Monday, February 27, 2023



  Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you enjoyed my last post where I created A Definitive Ranking of Every Music Video From Shake It Up. Well, that was my first Valentine’s Day-themed post for this year, but it wasn’t the last. ‘Cause February isn’t quite over just yet, and I like to celebrate V-Day all month long. Plus, this post will also give you some of those Valentine’s Day vibes we all need. Although, you don’t just have to enjoy reading this post for Valentine’s Day (or Valentine’s month) but it just so happened to work out perfectly this way. 😊 In other words, I was able to watch one of the best Disney Channel shows during one of the best months and one of the best holidays. That show, being Lizzie McGuire and that month, obviously being February (aka Valentine’s month). I mean, what better way to end the month of February than with an I Love Lizzie Marathon, right?💕


Yes, as you can tell by the title of this post and by that last sentence I just typed, this post is all about a little early 2000’s show called Lizzie McGuire. Okay, it wasn’t and still isn’t (at least to me) a “little” show. In fact, it was and still is, a BIG show that had a pretty HUGE impact on I’m sure every 90’s/early 2000’s kid (including me) who grew up watching Disney Channel. Unlike the previous three Disney Channel shows that I’ve already mentioned, from my Top Ten Disney Channel Shows post, this is a show that I just caught the reruns of. In other words, this is the first show (that I’m talking about in reference to my Top Ten Disney Channel Shows post) where I cannot say that I saw the premiere of it when it premiered live for the first time in 2001, nor did I watch (to my recollection) any of the episodes that premiered live before 2004. I would say in 2004 is when I first started watching this show, because I was still only 3-years-old when this show first premiered on Disney Channel in 2001. Which is still crazy and shocking to me, because when I was younger I never knew that and just didn’t realize or understand that I was only watching reruns of the show at the time. In other words, as a kid watching this show for the first time in 2004 I did not know that I was watching a show that had already gone off the air. ‘Cause it seemed to be on Disney Channel on my TV all the time, which just made me think I was watching a new show or a new episode all the time. Crazy right? But anyways, back to why and how this post came to be. 

As I’ve mentioned before, I had already planned on re-watching and talking about this show on my blog months ago, years ago even. Like I mentioned before, in my Top 12 Best Episodes From Shake It Up post last month, my plan is to go back and watch every show that was on my Top Ten Disney Channel Shows post in order, from beginning to end, and pick the best episodes (my most favorite episodes) from each season of each of those shows. Hence, why I bring to you this post, because if you already didn’t know Lizzie McGuire was ranked #4 on my Top Ten Disney Channel Shows post. Again, my last post of this series of posts, was all about my favorite episodes from Shake It Up which was the #3 show on my Top Ten Disney Channel Shows post. So, since I already talked about and ranked the best episodes from Shake It Up, it was now time to talk about and rank all the best episodes from my fourth favorite Disney Channel show, Lizzie McGuire. So, of course, that is finally what I did and how this blog post came about. In fact, to break it down even more, basically every month of this year I am trying to re-watch at least one Disney Channel show from my Top Ten Disney Channel Shows post (in the order of how I put them, of course) and create a post for them on this blog. As you already know by now, the month of January was all about Shake It Up, and therefore this month of February was all about Lizzie McGuire

Of course, though, that’s not the only reason why I wanted to do this post. I also wanted to create this post because I remember growing up watching and just LOVING this show quite a lot and I wanted a reason and a platform to which I can talk about it. This being it. I will say, because I was still really young watching this show for the first time when I did, I don’t really remember it as well or have as many fond memories of watching this show as I did with all the previous three shows that I’ve already mentioned as part of this blog post series. I only really remember the ICONIC movie from this series. As I do have the most fond memories of watching the movie a lot when I was younger. But, that’s why going back to watch this show again as an adult was very interesting because I remember loving this show a lot as a kid, even though now (when doing this) I only remembered bits of pieces of it from my childhood. I mean, my sisters and I had quite a lot of Lizzie McGuire merch...I mean, remember these:



But I don’t know how we were so obsessed with all things Lizzie McGuire, considering again, we only caught reruns of the show. But those reruns still obviously had a huge affect on us watching it. Well, at least to me it did while watching it. Or, for the fact, that I did watch the show a lot when I was younger but just remembered it more then than I do now thinking back to it. Memories are crazy and out of whack sometimes. Enough about me though, let’s get back to the show itself. 😝

Basically, if you’ve never seen Lizzie McGuire, and therefore have no idea what I’m talking about… which if you haven’t…what?!, that’s insanely crazy…then I’ll just give you a brief little history about this show and why it’s one of the most ICONIC and unique Disney Channel shows of all time, and of course one of my most favorites (even if I don’t like every episode, which I’ll get to later). Lizzie McGuire is a Disney Channel original tween/teen comedy series that ran for two seasons (I know, BOOOO…only two? I kind of wish there were more seasons. But, each season does have a little over 30 episodes so that’s a plus) from January 12, 2001 (immediately after the premiere of Zenon: The Zequel) until February 14, 2004. A feature film, The Lizzie McGuire Movie, based on the series was also released on May 2, 2003. However, fun fact, production was completed in December 2002 after the show fulfilled its 65 episode order and the movie. Also, another little fun fact, did you know that before it was officially called Lizzie McGuire that the original title of the show was at first going to be What’s Lizzie Thinking? I know. Crazy right?! (Just curious, comment down below which title you like better. I think both make sense for the show, but of course I prefer just her name as the title of the show. So, I’m glad they went with the latter one). 💗😊

The show stars Hilary Duff (who is, alone, just ICONIC for many reasons besides starring on this show) as the lead, titular character Lizzie, who throughout the series is learning to navigate the social and personal issues of her middle school, teenage years along with her two best friends Gordo (Adam Lamberg) and Miranda (Lalaine). An animated version of Lizzie (aka “animated Lizzie", also voiced by Hilary Duff) performs monologues sporadically throughout each episode (and in the movie) to express the character’s inner thoughts and emotions. This mix of live-action and animation is what makes this show so special and unique. As it was (to my knowledge) the first and last of its kind. On Disney Channel that is. The show also features some other notable characters including: Lizzie’s younger brother, Matt (Jake Thomas); her mom, Jo McGuire (Hallie Todd); her dad, Sam McGuire (Robert Carradine); her enemy (could say frenemy at times), Kate Sanders; Lizzie’s and Miranda’s crush, Ethan Craft; the “school dork” (what they said not me), Larry Tudgeman; as well as Matt’s friends, Lanny and Melina.

Also, another fun fact (I know, I know. I just love fun facts), did you know that in November 2004 a pilot for an intended spin-off of Lizzie McGuire was ordered that was going to center around Miranda’s 12-year-old sister Stevie Sanchez and her Latino family. According to multiple online sources, it was going to be called, “What’s Stevie Thinking?”. Lalaine was going to still be starring in the show but Selena Gomez was going to play her younger sister Stevie, and it was also going to feature an animated version of the character Stevie like the animated Lizzie. 😮 That Lizzie McGuire spin-off pilot was produced in 2005, but the series was not picked up in favor of Hannah Montana. How crazy is that?! I mean, honestly that would have been really interesting to see, but I’m so glad we got Hannah Montana (my favorite Disney Channel show EVER) instead . Although, why couldn’t they have just done both? I mean, that means Wizards of Waverly Place (WOWP) maybe would have never even happened or it would have had to happen later once What’s Stevie Thinking? was done. So, I see how everything happened the way it did for the best, but I’m just curious...what do you think about all this? Would you have rather had What’s Stevie Thinking? over Hannah Montana with possibly no Wizards of Waverly Place thereafter?

A cast shot of the un-aired Stevie Sanchez pilot: 


Here’s a clip of Selena Gomez talking a little bit about her audition for What’s Stevie Thinking?


Okay, now back to the show we thankfully did get from Disney Channel, Lizzie McGuire. This show is just GREAT and FUN to watch, but mostly just SUPER NOSTALGIC to me. I love the early 2000s vibes and just the fact that we get to watch live-action and animation all in one. I also love the friendship between Lizzie, Gordo, and Miranda. A trio that many other Disney Channel shows that came after this one tried to emulate, but these three group of friends will always be the OG trio. I also really love the relationship between Lizzie and Gordo, something I never really paid attention to as a kid watching this show but was more interested in seeing now that I’m older, which I’ll talk more about later on in this post. 


The last time I watched this series before this time for this post, since I was a kid, was a couple years ago (in 2020) with my little sister (celebrategoodtimesblog.blogspot). Sometimes when I watch shows not by myself and instead with other people, I can sometimes get distracted and not pay that close attention to it. So, this time around, watching this show by myself for this post, I noticed things I never saw or heard before. That being said, this show did kind of ruin my initial childhood thoughts, opinions and feelings about this show, because now after having re-watched this show from beginning to end for the second time as an adult, I noticed that this show is very judgemental at times and it really kind of surprised me. Season 1 of this show especially, is really bad when it comes to judgy, and just mean, unnecessary comments. Thankfully, Season 2 got much better when it came to these types of comments and things. Although, it still has its few judgemental and not so good episodes, too. Just, again, not as much as Season 1 has them. But the movie itself is just still oh so AMAZING and just full of GREATNESS, which made up for all the bad episodes. 


