Monday, April 11, 2022



Welcome Back to Disney and Happy Spring!๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒท I know, I know. It's been a long minute since I've posted on here, but I hope you enjoyed my last post where I created A Ranking of Every Episode From A Disney Channel Show That Premiered On My Birthday. I did not intend for it to be this long til I got a new post up for you guys. But, well, I can explain. So, I was actually working on a specific new post since the end of February that I wanted to get posted on St. Patrick's Day, buuuttt...that post idea ended up being much more tedious and time consuming than I originally thought it would be and so I obviously wasn't able to get it finished and up in time by St. Patrick's Day.  I am also a perfectionist, so I couldn't just post anything or only half of what I had done. So, I just had to scratch the whole idea. Also, you might be wondering, "Well, why don't you just post it whenever you can get done with it?", and that's a good question, but I can't do that because it only made sense for March or St. Patrick's Day, specifically. But don't worry, because you will be seeing that post eventually, hopefully, if I still have this blog by next St. Patrick's Day. Cause I really do want to post it for your entertainment. 

So, that is why I haven't posted in a while. But today I'm back with another fun post that hopefully you'll have fun reading. I've been wanting to do this post for so long now and I'm so glad that I could finally do it and for you guys to get to read it. This week I decided to watch and rank every Disney Princess film. I mean who doesn't love a good Disney Princess movie, am I right? I grew up, as I'm sure every little girl did, loving these movies and wanting to dress up and be a Disney Princess myself. I mean, it's every little girls dream, right? Let's not forget the best part about going to Disney World as a kid was getting to see the Disney Princesses in person and getting a picture with them and their autograph. I still remember when my sisters and I were little and went to Disney World for the first time and got a picture and autograph with the Little Mermaid. Memories like that never go away and neither do the Disney Princesses themselves because the line-up just keeps getting bigger and bigger, with a new Disney Princess being added for what seems like every year (at least every time a new animated movie with a female lead comes out) and we can thank the success of their iconic films for that. Of course, I've always known the names of all the old Disney Princesses and have heard about some of the new ones for the new generation of kids, but I realized before even creating this post that I had never actually watched every Disney Princess movie that all these princesses starred in. I mean, I had never even fully seen the movie Frozen before doing this. I know, crazy right? But, I'll get to that later. So, that is one of the main reasons why I wanted to go back and watch every old and new Disney Princess film. One to say that I've watched them all and two to see if I felt the same way about my personal favorite Disney princesses (and their films) that I've always said I love. I also just thought that it would be fun to do a ranking like this and because I haven't watched a lot of these movies that I was familiar with before doing this in so long and I mean SO LONG. Everyone has their favorite Disney princess and you'll find out mine by the end of this post. So, what are we waiting for? Let's get into A Ranking Of Every Disney Princess Film.๐Ÿ‘‘ 

Just a brief note before I begin: You will see that I've included 16 Disney Princesses on this ranking even though, according to Disney, there are only 12 Disney Princesses as of April 2022 in the official Disney Princess line-up. Those twelve official Disney Princesses are Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Tiana, Mulan, Merida, Pocahontas, Rapunzel, and Moana. For some reason they include Anna and Elsa as their own separate thing. According to multiple sources, there is a certain set of criteria that Disney uses to verify which of its heroines is a Disney Princess. That criteria is: 

          1. They must play a lead role in either a Disney or Pixar movie. 

          2. They must be human or have human-like qualities (in the case of Ariel). 

          3. They must be royal by birth, married into royalty, or have performed a heroic act.

          4. The heroine's film must be a commercial success. 

          5. The heroine must not be introduced through/in a sequel. 

So, even though this criteria exist and only Disney itself is the deciding factor on whether or not a character earns the official Disney Princess title, it is said and known that fans can call any character they want a Princess and that is why I included all of the 16 heroines below. Cause I believe that all of these characters deserve the title of "Disney Princess". So, for real this time, let's get into A Ranking Of Every Disney Princess Film to find out why I say that to be true. 

(from least to most favorite)...

#16 Moana (2016) 


This is a Disney Princess film that I had never seen before creating this post, so I was really excited to get to watch it for the first time ever. I really would have liked to rank this movie higher up on this list and it would have most definitely ranked a lot higher if it wasn't for some of the comments the main characters say in this movie. I don't even want to type the words, but I have to this one and ONLY time so you know what I'm talking about. Well, one of the main characters Maui is considered a "demigod" in this movie, so they say that word a lot throughout the movie. There's a reference to reincarnation and the words "gods" and "goddess" are also mentioned in this movie. If you know me, then you know that I strongly dislike these words and don't believe in that kind of stuff at all because I am a Christian. So, that is the ONLY thing that turned me off from this movie and made me have to rank it as my least favorite and the least best from all the other movies on this list. I really do hate that they had to put that kind of talk in this movie because other than those words being in there, this movie was really cute and great. The animation is great. I love some of the songs in this movie, especially the one that Moana sings, and the whole island vibes about this movie I love. It's also pretty funny at times, too. I did want to turn off this movie for those comments made that I don't like, but in order to rank this movie fairly on this list I decided to continue to watch it until the end. But sadly, because of those comments, I will probably never watch this movie again. If you've never seen this movie, basically it's about an independent and adventurous teen girl (Moana) who sets sail on a mission to return an ancient relic to a go**ess named Tefiti with the help of Maui and in doing so ends up saving her people and their village from the darkness of Te-Ka and proves herself to be a master wayfinder. Moana, although not royal by blood or married to anyone royal (as she is just the daughter of a Chief), she is a Disney Princess and is in fact a part of the official Disney Princess line-up because she performs a brave, heroic act in this movie and like Maui says himself in the movie, "If you wear a dress and have an animal sidekick, you're a princess". Despite what I don't like about this movie, I love the driven and independent leader qualities that Moana possesses and that she didn't need a love interest and the fact that there didn't need to be romance in this movie to make it emotionally compelling is a fact. As movies like this one and a few others I will be mentioning can definitely exist and stand on their own without that romance narrative. 


