Tuesday, March 8, 2022



 Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you enjoyed my last post where I created A Ranking of Every "LOVE" Song From Disney Channel Stars. That last post was definitely one of my most favorites that I've done so far. But today's post is even better and a lot more special to me because, well, today is my birthday. 🎂🎈🎉 I've been planning this blog post for a while now and I'm so glad that I finally get to share it with you. For this blog post I decided to find and watch all of the episodes from a Disney Channel show that premiered on my birthday (which is today, March 8th) and rank them from least to most favorite. After looking through every, and I mean EVERY, Disney Channel show and their episodes, I ended up only finding nine episodes that actually premiered on my birthday. I know, I know. I wish that there were more episodes that premiered on my birthday, but nine is good enough for me and these nine episodes are pretty great, solid episodes. All these episodes that I will be mentioning were all fun to watch just knowing that they premiered on my birthday. So, let's not waste any more time and get into A Ranking Of Every Episode From A Disney Channel Show That Premiered On My Birthday

Wait..but first... I just want to give a shout out to the ONLY Disney Channel Original Movie (DCOM) that premiered on this day in 2002, Cadet Kelly. I don't want to talk about this movie too much because I want to save my opinions on it for a future post, but I did want to mention it here because obviously it's perfect and a must for this post today.  

Also, here are some promos for the movie that I found on YouTube for you to enjoy:


Now, for real this time, let's get into A Ranking Of Every Episode From A Disney Channel Show That Premiered On My Birthday

(from least to most favorite)...

#9 Phineas & Ferb S2E27 "The Beak" (March 8, 2010)


This is my least favorite episode that premiered on my birthday that I watched for this ranking just because it was not the most exciting or entertaining to watch. Honestly, I got bored of watching it less than halfway through. But maybe that's just because I had watched a lot of other episodes that night before I watched this episode and was just tired of watching stuff. Who knows? I still like this show, though. Just this episode alone, and when compared to all the others on this list, is not my most favorite. Although, this episode still has that typical Phineas & Ferb humor in it, which still makes it a must watch. As in this episode, while wearing an indestructible suit they designed to safely conquer their newly built extreme skate track, Phineas and Ferb are mistaken as a superhero (aka The Beak) and Khaka Peu Peu arrives in Danville to challenge them. The supervillain wrecks havoc on the town and therefore it's up to Phineas and Ferb to defeat and block him from doing so. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz tells the people of the Tri-State Area that he is in charge, in hopes that they will just go along with it. But his brother Roger is worried that everyone will blame him for the recent supervillain trouble, so he decides to make Doofenshmirtz mayor. This episode was pretty interesting to watch, even though I got a little bored of it, just because I had never seen it before creating this list. It still had it's funny moments here and there but it didn't have like an important or big, positive message that made it stand out more than the others on this list. In other words, there wasn't nothing too special about this episode. Therefore, that is why it had to rank the lowest on this list. 

#8 Liv & Maddie S2E13 "Gift-a-Rooney" (March 8, 2015)


This is another episode that I was not familiar with at all before creating this list. As I've said before, I never watched this show much at all when it was originally airing on Disney Channel and therefore I've never been a big fan of this show, but I did decide to watch this episode for this ranking just for fun. Basically, in this episode, it's Maddie and Diggie's "meetaversary" and Liv meddles with Diggie's gift for Maddie. In another plot line Peter concocts a new face cream for his mom (Karen) and in a third plot line Joey tries to regain Sylvia's (the lunch lady) friendship after insulting her dog. The plot line with Joey is the funniest part of this episode, but other than that this episode wasn't the most interesting or fun to watch. The only reason why I put it above the previous episode I mentioned is because if I had to choose one of the two to watch again I would choose this episode over the other one. But again, it's not the best episode. It does teach a good lesson to viewers, however, about not meddling in other peoples' relationships and knowing that just because you like something doesn't mean that the other (or another) person will like it too and vice versa. This is another episode that just kind of bored me after the first ten minutes and one that I wouldn't choose to watch again. 

(Disney Channel promo for this Liv & Maddie episode)


#7 K.C. Undercover S1E6 "How K.C. Got Her Swag Back" (March 8, 2015) 


This is another episode that I was not familiar with at all before creating this list. This episode, much like the last two I've already mentioned, was a little boring to me. This episode definitely has its funny moments, but I don't know, it just didn't keep my attention or make me want to watch it again. It's just a tad bit slow for my liking. However, I do like the positive message of this episode a lot better than the subtle messaging of the previous episode I talked about, which is why I decided to rank it higher than that previous episode. In this episode, after K.C. accidentally sends her mom into enemy fire, she loses her confidence and wants to no longer be a spy. Therefore, Marisa (her best friend) goes on her own mission to help get K.C. back on her game. In a sub plot, K.C. accidentally shoots three rapid fire darts at Ernie's butt and he pretends that he is hurt and can't walk so that his mom (Kira) feels bad for him and does whatever he asks her to, which she obviously does until she catches him in his lie. Again, this isn't an episode that I would necessarily choose to watch again and again like I would with some of the other episodes on this list but I do like the message about confidence in this episode a lot. As at one point in the episode Marisa says to K.C. "The key to confidence is to fake it til you make it" and she also says to her, "Do something you're great at to remind yourself how great you are". I do think that's a great and relatable message to anyone and everyone. However, I also think that there are more key things to having confidence in yourself and not just how Marisa put it, but I understand and can appreciate the overall message about confidence that she talks about. I also like the "girls can do anything boys can do (and sometimes probably even better)" subtle messaging in this episode, as well. As in this episode, these boys come up to K.C. at the basketball court to challenge her and she shows them what she's got BECAUSE she's a girl NOT despite her being a girl. That's another great message to girls everywhere. 