So, the episodes with a lot of rude and judgemental comments turned me off from the show a bit, and made me rethink a lot about the show in general, but overall I still really LOVE this show. It will always hold a special place in my heart. I mean, I’ve come to just understand that not every episode of a show is going to be good or perfect. Overall, the good does still outweigh all the bad. That’s why I can’t wait any longer to get into this ranking, so that I can talk about just some of the BEST episodes that I do LOVE from the show. So, let’s get into the Top 10 BEST Episodes from Lizzie McGuire!💚💗💙💛🎬

Just a brief note before we begin: Since there are only two seasons of this show, to make it a fair and even total number of episodes, I decided to choose only five episodes from each season that are my most favorite and ones that I truly believe are the BEST. So, five episodes for each season to make 10 total BEST episodes. The seasons are also not going in any particular order of what I like least or most best, only the episodes in each season. In other words, the seasons themselves are not ranked in any particular order, you will just see Season One’s episodes first, but then the episodes for that season and for the season after that are ranked from least to most favorite. I will just tell you my favorite seasons in order at the very end of this post. Also, I did not watch or choose to include any of the Christmas or Halloween-themed episodes from the show for this ranking because I just feel like holiday-themed episodes like those are just not fair to rank among regular, non-holiday-themed episodes from the show. To me they belong in their own category, because they have a whole different vibe. Plus, I wouldn't choose a Christmas or Halloween episode over a non-Christmas or non-Halloween episode, to watch all the time. I hope that makes sense. Now, for real this time, let’s get into the Top 10 BEST Episodes from Lizzie McGuire!💚




 "I Love Lizzie" Marathon Promos (2001)









Lizzie McGuire Season 1 PROMOS (2001/2002)











Lizzie McGuire: SEASON 1


(from least to most favorite)... 



#5 "Come Fly With Me" S1E13 - Premiered June 1, 2001   

This is one of my favorite episodes from Season 1 of Lizzie McGuire because it's one of the more unique ones from not only Season 1 but from the whole show in general. As this episode is all about the 1960s, so there's that whole vibe going on throughout the episode, which is one reason why it stands out to me the most from the rest of the episodes of the season. In fact, this is an episode that I never thought that I would like so much or include on this ranking before re-watching the whole show again for this post. Cause just from reading the title and description of this episode alone, I didn't really remember what this episode was exactly, before doing this. But I knew that I had seen it before, as again, I had last watched this episode a couple of years ago during the pandemic (in 2020). I just had to re-watch it again to refresh my memory of it. So, I was so excited and curious to watch this episode again, and it didn't disappoint.


Basically, if you've never seen this episode, it's all about Gordo and his new interest in "Lounge Culture". As in order to stand out from the crowd Gordo starts sporting a 1960s wardrobe, speaking like they did back in the 60s, and listening to Rat Pack Music. Although, very soon his time of standing out from the crowd is over when this latest trend catches on to everyone else at school, including Lizzie and Miranda. But, Lizzie and Miranda only start liking it because their boy crush (Ethan Craft) starts to like it. So, of course, Gordo becomes very disappointed by this and therefore he stops being into the "Lounge Culture" stuff and starts to try to find himself a new hobby that no one else at school will like but him. That new hobby being liking planes (radio controlled 164th scale World War ll planes to be exact), building them and flying them. All because he doesn't want to be like everybody else. Meanwhile, Matt and Lanny are busy trying to set a new world record so that their names can be featured in the Guinness Book of World Records


This is a great episode not only because of the 1960s vibes going on but mainly because it has a great, positive message that anyone can relate to. Well, at least I find it kind of relatable. There are actually quite a few messages/lessons that one can take away from this episode, but all are pretty similar in a way. Such as the importance of not being anybody but yourself and not following the herd or the trends (or as Gordo liked to say in this episode, don't be a "trendoid following the herd"), the importance of doing your own thing(s) in life no matter what thing(s) that may be, just living life on your own terms and not caring about what other people think about what you like. As at the beginning when Gordo is talking all, "Hey, pally, Charlie. How's your bird?" to Lizzie and Miranda and mentioning all this 1960s music and stuff, Lizzie and Miranda try to tell him to talk normal like everybody else talks and listen to Britney Spears, not Frank Sinatra. But, Gordo tells them that he doesn't want to talk like everybody else at school talks or listen to the same things that everybody else at school listens to. As Lizzie even says to him, "We don't want people thinking that you're weird". But, again, Gordo doesn't care. Which is what I love. I love Gordo's attitude at the beginning of this episode. Cause I totally agree with him in wanting to stand out and be different. As I don't like to be like everybody else, either. But, I also agreed with Lizzie and Miranda in this episode because it's not like I go out of my way and force myself to be different from others. I just am that way naturally sometimes. You can't force anything. And like Gordo learns by the end of this episode, don't try so hard to be different just because you want to be different from others. If you're different, you're different naturally not because you're trying to be different. In other words, as Gordo says to Lizzie and Miranda at the end, "...I'm lucky enough to have friends who point out to me that I shouldn't give something up just to be different". Also, knowing that sometimes it's okay if others like what you like, because you can all be different together. In other words, it's not always a bad thing. All in all, I could see where both sides were coming from in this episode. That's why I agree with the overall message of this episode about the importance of just being yourself no matter what. 


This episode, as you can probably tell, is really deep and thought-provoking, which is why it's also one of the better episodes. It's also very educational, as if you don't know much about the 1960s, "Lounge "Culture, Frank Sinatra, or the Rat Pack, you can definitely learn quite a lot about those things from this episode. Speaking of Frank Sinatra, did you know that the title of this episode, "Come Fly With Me" is also the name of a Frank Sinatra album that was recorded in 1957? Yeah, I didn't know that before doing this, either. I had to look that fun fact up because I'm not familiar with all things Frank Sinatra. But, pretty cool, right?


This episode is also pretty special because it's the episode with the first appearance of Lanny (Matt's best friend). It's really funny at times, too. In fact, one of my favorite funny moments from this episode is when Lizzie and Miranda need help setting up the 1960s-theme school dance with Kate but they really don't know anything about the Rat Pack or the "Lounge Culture" so they go to see Gordo and ask him for help in knowing all that stuff. As Miranda says to Gordo, "We need a list of 20 Frank Sinatra tunes, pictures of clothes people wore back then, and the Rat Pack's favorite food". To which Gordo says back to her, "The Sinatra songs were all called Leave Me Alone, people used to wear I-couldn't-care-less, and their favorite food was goodbye". 😂 LOL. I rewound that part back so many times just because that line by Gordo is so funny. It's all in his delivery of it, too. In fact, after now having finished the whole show, that quote is definitely one of Gordo's best and most memorable. 


Again, this is an episode that I never would have thought would have ever made it onto this ranking because it's not like I remember it that much from my childhood and I believe the last time I watched this episode in 2020 with my sister ( I wasn't really that into it, either. So, for me to have enjoyed it more this time around was quite surprising to me. As I will admit, at first, at the very beginning of this episode I was quite bored of it but then it slowly grew on me and I loved it all in the end. I mean, who doesn't love a good decade school dance party episode. I know I do. And I also love an episode that revolves all around Gordo, as he's definitely one of my most favorite characters from the show. In fact, while watching this series a lot of times I was more into watching Gordo's story lines than Lizzie's at times. Which is kind of surprising, too, because when I was younger the only character I ever really cared about seeing was Lizzie. But now that I'm older, I definitely love all the episodes involving him (Gordo) and just the whole trio friend group (Lizzie, Gordo, and Miranda). 

Back to this specific episode, though. Overall, this is a great episode with a great message and is one that I could never forget now. As it's definitely one that I would choose to watch again even. And the only reason why I chose to put this last of the five on this ranking for Season 1 is because I had two other episodes that I was going back and forth on including here at #5 instead of this episode. Those two other episodes being, "The Untitled Stan Jansen Project" and "Lizzie and Kate's Excellent Adventure". Ultimately, obviously, I chose this episode "Come Fly With Me" because it has the better message of the three and it is not only relatable but also very funny and you know I love an episode that can make me laugh. Plus, there were some other things I didn't really like about the other two episodes that I didn't include on this ranking that maybe I'll get to talk about another time, but just not today because we have to get into the many other great episodes from Lizzie McGuire. ❤😎✌☮𝆔🎵📺💚💙


Sadly, I couldn't find a promo for this episode but here's an Express Yourself clip that relates to this episode:




#4 "Pool Party" S1E4 - Premiered February 2, 2001


Although this episode is listed as the fourth episode from Season 1 of Lizzie McGuire on Disney Plus and also premiered as the fourth episode on Disney Channel back in 2001, technically this episode is actually really the VERY FIRST episode of the series. Trust me, if you've seen this episode, then you would know that is the FIRST episode by many things. Some noticeable things to me being that they are even a little younger just from the first-but-not-first episode "Rumors", the McGuire's house in this episode is also much different than it is throughout the rest of the series, animated Lizzie even looks different, and there are no bloopers at the end of this episode, which gives off a huge hint that this was the Pilot episode because again, if you've seen the show many times like I have then you know that at the end of every episode of Lizzie McGuire there is a minute or so of bloopers. Which is just another one of the more unique and great things about this show, as I don't think any other Disney Channel show before or after Lizzie McGuire included bloopers at the end of each and every episode. Just another plus about this show. 


