Friday, December 23, 2022



Welcome Back to Disney and Merry Christmas Eve Eve!!!πŸ’š❤️πŸŽ„ I hope you enjoyed my last post where I chose and ranked the Top 20 Best Performances From Disney Channel Stars At The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! Well, Christmas is only TWO days away…I know, so exciting, right? ☺️ But also kind of sad, because I love this time of the year so much and I never want it to end. πŸ™ All in all, it’s safe to say that I’ve been enjoying this holiday season a lot and I hope that you have, as well. And if you’re not, well that’s okay too, but maybe this post will give you all the Christmasy vibes to get you in the Christmas spirit for even just a little bit or...well, for as long as you read this post. :)


Last year for Christmas I created two posts, one where I chose and ranked all the best Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday episodes and another post where I chose and ranked all the best performances from the Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade throughout the years. So, I knew I couldn’t do those same ones again this time around for this post. Although, because those two Christmas posts were so much fun to do last year, especially the latter one I mentioned, is one reason why when I was trying to think of a blog post idea to do for Christmas this year I instantly thought to do this one. Also, the second reason being just for the fact that I’m a big music lover, like I’ve mentioned many, many times before on this blog. So, anything to do with music and Christmas, I just LOVE. Plus, like I’ve also mentioned before on this blog, one of my most favorite things about this holiday season is all the great Christmas music to sing and dance along to; and after watching all those Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday episodes last year, I knew that I would eventually want to rank the musical performances in those exact episodes that I included in that blog post (and even some others from episodes that didn't even make it onto that ranking, as well). So, that’s exactly what I did, and why I bring to you this Christmas-themed post to enjoy. Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s celebrate this holiday, or shall I say FA-LA-LA Liday, with A Ranking of Every Christmas Performance From Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday Episodes!πŸ’™❄️πŸŽΆπŸŽ„



Just a brief note before we begin: Again, this is is a ranking of every performance from a Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday episode. So, there are only thirteen total Christmas performances that I watched and ranked below. As not all Christmas/Holiday episodes from a Disney Channel show had musical performances in them. I also only included more full-on, serious performances. As there were a few musical performances that were either just too short and therefore not really a full-on performance or they were more of a funny, joke performance that again just to me doesn’t really count as a performance and did not fit into this ranking. There is also one performance from Shake It Up where they were just dancing and not singing, so I didn’t include that in the ranking, either. The performances had to include someone singing. But don’t worry, because all the short, joke performances that I didn’t include in this ranking I still tried to find a cute way to spread them out and  include them in this post some way, somehow. So, you’ll still get to see ALL the Christmas performances no matter what.  Also, again, I did not include any musical performances from Christmas DCOMs. Just the ones from Disney Channel shows’ and their Christmas/Holiday episodes. When ranking these performances I also tried to rank them by their overall performance, so not just the song itself or the dance itself but everything about it as a whole (from the costumes to just everything else). I hope that makes sense, if not, I’m sure you’ll understand more of what I am meaning by all of this when we actually get started. So, for real this time, let’s fa la la la la into FA-LA-LA Lidays with A Ranking of Every Christmas Performance From Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday Episodes! πŸŽΆπŸŽ€πŸŽ„


And don’t worry, because if you can’t sing or just don’t like to sing, take it from this next clip…and well, sing along to these songs as you watch anyway, because it’s Christmas time and what could be more fun?! Fa La La La La La La La...🎀🎢🎹



(from least to most favorite)....

#13 “Let It Snow” - performed by Dove Cameron (aka Liv) from Liv & Maddie S1E10 “Fa-La-La-A-Rooney”

This is one of those shorter performances that I wasn't going to include at first, but since she is actually singing during it and it is a bit more of a serious performance than some others that I left out of this ranking, I thought it was okay to include it in this ranking up against all the other performances that I will be mentioning later. However, this is still my least favorite Christmas performance out of the others on this ranking because it's just not the better of them. I love the song that she sings during this performance, and I love her outfit, and the whole Christmasy stage set up, but there are other things that just don't make this performance one of the best. One of those being that when she's singing the song it's just too pausy for me at times. There is also that joke-like element as her mom is playing the flute comedically behind her, which just kind of distracts from the overall seriousness of the performance. I also just have no nostalgic feelings towards this performance like I do a lot of the others that I will be mentioning next, as I did not grow up watching this show and had only seen this performance for the first time last year when I decided to watch all the Christmas/Holiday episodes from Disney Channel shows. Overall, to me, this is just the most boring performance to watch when compared to all the others on this ranking.πŸ’™❆⛄❄