#15 Raya and the Last Dragon (2021)  


This is another movie that I had never seen before creating this post and one that would have been last on this list if it wasn't for the bad comments made in the previous movie I mentioned. This movie was one of the most boring ones to watch. It barely kept my attention throughout. This movie has a very different animation than a lot of the other Disney Princess films on this list. As a lot of the characters in this movie look more realistic, a little too realistic, in my opinion. I also don't totally love this movie, especially as a Disney Princess movie, because there is no singing in it. Which I know that not every heroine character has to sing in order to be considered a Princess but music in a movie, especially in a Disney Princess movie, makes everything better. There is also no romance in this Disney Princess film which is great, but this movie is also just a little too dark and serious for my liking. Although, Raya is not considered as an official Disney Princess, I still consider her to be one because she does perform a heroic act in this movie and is very brave and is someone that little girls can look up to. This movie takes place in the fantasy world of Kumandra where dragons and humans once lived together harmoniously until an evil force threatened the land and the dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity. 500 years later and Raya (a lone warrior) must restore the fractured land and its people by tracking down the legendary last dragon after that same evil that threatened the land previously has returned to do it again. If I could only use one word to describe the theme of this movie it would be TRUST or TEAMWORK, as along her journey Raya learns that it takes more than just a dragon to save the world, that it takes trust and teamwork. As her dad tells her at the beginning of the movie, "If we don't stop and learn to trust one another again, it's only a matter of time before we tear each other apart". Sisu also has some good, inspiring quotes in this movie as well, such as when she says, "Sometimes you just have to take the first step even before your ready" and "If you want to get someone's trust you have to give a little trust". So, there's some great messages in this movie but I just wasn't as interested or into this movie as much as I was a lot of the others I will be mentioning later. It's just a little too modern and new for me and not like the other classic, traditional Disney Princess films I know and love a lot more. Also, while I was watching this movie it just made me think of that show I used to watch as a kid called Dragon Tales. Anyone else remember that show? Comment down below if you do.


#14 Alice in Wonderland (1951) 


Okay, so interestingly enough I decided to add this movie to this ranking at the very last minute. I originally had this movie on my list of Disney Princess films to watch and watched it but then after watching the movie I did some research about whether or not Alice is considered a Disney Princess and when I found out that she isn't one I decided to drop this movie from the list. But then after watching more recent Disney Princess films like the last one I mentioned and reading the official Disney Princess criteria again, I was like why not consider Alice as a Disney Princess. I mean she is brave and heroic in this movie and even though she's not in the official Disney Princess line-up now she actually once was until she was removed due to the rules that are now in place, which I still don't understand. This is another movie that I had never watched before creating this post. However, I was familiar of course with the character herself and the overall story as I had also seen the live action Alice in Wonderland several times before cause I was obsessed with that movie for a while and I will say that I actually prefer the live action Alice in Wonderland over this animation one. This movie is not my favorite because it just kind of creeps me out and some parts of it are just weird. But I chose to rank it higher than the previous one I talked about because it's an old classic and even though it's a little weird and creepy it's unique and still a cute movie to watch, which I can appreciate. One of the themes of this movie is also a great one, which is identity. As Alice journeys further into wonderland, she loses touch with her sense of self and comes to question who she really is. Something I think a lot of people, including me, can relate to having experienced that at one time or another. I also just love the character Alice more than the previous characters/princesses because she is very imaginative, adventurous, independent, self-assured, she's assertive but also sensitive to others, and she believes in disrupting the status quo. I think those are all great qualities in a person. Plus, she's British. So, that's cool, too. Basically, if you've never seen this movie or know the story of Alice in Wonderland, it's about a young British girl (the youngest princess) named Alice who dreams up and falls down a rabbit hole and enters a magical world where she encounters an odd mix of characters (like the big, grinning Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter). She eventually ends up in the court of the tyrannical Queen of Hearts and she must stay on the ruler's good side or otherwise risk losing her head. Again, this movie is just full of imagination and is very interesting to watch. There's also a little bit of singing in this movie, which is a plus compared to the last movie I mentioned.


#13 Sleeping Beauty (1959) 


This is a movie that I had only ever seen once before creating this post and I know exactly when and where I was. I've never been the biggest fan of this movie, but after watching it again years later for what seemed like the first time, it's not the worst Disney Princess film but it's still not the best or one of my most favorites. It's just okay. I was always scared to watch this movie when I was younger which is the reason why I only ever watched it once and it is still more creepy and scary to watch than a lot of these other Disney Princess movies, but I actually got through watching it. To be honest, it wasn't as bad as I thought. but the evil witch (Malificent) definitely is the one that brings the scary, creepy vibes. The only reason why I ranked this movie higher than the previous one is because if I had to choose just one movie to watch out of the two, it would be this one. Fun fact though, before I added Alice and Wonderland to this ranking last minute and before watching the other movies that I ranked previously, this movie was last on this list for the longest time, but then it ultimately landed here at #13. There is singing in this movie which is a plus and there is also a love interest, but I don't really like the love interest in this movie. I don't know, but I just don't like how the prince (Prince Phillip) in this movie just assumes he knows Aurora when they first meet as adults just because she was betrothed to him as a baby. Which that whole betrothing thing in and of itself is just weird all around and turned me off from liking this movie. I just think that's very odd and weird, especially at the beginning of this movie when it happened and the prince was like 10 years old looking at this newborn baby that was going to be his future wife. Why doesn't Aurora get a say in the matter is what I want to know. The prince was just too grabby and pushy to me, which I don't like at all. Now, I'm actually questioning again whether or not I should have actually ranked this higher than Alice in Wonderland. Hmmm...? This movie is definitely unique from the others not only because of this whole betrothing thing but also because it is an older animation and because there is a narrator during some scenes in this movie that sets the scene (like a voice-over part). Also, the end of this movie, specifically the fight scene was pretty good. It is actually one of the most intense ending fight scenes I watched out of all these other Disney Princess films. I was on the edge of my seat at the end because it got pretty intense and again I only ever saw this movie once when I was younger and had no idea what was going to happen or how it ended. The ending of this movie was honestly the best part. Basically, in this movie, when an evil witch (Malificent) curses the kingdom's beloved Princess (Aurora) to die on her 16th birthday three Good Fairies (Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather) spirit her off to the forest and raise her as their own daughter. But, it isn't enough. As on her 16th birthday Aurora falls into a deep sleep after pricking her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel as Malificent had wanted her to (very oddly specific thing for her to want to happen). The Good Fairies help Aurora's betrothed Prince Phillip defeat evil and rescue Aurora by breaking the spell with true love's kiss. The main theme of this movie is the idea that good will always triumph over evil and that true love conquers all, which are both great messages. This movie just ranks lower overall because when compared to all the others on this list, it's not the best or my most favorite. 