Now back to this specific episode, I was very excited and curious to watch this episode again. As this is a more memorable and nostalgic episode of the show to me. You can also tell that this is the VERY FIRST episode of the show because at the very beginning it's literally introducing all the characters by name and description, when we're really already supposed to know about them if this really was the fourth episode of the show. But, let's not get back onto why I know that this is actually the FIRST EPISODE of the show, and let me tell you what this episode is actually all about for those of you who don't remember it or just have never even seen it before. 


Basically, in this episode it's the school's Romeo, Danny Kessler's pool party. A place where all the "cool" kids will be. Much to Lizzie's dismay, and her mom's at first, the party is scheduled for the same day as Lizzie's grandmother's birthday party. Therefore, Lizzie's mom forbids her from attending Danny Kessler's pool party to attend the family outing instead. Meanwhile, Miranda is forced to choose between her desire to attend the pool party without her best friend and join the "cool" crowd or her friendship with Lizzie. 


This is actually a really good episode, but I will admit that I didn't think that I was going to include it on this ranking. And that's just because it's SO DIFFERENT from every other episode from not only this season but from the whole show. If you watch the first three episodes before this one, it's a bit of a shock once you start to watch this episode. Well, at least it was for me because it felt like I hadn't seen this episode in a while, which technically I hadn't before doing this. So, I had kind of forgotten what this episode was like before re-watching it again for this post. Again, this episode is just very different from all the rest from the series because it's just so fast paced. Usually, I like fast-paced things but this episode was just kind of too much for me. But, once you get used to it, it's not that bad. However, despite the many differences of this episode from all the rest, I still love it for many reasons, too. Plus, if it really is the FIRST EPISODE (which I know it is), then it gets props just for being the start of what this show would become later on. 


There are actually a lot of great moments in this episode that set the stage for what was to come in later episodes of the show and in the ICONIC movie. One such moment being the relationship between Lizzie and Gordo. As this episode is the start of it all. 💗 In fact, one of my favorite scenes from this episode is the library scene with Lizzie and Gordo. (Such a cute scene📚💞) Another one of my favorite parts of this episode is the ending tie-dye scene with everyone (Lizzie, her parents, her brother, Gordo, and Miranda) jumping, playing, and just messing around while the song "Why Can't We Be Friends" plays in the forefront of it all. And we can't forget about the cute friendship moment between Lizzie and Miranda at the end of this episode (yeah, SPOILER ALERT, they make up and become friends again), as when Miranda shows up to Lizzie's house and sees her hanging out with Gordo she says to Lizzie, " he your new best friend?" and Lizzie says, "You know what? I decided I don't really like that term. The only time you ever really use it is when you're mad at someone for not acting like a best friend, that you never have to say they are when you're not mad" and then Miranda says, "Okay. But, is it okay if you're still mine?" and of course Lizzie says yes. 👏💕


This episode is also kind of more deep and emotional compared to a lot of the others from Season 1. It also has a few great messages/lessons that anyone can take away from it. One of the main reasons why I chose to rank this episode a little higher than the previous one I mentioned is because of the greater, better message(s) in it. One such message being about the importance of knowing that trying to be popular or cool (especially in middle school) doesn't last or matter in the long run. Instead, it's more important to be a valuable member of society by doing other things that are actually important.  Another important message being about knowing that everyone (including your parent(s)), for the most part, are going through (or has gone through) the same physical or psychological changes as you are/have, that we all just handle them differently. Like Lizzie says in this episode, "And except for chat rooms and brain surgeon Barbies, things aren't all that different. And that's what makes us who we are." So, there is that message about listening to your parent(s) because they were once your age, too. As another really sweet, emotional, and deep moment in this episode is when Lizzie is talking with her mom and her mom says to her that she knows and understands the changes that Lizzie is going through and that the only thing she's ever wanted for Lizzie is for her to be happy, and Lizzie learns from that conversation with her mom that it pays to let your parents yammer because every once in a while they hit on something you really need to hear. In other words, an important message/lesson about the importance of always listening to your parents because they've more than likely been where you are and if not they are usually always open to listen to you because every good parent like Lizzie's mom in this episode just wants their kid to be happy and do what's best for them. 


Another message/lesson from this episode, kind of going back to the first message I mentioned, is knowing that not being invited to a party by some "cool kids" or the most "popular" kid in school (especially in middle school) is not the end of the world. The very ending quote, that animated Lizzie says, also stood out to me from this episode and is very deep and thought-provoking, positive message as well. As she says, "As it turns out, I decided not to go to Danny Kessler's party. Gordo says it's always useful to confound your peers by not doing the thing that's expected of you. I have no idea if he's right, but I figure if you're going to listen to anybody, it might as well be a guy who spends an entire Saturday helping you tie-dye your sheets...So, maybe I missed the defining event of my adolescence, but then again, maybe the defining moment is realizing that there really is no such thing."


This episode is very all over the place and chaotic, especially when compared to all the other episodes from the rest of the series, but it's a good kind of stand-alone episode. Definitely a great introductory episode for the show. And although I don't like how fast-paced, chaotic, and all over the place this episode kind of is, I would still choose to watch it again over many of the other episodes from Season 1. Hence, one of the reasons why it made it onto this ranking here at #4. But, because it is a lot different for those reasons that I just mentioned above, is also one major reason why this episode ranks lower on this list of best episodes from Season 1 of Lizzie McGuire. I kind of have a love-hate relationship with this episode. Though, overall, this is still a great episode because it has pretty much everything you could want from a Lizzie McGuire episode: talks of pool parties, tie-dying, dancing, music, cute friendships moments, cute Lizzie and Gordo moments, sweet family moments, typical sibling moments, and the best thing of all a few great message/lesson that anyone can relate to and take away from this episode. 💗🧡💙💚🌊🌞



#3 "I Do, I Don't" S1E10 - Premiered  April 27, 2001 

This is one of those episodes where I knew before the very beginning of doing this that it would make it onto this ranking. Although, I didn't know how high on the ranking it would go. I just know that I've always LOVED this episode. It's one of those episodes that I remember watching the most when I was a kid and for some reason it just always stood out to me among all the others, not only from Season 1 but from the whole show. So, as you can tell, this episode is very nostalgic to me and one that I'm always excited to watch. But, all the nostalgia that it brings me is not the only reason why this episode ranks where it does. 


In this episode, Lizzie's social studies class is paired off as husband and wife for a class project where they have to pretend to be married, both have a career, and return for a school reunion. Lizzie (a lawyer) gets paired up with none other than Gordo (a sanitation engineer aka a garbage man), Kate (a TV anchor woman) gets paired up with Larry Tudgeman (a mailman), and Miranda (a homemaker) gets paired up with Ethan Craft (a surgeon or doctor). However, when Miranda's dream "husband" (Ethan) becomes unfaithful to her by cheating with Kate Sanders, Lizzie must break the news to Miranda but can't seem to bring herself to do it until the day of the reunion. Meanwhile, in a subplot Matt builds a real man cave, aka the "Mattcave", to escape and hang out in. A place he can call his own. Until, his dad finds him and they both start spending time there. 


Both story lines from this episode are fun and interesting to watch and both are just very memorable and nostalgic, but of course the only story line I really care about watching in this episode is the one involving Lizzie, Gordo, and Miranda. In other words, it's the better of the two. But, don't get me wrong, cause again this episode as a whole is great. Although, I will say know how I mentioned before that this show has a lot of episodes with mean, judgey comments? Yeah, well this is kind of one of them. And I really tried not to pick any episodes with mean, judgey comments, but I couldn't help it when it came to this episode. I just LOVE this episode too much. And I hate that one of my favorite characters from the show actually says the mean, judgey, unnecessary comment in this episode. Yes, Gordo is the one who says it. 


As in this episode Gordo is really upset when he finds out his career for the project is a garbage man. But it's not that that bothered me as much, because he never actually really said anything bad about being a garbage man. It was just at first his expression and attitude toward the idea. In fact, when he ends up showing up at the reunion dressed in a garbage man costume and Lizzie acts all like "I can't believe you're wearing that", Gordo does say to her, "I'm a trash man. I'm proud of where I come from." And I like what Larry says to Gordo after he (Gordo) draws his career as a garbage man and is disappointed walking back to his desk, as Larry says to him, "Hey, it doesn't make you less of a man. Trust me, I know. My wife, TV personality". Though what Gordo does say, that I don't like, is at the beginning when he (Gordo) is talking to Lizzie and Miranda on the phone and Lizzie and Miranda are talking about Ethan, and Lizzie's telling Miranda how they could be Mystique or the blue chick from X-Men and yet Ethan still wouldn't give them the time of day. And Lizzie says how she'd be Rogue and use her mutant power to suck away all of Kate's popularity so that Ethan Craft would have no choice but to turn to her. That's when Gordo scoffs and says, "Great! Use the untapped powers of the universe to land a guy who's gonna end up working at a gas station. Part time." And that, that was the comment I didn't like. And was a little surprised to hear it coming from Gordo. I also just didn't like how the episode had to start with a rude comment like that. As he was making it seem like working at a gas station is a bad thing. They did that quite a lot in this show, making fun of or bringing down noble, honest jobs that real, hardworking people have, which I don't like at all. 👎🙄


So, a rude and unnecessary comment made by Gordo, but I just let it slide as his teenage ignorance this one time because I really do love the whole rest of this episode for what it is. I mean, I also didn't like when Lizzie is talking to her mom about the class project and she says,"Miranda gets to be Mrs. Doctor Ethan Craft and I get to be married to Gordo, the Trash King". 🙄👎Yeah, judgemental comment, again. And yes, I'm just letting that slide as her teenage ignorance, too. Although, those rude comments are also why I did rank this episode lower than I initially probably would have had I not remembered them. 