#12 "Need A Little Love" - performed by Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana and Sheryl Crow from Hannah Montana S4E5 "It's the End of Jake As We Know It" 

I know, I know. I hate to have to put a Hannah Montana performance so low on this ranking, because as you know Hannah Montana has always and will always be my most favorite Disney Channel show EVER. I fan girl pretty hard over anything and everything Hannah Montana. But, that's besides the point. :) I actually love everything about this performance from the song, to Hannah's outfit, to the whole Christmasy set up. But this is just another one of those very short performances and a short performance that I wish was much, much longer. I actually remember always hating that this performance was so short since the first time I saw it. Again, because I really do love this song. In fact, I've actually mentioned this song that they sing during this performance before on this blog, on my Valentine's Day post I did earlier this year, here

Although, even though I love this song and everything about this performance, I did also rank it lower than the others that I will be mentioning later because it's not the most Christmasy song. In fact, it's not a Christmas song at all. I mean, you could make it one because Christmas is all about LOVE too, but it's not a classic Christmas song which is why it's not one of the best (in my opinion) Christmas performances from a Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday episode. So, the short length and the fact that this is not a Christmas song are the only two reasons why this performance ranks lower on this ranking. However, because it is way more nostalgic to me is also the reason why it ranks higher than the previous performance. In other words, it's the better shorter performance of the two that I've mentioned so far. 

I do love that we at least get to see and hear them (Hannah and Sheryl) sing this song twice in the episode at two different times, which if you put the two scenes together (like I did in the clip below) it makes for a longer performance. Though, it's still not as good as if it were just a longer version of the second scene of them singing the song, cause I do prefer the scene of them singing it on the sleigh with Hannah in the white coat with pink gloves and everything, as it just makes it more Christmasy and perfect for this ranking. Overall, what I'm trying to say is that this performance is GREAT just not long enough or Christmasy enough when compared to all the other performances that I will be mentioning later. But it's still a performance I could watch over and over again and never get sick of seeing, as I actually already did for this ranking. πŸ’—❤️πŸ›·

#11 "I Left My Heart In Scandinavia" performed by the Jonas Brothers (mostly Kevin) from JONAS S1E19 "Cold Shoulder"

Just like the previous song (and episode) mentioned, this song is not really a Christmas song, but with the setting and everything it works. You get all the wintery vibes while watching this performance which just makes it pretty perfect for this Christmas ranking. I first came across this performance last year when my little sister ( and I watched this episode for the first time together and I've loved it ever since. This is like a serious, non-serious, but mostly serious performance which I love. Cause I know I said earlier that I wasn't including joking, silly performances in this ranking but this one certainly counts as a full-on, serious performance even though it's comedic gold. I mean, how could I not include this performance? 

I never would have thought that I would ever rank a JONAS performance higher than a Hannah Montana performance but again, this performance gives off more of the Christmas, wintery vibes and it's just so funny, which I love a performance that can make me laugh and smile like this one does. I also chose to rank this performance higher than the previous one because we do get to hear the full song, so it is a full-on performance and it's kind of special and unique in that we get to hear just Kevin singing this song which usually never happens, at least from all the Jonas Brothers performances that I've seen throughout the years. And he actually sings good, so I don't understand why he doesn't sing solo parts more often. Again, I love how everything is cohesive about this performance from the set up to their outfits and that it's actually longer than the previous ones I've mentioned already, which is mostly why it ranks higher than those two other performances. This is another performance that I could never get tired of seeing, it just instantly makes me laugh and smile and nothing's better than that, except for the few other performances that I will be mentioning next. Also, when he sings the chorus of this song for some reason it reminds me of that song at the end of Read It and Weep (an iconic DCOM), which I love because I love that DCOM and I love that song from that movie, as well. But, does anyone else get that from listening to this song? No. Just me. Okay. 😊 Literally, though look up the ending song from Read It and Weep. It's called, "I Will Be Around" by Nick Whitaker, and this song's chorus sounds pretty, pretty similar if you ask me. Not the actual lyrics but the beat of the choruses are kind of the same. Though, it is more sped up and not slow like what Kevin sings here. But still, I can't help but think of that other song every time I hear this song from this performance.πŸ’™❆⛄❄


#10 "Kids Table" performed by the Bizaardvark Cast from Bizaardvark S1E17 "Agh, Humbug"

Talking about comedic performances, this one is even more of a funnier performance than the previous one I mentioned. Also, just like the previous performance, I just came across this Christmas performance last year when I watched this episode that it's from for the first time ever. I thought this performance was really funny then and I still think it's very funny and so good. I would definitely choose to watch this performance over the previous one for many reasons. Obviously, for the reason that it is comedic gold and I love that the whole cast is singing and dancing along to the song and just doing a bunch of shenanigans during the whole thing. This performance is also more relatable as well, cause as the title suggests it's all about having to eat at the kids table, which I'm sure everyone who is or was once a kid can relate to. 

