Tuesday, February 14, 2023


 Welcome Back to Disney and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!πŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸ«πŸŽ•πŸ’ŸπŸ’‹ I hope you enjoyed reading my last post I created about the Top 12 BEST Episodes From Shake It Up. Well, my Shake It Up posts aren't over just yet, because this post involves all things Shake It Up, Disney nostalgia, music, DANCE, and of course LOVE.πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ Perfect for the day that is today. I mean, I couldn't end my Shake It Up themed posts and the era that was, without also talking about the ICONIC music videos that came from the show, too. I have been wanting to create this post and share my thoughts with you about these music videos for a long time now, and I'm SO HAPPY I finally get to do so. I also hope you're just as happy reading this post as much as I was creating it. 

Sadly, this post will be one of the shortest posts that I've ever done, just because unfortunately there were/are only a total of four music videos that came from the show starring Bella Thorne (aka Cece) and Zendaya (aka Rocky). I know, I know. BOOOOOOO!πŸ‘ŽπŸ˜žBut don't worry, because it's all about quality over quantity, right? And, let me tell you, every single one of these music videos are full of high quality material. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. IS. AMAZING! Literally, I kind of hate even having to rank these music videos against each other like this, because they are ALL SO GREAT, SO NOSTALGIC to me, and just SO I.C.O.N.I.C . But, I do have my MOST FAVORITE, and you'll find out which one that is very shortly.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š So, what are we waiting for? Let's end this Shake It Up post era with a BANG and get into A Definitive Ranking of Every Music Video From Shake It Up!πŸ’“πŸŽ¬πŸŽΆπŸŽ€πŸŽΉπŸŽ‰

Just a brief note before we begin: Again, I truly LOVE every single one of these music videos. So, really none of them are bad in any way. Just when having to compare them amongst each other for this post, I was able to choose my favorite over another, but I still LOVE them all, nonetheless. Also, to be fair, when ranking these music videos I'm not just ranking them based off the song itself or the video itself but I'm ranking them based off of EVERYTHING that makes up the video. In other words, I ranked these videos based off of everything as a whole. I also really tried to put my nostalgic feelings aside for these videos and rank them for what they are besides that other factor. Though, even by doing just that, my favorites that have always been my favorites, still came out on top. Now for real this time, let's sing and DANCE our way through Valentine's Day with these ICONIC Shake It Up music videos! And if you're not in the singing or dancing mood, well just WATCH THIS, and you will be instantly. Well, hopefully. (: (Ha, see what I did there?)


(from least to most favorite)...


#4 "Fashion Is My Kryptonite" by Zendaya & Bella Thorne Premiered August 3, 2012 

Okay, so I always thought that whenever I got around to doing a post all about these music videos that this music video would rank above the next one that I'm going to be mentioning. In other words, initially in my mind I always had this music video above the next music video, but after watching all of these music videos again this time around, I clearly changed my mind about it. Although again, like I mentioned before, this is still and will forever be an ICONIC music video. Just when having to compare it to the others I will be mentioning shortly, this is my "least favorite". 

This music video along with all the others on this ranking, is one that I remember seeing all the commercials for leading up to its premiere on Disney Channel as well as when and where I was when I watched it for the first time in 2012. And let me tell you, when I first saw this music video on Disney Channel, I was obsessed. Again, like I was with all the music videos on this ranking. But, this music video specifically, I remember it was like the awakening point of me wanting to do exactly what they (Bella Thorne and Zendaya) were doing in this video. Acting, singing, and dancing. My love for those three things (well, mostly two things, singing and acting, because I didn't get into wanting to dance until I watched this show) started even long before I ever first saw this music video, but I just remember for some reason when I was fifteen watching this music video being like, "Okay, I really want to do that. I really want to do what they are doing. How can I start doing that right now?". To the point where I remember that night, after watching this music video, going to my dad and telling him like how much I want to sing and act and be in music videos. I just wanted to be on TV. It seemed like so much fun. Again, looking back, I don't know what it was about this music video and why it was this music video that really excited something in me, but it was. So, that is one reason why this music video will always hold a special place in my heart and it's one reason why I really wanted to rank it higher for that reason alone, but as you can see ultimately I didn't because I had to rank it fairly not just based off of those things. 