#12 Brave (2012) 


This is another movie that I had never seen before creating this post and it definitely stands out from the rest of these movies on this list and not in a good way, just in the way that it is a really unique, odd, and strange movie. I would probably never watch this movie again just because it's pretty dark and emotional and just strange. But I did rank it higher than the previous one just because the movie overall has a better message, it's not as creepy as the previous movie I talked about  (but it's still creepy), and if I really had to choose just one movie to watch out of the two, I would choose this one over the previous one. This is actually the only Disney Princess film made by Pixar, which kind of explains why it's so different from the rest. This movie started out pretty good but then it just got weird. What happened in this movie is definitely not what I expected to happen at all (and I'm talking about her mom turning into a bear). Basically, if you've never watched this movie (which I kind of wish I never had either), the daughter (Merida) of a Scottish King (Fergus) and Queen (Elinor) is a skilled archer who wants to carve out her own path in life. As her defiance of an age-old tradition (getting married) angers the Highland lords, but most importantly her mom, and causes chaos in the kingdom. So, she (Merida) seeks help from a strange witch. The witch grants Merida an ill-fated wish that ends up turning her mom into a bear (which is not exactly what Merida wanted or intended to happen to her mom) and before it's too late Merida must discover the true meaning of courage to undo the curse. Also, I just realized as I was typing this that Merida is 16 so that is way too young to be getting married anyways. So, good on her for not wanting to do what her parents want her to. This movie is just the case of a mom wanting what is best for her daughter but her daughter wanting to live her own life and not the life her mother wants her to live. I love the way Merida talks about marriage in this movie, especially at such a young age. She knows what's up when it comes to marriage. The character Merida can also be seen as someone who is stubborn which I can relate to a lot. This movie is just again, very weird and strange, but it did make me feel something deep inside. As I was literally like screaming (in my head of course) at the screen at the end of the movie being like, "Just say the words the witch told you to say" and I legit almost started crying at the end when I thought something was going to happen to this character that didn't end up actually happening. Thank goodness. The moral theme of this movie I would say is all about improving communication between mothers and daughters (being open) and readiness to change,  and with that I will say is why this movie is so emotionally deep with an uplifting message like that, but that is really all this movie is. A movie with a great message/lesson. 


#11 The Princess and the Frog (2009)


Before I played this movie I had no recollection of ever seeing it, but then after the big kiss scene (with the frog and the princess) I was like, "Oh, yeah, I remember this movie. It's the frog movie.). Cause if you've seen this movie, you're literally watching two frogs interact for 90% of this movie, which is kind of a bummer. But, this movie did bring the comedy, which is always a plus. At first it was hard to get into this movie after watching all the previous ones that came before it (as I decided to watch all of these Disney Princess films in order, first to last, from the year they were released), but then after like the first 10 mins I really got into the whole Louisiana, New Orleans vibes. As I just hinted at, this movie takes place in New Orleans, Louisiana and if you've ever lived in or been to Louisiana like I have then when you watch this movie you'll be familiar with all the southern Louisiana terms they use. The characters in this movie say all of the Louisiana slang like Mardi Gras, crawfish, Shreveport, bayou, alligator swamps, Jazz music, and more. This Disney Princess movie is really funny and it has some great lessons/messages, such as what Tiana's dad says to her (Tiana) at the beginning of the movie, "The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work". The songs in this movie are also pretty great and have great messages in and of themselves, such as in the one song when they sing, "Life is short, when you're done you're done, we're on this earth to have some fun", which in summary is all about the importance of living life to the fullest because life is short and life should be all about having fun. The only thing I really don't like about this movie is the evil witch doctor. As because of that character words like "voodoo" is mentioned and the act of fortune telling is present in this movie. Again, I don't believe in that kind of stuff, so that made me dislike the movie more and the only main reason for it ranking a little lower than it maybe would have had it not had those things in it. Also, there was this one comment in the movie that I didn't like that was said by a main character (I forgot exactly who it was) but it was a guy and it was him and some other people dancing on the streets of New Orleans and the guy said to this other guy, "Dance with me fat man", which I didn't like at all. I think that was just a rude and unnecessary comment by a character to make. It wasn't funny at all. Other than all that, this movie did keep my attention throughout and I would actually watch this movie again and just ignore the evil witch parts and that one mean comment. This movie tells the story about a very hardworking waitress (Tiana) that dreams of one day opening her own restaurant in New Orleans. However, her dream takes a slight turn when she meets Prince Naveen, who has been turned into a frog by the evil witch doctor (Dr. Facilier). Naveen gets Tiana to give him one kiss, hoping to break the spell because he thinks that she is a princess, but she kisses him and ends up turning into a frog herself. So, the two frogs hop along on an adventure through the bayous to find a way to turn back into humans before it's too late. This movie also takes place in the 1920s, which unique and different from a lot of these other Disney Princess movies. Although, I wish that I could have seen a movie that wasn't just frogs hopping around and instead a movie that showed an actual princess the whole time, this is still a pretty great Disney Princess film. There are also several great and inspiring themes in this movie such as beauty being skin deep, believing in love even during tough circumstances, and the struggle of moving up from one's social standing. I also love the story line of this movie in that unlike all the other Disney Princesses who dream of true love, adventure, and wanting to escape their horrible current life situations for something better, in this movie Tiana's dream is to own a restaurant and that is something to admire about her. Cause she doesn't care about all the fancy things, she is down-to-earth and her owning her own restaurant is just enough for her which is great and inspiring. I also love her attitude of not needing a man in her life to be successful or live a great life. Again, very different from a lot of the other princesses from the princess movies on this list, which I respect. 