Again, especially during the holidays. I love everything about this performance. In fact, the only thing that I don't like about it, is that it's not long enough. It's a pretty long performance but of course I just wish it was longer because it's so funny. I also wish we could have heard Bernie sing his part to continue the song, as we see at the end he starts to rap but then they cut it short. This performance gives off all the Christmas vibes, as well. From the nunchuck-swinging Santa, to all the candy, gingerbread you could eat, live Opera-singing Snowman, Christmas stockings, presents, all the small Christmas trees, the big Christmas tree in the back, and of course the Christmas dinner tables especially the hopping kids table that they sing about throughout the whole song. I mean, if the kids table looks like this one from this performance, I'd rather sit there for holiday dinners any day over the adult table. πŸ˜‚ 

This performance is also unique from all the previous ones I've already mentioned because there's more rapping/speaking parts than actual just singing parts by them throughout the whole song, which just makes this performance even better. This is an unforgettable performance for sure. Ever since I saw this performance for the first time last year I could not forget about it and knew that it would end up on this ranking somehow, somewhere. And welp, here it is at #10. This is such a great performance that just makes me want to sing and dance along every time that I watch it. It also makes me smile and laugh a lot throughout, which is always a plus, but there are just a few other performances that are more nostalgic and better in other ways than this one. And I also only ranked this performance lower than the others that I will be mentioning next because it is more of a joke performance and not as serious as all the others I have left to talk about on this post. Although, again, don't get me wrong because this is still a GREAT, must-watch Christmas performance from a Disney Channel show. So, what are you waiting for, take a look below. Trust me, you won't regret it. πŸ’“πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ¬⺇πŸͺ‘


#9 "Favorite Time of Year" performed by Debby Ryan from Jessie S3E7 "Good Luck Jessie: NYC Christmas"

This is a performance that's a little more nostalgic to me, which is one reason why I decided to rank it higher than the previous one I just mentioned. As I remember watching this episode of Jessie when it first premiered and seeing this song. This is also a more serious performance than the last one I talked about, which is great. In other words, it's not as comedic as the previous one, but I still love it because it's not. The song that Jessie (aka Debby Ryan) sings during this performance is also just better (in my opinion) in and of itself than the previous song from the previous performance I mentioned, which is also why I chose to rank this performance higher. I just feel like the song goes along perfectly with everything else that is Christmas during this performance and really gives off all those Christmasy vibes. I mean, like I said before, Christmas is my favorite time of the year. So, the title of this song alone makes me love this performance even more. 

I especially love the wintery, Christmas vibes you get while watching this performance, with all the sparkling snowflakes hanging above the stage where she sings, the falling snow, and even her silver sparkly dress is a nice added touch to the whole performance. I love how interactive she is with the audience that she is singing to and how expressive and energetic she is during the whole performance. I can also tell that she's having a lot of fun during this performance which just makes me love it that much more. I also love the very ending of this performance, when she finishes singing and it fades out into her looking at a silver sparkly ornament on the Christmas tree. I don't know all the technical terms, but I just thought that transition made this performance even more cute, special, and unique. Again, the only thing that I don't love about this performance is that it's too short. It was still long enough to include on this ranking, just not long enough for me because I love it so much and just wish that it lasted a little bit longer. Overall, this is another unforgettable performance and one that you must watch to get in the Christmas mood. πŸ€❄⛄❆πŸŽ„πŸŽπŸ’“


Since we're on the topic of ornaments and Christmas trees and for the fact that you will be seeing a lot more Christmas trees throughout each and every one of these next performances, I'm just curious, but do you prefer real Christmas trees or fake Christmas trees? I certainly prefer REAL Christmas trees, but I know a family who might disagree with me...(click the video below) πŸŽ„πŸ€–

 Now, back to the ranking...


#8 "Song For You" performed by Teddy (aka Bridgit Mendler) & Spencer (aka Shane Harper) from Good Luck Charlie S321 "A Duncan Christmas" 

This is one of those Christmas performances that I instantly think of when I think about the Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday episodes. Just for the fact that it's super nostalgic to me because I remember watching this episode when it first premiered on Disney Channel and many more times after that. So, I've always loved this performance and this Christmas song. It's not the best, but it's definitely one of the best, which is why it ranks here at #8 on this list. You will actually see this song TWICE on this ranking because there was another performance from two people who sang this same song on another Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday episode that I will be mentioning later.