Plus, the overall message/lesson of this episode is a great one. In fact, there's a few important messages/lessons one can take away from watching this episode. As this episode is all about the importance of telling the truth and not waiting to tell someone the truth when they need to hear it, especially if it's for your best friend. 'Cause like Gordo tells Lizzie in this episode when she is hesitant to tell Miranda the truth about Ethan, "the longer you wait, the more hurt she's gonna get". The importance of knowing that friendship should come before anything else, such as guys or winning a stupid class project, also comes through when watching this episode. As at first all Lizzie cares about is winning as she is obsessing over Miranda and Ethan and neglecting her "husband" (Gordo) in the process, but when Gordo makes her realize this then she feels like a jerk and a wimp and knows that at the end of the day her and Miranda's friendship is way more important than some guy and that she'd be lucky to marry someone like Gordo (one of her best friends). As at the end of the episode when Lizzie, Gordo, and Miranda are all talking on the phone to each other and Miranda asks Lizzie and Gordo what they are going to write about in their 500 word report for the project, Lizzie says, "I think I might write about not taking people for granted. And, being really lucky when you can marry your best friend". And then when Miranda says to Lizzie and Gordo how she's gonna wait a really, really long time before she gets married Lizzie agrees and says that she thinks they're even too young to pretend that they are married to which Gordo agrees with them. 


Another important message/lesson in this episode, for girls especially, is knowing that you should never wait around for some guy who doesn't even care that you exist and if he doesn't like you for you, don't bother with him. But, that can really go for guys or girls. Episodes like this one are also great because it teaches you what a marriage should and shouldn't be. As I like in this episode when Lizzie's mom says to her, "I don't know what your teacher is telling you, but marriage is not about how much you earn or what you have, it's about love and trust and communication". I also really like what Miranda says to Ethan when they are up there giving their speech at the reunion. As she says, "Ethan was going to leave me for Kate. But you see Doctor, that's not how I operate. I'm leaving you. You can take the car. You can take everything. But you can't take my dignity. I can't be married to someone who can't even manage to be my friend". I was like, "Yeah, PREACH MIRANDA!". 👏 I love how she stood up to Ethan and handled that situation, as every girl or guy should when they are up against someone like Ethan in this episode. And when Larry poured all that punch on Kate, I was all for that too, because she deserved it. This episode showing mock marriages definitely showed the good and the ugly, but mostly the ugly and not so pretty parts of being married and everything that comes with it. Which is great, because marriage is a serious long-term commitment and it shouldn't be considered lightly by anyone.


This episode was just everything that I remembered it to be. Again, except for the rude, judgey comments made by Gordo and Lizzie. But, those are the only things that I don't like about this episode. Everything else is really fun and interesting to watch. I just LOVE the whole concept of this episode. As it's quite relatable and a good teaching moment. This episode truly never gets old and is definitely one that I would watch again. 💙💗💒💍👰🤵


I couldn't find a promo for this episode, either.:( But, here's an Express Yourself clip that goes along with one of the messages from this episode. As some of the cast of Lizzie McGuire talk about how they define friendship:




#2 "Bad Girl McGuire" S1E11 - Premiered May 4, 2001  


This is another one of the most memorable and very nostalgic episodes to me not only from Season 1 but from the whole series in general. I have always loved this episode ever since I was a kid watching it for the first time. I have such fond memories of watching this episode. Again, it's always been one that has stood out to me the most not only from Season 1 but from the whole show. So, I was very excited and curious to watch this episode again for this post and of course, it did not disappoint.


This episode is all about Lizzie taking a turn to the dark side when she befriends "bad girl" Angel in detention at school and therefore Gordo and Miranda have to come to her rescue and remind her why she's a good girl and why she shouldn't change. Meanwhile, Matt celebrates having his bedtime revoked. Honestly, my tiny description of this episode doesn't even do it justice. You just have to watch this episode to see how great it truly is. 


Other than this episode being VERY NOSTALGIC to me, it's also very funny, relatable, and has a great message/lesson. The message being about the importance of knowing that there's nothing wrong with being a good girl and that good girls can play by their own rules and have fun, too. I mean, what really is a "good girl" or "bad girl" anyways? The overall message is just knowing that you shouldn't change who you are whether you're "good"or "bad", because it takes more work to try and be who you're not than just by being who you are. As when Gordo says, " You mean to tell me that you're actually okay with the ditching and all that other stuff" and Lizzie says, "Actually, no. I mean, being a bad girl all the time, is hard work. I guess I really am just a good girl at heart." 


Also, I just have to say the intervention scene with Lizzie, Gordo, and Miranda has always been one of the most memorable and unforgettable scenes from this episode to me. And it's still one of the best parts. A funny quote that also stood out to me when I was watching this episode this time around is when Lizzie says to Gordo and Miranda, "You guys just don't know Angel the way I do" and Miranda says, "Yeah, and let's keep it that way" and Lizzie says, "Okay, so maybe she's a little rough around the edges. But she knows about some really cool stuff" and Gordo says, "Like parole?" and Lizzie says, "She has as an answer for everything" and Miranda says, "Yeah, but she usually takes the fifth". I don't know, I just found that really funny. 😂


Sounds gtm (good to me). I mean nothing puts the double "o" in cool like this episode. Okay don't tfo (totally freak out), this wording is only temp (temporary). It's no bd (big deal). Whether your're a double ee (geek and dweeb) or you're part of the "bad" crowd, you will thoroughly enjoy watching this episode. Okay, I'm done now. If you didn't know those are just some of the slang that Lizzie and the "bad girl" Angel use in this episode to talk all "cool". Now, seriously just watch this "cool" episode. It truly never gets old and is one that I would most definitely watch again and again and again. ❤💓😎


#1 "Misadventures in Babysitting" S1E8 - Premiered April 6, 2001  


This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from Season 1 for so many reasons. In fact, it's my most favorite from the whole series. Yep, out of all the episodes on this post, this episode is my most favorite. This has always been one of the most UNFORGETTABLE episodes to me. As it's always been one of the first episodes that comes to my mind whenever I think about this show and it's just SO NOSTALGIC to me from my childhood. So, I am always excited to watch this episode and this time around was no exception. I was also very curious to watch this episode again, just to see if my mind changed at all about it, but it didn't and I'm so glad it didn't. 'Cause it's still a GREAT episode that I LOVE


Basically, if you've never seen this episode before, it's about (as the title suggests) Lizzie's first time babysitting. And she's not babysitting just any kid, but she's babysitting her younger brother, Matt.  As in this episode Lizzie finally convinces her parents to let her babysit him (Matt). But, of course, the evening proves to be more challenging than Lizzie expected. Meanwhile, their dad (Sam) is still hesitant and nervous about her (Lizzie) babysitting that he ditches the date with his wife (Jo) to sneak back home and check in on how Lizzie's babysitting is going and things get...well, Home Alone-esque. 🏠😲 Yes, a Home Alone inspired episode...LOVE IT.  


Again, I knew right from the very beginning that this episode was more than likely going to make it onto this ranking, and I was right because here it is at #1. I mean, what's not to love about this episode? It's very funny, relatable, it has a little bit of that mystery and adventure, that Home Alone shenanigans, and of course a great message/lesson to go along with it. That message/lesson being about the importance of trust in any relationship (as Lizzie's dad had to learn to trust his daughter, especially when it comes to babysitting) and knowing that the older you get the more responsibility you're gonna have and what that means, which Lizzie also learns by the end of this episode. As when she asks her parents if she can go on a real date, learn to drive, or dye her hair her parents say "No". So, then Lizzie asks, "Well, what can I do?" and her mom says, "You can babysit Matt next Saturday night" and that's when animated Lizzie says, "So, the more responsibility I ask for the more responsibility I get stuck with? That stinks. I think."

The message about knowing that you can do anything that you set your mind to is also prominent in this episode. As at the beginning of this episode when Lizzie asks to babysit Matt and her mom says that she's just not ready for that kind of big responsibility yet, Lizzie says to her mom, "You've always told me I can do "Anything if I set my mind to it, honey". And I've set my mind to this. I can do it." And then that's when her parents realize they do say that to her and give her a try at babysitting. This episode is also relatable because I mean who hasn't had a babysitting experience. Especially when it comes to babysitting your younger siblings. I know I have. In fact, that's why this episode is also more interesting and relatable to me because in this episode Lizzie is thirteen and babysitting for the first time and that is the same age that I was when I first had to "babysit" my little sister ( Although, thankfully, I didn't have quite the same Home Alone babysitting experience that Lizzie has in this episode. 