#10 Aladdin (1992) 


Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, this was a movie that I had never seen before creating this post. I've also never seen the live-action Aladdin, but now after watching this animation version I am ready and do want to watch the live-action version of this movie, as well. The only thing that I don't like about this movie is obviously the magic and Genie parts, but it's not too bad and I know all of it is fake, so I can still appreciate and enjoy the movie for what it is. There's great songs in this movie, cute animal sidekicks (like cute little Abu), a great story line, and I just love the overall vibe of this movie more than I thought I would. I just loved the feeling I got while watching this movie so much so that I even let the credits keep playing to let that movie feeling last a little bit longer and I never do that. So, you know it's a good movie when someone even lets the credits keep rolling. This movie doesn't make me sad and it's not too deep or emotional. It just gives you that happy feeling while watching it. I would most definitely watch this movie again. The only reason it ranks a little lower on this list is because just when compared to all the other movies I will be mentioning later, it still doesn't compare to those. If you've never seen this movie, it's just about a "street rat" (Aladdin) of Agrabah who meets the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah (Princess Jasmine). He stumbles upon a magic oil lamp when visiting her exotic palace and that lamp unleashes a powerful, larger-than-life, wisecracking Genie. Aladdin and the Genie become friends and embark on a dangerous mission to stop the evil sorceror Jafar from taking over Princess Jasmine's kingdom. It's a movie and being yourself and accepting oneself and knowing that infinite strength and wealth comes from within. As in the movie Aladdin feels guilty for lying about being a prince to the princess and ends up revealing his true identity to her conveying the message that it's always best to be yourself. Aladdin is also obsessed with wealth and believes that only wealth can buy happiness even the princess, but soon learns that infinite strength and true wealth comes from within. There are many themes or morals you can learn from this movie, as those are only two of them, but they are all great lessons and very relatable ones. Also in this movie, Jasmine's dad of course wants her to get married (a very common theme in a lot of these princess movies) and I like how Jasmine not wanting to be forced into marriage/marrying someone by her father or anyone else says, "If I do marry, I want it to be for love". I love that message by Jasmine because truly loving someone should be the only reason why anyone should get married. Not for money, not because your parents want you to, not for any other reason but because you are truly in love with the person and it's what you really want for your life. I also love how Aladdin recognizes this and acknowledges a woman's worth when he says to Jasmine, "You are not just some prize to be won. You should be free to make your own choice". We need more men like Aladdin because he is right women are not just things to be won. 


#9 Mulan (1998)


I've always been drawn to this movie ever since I was a kid. I don't know why, but I've always just really liked this movie and I still do. But re-watching it back recently, there were some things said in this movie that I strongly dislike. One of the characters mentions the word "drag" and during the scene with the ghost ancestors, when they are arguing back and forth one ancestor says to another, "No, your great granddaughter had to be a cross dresser". So, those words I don't like or support at all. They also talk about praying to their ancestors, which I understand is just their culture, but I only pray to God. So, yeah I don't really believe in that stuff that they do. But other than those things mentioned in this movie, I still love to watch this movie and will watch it again in the future if I ever want to. This Disney Princess movie is just one of the more nostalgic ones to me, as I have fond memories of watching this movie when they played it on Disney Channel when I was a kid. There's also just some other great things about this movie from the iconic songs, to the story line, to some of the characters themselves, and the important messages this movie gives to viewers is everything. This movie, based on the true Chinese legend of Hua Mulan, is all about a young Chinese girl (Mulan) who is fearful that her ailing father will be drafted into the Chinese army so she decides to take his spot. Though, she is technically unqualified to serve as a girl living under a patriarchal regime, so she oh so cleverly impersonates a man and goes off to train with fellow recruits, accompanied by her dragon Mushu and cricket Cri-kee. Using her smarts, she helps ward off a Hun invasion, falls in love with a captain along the way, and ultimately proves to show that girls can do anything that boys can do. There are many themes of this movie. One being identity, as Mulan feels at first unsure of herself and out of place in society and the song "Reflection" that she sings greatly captures this theme of identity. As well as during the scene when she says to Mushu, "Maybe I didn't go for my father. Maybe what I really wanted was to prove I could do things right. So when I looked in the mirror, I'd see someone worthwhile." (I know, deep right?). Another great theme of this movie is bravery and courage. As Mulan is extremely courageous and brave throughout this movie which is what makes her such as strong hero and Disney Princess. Family is also an important theme of this movie. As Mulan didn't have any ambitions to join the army and only does so out of love for her father, which shows just how much she values her family, as she is willing to risk her own life in order to save her father's. Family is very important to me, too. So, I love that about Mulan and about this movie. There's just so many morals, themes, or life lessons you can get from watching this movie and I love them all and I can also relate to a lot of them. But, what this film is really about is female empowerment, which I absolutely love and support wholeheartedly. This movie was definitely before it's time for sure. The soundtrack to this movie is also incredible. My personal two favorite songs being "I'll Make A Man Out Of You" and "Reflection" (however, I always sing the Christina Aguilera version of this song). Every time the "I'll Make A Man Out Of You" song/scene plays I just want to sing along instantly. It just gets to me every time. Watching the movie this time around, I just wanted to rewind the scene over and over just to hear the song again. I've also seen the live-action version of this movie as well, and it's not as good as the animation version (this version). It was good but it would have been way better with the music from this movie added. I also watched the credits roll for this movie because I just wanted that movie feeling to last. 