For the longest time I always associated this song with this Christmas episode from Good Luck Charlie, but then last year when I came across the other version that was actually the first version heard and seen on Disney Channel I was surprised and had to change my view of this performance and song, which is why this performance and version of the song ranks lower than the original/first version that I will be mentioning later. Though still, don't get me wrong, because I still love this version of the song and this performance and I'll tell you why. Not only do I love this performance for all the nostalgia that it brings, but I also just love this performance more than all the previous ones I mentioned because of the song itself. It's also just the cute and sweeter of the performances because it's two people singing it to and for each other. This is a much more slower Christmas song, but I still love it for that reason. 

Whenever I watch this performance and hear this song, it just gives me all those cozy, warm Christmasy vibes. From the very beginning when you hear the first key of the piano and the blend of the guitar, you just want to stop and listen to and watch this performance. Maybe by your fireplace (if you have one), because it gives me those vibes, too. This is one of those performances that never gets old. In fact, I could watch it over and over and never get tired of seeing it, which I did do for this ranking. This is also another performance that is just way too short and that I wish was much longer, which is also why it ranked a little lower on this list for that reason alone. But, overall, this is one of the more raw and real Christmasy performances that I love and that you should certainly watch and take a listen to because it's a must for this time of year. πŸ’šπŸ’“πŸŽ„πŸŽΉπŸŽΈπŸŽΆ


For some reason the promo performance for this episode and song was longer than the actual performance they showed in the episode, though I only decided to rank the one that was actually shown in the episode, which was the one above. But, if you love this Christmas performance/song, you can check out the clip below for the longer, commercial version. 

#7 "Song for You" performed by Sonny (aka Demi Lovato) & Joe Jonas (aka Joe Jonas) from Sonny With A Chance S2E22 "A So Random Holiday Special" 

This is the better performance of the same song that I just mentioned previously. Like, I also mentioned before, I didn't find out about this performance until last year when my little sister ( showed it to me. So, it's not as nostalgic to me as the last performance I mentioned but, obviously I still like this version of the song and overall performance better than the previous one. There are a few similarities when it comes to both performances of this song, such as the fact that there are two people singing it to and for each other, that a piano is involved, and that both versions of the song are slower rather than upbeat. Although, there are also some things that make this performance different and better than the previous one. 

First of all, I love that with this performance we get a duet between Joe and Demi. I mean, name a better duo? But what makes this performance even sweeter is that they are not just playing their separate instruments and singing this song while looking at each other like in the previous performance, as in this performance I like that they are actually both at the piano together singing this song and looking at each other throughout. And although this performance is just mostly the two of them (Joe & Demi) singing at the piano, towards the end the rest of the Sonny With A Chance cast (except Chad ): ) does join in around the piano to finish the song with them, which just makes this performance that much more unique and special. Speaking of the rest of the cast, I like how they are on stage the whole time decorating the Christmas trees while Joe and Demi are singing at the piano. That's just something else that made this performance seem more raw and real, realistic, and unique. And of course, speaking of the Christmas trees, I also love the whole Christmas stage set up during this performance a lot more than the previous one from the previous performance I mentioned. 

This performance is also a bit longer than the previous one as well, which is great because that just means we get to hear the song for that much longer. Although, I still wish this performance was even longer because it's just so good and I never want it to end. I watched this performance so many times over and over for this ranking and I could watch it many more times over, because it truly never gets old. I'm still shocked that last year was my first year finding out about this version of the song and seeing this performance because I know that I watched Sonny With A Chance as a kid but I guess I just never saw this specific episode or performance or just had no memory of it whatsoever before seeing it for what seemed like the very first time last year. And the fact that this version came way before the Good Luck Charlie version that I always thought was THE version of this song, still has my mind blown. But now, this performance I could never forget, and will also always associate this song with this performance as well as with the Good Luck Charlie one. Cause no matter what they both give you those feel-good, cozy, warm Christmasy vibes. πŸ’šπŸ’“πŸŽ„πŸŽΉπŸŽΆ



CHRISTMAS DANCE BREAK TIME!! Since many of the rest of these Christmas performances on this ranking include more dancing, let's warm up and celebrate today with this little Christmas song and dance number...