Going back to that Lizzie McGuire spinoff I mentioned earlier, this episode is also quite interesting because this is the first episode of the series where we find out that Miranda has a baby sister. As when Lizzie is talking to her parents, trying to convince them to let her babysit, she mentions how even Miranda's parents let Miranda babysit her sister after school. Although, she doesn't say her name is Stevie. But, we can just assume it is. There's also a really subtle and sweet daddy-daughter moment between Lizzie and her dad. As at the end when Lizzie is upset at her parents for not trusting her to babysit Matt and tells them, "You were supposed to trust me" her mom says that she's right and that they were. To which her dad then says to her (Lizzie), "It's not that I don't trust you sweetheart, I guess I still think of you as the six year old girl who used to need me to chase the monsters out of her closet. I guess I have to get used to the fact that you're not that little girl anymore. You're becoming a young lady and I have to let you act like one." Again, that is just one of the very sweet, cute, and sentimental daddy-daughter moments between Lizzie and her dad that we get to see throughout the series. As I am very close with my dad as well, so there's great relatability there. 


This episode is just one of the few that made me smile and laugh out loud quite a lot while watching it. It's so very nostalgic and truly never gets old. I also just love the movie Home Alone, and this episode definitely gives off those vibes and has those similarities. As when Lizzie and Matt's dad is trying to spy on them at the house, he has to go through a lot of hoops to try and do so. Very similar things that the burglars in Home Alone go through when they are trying to spy on Kevin, such as getting hit with a giant paint can on a string, falling and tumbling in water, injuring his hand by getting it smashed in a door, getting his hand electrocuted while holding the knob of the door, among some other things. Trust me, if you love the movie Home Alone then you'll also love watching this episode. At least, it's definitely an episode I could watch again and again and never get tired of seeing. 💙💜👶🏠





 "I Love Lizzie" Marathon Promos (2004)



 Lizzie McGuire Season 2 PROMOS (2002) 








Lizzie McGuire Season 2 PROMOS (2003/2004)







Lizzie McGuire: SEASON 2


(from least to most favorite)... 


#5 "Grubby Longjohn's Olde Tyme Revue" S2E27 - Premiered March 14, 2003 

This is another one of those episodes that I never thought I would ever include on this ranking as one of the best or my most favorites from the show.  As it's not one that I remember watching from my childhood, but I do remember watching it for what seemed like the first time in 2020 with my sister (, and when I watched it then I didn't really like it or care for it. However, after watching it this time around for this post, I actually really enjoyed it a lot more. You could say I have a new love and appreciation for this episode, because I do. Hence, why it is on this ranking at #5, as one of the best and my most favorites. 


If you've never seen this episode, it's basically all about the McGuire family's annual trip to Grubby Gulch, a "Wild West" theme park. A trip they did not get to take the year prior. Everyone in the family is all excited about making their annual journey to Grubby Gulch, except of course, Lizzie. And Gordo and Miranda are also joining in on all the fun. However, they're also pretty reluctant about going. When the McGuire's (and Gordo and Miranda) get to the Wild West, Lizzie, Miranda, and Gordo go off from Matt and Lizzie's parents to a cafe where Lizzie and Miranda each meet a guy and Gordo meets a girl. To which they (Lizzie, Gordo, and Miranda) arrange a date at the mall with their respective others. However, when Lizzie's parents won't them go on this date, they all three fake being sick so they can sneak off to their date. 


This is one of the more unique episodes from not only Season 2 but from the whole show because it mostly takes place, not at school or at Lizzie's house, but at a Western-style theme park. And because this episode takes place in the Old Wild West, it seems very nostalgic to me because it just reminds me of when my family and I used to take trips to Tennessee during the Spring. And let me tell you, younger me could definitely relate to this episode, because I was just like Lizzie is in this episode when I was 14, 15, even 16 years old. As I too, back then (when I was around Lizzie's age), didn't really like going on my family's annual trip to Tennessee. I did like it sometimes, but not all the time. There were some things I did like about it and some things I didn't. But, me not liking it back then, was just because I was a crabby, moody teenager. 'Cause, of course now looking back, I wish I would have known to just enjoy that time with family more because you can never get that time back and days like that don't last forever. You will miss it, so enjoy the little things and moments even if it seems not so fun at the time. Plus, any time spent with family is priceless. Something that Lizzie definitely learns by the end of this episode and something that I've certainly learned as I've gotten older.


To be honest, I kind of had a hard time choosing which episodes to include on this ranking for Season 2, because like I said before Season 2 had a lot more better episodes than Season 1. In fact, I had two other episodes that I was so close to putting here at #5 on this ranking. The other two episodes being, "And the Winner Is..." and "Movin' On Up". So, it was really hard to choose between the three episodes, but ultimately I chose this episode as the best and one of my most favorites from Season 2 because it has the better message and it's more relatable. Again, FAMILY over everything. But, because I had such a hard time choosing this episode and because it almost didn't make it onto this ranking is also why it ranks the lowest out of all the rest of these best episodes from Season 2. But, again, don't get me wrong because this episode is great and it definitely deserves its spot here on this ranking.


Like I mentioned before, I hadn't seen this episode in a while and I didn't remember it from my childhood or anything, so I was very curious and excited to watch this episode again. Again, it was surprising to me how much I actually liked this episode after watching it again this time around. I mean, it's just very funny, relatable, and has a great message/lesson. The overall message being about the importance of enjoying your youth and making your family a priority over everything else because you might not always get the time you have now with your family because people grow up and things change quickly. As at first Lizzie dreads going to Grubby Gulch with her family because although she used to love going when she was a kid she feels like she is now too old she says, "sarsaparilla and singing cowboys". As she would much prefer to go somewhere like France or do something like water skiing, not that other "cheesy stuff" with her family. 😂 But in the end Lizzie realizes that she's ruining her parents weekend by wanting to run off to the mall with Gordo and Miranda and that there will be plenty of time for that other stuff later on, but right now she should enjoy the time that she has with her family while she still has it. As you can see, this is just a GREAT episode with a GREAT MESSAGE. It is definitely an episode I will now never forget and is one that I could watch many times again. 🤎🤠🐎🕰



#4 "First Kiss" S2E1 - Premiered February 8, 2002  


This is an episode that I actually did remember more than many of the other episodes from Season 2 before re-watching it again for this post, but mostly just because it was still pretty fresh in my mind since watching it not so long ago (in 2020) with my sister ( Plus, it is the first episode of the season, and usually those are the more memorable ones. And because I liked it the last time I had watched it, before this time, I was still very curious and excited to watch it again this time around and it did not disappoint. Hence, why it obviously made it onto this ranking as one of the best and my most favorites.

In this episode, Lizzie, Gordo, and Miranda get back to school and see that everyone but them of course, have been bitten by the love bug. However, soon after, Lizzie meets and falls for the local neighborhood paper boy, Ronnie. To which she gets a series of firsts in this episode: her first real love, her first kiss, and her first heartbreak. Yep, all in one episode. Meanwhile, in a subplot, Matt only needs one baseball card to complete his card collection but only Melina has that card. Melina agrees to give Matt the card but only if he does her homework and other chores for her.

This is one of my favorite episodes because it's very funny and it's one of the few where I enjoyed watching both story lines: the Lizzie, Ronnie, and Gordo story line and the Matt and Melina story line. It's also a perfect episode to talk about for this whole I Love Lizzie, Valentine's Day/Month-themed post, because in this episode it takes place during Valentine's Day. As at one point during this episode Miranda says to Lizzie, "Who celebrates Valentine's Day? That's like the doofiest holiday ever" and Lizzie says, "I don't know. Maybe we're suppose to." Uh, sorry, but I totally disagree with Miranda on this one, because I just LOVE Valentine's Day and that's also why I just LOVE this episode a whole lot. As it definitely gives you some of those V-Day vibes.💕 Though, to respond to Lizzie's answer to Miranda's question about celebrating Valentine's Day, no one has to like it and, no, you don't have to celebrate it. No one is "supposed" to do anything for this holiday, because we all know it's just a made up holiday, but it's just FUN to celebrate anyways. At least to me it is. But, enough about me, and back to this episode. 


This is a really great first episode, not only because it's Valentine's Day-themed but also because it features one of the sweetest and cutest moments between Lizzie and Gordo. In fact, this is the first episode of the show where we hear and see that Gordo likes Lizzie more than just a friend. As he shows a lot of signs of jealousy toward Lizzie liking Ronnie. As before this episode, in Season 1, there are times when Lizzie gives hints of her maybe liking Gordo as more than just a friend and showing jealousy when he would hang out with other girls, but now by watching this episode we see that that feeling between them is mutual. 

