate this show, now more than ever, for the randomness and the comedy that it brings. This episode from the show is one of the first Halloween episodes from Disney that I watched with my little sister this year and I loved it so much. Mainly, again, because of how funny and random it is. I enjoyed watching it so much that I watched it twice in a short time period. This episode really stands out to me from all the others just because of the way it was filmed. It was like a personal, vlog type style episode, which I love. It reminded me so much of something that my sisters and I, along with our friends/cousins, would do as kids. It was like filming a home video. This episode was very unique in that way. I also love that you get just enough of those scary, spooky Halloween vibes. If you've never seen this episode, basically when Kevin thinks there's a ghost in the firehouse he enlists Joe, Stella, and Nick to help him find it. However, they (Joe, Stella, and Nick) don't believe there is a ghost. That is until Nick disappears. So, you basically watch their funny and entertaining antics as they try to find out who this "ghost" is. Also, I love the little musical interludes during the breaks that they add in this episode. However, I kept thinking that they were going to actually sing some spooky, scary song, but they didn't. I still love this episode and is another one that I look forward to watching every Halloween season. 

#3 Austin & Ally "Costumes & Courage" S2E1


This is another great, classic, fun Halloween-themed episode. Austin & Ally actually had three quality Halloween episodes from their run on Disney Channel, but this one is my most favorite from the three just because I love when an episode has a song in it and this Austin & Ally episode has one of my all time favorite songs from the whole series (if you remember from my Top Ten Songs From Austin & Ally post). As I said before, I also love any episode that can make me laugh and this one does just that, as well. This episode is really good in terms of Ally's character development, as it's the first episode where she sings in public and it's the first Austin & Ally duet that we see from the show. So, I love the whole message of the song and the episode as a whole. If you've never seen this episode, well basically Austin is invited by the new label owner of Starr Records to perform alongside Taylor Swift at the label's Halloween Party. However, Ally decides to step in and fill in for Taylor Swift when Taylor is unable to perform. Ally finally overcomes her fear of performing on stage and also finally gets the credit for her amazing singing and songwriting skills. This is just a relatable episode to me and one that I enjoy watching every year at this time. I mean there's a reason they kicked off the second season with this episode, because it's not only a great episode all around but it's specifically a great Halloween episode. 

#2 Hannah Montana "Torn Between Two Hannahs" S1E17


This is another great Halloween episode and one that I definitely would have ranked as #1 when I was younger. Although, I didn't put it as #1 on this list now, I still like this episode a lot and it's definitely a must-watch this season. This is actually the first and only Halloween episode that we get from the series. In this episode, Miley gets an unexpected visit from her cousin Luann, who looks just like her. I mean literally she looks just like her, because it is Miley Cyrus playing both characters. Miley has always been a bit skeptical about Luann and finally when she decides to give her cousin a chance this time, the visit turns ugly. As Luann finds a way to tie up Miley Stewart (dressed as Hannah) then Luann dresses as Hannah (in the same exact thing Miley was going to wear to the party) to attend Tracie's Halloween party (or should I say Hannah-ween party). As she plans to expose Miley's secret to everyone. I won't tell you what happens in the end because like I said before, it's a must-watch. Also, usually I don't really care for Robby or Jackson's scenes in the show but even their story-line in this episode is fun and entertaining to watch. As they are just determined to out-scare their next-door neighbor this Halloween. So, they try to do all the things to accomplish that goal, but the neighbor ends up having a not-so-scary house for kids to trick-or-treat at. He only tricked the Stewart's into thinking that he would, so he could still win over the trick-or-treaters as the best house again this Halloween. It's always fun seeing a character play two of themselves and it's certainly a treat to see Miley do that in this episode. Even her dad gets in on the fun. This is just another classic Halloween episode and I couldn't imagine this list without it. Also, like I said about the Austin & Ally episode, any episode that has music in it tops my list and this one had that. I've always loved the song that Miley and her dad sing at the beginning of this episode. It's called "Stand" and the title really says it all. I just love the message and whole vibe of the song a little more than the one from Austin & Ally, which is why I ranked it higher than the Austin & Ally episode. It's definitely one of the most underrated songs from the Hannah Montana series that Miley sings. So, if you haven't heard this song "Stand", I highly suggest you go listen to it when you get the chance and watch this episode. 