 Now, I think you're ready for the next performances that I'm going to talk about. 😊


#6 "Shake Santa Shake" performed by Rocky Blue (aka Zendaya) from Shake It Up S3E5 "Merry Merry It Up"

Okay, so if you've been reading this blog since the beginning, than you know that I love Shake It Up and that it's my one of my all time favorite Disney Channel Shows EVER. So, of course I LOVE this performance, but I actually had a really hard time deciding where to rank this performance. I switched this performance around with the next one that I will be mentioning a lot, because I was so indecisive about it. In fact, I actually had this performance in the place of the next one for a while but then decided to change it last minute. All that to say, that I might end up regretting my decision about where I placed this performance later but as of now I do believe it belongs here at this #6 spot. Though, don't get me wrong because even though this performance ranks kind of lower on this list doesn't mean it's not great or not one of my favorites, because it most certainly is a favorite of mine. When ranking these performances I really tried not to let the nostalgia of some of them affect my overall thoughts and ranking of them, but for some like this one I just couldn't help but rank it higher just for the nostalgia alone. So, because I grew up watching Shake It Up and remember watching this episode in particular basically every Christmas since it aired, is one reason why this performance is one of my all time favorites. But again, there is more than just the nostalgia that makes this performance great. 

First of all let's talk about the song. The song title alone is very clever being that it matches really well with the title of the show itself. This song isn't the best as it does get a little monotonous after a while, especially when you listen to it over and over like I did for this ranking, which just ends up dumbing down the performance as well a little bit toward the end when you watch it, but if you watch this performance just a couple of times than the song is not that bad and the performance is actually great. I don't like every lyric in this song that they perform to but it's still super catchy and just unforgettable. This is actually also the only Santa-themed song on this ranking, which makes this performance that much more unique and special, because Santa is a big staple of this holiday season for most people (not me but most people). Again, to me, if I watch this performance too much at one time it can get very annoying. As to me the song that she sings during this performance is kind of a slow-fast song. In that, it's fast and upbeat but slow at the same time. You know what I mean? Well, if not, once you watch the performance below then you might understood what I mean by that.  

Even though this isn't the best Christmas song on this ranking, there is still something about this performance that just draws me in right from the very beginning every time I watch it, and something that makes this performance just stand out from all the others. So, the song that she sings during this performance is just okay, but it's everything else that makes me really love this performance. I love the whole Christmasy setting with the big snowy Christmas trees with silver tinsel, the big red sleigh, the ice-skating rink type floor, the big white presents wrapped with red ribbon, the red and white candy canes, even their red and white Santa costumes, and of course their dance moves are on point. They really brought the North Pole, Christmas, Santa vibes to the Shake It Up set. My favorite part of this performance is when they do the Rockettes-style high kicks and when they incorporate the candy canes into their dancing at the end because candy canes are one of my favorite candies to eat during Christmastime. I just love how in sync they are with their dancing all throughout, which is just another thing that makes this performance unique and stands out because of the preciseness and cleanliness of the dancing and singing together and just the fact that there is DANCING and singing during this performance unlike all the previous ones I mentioned. 

Again, although I love that dancing is incorporated into this performance, my sister ( did mention something to me after she watched this episode again this year and she said that she thinks that there could have been even more dancing during this performance, and I agree with her. I feel like I've always thought that a little bit about this performance in that they could have done even more amazing dance moves like with some of the other dance routines they do on Shake It Up. As at times I feel like they are more like posing than actually dancing. But, don't get me wrong, because this is another performance that truly never gets old and that makes me want to sing and dance along every time I watch it. It makes me smile all throughout and I'm sure it will do the same for you when you watch it below, especially if you grew up loving Shake It Up like I did and still do to this day. πŸ’“πŸ€πŸŽ…πŸŽ„❆


But wait, have you ever seen Santas dance like this before?... πŸŽ…

Continuing with the Santa-theme, these next couple performances also have the Santa-theme going on and are ones that I did not include on this ranking because they were just not serious enough, long enough, or just an overall good fit for this ranking. But, check them out below because they were still worth watching and mentioning somewhere on this post.


So, which funny gag skit Santa performance did you like better? 

Also, just for some Christmas doggy humor, check out the clip below...🐢 

 Now, back to the ranking...