Another reason why I LOVE this music video is because it's all about fashion, which I LOVE. I mean, who doesn't? The song and the video itself represent the whole concept of fashion so well. Now, to be honest, my fifteen-year-old self LOVED their fashion in this video. But, now looking back, it's kind of funny that I thought that because all of their outfits aren't the best. Though, don't get me wrong because they still have some great, ICONIC outfits in this video, that I would still LOVE to wear myself. Just not ALL of them are great. Now, let's talk about the song that they sing in this video. This song is really, really catchy. When you watch this video just once, it will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day. Probably even the rest of the week and beyond that. At least, that's what it does for me every time I listen to it. The song is fun in and of itself because it's an electro-pop, pop-rap song. It's just such a fun song to sing and dance along to.

What's also interesting about this music video is that it also features Cat Deeley, who played on an episode from Season 1 of Shake It Up called, "Wild It Up". So, that's a nice, fun little throwback. This song was also featured in the Shake It Up "mini-movie", Shake It Up: Made In Japan. I also love the whole Narnia-type concept of this music video, as it starts out with them in their bedroom looking through their closet for something to wear to a premiere, and then they hear music behind the closet wall and find a secret passage and when they go through that secret passage instead of it being the world of Narnia it's the world of flowers, butterflies, and above all else FASHION. One of my favorite parts of this music video is when they are about to sing the second verse and you can see Bella holding out the "kryptonite" note and she makes a circular movement with her head and body at the same time as she's singing that lyric. I just love the synchronization like that in this video. I also like the lyrics from the second verse when she sings, "Hold up, I got somethin' to say / Our fashion sense's a-okay / Walkin' your way, so you better look grace / We're double dose of sugar and spice". I also love how confident they are throughout this video, which makes me just more excited and happy while watching it.

Again, I love everything about this music video, but it goes lowest on this ranking just because the song that they are singing and dancing to in this video, although great and ICONIC, is not better than the others I will be mentioning next. Just because there is no really great, meaningful, deeper message like all of the others on this ranking. Fifteen-year-old me would have definitely had this music video placed where the next one is on this ranking, but watching it back now, I do LOVE the next music video just a tad bit better than this one for many other reasons. But again, that doesn't stop this music video from being so much fun to watch. As it just makes me smile and makes me instantly confident and happy every time after I watch it. :)πŸ‘—πŸ’—πŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’™




#3 "Contagious Love" by Bella Thorne & Zendaya Premiered March 1, 2013

Like I mentioned before, this is not a music video that I thought would rank where it is, but watching it back this time around I really do LOVE it a lot. And this is the perfect music video to watch on Valentine's Day. :)πŸ’• As it gives off all those Valentine's Day vibes from the song itself, to the fashion, to the set decorations, to the effects. Fun fact, this song actually was released on Valentine's Day in 2013, but the music video itself did not come out until March of that same year. If it came out just 7 days later, it would have been my birthday, which would have been even cooler and would have probably made me LOVE it even more than I already do.

This is another ICONIC music video that I remember watching for the first time when it premiered on Disney Channel in 2013. I mean, it was bittersweet then and it still is now, watching this video knowing that it was and is the last music video Bella Thorne and Zendaya did for the show. To be honest, though, like I've mentioned before this music video surprisingly never really was my favorite video of theirs. I remember liking it when it first premiered on Disney Channel, but not really loving it like the other two videos and even the previous one that I just mentioned. But that was younger me, and having watched it back as many times as I have since then, I really have grown to LOVE and appreciate this music video more now than I ever did before. I'm pretty sure one reason I didn't really like it as much before, when I was younger, is because of this music video being not as hype as all the other three music videos that they did before this one came along. Although, don't get me wrong, because this music video is hype and pretty upbeat, but it is still a little more slower than all the others on this list. But in the BEST way possible. As the song that they sing in this music video is more of an older school hip-hop, which I do LOVE. It also has some pop-rap vibes going on, which I also LOVE