As at one point in this episode Gordo is talking to Miranda and asking her what it is that Lizzie could possibly like about Ronnie and he goes on to say, "'s just so strange. I mean, other than my parents, Lizzie's the one person I've known my entire life. I guess I never really thought what it would be like when she had a boyfriend" and Miranda says, "W-Wait, wait. Are you jealous?" and Gordo says, "Jealous? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Wrong road. I was trying to identify a different emotion. Not jealousy" but then Miranda walks away and he says, "I think". And yes, we all know what Gordo meant by what he said. He certainly LIKES Lizzie as more than just a friend. Cue the awwwwwss.💓 


Another 'awww' moment from this episode and definitely the BEST moment of this whole episode is the ending scene when Lizzie and Gordo are talking in the library and Lizzie's crying while telling Gordo that Ronnie broke up with her and Gordo gives her some very truthful, sage advice. As right after Lizzie tells Gordo that Ronnie broke up with her Gordo calls Ronnie a loser for doing so. And now, I'm just going to type out every word they say during this whole scene because it's just oh so ICONIC and just too good not to share. So, after Gordo calls Ronnie a loser Lizzie says, "No, Gordo. I'm the loser, okay? He likes another girl. She's probably prettier than me, and she's probably smarter than me, and she's probably a lot more fun than I am" and Gordo says, "No, she's not" and then Lizzie asks him how he knows that and Gordo says, "Because there's nobody prettier than you or more fun to be with". Then Lizzie says that she feels so awful and Gordo says, "Yeah, I know, but you'll get over it. Whereas that guy, he's gonna realize what an idiot he was. He's gonna feel awful for the rest of his life" and Lizzie says, "You're such a good friend, Gordo" and that's when Gordo says, "Yeah, well, uh..." ( and it seems like he wants to say something more) and Lizzie says, "What?...Gordo, what?" but Gordo says, "Uh, nothing". Though, we all know what he probably really wanted to say. 😉💓

Then the bell rings and they both leave the library with Miranda showing up to go with them, but not before Lizzie throws off all the pieces of paper that she ripped up on the table onto the library floor. To which, every time I watch that ending scene of this episode I feel bad for the librarian or whoever had to pick up all that mess that Lizzie left behind. I mean, don't take your anger or sadness out on the library Lizzie, geez. 😂📓📚 Also, I just have to say when Gordo brings Lizzie a big cookie from lunch during that same scene, it just always reminds me of my public high school days when my school had big cookies in a paper bag like that, too. 🍪 Very random, but just something else very nostalgic to me. 😊

Overall, this is a must-watch Lizzie McGuire episode for sure. I, for one, would definitely choose to watch this episode again. I mean, it has everything. It's funny, refreshing, emotional, relatable, it's very nostalgic, has a great message/lesson (that message being about knowing your worth and knowing that if a guy/girl doesn't like you for you than so be it, but don't let them make you feel any less than what you are because the right person will always come around in the end), it has cute dogs, and of course it has one of the sweetest and cutest Gordo and Lizzie moments ever. It's also a great first episode for Season 2 of the show. There definitely couldn't have been a better one.💘💋💟✉📫🎕🍫





#3 "Bye Bye Hillridge Junior High" S2E24 - Premiered February 7, 2003 

This is another one of those episodes that I don't really remember seeing from my childhood, although I know I must have at least once because I loved this show as a kid, but I did remember this episode only because before doing this I had watched it in 2020 with my sister ( So, it was still pretty fresh in my mind from that last time I had watched it, before this time. Although, if I'm being honest, this is another episode that I did not think would ever be included on this ranking just because it's never been one that's stood out to me or one that I really, really liked. However, after re-watching it this time around, I have definitely changed my mind on that. Cause this is an episode that I actually did really like this time around and one that stand out to me from the rest, from not only Season 2 but from the whole show in general. And for many reasons, which I will get into. 


Basically, this episode is all about it nearing graduation for Lizzie, Gordo, and everyone else at Hillridge Junior High. Yes, it's that time of year for locker clean outs, end of year tests, yearbook signings, class pictures, among other things. And in this episode in particular, it's all about the yearbook signing, as Gordo is trying to figure out the perfect thing to write in Lizzie's yearbook. Ahhh...the signing of yearbook days, I remember them well. 😊📕✎


Yes, by that description and if you actually have seen or watch this episode, then you can tell that this was actually supposed to be the very last episode of the whole series. However, ten more episodes aired after this episode, which is quite interesting. This definitely should have aired as the last episode in my opinion, because it makes way more sense story wise and it's just a way better episode than the last episode that actually did conclude the series (before the movie, of course). I do have a theory has to why this probably did not air as the series finale episode, because Miranda is not in this episode and they probably wanted to end the series by showing an episode with Miranda in it because she is in the "last episode" that they did actually air as the last episode, just not in this episode and some others from Season 2. 


In fact, that's the only thing I don't like about this episode and about some of Season 2, for the fact that Miranda is not in this episode and in quite a few other episodes from this season towards the end. :( Although, they do make up for Miranda's absence a little bit in this episode by mentioning her name, and when they are looking back at old pictures and showing flashbacks of previous episodes she is seen in those, too. So, again, at least they included her in this episode in some way. As it's better than not showing or mentioning her at all, because it was definitely important and a must that she be included in this episode in some way or another. Plus, Lizzie mentioning that she (Miranda) left early to go on vacation with her family is not that believable. I mean, they could have come up with something a little better than that as to why Miranda wasn't there. But, that's a little besides the point. Anyways, back to this great episode. 


It's funny and quite interesting because I know that they are graduating middle school in this episode (well, in the movie), but when I was kid watching this show (and the movie), for some reason I always thought that they were in high school throughout this series and that they were graduating high school. Like why did I think that? Did anyone else think that when they were younger? No, just me? Okay. 😂 Anyways, again, back to the more important stuff about this episode.


I LOVE a lot of things about this episode. It has its funny moments, nostalgic moments, sad moments, happy moments, just all the moments. But the best moments of all being that there's so many cute and sweet Lizzie and Gordo moments in this episode. As I mentioned before, there are quite a lot of flashback scenes and pictures from lots of previous episodes of the show featured in this episode, which I love and which of course makes me know for sure that this was supposed to be the last episode of the whole series. It even shows a clip from one of my top 5 picks from Season 1, a clip from the episode, "Come Fly With Me". And it shows a picture of the next episode that is listed after this episode, which means that this episode was really meant to come after all the other episodes. We also get one of the best compilations of just some of Lizzie and Gordo's best moments together, which is always a plus. 💓 And we get the ICONIC moment at the end with Lizzie kissing Gordo on the cheek in the class picture.


Another random fun fact about this episode is that the guy who played Mr. Moseby on the Suite Life of Zack & Cody and the Suite Life on Deck is in this episode (of course before those shows even aired on Disney Channel). He actually played in a few episodes of this show, this being one of them. This episode is really relatable and just has a good overall message/lesson. It actually has quite a few different messages/lessons, such as the importance of listening to yourself and not being worried about what other people think about you. Something Gordo tells Lizzie when she at first wants to listen to Kate telling her that she's a loser and that she won't be anything in high school. As well as the importance of not being afraid of change or failure and knowing that if you do fail at something at least you got up and tried it, is also a prominent message/lesson in this episode. As when Lizzie is talking to her dad about all the things she tried but failed at (running for class president, rhythmic gymnastics, saving the environment, and her first job), thinking that she is just gonna do the same when it comes to high school, her dad says to her, "Yeah, but you tried. The only time you really fail is if you don't try. I think you're gonna do just fine in high school. Really." And those are just a few messages/lessons that I took away while watching this episode again, but I'm sure that there are a lot more. This episode also has a great song moment, which I just absolutely love. As an emotional early 2000s song plays in the background of the ending class photo scene and during some of the other compilation scene moments. ❤🎵𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅱


This episode had me really quite emotional while watching it again, because every ending episode of a show (even though this technically isn't the last episode, as I still had ten more episodes to watch after this one) gets me sad and emotional. However, I would still choose to watch it again, even though it's more emotional than other episodes of the show. And even though I still do not understand what the heck Gordo wrote to Lizzie in her yearbook. As at the end Gordo tells Lizzie that he's not finished with what he has to write in her yearbook and warns her not to read what he has so far but Lizzie does of course read it to which it says, "Dear Lizzie, you rock. Don't ever change. And only I really mean it". To which Lizzie then says, "Oh my gosh" and that's it. Like what is that supposed to mean? It's such a generic thing he wrote, so why did it take him that long to write it? That part of the episode left me confused the last time I watched it and it left me confused this time after watching it. I mean, we know Gordo likes her and she likes him, but his yearbook message just did not add up with Lizzie's shocked reaction to it.


I still think that the only thing that would have made this episode better is if Miranda was actually in it, too. But, I still LOVE this episode a lot, hence why it made it here at #3 on this ranking. Though, it probably would have made it even higher if Miranda was actually featured in it. I just couldn't get over that fact of it, so that's ultimately why I chose to rank it a little lower and because like I said before it is more on the sadder side. Despite that though, this episode,

(besides the movie), was a good way to wrap up the series and no matter what I will always look at this episode as being the true finale episode of the show. 💓❤🎓🏫📕✎


#2 "Just Like Lizzie" S2E14 - Premiered August 9, 2002  

Now, this is one of those episodes that has always been one of the most memorable and nostalgic to me from not only Season 2 but from the whole show in general. As I remember seeing this episode on Disney Channel a lot when I was younger. Or at least, I had to have watched it quite a lot during my childhood because it's always been one that has stood out to me among all the others from this season and one that I could just never forget for some reason. I mean, it is a great episode. Hence, why it's here at #2 on this ranking. I am always excited and very curious to watch this episode, but I was more so excited than curious to watch this episode again, because I already knew everything about it before doing this and I just knew that I would love it. In fact, this was one of those episodes that I was anticipating on watching again and knew from the very beginning that it would make it onto this ranking somewhere.