#8 Encanto (2021)


Okay, YAY. I'm so excited to finally get to talk about this movie. This was actually the last Disney Princess movie I watched (because, again, I watched all of them in order from release date) and it did not disappoint. I was actually going to be a little bummed if my Disney Princess film watching had to end on Raya and the Last Dragon. (the movie that came out right before this one). But, it didn't have to thank goodness. This was a great movie to end my Disney Princess film binge-watching. It's so so good. I had never seen this movie before creating this post but I had heard a lot about it on social media. I mean who hasn't heard the phrase, "We don't talk about Bruno" by now. So, I was very excited and very interested in seeing what this movie was all about. I've never really been into Spanish style shows/movies or music, but this movie has it all and more and I LOVE IT. (My sisters would be shocked I'm saying this because they always try to get me to watch this kind of stuff.) This movie was so enticing from the very beginning. It kept my attention all the way through and when it was over I wanted to watch it all over again. The songs have been stuck in my head ever since watching this movie. All of the songs made me want to dance and sing along. In fact, I'm going to add them to my Disney Spotify music playlist as soon as possible. I know, call me crazy. But the amazing songs aren't the only thing that makes this movie great and worth watching. I also just love the animation and the many different characters as well as the story line. Just EVERYTHING. Now, I know that there is magic in this movie, but you have to come to expect every Disney Princess film to include some kind of magic element, but this movie includes it in such a cute and creative way. I won't ruin the movie for you if you haven't seen it yet, but basically this movie tells the story of the Madrigal family who live in a magical house in the mountains of Columbia and in the wondrous, charming place called Encanto. However, the magic of Encanto has blessed every child in the family, except for Mirabel, with a unique gift. From the power to heal, to super strength, to being able to talk with animals. When the magic surrounding the Encanto is in danger, Mirabel decides that she, being the only ordinary Madrigal, might just be her family's one and only hope to save it from this danger. This movie just made me laugh and smile a lot and it has so many great and valuable lessons that anyone who watches can be sure to take something away from it. One of those lessons being that we are not defined by our abilities. As in the movie Mirabel feels like an outsider looking in because she doesn't possess any magical powers or special skills like her sisters. This also goes into the message and important lesson of self-acceptance and not subscribing to other peoples' standards even your own family's standards. Another great takeaway from this movie is that our most special power is communication. As, SPOILER ALERT, Mirabel's ability to cross borders and open the doors for communication is ultimately what ends up saving her family and allows them to start to heal together. A third key takeaway from this movie is that our trauma doesn't just affect us. As the effects from Abuela's unintentional harshness over the grief of losing Pedro and her fear of losing more loved ones passes down to her children and then her grandchildren and affects them. Those are just some of the key lessons from this movie but there are so many others. This is just a must-watch movie that is such a tenderhearted, colorful ode to community healing and the magic of family. It's also a great representation of the Latin culture. I will most definitely be watching this movie again. 


#7 Frozen (2013) 


This is a movie I never would have thought I would ever rank this high on my list. Before creating this post, I had never even seen this whole movie. I remember watching it with my family close to when it first came out years ago but I remember getting bored of it early on and never seeing the full movie. So, I never understood all the hype around this movie until I recently watched it now for this ranking and now I get the hype. Well, at least I do a little bit. Before watching it I was like, "I'm not going to like this movie. It's so overrated. Blah. Blah. Blah.", but I was wrong. I will admit that after watching the full movie, I do like this movie a lot (at least when compared to all these other Disney Princess films). However, I mainly only ranked this movie higher than the previous ones I've already mentioned just because of the sister aspect of the film. As you probably already know by now, I have two sisters, so I really like that this movie is about a sister relationship more than anything. Although, I did think that the two characters Elsa and Anna were twin sisters before going into creating this post, so that shows how much I really knew about this movie before. Anyways, I also really love the winter vibes of this movie. Although, because it's mainly set during the winter, I feel like it's only suitable to watch this movie during the winter time. But, I did watch it in the spring time, so there's that.This movie also has some great songs. Obviously "Let It Go" and "For The First Time In Forever" are iconic bops. I also like how each main character has their own solo part in this movie (even cute little Olaf). The only thing that I could find that I didn't like about this movie was that it made a lot of assumptions about people. For example, when Hans and Anna are talking at the coronation, Hans is talking about his brothers to Anna and he says to her how three of this brothers pretended he was invisible for two years. To which Anna says she can relate and Hans says, "That's just what brothers do" and Anna says back "and sisters". But that's not true for all sisters coming from someone who, again, has two sisters. Also, at one point Kristoff says to Anna, "No one wants to be alone" but some people might like or want to be alone. Other than those assumptions made about people this is still a great movie and one that I would choose to watch again. If you've never seen this movie, it's basically about a Princess named Anna who embarks on a dangerous journey to save her kingdom from a curse called upon by her older sister (Queen Elsa). That's another thing, I also used to think that Anna and Elsa were both princesses, but Anna is the princess and Elsa becomes Queen at the beginning. Anyways, Anna partners up with a mountain man (Kristoff), his trusty reindeer, and an enchanted snowman (Olaf) along the way. All the while, however, Anna's supposedly "charming" fiance (Prince Hans) has his own plans for the Queen and her kingdom. This movie definitely takes you on a journey of emotions, but it's mostly just sweet and funny, and like a lot of these other Disney Princess movies there are a lot of life lessons that you can take away from it. One being, for example, that your actions can affect others. As throughout the movie Elsa feels that by isolating herself she no longer has any responsibility towards anyone or anything but she comes to realize that no matter how far she goes away from people her actions will still affect others. Another great life lesson or moral of the story is about the power of sacrifice. As each character had the willingness to sacrifice their own lives for the benefit of saving their loved ones, even when those sacrifices did not have the conclusion they were expecting. Another important lesson viewers can take away from this movie is not judging a book by its cover, because people are not always what they appear to be. As I never expected Elsa to be the "evil" character in this movie nor Hans to turn out to be who he really is. Love taking time and being built upon sacrifice and caring is another lesson/theme of this movie. As Anna quickly falls in "love" with Hans after only meeting him one time, despite Elsa's protests against it, and Anna at first has the immature or premature notion that love is based off of mutual attraction, fairy tale romance, and infatuation but as the plot evolves and she grows and Hans's true colors are revealed to her, Anna's perception of love changes and it becomes much deeper than that. But I love the main, overall theme about the importance of family. Like I said before, family is everything to me and they should always come first.