Speaking of the song, the song that they sing in this music video is really GREAT. It's one of the main reasons why I ranked it higher than the previous one. As this song has a really great, positive, powerful, and meaningful message, unlike the previous song from the previous music video. This song's catchy hooks, sweet harmonies, and catchy chorus echo the universal message about just spreading love and living life to the fullest. I love the lyric in the song that Bella sings a few times when she says, "And I'll be happy with just enough (love) /Gimme, gimme that contagious love". As that lyric is pretty much saying that all she needs is love and that's enough for her, which is so great and so true for me, as well. As I believe that LOVE is one of the most important things in life and really all that matters in this life. And that's not just talking about relationship, couple type of love, but any kind of love: family love, friend love, sisterly love, etc.πŸ’• I also love the lyric that Bella sings that goes like this, "It was smiles over frowns, and we laugh without reason / Live out loud, 'cause our hearts are still beatin' / Sing on the elevator, watchin' people stare / Capture reaction, the moment's still there ". That's such a true, deep message in and of itself. In that you should always try to turn that frown upside down, smile and laugh for no reason and don't be afraid of what other people think about you. Even though I know, many times that's easier said than done. But, just try to remember that as long as your heart keeps beating, keep living, and don't let anyone stop you from living the life that you deserve.πŸ’“ There's so many amazing lines from this song that I love, and that I could decipher and talk about for hours, but those are just two that always stand out to me whenever I hear this song (as well as the chorus of course, too) and that I wanted to share with you here.

Just like the song itself, this music video is fun, upbeat, and jam packed full of energy and zest for life. I LOVE that there's more actual dancing in this music video than the previous one I mentioned, as Bella and Zendaya are known for that on Shake It Up and they bring all their great moves right front and center throughout this whole video. I also LOVE the added element of all the background dancers dancing with them throughout most of the video. As they are just all in sync when they need to be, but also dancing freely and just having fun when they don't need to be in sync, and them just being so collaborative with each other is so wonderful to see. This is another music video where you see them all having fun and enjoying life which makes you enjoy watching the video that much more. Every time I watch this music video it just makes me smile, want to sing and dance along, and the message is always a great reminder to just LOVE others, live life freely and to the fullest. Oh, and my sister (celebrategoodtimesblog.blogspot.com) also mentioned this to me and I was like, "Oh, yeah, that's so true", but this is an interesting video because it's the first and only music video where Zendaya and Bella each have their own separate scenes. In other words, it's not them two together singing and dancing throughout this whole video. As they do have their own separate moments to shine on their own, too.

Overall, this music video is just so contagious and so full of LOVE, which fits the title of the song perfectly. Oh, and their fashion in this music video is just A-Okay (Lol, see what I did there? Fashion is my kryptonite reference, always). No, but for real, it's more than just A-Okay, it's A-MAZING! So, on point with the whole upbeat, fun- loving theme of the song and music video. So, what are you waiting for? Check out the music video below to get that CONTAGIOUS LOVE and to get this song stuck in your head for days, like it has been in mine.πŸ’•πŸŽΆπŸŽ€





Every song on this ranking, appeared in some episode of Shake It Up, this one being no exception. However, did you know that this song, "Contagious Love", was originally recorded and sung by Coco Jones (from Disney Channel's "Let It Shine")? I just learned that, and now know why they featured her version of the song, and not Bella and Zendaya's, on the "Lock It Up" episode from Shake It Up. I never understood why in that episode of the show it wasn't Bella and Zendaya singing it, and I didn't know at all that it was Coco Jones singing it, but now I know. Both versions are great, but of course I will always prefer Bella and Zendaya's version. Though, if you'd like to be reminded of, or hear for the first time, Coco Jones's version then check out the clip below. :)πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ–€πŸ’—


#2 "Something To Dance For/TTYLXOX Mash-Up" by Zendaya & Bella Thorne Premiered March 9, 2012

Ahhhh, I'm so excited to finally get to talk about this music video! Just as excited, or nearly as excited, as I was the first time that I ever watched this music video when it first premiered on Disney Channel in 2012. Again, another Shake It Up music video that literally almost came out on my birthday. Just one day earlier in March of 2012, and this would have been a great birthday memory. But, whether it premiered on my birthday or not, watching this music video when I did for the first time on March 9, 2012, was still a GREAT and UNFORGETTABLE memory that I always think about every time I re- watch this music video. Watching this music video again for this post was no different. It took me right back to that day in 2012 when I first saw this music video and was so excited I rushed to go tell my little sister (celebrategoodtimesblog.blogspot.com) and we watched it not once that day, but many times after. 'Cause like I mentioned in my previous post, Shake It Up was her and I's thing to watch together and be obsessed with together, and watching this music video was no different. Like everything Shake It Up related, we were so excited and couldn't wait to learn the dance. Excited was an understatement. I mean, this was the mash-up to end all music video mash-ups.

This music video truly NEVER gets old. In fact, I still get very excited any time that I get to watch this music video, even now. This video is so unique and special just for the fact alone that it is a mash-up of two songs. I love that Bella and Zendaya got their own song and you get to hear and see both of them perform their song separately in this video, but then mash them up together in the end. It's just so cool. I mean, two songs in one music video, what could be better than that? Nothing. 