In this episode, Lizzie begins mentoring a "sevie", a seventh grade girl named Andie. But when Andie starts to mimic Lizzie's characteristics and behavior, after initially liking her, Lizzie starts to dislike Andie and advises her (Andie) to stop trying to be like her (Lizzie) and instead to just be herself. Meanwhile, Matt must earn a merit patch from his Wilderness Cadets group, otherwise he'll be demoted from them. His dad (Sam) tries to help him (Matt), but he just ends up harming himself in the process. 


This episode is very funny, relatable, very nostalgic, and it just has a great message/lesson. It actually has not one, but a few great messages/lessons. Such as the importance of just being you and not trying to be like anyone else but yourself, the importance of forging your own path and not following somebody else's. Just like Gordo tries to tell Andie in this episode, as well as Lizzie. The importance of helping others is also a prominent message in this episode. As the whole reason why Lizzie chose to mentor Andie in the first place was to give back and share what she knew as an eighth grader, that way it could help seventh graders like Andie be able to avoid the do's and don'ts of middle school and become less shy and self-conscious and more confident in herself. As just like Lizzie had once been down that road of being a self-conscious and shy seventh grader and just wanted to give the help that she wished someone would have given her when she was a "sevie". I mean, we can all relate to being a self-conscious, shy seventh grader, right? I know I can. I mean, I'm still that way sometimes. So, I can definitely relate to this episode in that way. 


I also like at the end of this episode when Lizzie, Gordo and Miranda are talking to each other after seeing Andie being like Kate, and Gordo tells Lizzie that she is a way better role model than Kate to which Miranda agrees. Although Miranda says, however, that she did like the lip gloss that they were wearing and Lizzie says, "Yeah, but you know, it shouldn't be about the lip gloss. Andie should want to copy someone, you know, for the important stuff. Like being a better person". Which is just a great message/lesson in and of itself as well as with what Miranda and Gordo then say to Lizzie. As Miranda then says, "Maybe being a role model was harder than I thought. Plus, it's more fun to find things out on your own" and Gordo says, "And you never figure out who you really are if you're busy trying to be someone else." 👏


There's also the message about knowing that it's okay to have a role model but even good role models have their problems, too, because no one is perfect. Just like when Lizzie sees Andie at her house talking to her mom and she says for Andie to just leave her alone, to stop dressing like her, stop doing her hair like her and to stop talking like her. To which Andie replies, "But I wanna be like you. You're my role model" and then Lizzie says to her, "No, I'm not!...Look, you don't want to be like me. Trust me. I oversleep. I get stains on my clothes. I trip in the cafeteria. I lose my keys. My room is a mess. And I try really, really hard to try and make my life look easy". 


So, the lesson is, don't be an Andie and just copy anybody who will let you. As after trying to be just like Lizzie doesn't work out for Andie, she just moves on to trying to be like Kate. But, as cliche as it might sound, it's important to be an individual. To just be YOU no matter what. Because truthfully you can never ever actually be exactly like somebody else. Plus, like Lizzie mentions at the Digital Bean to Gordo, someone copying your every move is just creepy. And you don't want to be that. 'Cause imitation might be the greatest form of flattery, until it gets on a plain out creepy level. Overall, I just really love the good, positive message of this episode and it's just one of the most nostalgic Lizzie McGuire episodes to me ever, which is why it ranks here at #2. I mean, I couldn't imagine this ranking without this episode. It's one that truly never gets old to watch and is one that I could watch over and over and never get tired of seeing. Definitely a must watch from the series for anyone. 💓💗👗👧👧


#1 "Clue-Less" S2E23 - Premiered January 31, 2003


This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE episode from Season 2 of Lizzie McGuire because it's very nostalgic to me, as it's one that I do remember watching quite a lot when I was a kid. Therefore, it's always been one of the most memorable and unforgettable episodes to me from not only Season 2 but from the whole show in general. This is another episode that I just couldn't wait to watch again. So, I was very excited and a little curious to watch this episode again, just to see if my opinion of it had changed at all. Especially, after watching all the other episodes that came before this one. But my opinion of this episode is still just the same, being that it's still one of the best episodes from the show. 


This episode begins with Lizzie getting married to Ethan Craft👰🤵💒🕭💍....Ha, ha, ha. Just kidding. 😂 That part is just all fake and all a part of the game that they play in this episode. In other words, I mean they do almost get married, but it's all just a part of the game. But for real, for real, in this episode Lizzie and her friends and family, play a murder mystery game at the McGuire's house. You know the type of murder mystery party where everyone dresses up as some English dude or lady and pretends to be dead then everyone has to try and find out who did it. Basically, this episode is like the real-life game of Clue. SPOILER ALERT: Lizzie solves the mystery of who killed Lord McGuffin first, but then decides to name the wrong suspect so Gordo can name the right one and believe that he solved it first and win. In the end, Gordo is about to ask Lizzie out, but her dad (Sam) interrupts and ruins their special moment. Yeah, there's a whole lot that happens in between all that, and I realize that my synopsis of this episode doesn't do it any justice. So, trust me, you just have to go watch this episode to see and understand how great it truly is.😊📺


Like I mentioned before, this is definitely one of the most unique episodes not only from the show itself but from any and all episodes from Disney Channel shows that I've seen. As I've never seen another Disney Channel show even attempt to try and do an episode like this one. Or if they did, it obviously wasn't as good as this one because I can't remember it at all. Of course, the only thing that I don't like about this episode is the fact that again Miranda is not in this episode. It would have been an even more fun and interesting episode with her in it. However, they do mention her, but she's still just "out of town". This is also one of the few episodes from the show that features Hilary Duff's (aka Lizzie's) real life sister Haylie Duff. As she's just a player in the game, too. 


This episode is not only very nostalgic because I watched it when I was a kid but it also gives me those nostalgia vibes because the murder mystery game they are playing reminds me of the board game "Clue" that my sisters and I would play a lot when we were younger. So, it's really no wonder why I find this episode to be fun and interesting to watch as well as one of the best and most memorable. This is also a fun episode to watch because it's one of those episodes where you as a viewer kind of get to play along in the mystery, too. As while they're trying to figure out who did it, who murdered Lord McGuffin, you as the viewer are too. Unless, you've already seen this episode many times before like I have, than you already know who did it, but it's still just as fun and interesting to watch, nonetheless.


There's also a great message/lesson in this episode about the importance of knowing that you shouldn't care about what other people think about you and that although we're all human and want to be noticed by others it's not that important. 'Cause the people who are meant to notice you, the people who actually care for you and mean something to you, will notice you. In other words, you don't need to impress anyone but yourself. All things Gordo had learned by the end of this episode. As well as understanding and knowing that winning isn't everything. It's how you treat others that counts. Something Lizzie and Gordo both had to learn in this episode. As at first Lizzie just wants to win to impress Ethan, and Gordo wants to win to impress Lizzie (unbeknownst to her), and by the end they just end up impressing each other. The people they were meant to impress because they care about each other. This is also one of the more unique episodes from the show because if I'm not mistaken this is the first and only episode where every cast member, the kids and the parents, (besides Miranda of course) are all part of one big story line together and are all seen in multiple scenes together all at once. Again, I don't believe that happened very often throughout the series, but in this episode it does which is great. 


This is also a pretty special episode because it has another ICONIC Lizzie and Gordo moment and it's the episode where Lizzie finally realizes that Gordo likes her after Kate lets her know and then when she sees it for herself when her and Gordo have a moment outside together at the end. As at the very end they are talking to each other outside Lizzie's house and they almost kiss until Lizzie's dad opens the door and interrupts them. I know, I know. It's such a bummer. But that's why the movie exists because we do get to see that long-awaited kiss between them in the movie. Although, it would have been great to see in this episode, too. I think that movie moment was well worth the wait. This episode truly never gets old. I've seen it so many times before and I could watch it so many more times over again. It definitely will forever be a favorite of mine from the show and is definitely one that I would suggest anyone to watch first when starting this show. That is of course if you don't mind watching episodes out of order. I would choose this one as one of the best episodes from the show to watch. ❤🕛☎🔎







You didn't think I was going to end this post without talking about the ICONIC movie did you? 😊😉


So after watching both seasons of Lizzie McGuire, I of course had to re-watch The Lizzie McGuire Movie, to wrap this early Disney Channel, 2000s, nostalgia-filled journey up in a nice bow. 🎁 And, so here is my reflection of the movie, after watching it for what now seemed like the one thousandth time. (Okay, obviously I've never really watched this movie a thousand times, but you get the point.😊)


This movie is all about Lizzie McGuire and the gang graduating middle school and celebrating by taking a class trip to Rome, Italy. While there, Lizzie is mistaken for Italy's biggest pop superstar, Isabella. And she meets and falls for Isabella's former boyfriend and singing partner, Paolo. And therefore, what was supposed to be only a normal trip, becomes a teenager's dream come true. 🎤⭐


The events of this movie take place after the second and final season of Lizzie McGuire. In other words, this movie serves as the finale of the series. Although, it didn't air that way. As this movie premiered on Disney Channel on May 2, 2003 and the last episode of the series didn't actually premiere until February 14, 2004. However, this movie was filmed in the fall of 2002 right after or around the same time that they did get finished filming the second season of the actual series. So, it all makes sense filming wise. They just didn't air the last season and the movie in the right order when filming and everything was finished. But, that's just a little history or fun fact about this movie. 