#6 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)


This was the first ever Disney Princess film to be released, so the first one I watched doing this, and in my opinion it is one of the best. There's just something about the old classics that will always beat out a lot of the newer Disney Princess films. I also might be a little biased since I once dressed up as Snow White for Halloween when I was five years old. But despite that memory, this is a great movie for many other reasons, as well. This movie just really stood out to me the most, even after watching all the others I've already mentioned, and I just thought for it to be the first ever Disney Princess movie I had to rank it higher just for that alone. Gotta give credit where credit is due. I mean there's romance, singing, cute animals (A LOT of cute animals. Probably the most animal sidekicks in a Disney Princess film.), there's funny moments, sad moments, scary moments, sweet moments, but overall I just love the vibes I get while watching this movie. It's such a peaceful movie to watch. You know how those old-timey movies make you feel when you watch them, well this one makes you feel just like that in a very good way. Before creating this post I had never even seen this movie. Well, scratch that. I did try to watch this movie one time while I was doing school work (online school) but I just had it playing in the background while I worked and never really payed attention to it. So, this was basically my first time seeing this movie and I was really excited to finally get to watch it. I love the songs in this movie, as they are also very calming and peaceful. I actually didn't even know that Snow White sang as much as she does in this movie, so that was a nice surprise, cause I love the singing parts. I specifically love this one line of the song that she sings to the animals when she says, "With a smile and a song, life is just like a bright, shiny day" and that is just so true. Nothing can brighten my day like a good song and a smile. I also love that we see her pray in the movie. I never saw that in any of these other Disney Princess films, so that's a major plus. Another interesting thing about this movie is that the Prince is only seen at the very beginning and very end of the movie, which again is unlike a lot of the other Disney Princess movies. Although, I had a lot of questions throughout this movie like, "Doesn't she know not to take things from strangers even after the dwarfs warned her about it?" and "How could she not see that one big, bright red apple in the evil queen's basket that stood out from all the rest?" and "How could she fall in love and get married to someone that fast after just that one moment of meeting him and him kissing her?". So there are some questionable things about this movie that I will always wonder, but despite the inconsistencies to the story it's still a great, classic, must-watch Disney Princess film. If you've never heard the story of Snow White or have never watched this movie, basically it's all about an evil queen attempting to have her stepdaughter (Snow White) murdered because she's jealous of her beauty and is obsessed with wanting to be "the fairest in the land". But Snow White escapes and is given shelter by seven dwarfs in their cottage in a forest. Until the Evil Queen disguises herself as an innocent old lady and tries to poison Snow White to death with an apple and it's up to true love's kiss (her prince) to save her. The movie teaches many lessons to viewers such as not trusting strangers, the danger of vanity and jealousy, and the concept of real beauty (in that it comes from within). All relatable and important life lessons for anyone and everyone to know and remember. 


#5 Pocahontas (1995) 


This is one of the greatest Disney Princess movies to me because it really makes me feel something deep withing my soul whenever I'm watching it. Before creating this post I had only ever seen bits and pieces of this movie Except, actually a few weeks before creating this post, my sisters and I did watch it together but I was just kind of in the room at that time not really paying attention to the movie. I only really payed attention to the beginning and the end, and of course the part when Pocahontas sings the oh so, forever iconic and beautiful "Colors of the Wind" song. So, I was kind of going into watching this movie with new eyes, having no recollection of ever seeing the full movie before. However, I've always had a connection to or fondness for this movie, which I will explain why in a minute. There's nothing I don't like about this movie. The fact that it's not higher on this ranking is just because I do prefer to watch some of the other movies I will be mentioning after this one a little more. That's only because this movie is a little more deep and it makes me more emotional and a lot of that, or part of that, has to do with the beautiful, iconic song that she (Pocahontas) sings in this movie called "Colors of the Wind". Like I mentioned before, I've always felt a connection or fondness towards this movie, even though I had never even seen the whole thing before, and that's because of this one song in the movie. If I was just ranking these movies based on their soundtracks this movie would for sure be top top, but because I'm not just ranking the songs from these movies is why this movie as a whole stands here at #5. This song from this movie is everything to me because I have a lot of fond memories of my sisters and I dancing and singing along to this song when we were itty bitty little kids, and that's because when my older sister (shout out to Ariel) was like 5 or 6 years old she performed this song (in an unforgettable, adorable butterfly costume might I add) at her dance recital. So, we were always playing this song around our house when we were little and now every time I hear this song and watch this movie it reminds me of my sister and her dance recital and all those other memories. I just get the chills (in a good way) every time this song comes on in the movie. Again, it's just such a deep, meaningful, beautiful song and greatly captures the whole meaning of this movie, which is about embracing change, being open to other cultures and people, being bold, and following the beat of your own drum. The overall message of this film about loving one another despite your differences still holds true today, especially in the crazy world we're living in now, this movie still rings true. This movie is more than just a Disney Princess film, it's an important history lesson for everyone. As in this movie, a young American Indian woman (Pocahontas) meets and falls in love with a New World settler (John Smith). However, her father (Chief Powhatan) disapproves of their relationship and wants her to marry a native warrior, while John Smith's fellow Englishmen hope to rob the Native Americans of their gold. A tragic mistake leads both groups to the brink of war and only the love between Pocahontas and John Smith can save the day. This movie has everything you expect or want in a Disney Princess film, great characters, a great story line, cute animal sidekicks, romance, fighting, great songs, and great messages or lessons. One of my favorite quotes from the movie being when the willow tree says to Pocahontas, "Sometimes the right path isn't always the easiest one". I mean how true and deep is that? So true and so deep to remember. This is another movie I totally recommend you watch if you haven't seen it yet.