Usually when you hear two different songs at once, it might be easy to pick the better of the two, but I really do LOVE both songs that are performed in this music video. They are both AMAZING in there own separate ways and it would be really hard to choose the better of the two. Although, I do love ballads a lot, so if I had to choose a song from the two it would probably, most likely be Zendaya's song that she sings here. But, I still LOVE Bella's song a lot, too. 'Cause it's just so FUN and catchy, and brings me back to those teenage days of texting and talking like all the words mentioned in the song that she sings. Zendaya's song is all about just loving to dance and that when you get something unexpected or without having to ask for it and celebrating that. While, Bella's song "TTYLXOX" (which if you didn't know by now is short for "Talk to You Later Hugs and Kisses"), is just all about having a best friend and everything be better because you have them by your side. Both songs anybody can relate to.

Speaking of songs, both of the songs that they sing in this music video are so different from each other, yet they go so well together. As Zendaya's song is more of an R&B ballad while Bella's is a more upbeat, techno-pop, dance-pop song that is backed by R&B beats and uses a "sing-talk" vocal style. Both songs that I really love. It's also really cool that for each of their solo performances of their song they have their own different choreography and then when the songs get mashed up and they come together to still sing their separate songs they both start doing the same choreography instead of two separate dances that were designated for each of their individual songs. It's amazing how the choreography that they both end up doing at the end matches up with both of their songs. It's so complicated, but so cool. And you're probably so confused at what I just said, because I even have no idea what I just typed either, but once you watch the music video then I'm sure you'll understand what I mean. 

Setting-wise, where the performances take place, it's not the most unique, special, or extravagant. As the two girls are just at a night club, but it's the dancing and singing of two totally different songs, and then the two songs performed together all at once, that takes over this whole music video. That you don't even care about everything else. In other words, it's a simple setting, with two stand-out performances. As the music video starts out with Bella and Zendaya walking up to a DJ at a night club (a night club for kids under 18, I'm sure, Lol) with their iPods in hand and their songs paused. To which they ask the DJ to play each other's songs and the DJ says the ICONIC line, "How 'bout I play both songs, and then mash 'em together?" and that's when Bella and Zendaya give their iPods to the DJ and let him do his thing. The music starts out with Zendaya's song, "Something to Dance For" and then changes to Bella's song, "TTYLXOX" through a tremolo effect. Later TTYLXOX transitions to the mash-up with a pitch change and an echo, then at the end the speed of TTYLXOX is increased to then match that of "Something to Dance For". And the rest is...well, is ICONIC, ICONIC, and more ICONIC. Oh, and let's not forget about the outfits, because both of their outfits are great and oh so ICONIC in and of themselves.

Literally, I am at a loss for words when it comes to this music video, because it's just one of those videos that you just have to watch and see how AMAZING it truly is. 'Cause the music video really just speaks for itself. I'm sure that this was definitely one of the most difficult music videos out of the four that Bella and Zendaya had to do for the show, and I give them huge props for everything that they did in this music video. 'Cause it looks like it couldn't have been that easy to do at times. So, good for them. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘ Now, watch the video below, and then watch it again, and again, and AGAIN. Trust me, you'll want to watch it many times over after watching it the first time. At least, I always do, 'cause it truly never gets old.  







#1 "Watch Me" by Bella Thorne & Zendaya Premiered June 17, 2011

Now, this. THIS music video is the Shake It Up music video to end all Shake It Up music videos. This has always and will always be the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE music video by Bella Thorne and Zendaya. I mean, how could it not be. This music has it ALL and it TRULY defines what that Shake It Up era was to me, as a big fan of the show. From the AMAZING, ICONIC, outfits that Bella and Zendaya wear in this music video, to the dancing, to the music itself, to just EVERYTHING. I really, truly LOVE EVERYTHING about this music video.

This was the first ever music video that Bella Thorne and Zendaya did for the show and is one that holds another very special place in my heart, all because I have such fond memories of watching this music video for the first time when it premiered on Disney Channel in 2011 and the many, many more times that I watched it after that. They truly set the bar high with this music video. It's definitely one of the best music videos from not only the four music videos that they did for the show, but it's one of the best music videos from a Disney Channel star(s) EVER, in my opinion. I really shouldn't even have to explain what I love about this music video and why it's the BEST, because it truly speaks for itself on why it's SO AMAZING. But, I'll give a few reasons why I LOVE it so much just for fun. 