#5 "Christmas Soul" performed by Austin Moon (aka Ross Lynch) from Austin & Ally S2E6 "Austin & Jessie & Ally All Star New Year"

Now this is the other performance that I was talking about when I said that I had the previous one and this one switched at first. In other words, I originally had this performance at #6 and the previous one here at #5, but then I changed my mind last minute again and decided to rank this performance as the better of the two. I LOVE everything about this performance, but what really made it go higher than the previous ones is for the song. This is one of the most unforgettable Christmas songs from a Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday episode and for good reason. It's so upbeat and makes me feel all the Christmasy vibes. This is one of those performances that just gets me hooked right from the very start. Again, mostly because of the song. Although, it is interesting that at first all you see is a big, red Santa toy bag or coat (I can't tell which one it is, but it's definitely one of those) and then two dancers pop out of it and join Austin (aka Ross Lynch) for the performance. 

This is also another performance where dancing is involved, which I love and obviously why I ranked this performance higher than the others. I love that he's performing this song at the mall and on a snowflake stage. There's also candy canes, well one big candy, incorporated into this performance, as well. Just at the beginning though, then he throws it off stage. But still, I love that that's included in this performance and that everything is all green, red, and white. From the candy cane, to their outfits, to the flags that the dancers are waving, to even the big presents in the back. I also love how he gets off the stage at one point and interacts with the audience, which is always a plus, acknowledging the people there. This performance has all the Christmas vibes going with all the Christmas decorations and with, my favorite part, the white snow that falls down toward the end of the performance.

The only thing I've always disliked about this performance is that it's not long enough. Like I said before, I just love the song so much that I want to hear the whole thing but we only get a little over a minute of it here. This is just one of the most-feel good performances and it just makes me happy to watch every time I watch it. It truly never gets old and gets me in the Christmas spirit every time. It also never fails to make me want to sing and dance along every time I watch it. Austin and Ally had some of the best Christmas episodes and Christmas performances within those episodes, this performance clearly being one of them. The other two you will be seeing very shortly, but this one although my least favorite of the three they had, is still a GREAT one when compared to all the other performances from all the other Christmas/Holiday episodes from Disney Channel shows that I've already mentioned on this ranking. Just check out the clip below to feel all that Christmas soul.πŸ’šπŸ’“πŸŽ„πŸŽ❆


#4 "Perfect Christmas" performed by Austin Moon (aka Ross Lynch) and Ally Dawson (aka Laura Marano) from Austin & Ally S4E18 "Santas & Surprises" 

I told you that Austin & Ally has some of the BEST Christmas performances ever and this is another one of them. The last Austin & Ally performance was actually more nostalgic to me than this one, because I really had just seen this performance (and episode) fully only TWO YEARS AGO. As before 2020 I had never seen season four of Austin & Ally for some reason, but I loved and watched all the seasons and episodes before that season when they premiered on Disney Channel for the first time. So, although that previous performance was always more memorable and nostalgic to me than this one, it didn't stop me from ranking this one as the better of the two because this one truly is better than that previous performance for so many reasons. 

First of all, one of the main reasons why I decided to rank this performance higher than the previous one is because during this performance we get to actually see Ally and Austin sing and dance together. Two is always better than one, right? Especially, when it comes to this show. Actually make that four, because Trish and Dez also join in mid way through this performance, as well. I mean, the focus on the four friends is always what made this show so great and what makes this performance so great here, too. I loved anytime that Austin and Ally got to perform together and this was one of those times. This is definitely one of the most high energy and just FUN performances on this ranking. I love how you can tell how much fun they are having while performing this song and therefore it makes me enjoy watching it that much more. Speaking of the song that they sing during this performance, although there is no such thing as a perfect anything, I do love this Christmas song. It gives me all the Christmas feels and listening to it and watching this performance just makes me get excited for Christmas every time. I love how everything Christmasy mentioned in the lyrics of the song is incorporated into this performance and acted out by them. From the wrote out Christmas list to Santa, to the unwrapping of presents, to the lyric where it says watching movies all night long, ugly Christmas sweaters, singing of Christmas songs, building a snowman, stories around the fireplace, covering the house with lights, and the catching of every snowflake. 

This performance is just BRILLIANT and, of course, so Christmasy. As it they not only sing about all the Christmas things but actually do them. My favorite part though, is the end when they all get behind the kid with the shaker stick and make a sort of conga line just continuing to be silly while dancing and singing along. I literally want to join in all the fun every time I watch this performance. And speaking of dancing, I love that this performance has dancing in it and that although the dancing was more than likely choreographed it doesn't really look that way at times. In other words, I love just how free and kind of messy at times they are with their dancing. Cause it just makes it feel all the more real and relatable. Again, I love how you can just see how much fun they are having during this performance which just makes for an overall better performance and makes me enjoy it that much more. And it's also a plus that we get to hear the whole song and not just some of it. This performance is truly unforgettable. It never gets old. As I could literally watch this performance over and over and never get sick of it, which again, I pretty much already did for this ranking. Again, ever since I saw this performance for what seemed like the very first time two years ago, I've loved it ever since and could never forget about it now or ever. πŸ’“πŸ’šπŸŽ„πŸŽ…❆⛄❄πŸ“”✎🎁🎷🎸🎹🎺🎢