#4 Beauty and the Beast (1991) 


I love this movie for so many reasons, but it's one of my all time favorites because I mean it's just a classic staple, must-watch Disney Princess movie. I was very familiar with this movie before even creating this post but I hadn't, like most of these movies, seen it in forever. So, I was so excited to get to watch it again after so long. This movie also used to kind of give me weird vibes at times, but I actually really enjoyed watching this movie back now. It was really peaceful to watch. In fact, it's another movie in which I watched the credits roll forever because I didn't want that magical movie feeling to end. This movie tells the story of a prince who is transformed into a beast and a young girl named Belle who he imprisons in his castle. The Beast must learn to love Belle and win her love in return before the last petal falls from an enchanted rose in order for him to become a prince again or he will remain a beast forever. This story line is also unique and different from a lot of the other classic, original Disney Princess films because instead of the main girl/princess needing to be saved by true love's kiss, in this movie the main guy/prince/beast is the one who needs saving and not necessarily by just a kiss. Although, some people might say this movie is weird because she (Belle) falls in love with an animal, she doesn't really fall in love with the animal part of him but for the person on the inside. Even though she doesn't know that he's an actual prince til the end, before she finds that out, it's more of just a friendly love they have until she saves his life and he turns back into a human/prince. Okay, maybe I'm just trying to make up something to justify the fact of it all. But, whatever. I still love this movie despite the weirdness of falling in love with an animal. Obviously, that can't happen and shouldn't happen in real life, but for this movie it works for the story. It's all just make believe anyways and we know that. But there are so many lessons that one can take away from this movie, such as never losing yourself for the approval of others, love being stronger than hate, not settling for anything less than you deserve, and not letting your fears get in the way of new experiences. But, of course, the main theme/message of this movie is that true beauty comes from within. I know, I know. You've probably heard this message time and time again, but I think this is always an important reminder to people, especially in this day and age when peoples' outside appearance seems to be the only thing important to some people. It's important to know that it's not. Other than that powerful message of this movie, I also can relate to the character Belle more than some of these other characters from these movies because she's more shy, she's not the best at being truly present in the moment, she is kindhearted, and she values family, among other things that make up her personality. The songs in this movie are also very catchy and just great, iconic songs that everyone should know and love, especially the title song "Beauty and the Beast". That song/scene always makes me emotional and makes me want to cry for some reason. It's just such a sweet moment and song. Overall, I just love this movie. It never gets old and I would most certainly watch it again. 


#3 Tangled (2010) 


So, a few weeks before even creating this post, my sisters and I watched this movie and my older sister is now obsessed with this movie and the relationship between Eugene and Rapunzel she thinks is so cute (so shout out to Ariel again). However, that wasn't any of our first times seeing this movie, but we hadn't seen it in a long while. Well, at least I hadn't. When this movie first came out and my sister got the DVD, I used to be obsessed and watched this movie all the time, too. I'm not as obsessed with this movie as I used to be nor do I like it as much as my sister does, but I still love it as you can see by where it ranks on this list. It really is one of the all time best Disney Princess films. This movie is just another peaceful and enjoyable movie to watch. The story telling sucks you in right from the beginning. I've seen this movie too many times to even count and it never gets old. I just love the characters, the songs, the cute little animal sidekicks (Pascal being my favorite), just EVERYTHING about this movie. I also love the animation of this movie, as like Encanto it just gives you that bright, happy feeling. Of course, there are some sad, dark scenes, but it doesn't make the movie too scary to watch or take away from the overall good feeling you get while watching this movie. Of course one of my favorite scenes from this movie is when Rapunzel and Eugene are in the boat looking at the lanterns and singing. That's definitely one of the more emotional scenes to me and this movie itself just takes you on an emotional roller-coaster ride. If you've never seen this movie, basically it's about a princess named Rapunzel being captured as a baby by an evil lady who locks her away in a tower. All because Rapunzel's long blond hair is magical and has the power to provide eternal youth, which the evil Gothel lady uses to keep herself young. However, on Rapunzel's 18th birthday, she becomes more curious about the outside world, a thief (Eugene) uses her tower as a refuge, and she asks him to help her escape. This movie is funny, it mentions the word "heavens" (which is a plus), and I think they just did the story of Rapunzel great justice with this movie. I also love the overall theme/message of this film which is about the superficiality of humankind. As so often people try to act like someone they're not just to attain popularity, like Mother Gothel and Flynn Rider do in this movie. Both having their own alter egos. I also love the moral lesson behind this story in that it is important to believe in ones self and to take chances in life and not let anyone or anything hold you back from achieving your dreams or goals. This movie is just sure to put a smile on anyone's face, as it does mine whenever I watch it. 