Besides this music video being SUPER NOSTALGIC to me, what I really love about this music video, and one of the reasons why I ranked it so high, is because of the great, fun, positive, empowering, inspiring message of it all. It really has the best message from any and all of their music videos that they did. The song that they sing in this video is all about letting go, having fun, just doing you and not letting others tell you any different. I LOVE when they sing "I don't need no one to tell me how to feel the beat / And I don't need no beat to tell me how to move my feet / Just go and do what you do / Cause there's nothing to prove" and when they sing, "I don't need no magazine / To tell me who to be / I don't need to pose / For p-p-paparazzi". As well as when they sing, "I don't need no music / When I wanna sing a song (watch me) / I don't need what's popular / To know what's right or wrong (watch me)". I also love the pre-chorus when they sing, "I'm doin' all I wanna do / And I won't stop until I can't move / I'm just bein' me, watch me do me". All of those verses, lines and lyrics have great, truthful, meaningful messages in and of themselves, which make for an overall GREAT, POSITIVE, EMPOWERING  message to anyone watching or listening. This is definitely their most high-energy dance video out of all the music videos that they did. And I really, really LOVE that about it, too. Seriously, the video starts with a lot of high energy and it just keeps getting more and more hype until the very end.

The fun, fresh, hip-hop, dance vibes that this music video gives off are just AMAZING and so fun and interesting to watch. I remember being obsessed with this music video and of course not only wanting Bella and Zendaya's outfits but their dance moves. In fact, I'm sure that I tried to learn the dance moves in this music video many times with my sister (celebrategoodtimesblog.blogspot.com) when we were younger, because that's what we always tried to do at that time when we saw any dance from Shake It Up. Musically, the song is prominently electro-pop that runs through a club-oriented beat, and the music video itself goes perfectly with that whole vibe of the song. The video has lots of intercuts/close-up shots of Bella and Zendaya singing to the song as well as many other far-away shots with them dancing in an abandoned warehouse with a bunch of other dancers. I love every part of this music video. I can't even pick a favorite part, because I truly LOVE it ALL.

Speaking of the whole setting of the video, the music video starts with Bella and Zendaya at a photo shoot and then they hear music playing. They then see an abandoned warehouse and look through a broken window and inside there is a group of dancers dancing to the music. They (Bella and Zendaya) then exchange their dresses for colorful dance clothes (an epic, ICONIC transition), enter the warehouse and join the group of dancers. And in regards to the girls vocals in this music video, I know that there is a lot of auto-tune used throughout this video on both of their voices, and people can criticize this video/song for that, but I don't even care about the auto-tune because it honestly works for this music video and the song. Again, I just don't care about the auto-tune, it is what it is. It doesn't make this music video any less AMAZING and we know they can both sing great anyways without it. 😊🎀🎢

Overall, the nostalgia just hits hard with this one. This music video is my CHILDHOOD (Well, my teenhood, if that's a thing. LOL) The music video and the song itself never gets old. Every time I re-watch this music video I feel like I'm thirteen again, watching it for the very first time. It never fails to make me smile. It just always leaves me feeling SO HAPPY, INSPIRED, CONFIDENT, and EMPOWERED. This music video (and the song) is just such a breath of fresh air any and every time you watch it (or listen to it). πŸ’—πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’™



  Well, that concludes A Definitive Ranking of Every Music Video From Shake It Up and my last Shake It Up post. Well, at least for a while. I know, sad right? πŸ˜žπŸ‘Ž I really LOVED getting to go back and re-watch not only all the episodes from Shake It Up, but also these ICONIC, UNFORGETTABLE music videos and getting to rank them here, as well. I already miss it, again. And if you will miss these Shake It Up posts, too, don't worry because I still have some many more AMAZINGLY, FUN, NOSTALGIA-FILLED posts to come for you guys. I can't wait to share those with you, too. But for now, be sure to hit that follow button, so that you're one of the first to be notified when my next post goes up and come Back to Disney soon for more! Oh, and let me know in the comments below what you're favorite music video is that I mentioned here. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! TTYLXOX :)πŸ’žπŸŒΉπŸ«πŸŽ•πŸ’ŸπŸ’‹


P.S. If you loved watching these music videos and hearing my thoughts and opinions about them, and would like to watch them again and read someone else's thoughts and opinions about them, I highly suggest that you check out my sister's blog post that she did here. :)πŸ’•

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