Another little fun fact about this movie is that it was also the first theatrical film based on a Disney Channel Original series. So, let's give credit where credit is due, because without this movie we probably wouldn't have ever gotten Hannah Montana: The Movie or The Wizards of Waverly Place Movie or The Even Stevens Movie or The Suite Life Movie, and so on and so forth. Having said that, this movie definitely set the bar high when it came to movies based on Disney Channel Original series. In fact, there is only one movie from that short list that I just mentioned that did it better. Can you guess which Disney Chanel movie that is? Yes, I still say that Hannah Montana: The Movie beats out all the movies based on Disney Channel Original series. And yes, I will always find some way to include Hannah Montana in any post. 😊 But, back to this ICONIC movie, because yes, this movie is still just as great as the Hannah Montana movie. Just not the better of the two, in my opinion. 


I have so many thoughts about this movie. I mean, what can I say about this movie that hasn't already been said before. All the postive things that is, of course. This movie, as all true Disney Channel fans know, is not only one of the most ICONIC things to come from the show but it's also just one of the most ICONIC things to come from Disney Channel in general. As I mentioned before, it started the course for all Disney Channel movies based on original series that came after it. 


I was just very excited to watch this movie again and not that much curious because I pretty much already knew what to expect from it. Reason being that I've seen it many, many, many times in my life. In fact, the last time that I watched this movie before doing so again for this post, wasn't that long ago. It was actually just a few years ago during the pandemic (in 2020) when I watched it with my sister ( This movie is just so nostalgic, and when I say nostalgic I mean N.O.S.T.A.L.G.I.C. . 


There are just so many amazing parts of this movie, but of course my FAVORITE and the BEST scene of the whole movie hands down, is the ending scene when Lizzie sings onstage for the first time in front of a big crowd in ITALY for the first time. Quick fun fact about that scene, did you know that the final song was supposed to have Isabella and Lizzie sing together but the director changed it last minute, which is why there are still left-over vocals of Isabella's singing voice (aka Haylie Duff aka Hilary Duff's sister) throughout the performance? Kinda crazy, right? 😮💙


My second favorite scene to that one, a very close second, is of course the kiss at the very end between Lizzie and Gordo. 'Cause like YESSSS, we finally get to see a kiss between them...ugh, the anticipation. And yes, even though I've seen this movie a million times before I was actually anticipating on seeing the Lizzie and Gordo kiss more than any other time I've watched this movie before. I guess because now that I'm an adult, watching the whole series from beginning to end and then getting to the movie, it was different this time around than when I was a kid watching this movie. In other words, when I watched this movie as a kid, I didn't really see the big deal of that scene in the movie (the big kiss scene) but now that I'm older after re-watching the whole series back now I get why it's such a big deal and a special moment. As all throughout while watching the show, all you want is for Lizzie and Gordo to have that big moment and to be more than just friends, at least I did while re-watching the show. And so for that to actually end up happening at the end of this movie is just great. But it's also kind of a bummer, because since it is the end of the movie and therefore the end of the series, it's sad because right when we get a glimpse into what their relationship could be, it's over just like that and we don't get to see their love story continue. :(


Another scene from this movie that I've also always loved and has been one of my favorites ever since I was a kid is the very beginning scene when Lizzie is singing and dancing while getting ready for her graduation. It's just a really fun, relatable, and cute scene and it definitely starts the movie off with a bang. It's honestly one of the best opening scenes from a movie ever. I LOVE that this movie takes place in Italy. A place that I've always wanted to visit because I love Italian food. In fact, fun fact about me, Italian food is like my favorite cuisine to eat ever. ✈🍝🍕💚🤍💓 Just the whole Italian scenery in this movie is great in and of itself. It really makes you feel like you're there yourself while watching this movie. It's also great that they actually really did shoot in Italy, because you know some movies will take place in other countries but the cast didn't actually shoot in that said country. Although, again, that is not the case for this movie, which is a plus. I also just LOVE that they still included the animated Lizzie throughout this whole movie. It just makes this movie that much more great, unique, and special. 'Cause it certainly just wouldn't be The Lizzie McGuire Movie without it. Also, the cute fireworks at the end that spell out the words "The End", with the animation Lizzie being included in that whole thing, is also just the best. One of the only things that I don't love about this movie though, of course, is that Miranda is not in it. As, once again, Lizzie mentions how Miranda is off on vacation in Mexico City which is why she can't be there with them at graduation. But, Miranda isn't the only character from the series absent in this movie, as Larry Tudgeman, Lanny, and Claire (Kate's best friend) are as well.


All of the music in this movie is great and nostalgic in and of itself. In fact, when re-watching this movie again for this post I totally forgot that Hilary Duff's song "Why Not" is featured in one of the scenes of this movie. Like how did I forget that? I just love that song and it's very nostalgic to my childhood in and of itself. Honestly, all of the scenes with music get me so emotional every time I watch this movie just because those are some of the most nostalgic scenes of this movie to me. Whenever I watch those scenes and just this whole movie it makes me emotional just because it brings me back to those days as a kid watching this movie and it makes me miss my childhood. 'Cause, again, this movie was a part of my childhood and I love it so much. 💓


There's also a lot of great, positive messages spread throughout this movie that I love and that I think anybody can relate to. The main one, of course being, to dream big and never give up on your dreams no matter what they may be or what others may tell you. As well as some other messages, such as the importance of not being afraid to try new things or as Lizzie's dad quotes from Shakespeare to Lizzie during graduation, "Be not afraid of greatness". And knowing that we all have fears and are unconfident sometimes but like the only good thing Paolo does say to Lizzie in this movie, when she tells him that she's not so good at being confident, "We're all that same way...Yes, me. And Isabella, too. But it's how she works through her fears that make her strong. For instance, Isabella doesn't let Franca di Montecatini tell her what to wear. Isabella tells Franca." The importance of living life to the fullest; going on adventures and doing anything you want to do in life; and always being you no matter what others might tell you to be or what others might tell you to dress like are also prominent messages in this movie. There's also the important lessons/reminders to never lie or sneak your way into things as well as knowing to always trust your best friend or someone who you've known your whole life over someone you just met. Among many others.



Overall, this movie is just GREAT and I'm at a loss for words on how to describe how great it TRULY is. It definitely wrapped up the series in the BEST way possible. It has the comedy, action, romance, adventure, mystery, music, singing, dancing, Italian accents, Italian food, Italian history...okay, you get the point. It has everything Italian and more. Although again, the only thing that it doesn't have, that I wish it kind of did have is at least one appearance by Miranda. :( Especially during the ending scene when Lizzie is performing "What Dreams Are Made Of". As when Lizzie looks down to see her family and schoolmates there and then she looks to the side to see Gordo standing there smiling at her, I did think it would have been sweet to see Miranda there watching her do her thing, too. But it is what it is and I still love, love , LOVE this movie for what it is. I have seen this movie so many times and I could watch it many more times over again. 😢 In fact, I was so sad when I finished it this time around, that I just wanted to start it all over from the very beginning again. Even from the beginning of the series, because although I am not the biggest fan of every episode from this show (especially of a lot of episodes from Season 1), this show and movie will always hold a special place in my heart and will forever be a favorite of mine. 💙💚


  Movie Promos:



The best, most ICONIC, and my most favorite scenes from the movie:




Well, that concludes my ranking of the Top 10 BEST Episodes from Lizzie McGuire and my last and final Valentine’s Day-themed post of the year!😊👏💕 Again, there was no better way to end the month of February than with an I Love Lizzie Marathon. Even though my opinion about this show has changed a bit since I was a kid, I still LOVE and appreciate this show for what it is and for what it will always be. And like I said before, although I don’t like every episode of this show, after wrapping it all up again by re-watching the movie, it actually made me want to start the show all over again from the very beginning (but, of course, skipping the episodes that I do not like). What can I say? There’s just something about this show that just sucks me in every time. Probably, because of all the nostalgia, but whatever it is this show will always be one of my favorite Disney Channel shows EVER and just truly unforgettable. I hope you enjoyed reading this post just as much as I did making it. Is Lizzie McGuire one of your all time favorite Disney Channel shows? What’s your favorite episode or season of the show? Let me know in the comments below and come Back to Disney soon for more! 💛💚💗💙

Oh, and speaking of seasons, I know I mentioned at the beginning of this post that I would let you know my favorite seasons from most favorite to least favorite, so I will do that now before I sign off. The seasons of Lizzie McGuire go like this for me (again, from most to least favorite): Season 2 then Season 1. In other words, if you were to just ask me to choose my favorite season based solely on just the best episodes of the show that I mentioned here on this post, then I would prefer to watch all the episodes from Season 1 that I mentioned here. But as a WHOLE, Season 2 is much better than Season 1. Does that make sense? I hope so. Anyways, if you’ve never seen Lizzie McGuire before I highly suggest that you watch it at least once, because it is a must if you’re a true Disney Channel fan. Trust me, you won’t regret it. Well, until next time, HAPPY LATE VALENTINE’S DAY!!💕🌹🍫🎕💟💋


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