#2 The Little Mermaid (1989)


This is obviously another classic, iconic movie and one of my all time favorites. Before creating this post I had seen this movie too many times to even count. I mean I basically grew up with this movie. Although, I will say now, that the second Little Mermaid movie was always my favorite as a kid. My older sister's name is Ariel (not that she was named after this movie because she wasn't), so that's one reason why I love this movie so much is because the main character/princess has the same name as someone very close to me. But even besides that, I just automatically always think of this movie when someone says the word "Disney Princess". I mean, how could you not? First of all, I love how different this movie is from all the others on this list in that it takes place mostly under water or on the beach by the ocean because she's a mermaid. I mean who didn't as a little kid play mermaids in the pool and just always wanted to be a mermaid? No, just me? Okay. This movie started all that mermaid obsession and mermaid phenomena (Not H2O or Aquamarine. Although those are great, too.). Again, there's nothing not to love about this movie. I just love EVERYTHING about it. Although, the evil character Ursula is pretty scary and definitely brings the darkness to this movie. I really love every song in this movie, except Ursula's solo song, of course. This movie has one of the BEST soundtracks. I wanted to dance and sing along to every song while watching this movie. One of my all time favorite songs/scenes in this movie is the boat scene (Yeah, that's right. This movie was the FIRST to do the boat scene, not Tangled.) when Ariel and Eric are on a date and Sebastian is singing "Kiss the Girl". It's such a fun and beautiful song/scene. This movie is just so nostalgic to me. Ugh, I just love it so much. I don't know what else to say but that I love it. Except, honestly Ariel's never been my most favorite Disney Princess nor has this movie ever been my most favorite, but after re-watching it for this post I was shocked at how much I still enjoyed this movie and that I liked it this much over all the others to rank it at #2. I just love the vibes of this movie, the characters (except Ursula), the animal sidekicks, and the overall message/theme of this movie. If you've never seen this movie (which if you haven't..what..that's kinda crazy), well it centers around a young mermaid named Ariel who is fascinated by the human world (the world upon the surface). She meets and falls in love with a human (Prince Eric) and makes a deal with a villainous sea witch (Ursula) to become a human herself for three days. She must earn Prince Eric's love before the agreed time runs out or she will stay a mermaid forever and belong to Ursula. Like with a lot of these Disney Princess films, there are so many lessons you can learn from this movie, as well. Such as impulsiveness not always being a good thing, being aware of your surroundings, the importance of listening to your parents, appreciating true friends, and not trusting strangers, among many other lessons. But overall, it's a movie about true love and never giving up on your dreams, because aside from the mistakes and challenges that Ariel goes through in the movie she is still able to achieve her dreams of getting to explore the human world and falling in love.


#1 Cinderella (1950)  


My MOST favorite and the BEST Disney Princess film ever is Cinderella. Let's face it, there wouldn't be any of these other Princess films without this one, in my opinion. I mean this movie was the catalyst for all of the re-imagined versions of this movie. Yes, I'm talking about the other popular and iconic movies A Cinderella Story, Another Cinderella Story, and all those other Cinderella stories that came after that. Cinderella has always and will always be my favorite Disney Princess and the movie itself has and will always be my favorite Disney Princess film. I was so excited to get to re-watch this movie again after having not seen it in so, so long. Too long. Once I played it, I remembered everything that was going to happen. This movie has everything from romance, cute animal sidekicks (Gus Gus and Jaq Jaq), incredible songs, funny moments, sad moments, magical moments, just EVERYTHING you would expect from a great Disney Princess film and more. This is just the princess story of all princess stories. The only thing I don't like, strongly dislike, about this movie is the cat's name. I'm not even going to type it because it's obviously a really evil name, but I'm not going to let a cat's name in a movie stop me from loving this film. I am able to look past the cat's name and just appreciate this movie for what it is. Basically, if you don't already know the story of Cinderella or have never seen this movie, it's all about a princess named Cinderella and her cruel stepmother and stepsisters who like to keep her enslaved in rags preventing her from attending the Royal Ball. So, with the help of her lovable mice friends Gus ( or Gus Gus as I like to say) and Jaq (or Jaq Jaq as I also like to say) and her fairy Godmother who magically transforms her reality into a dream come true, Cinderella is then able to attend the ball and captivates Prince Charming. But when the spell wears off at midnight, Cinderella must face the wrath of her angry stepmother and stepsisters. But at the ball Cinderella leaves behind her glass slipper in a rush to get back home by the stroke of midnight, and it is that glass slipper that ends up saving her. This is just THE movie that always comes to my mind first when I think of Disney Princesses and their iconic movies. This movie is just the most classic, must-watch Disney Princess film with a great overall message/theme about the importance of kindness and compassion and new hope. As through everything Cinderella remained gentle and kind and was able to live her dream that she had hoped for and although in a way the Prince saved her she really saved herself. So, this movie also teaches girls that they don't need a man to save them. I just love that Cinderella is an example of a strong-willed woman, with big dreams, and most importantly a kind human to others. Someone with these characteristics that I strive to be like daily, too. 


Well, that concludes A Ranking Of Every Disney Princess Film. I really enjoyed watching these old classic Disney Princess films and even some new ones that I had never seen before doing this. I've never been into animation more than when watching these Disney Princess movies, which is surprising if you know me, because animation stuff is not really ever my thing to want to watch. As they don't really ever keep my attention for very long, but majority of these movies actually did. Something just clicked in me and I really had the best time watching them. I didn't want to stop watching them. In fact, I wish there were more. It was also really interesting to see how the animation of these Disney Princess films have changed over the years. Although I will always prefer some of the more old, classic ones over the newer Disney Princess films, some of the newer ones are still good, too. I also loved to see the evolution of the kinds of princesses themselves from being pretty dependent on one thing (like a guy or wanting to find true love) to being independent bad chicks that young girls or any girl can look up to. So, if you haven't seen any of these movies I highly suggest that you do. At the end of the day we all have our favorite Disney Princess or Disney Princess movie. You now know what mine is and I would love to know what yours is, so let me know in the comments below and come Back to Disney soon for more!๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ‘‘




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