#3 "Mistletoe" performed by Justin Bieber from So Random! S1E18 "Musical Guest: Justin Bieber" 

Okay, so younger me would have definitely had this performance at #1 but like I mentioned before, I really tried to rank these performances based on everything and not just my nostalgic feelings towards them. So, although I've been a Belieber since 2009, I still had to rank this performance a little lower than I initially probably would have just because there are a couple of other performances that I will be mentioning next that are better for other reasons. Though, because I've been a fan of Justin Bieber since forever and will probably always be, is also why this performance ranked higher than all the rest that I've already mentioned. I do remember the first time that I ever watched this performance from this episode of So Random! when it first premiered on Disney Channel and this performance, like most performances from the show, was the best part of the whole episode for obvious reasons. But I loved this song before I even saw it on the show and I still love it now, of course. 

This is definitely a GREAT performance for the song alone, but also for everything else, which I'm so excited and happy that I finally get to talk about on this blog. This is a pretty simple and slowed down performance because there's not a whole lot going on as he's mostly just sitting on a stool singing the song and the song is kind of a bit slower in and of itself, but that is what I love about it, because sometimes simple is better. The song itself and the fact that Justin Bieber is singing it, is enough of a reason for me to like this performance a lot but also the all the white Christmas trees with lights around him as well as the big, giant red and silver ornaments behind him just add to the whole Christmasy vibes. I also give his performance here props because I think he's singing live, which makes his performance of this song the only live performance on this ranking, and he's singing the WHOLE song. So, it's always a plus when we get a full performance of the whole song and not just some of it. This is definitely one of the first performances that I think of when I think of these Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday episodes, hence why it also ranks here at #3. It's one that I knew would rank very high on this ranking and I never changed my mind once about it. Yeah, I mean, what's not to love about this performance? It's Justin Bieber, and he never disappoints. πŸ’šπŸ’“πŸŽ„ 

And if you liked that performance, check out the ICONIC music video below...

#2 "I Want Candy" performed by Aaron Carter from Lizzie McGuire S1E7 "Here Comes Aaron Carter"

I know, I know. I never would have thought that I would ever put an Aaron Carter performance above a Justin Bieber performance but here I am doing just that. But what can I say? I really do LOVE this performance A LOT. And for more than just all the nostalgia it brings. I mean, if you read my last post and my Christmas episodes post last year,  than you should have known that this performance more than likely was going to rank high up on this list. This is definitely another one of the very first Christmas performances that I think of whenever I think about all these Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday episodes. Like I mentioned last year, even though this performance was in an episode of Lizzie McGuire that wasn't really, technically a Christmas episode, this performance is the thing that made the episode Christmas because it has all the Christmasy things. Just from the title of the song alone, I get all the Christmas vibes. Cause I want all the candy during Christmastime, but really I want candy all the time (ha, see what I did there). πŸ˜‰πŸ¬ 

Plus, I have to give this performance credit for being the FIRST Christmas performance that started all of these Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday episode performances. Cause maybe, just maybe, if this performance didn't exist all the other great ones on this list wouldn't have come along after it. This performance is just so FUN and ENERGETIC. From all the dance moves, fashion, jumping around, and wild moving angles of the camera, this performance is for sure an early 2000's Christmas VIBE, which I absolutely love. Again, I love this performance because it's so early 2000's and Lizzie McGuire was a big part of my childhood so anything that involves Lizzie McGuire is ICONIC. And this performance literally involves the character of Lizzie McGuire, as we not only get to see Aaron Carter sing and dance during this performance but we also see most of all the main characters of the show perform with him, as well. Well, Lizzie, Miranda, Matt, and Gordo is just filming it all. I LOVE the red and silver color vibes of this performance from the outfits to all the decorations. I love how it starts with him coming up on a big brown present box wrapped with red ribbon and that the set is all full of snow on the ground and snow falling from the top and that there is everything else Christmas related. From candy canes, dancing elves, snowflakes, Christmas trees, nutcrackers, and of course lots of other candy decorations. Again, I love that the snow is falling on them all throughout the performance and not just at the end. I love how you can see how much fun they are having, which again, just makes me enjoy watching it that much more. 