#1 Boy Meets World "And Then There Was Shawn" aka ("The Scream Episode") S5E17


Okay, so I totally forgot Boy Meets World was considered Disney when I created my Top Ten Disney Channel Shows list. I love 90's shows and Boy Meets World is definitely in my top 3 favorites when it comes to 90's television shows. I grew up watching this show, especially when I was in my early/late teens, and this Halloween-themed episode in particular has always stood out to me and been a favorite of mine from the whole series. This episode never fails to make me laugh. Although, this episode originally aired in February, it still has all the things that make it a Halloween episode in my mind. I always make sure to try and watch this episode every year on Halloween. I can't tell you how many times I've seen this episode. Too many, that's how much. I know every line before the characters even say it. Boy Meets World had a few other Halloween episodes throughout its run, that I've also seen many times, but this one is by far my favorite of them all. Basically, if you've never seen this episode (which if you haven't...what?!...that's crazy), when an outburst between Cory and Topanga escalates in Mr. Feeny's class then Cory, Topanga, Angela, Shawn, and Kenny all end up in detention. When Mr. Feeny exits the room and "No One Gets Out Alive" appears on a chalkboard in blood, things start to get weird and creepy. They discover there's a masked killer on the loose, who starts taking out the students one by one. So, the friend group has to try and stay alive to figure out who the mysterious killer is. It gets even more interesting as they start to wonder if the real culprit may be one of them in the friend group. This episode is also like the best tribute to some of the most iconic 90's horror flicks, Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer, in particular. As Jennifer Love Hewitt (from I Know What You Did Last Summer) was even brought on this episode to guest star and join in on the fun as a transfer student named Jennifer Love Fefferman, which that little play on the last name alone is just funny in and of itself. This entire episode is just hilarious and if you're just watching it for the very first time, you'll actually be surprised at how it manages to actually be pretty scary at times. But, once you've seen it as many times as I have, it's not scary at all, just funny and very entertaining. It is one of those episodes that never gets old and it still holds up today. I'm actually surprised that Girl Meets World didn't recreate or try to make something similar to this iconic episode as one of their Halloween episodes, because it sure would have been just as interesting and fun to watch. All in all, no other show can top this Halloween episode, Disney or not. 

Well, that concludes my ranking of the Top Ten Best Disney Channel Halloween Episodes. I really enjoyed watching and re-watching these episodes along with all the many others from Disney Channel and I hope that you enjoyed reading my thoughts and opinions on them, as well. It was definitely a tad bit harder to rank them than I thought it was going to be, but I feel like I finally got it down to which ones I truly think are the least and most best. But don't get me wrong I still love all of these episodes that I mentioned on this list because they actually made it onto this list so they are great ones to watch this Halloween season. Also, here are a few honorable mentions that I wanted to shout out here because I also really enjoyed watching them and they were so close to making it onto this list, as well:

Best Friends Whenever "Cyd and Shelby's Haunted Escape" S1E9 

Best Friends Whenever "Night of the Were-Diesel" S2E6

Bizaardvark "Halloweenvark" S1E12 

Bizaardvark "Halloweenvark: Part Boo" S2E13

Shake It Up "Haunt It Up" S3E25

I also had a lot of favorite Halloween episodes from Disney Channel's animated series, but maybe I'll save those to talk about next Halloween....mwahahahahaha. Okay, that wasn't meant to be scary. I just wanted to type that. LOL. Okay, but for real, I hope you have a great Chilloween or Halloween (whatever you like to call it), maybe by watching some of these iconic Disney Channel Halloween episodes that I mentioned here. I would love to know your favorite Disney Channel Halloween episodes. So, comment down below and come Back to Disney next week for more! 

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