This performance just makes me smile from ear to ear every time I watch it. It gets me in the Christmas spirit right from the very beginning every time. I just can't put into words how much I LOVE this performance. It truly never gets old. I could watch it over and over and never get sick of it. I actually get kind of sad every time it's over and I just want to play it right back from the very beginning as soon as possible, which I usually always do and definitely did for this ranking. In fact, I actually had this performance ranked as #1 but then I changed my mind very last minute and ultimately decided that it belongs here at #2. Although, again, this is one of the GREATEST Christmas performances from a Disney Channel show EVER and will forever be oh so ICONIC and unforgettable to me.πŸ’“πŸ€πŸ¬πŸŽ„❆



Before, we get into the BEST and FINAL Christmas performance. These next few performances were not long enough and for a couple, not serious enough, to be included in this ranking. But they are all a great reminder of the true meaning of Christmas, which is NOT about all the presents you can get, candy you can eat, or all the Christmas trees you can buy, etc., but about the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. πŸž₯


"Silent Night" is definitely one of my all time favorite Christmas carols, but now let's get back to my most favorite Christmas performance from any Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday episode. Which is....πŸ₯...


#1 "I Love Christmas" performed by Austin Moon (aka Ross Lynch) & Ally Dawson (aka Laura Marano) from Austin & Ally S3E5 "Mix-Ups & Mistletoe" 

This is the BEST and my MOST FAVORITE Christmas performance from any Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday episode because...I mean, I LOVE Christmas πŸ˜‰ and this screams that sentiment in so many ways and in the most BEST way possible. Seriously though, what's not to love about this performance? It has everything that all the other performances have on this ranking and more. First of all, I just love this performance for the song alone. As the song really defines the feeling that this time of the year brings. Christmastime truly is a magical time of the year as they say in the song, "It's magic when it brings us all together / Just doesn't last long enough", and this performance and song really captures that. Same is true when it comes to this performance/song. As whenever I watch this performance or listen to this song I truly never want it to end. In fact, I just want to start it over from the very beginning again as soon as possible, which I did do many times for this ranking. Even though I had already seen it a million times before doing this, because this is another performance that I remember watching for the first time when this episode first premiered on Disney Channel. 

This is not only the BEST performance out of all the ones on this ranking, but it's also the BEST performance from all three of the Austin & Ally Christmas performances. Obviously, for the song that they sing, but also because it's the best performance that includes all four of the friends again. This performance also literally has everything you could want in a performance and is very unique from all the rest, because it starts out slow with Austin and Ally singing at a beautiful white piano but then the beat picks up and it turns into a whole different song than you would expect if you've never seen this performance or have never heard this song before. Of course, when you have already seen this performance many times before (like I have), then the change in beat doesn't really surprise you but it's still always the best thing. This performance also has all the Christmasy decorations one could need or want to see. Probably the most ever during a performance like this one. 

This is the MOST ENERGETIC and FUN performance out of all the performances on this ranking, as well. Not only is the song really catchy, but also the dance moves are, too. As one of my favorite things they do during this performance is in the GIF above that I included on here. I literally love to mimic that dance move all the time whenever I listen to this song. I also just love the many "Oh woahs" during this performance/song. I also love how they are interactive with the audience by getting them to also chant along with them. It's just all so great. I have no words. All in all, this performance never fails to make me want to sing and dance along. If you need a Christmas performance to watch, this is the ONE you should watch FIRST because it's just that GREAT and will get you in the Christmas spirit instantly. At least, it always does for me. It has all the colors, all the decorations, all the instruments, all the dance moves, all the comedy and the seriousness, and just EVERYTHING that will once again, make you want to say, "I LOVE CHRISTMAS!". πŸ’šπŸ’“πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽπŸŽΊπŸŽΉ❆⛄❄πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸŽΆ


Well, that concludes A Ranking of Every Christmas Performance From Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday Episodes as well as my first and unfortunately last post of 2022. 😒😊 I really enjoyed getting to go back to watch and reminisce about these performances and I hope you had just as much fun and enjoyment in reading my thoughts about these performances, as well. In other words, I hope that this post brought you just as much Christmas joy as it did for me. I would love to know, what is your favorite Christmas performance that I mentioned here? Let me know in the comments below and come Back to Disney next year for even more fun and exciting posts! MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEARπŸ’šπŸ’“πŸŽ„πŸŽŠ✌


P.S. I have a lot of great posts in store for this blog in 2023, so be sure to SUBSCRIBE so that you’re notified when my first post of the New Year arrives. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY HOLIDAYS, again!!!πŸŽ„❤️πŸ’šπŸŽŠ✌




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