(Disney Channel promo for this K.C. Undercover episode)


#6 Jessie S2E12 "Toy Con" (March 8, 2013) 


This was actually an episode that I was familiar with before creating this list. While watching this episode back, I felt like I did actually remember seeing this the night it premiered. Although, this is still not my most favorite episode from this list that premiered on my birthday, I ultimately decided to rank this episode higher than the previous ones I mentioned because it was a little more entertaining and funny to watch and I also really like the overall message of this episode. There are two plot lines going on in this episode. The main one being about Jessie giving Zuri her favorite childhood doll (Military Mary) and her telling Zuri that the doll has real sentimental value to her. However, Zuri, Ravi, and Jessie must find a way to get the doll back after Zuri trades it for a far less impressive toy from a toy collector she meets. The second plot line revolves around Bertram, as he enters a salsa dancing contest to win a woman's heart (his crush). However, after he finds out that it's not a sauce eating contest but a dance contest, Luke and Emma must work together to teach Bertram how to salsa dance because he has no experience in it. Again, I really just like the Jessie, Ravi, and Zuri part of this episode and the great, positive, heartwarming message about the real value of toys. As at the end of the episode, Jessie explains how "toys are special and that they are not just things to buy and sell". As she goes on to say, "They are a part of our happiest childhood moments, our most precious memories, so we should take really good care of our toys because at one time or another they took pretty good care of us". Even though I obviously don't play with toys anymore, this is still something that I can relate to and that I'm sure anyone who was once a kid can relate to. As I'm sure we all have that one toy, like Jessie in this episode, stored away somewhere that we never could get rid of because it holds so many wonderful childhood memories. I mean, I know I do. 

(Disney Channel promo for this Jessie episode)

#5 Phineas & Ferb S1E14 "Dude, We're Getting The Band Back Together" (March 8, 2008) 

 Now this is a good, classic Phineas & Ferb episode. While I was watching this episode I had a serious flashback moment. This has always been an episode that comes to my mind first when I think about this show. At least the title alone has always been ingrained in my mind and I don't know why. I for sure think that I had to have watched this on my birthday in 2008. Cause when I went back to watch this episode again for this post I remembered every scene. But anyways, even if I didn't actually watch this episode the day it premiered on my birthday in 2008, I watched it again now for this post and it's a great episode. I also feel like I might have remembered this episode from Phineas & Ferb so much because this was like their first musical episode and I'm sure there were a lot of commercial and hype leading up to the premiere of this episode. Yes, you read that right. There's a lot of singing in this episode, which I love. As in this episode, after Lawrence (Phineas and Ferb's dad) forgets his wedding anniversary Phineas and Ferb and even Candace help him make it up to Linda (their mom) by getting their parents' favorite band back together for a reunion concert. In a sub plot, Dr. Doofensmirtz is trying to put together a party for his daughter's (Vanessa's) Sweet 16, with the help of Perry. However, little does he know that Vanessa is not so sweet anymore, as she doesn't like the girly party her dad has thrown together for her. So, I just really like this episode for nostalgic reasons and I would choose to watch this episode again any day over all the other episode I've already mentioned. This episode just made me smile, laugh, and kept my attention throughout. It also has music in it, which is always a plus. 

#4 Lizzie McGuire S2E3 "Mom's Best Friend" (March 8, 2002) 


This is an episode that I was familiar with before creating this list but not because I saw it when it originally premiered on this day in 2002. As I was only five years old and I didn't watch this show until Disney Channel premiered reruns of it. I actually only remembered this episode from watching it last year with my little sister (celebrategoodtimesblog.blogspot.com) when we were binge watching the whole series. So, basically this wasn't my first time seeing this episode. I had a hard time deciding where to rank this episode on this list because I love any time I get to sit down and watch a good Lizzie McGuire episode. It just gives off all the great vibes. I would have ranked this episode a little higher, but the only reason why I didn't is because of the overall lesson/messaging of this episode. It is one that I don't totally understand or agree with 100%. As in this episode, after Lizzie reads this book about a mother and daughter for her social studies class she decides that she and her mom need to be best friends. She (Lizzie) even convinces Gordo and Miranda to bond closer with their own parents. However, in the end Lizzie realizes that it would take some time (more growing up) to be more close with her mom. Which that's the part that I don't understand about this whole episode. I understand that Lizzie got freaked out hearing about adult stuff (like taxes and her mom's parents getting a divorce) from her mom, but that doesn't mean that she can't be best friends with her mom. In my opinion, they could have still been best friends and just not talk about certain stuff. Like I understand Lizzie in this episode being too young to take on the things or issues going on in her mom's personal life, but that doesn't mean she has to wait to be best friends with her. I don't know, it might just be me, but I don't get Lizzie's view about the whole parent-best friend thing at all. However, having said that, I still really enjoyed watching this episode and I would watch it again. Again, I just don't agree with the parents and kids can't be best friends part. As I understand there's a line to be drawn about what you can and can't talk about with your kids or with your parents, but still. You know what I mean? When they are talking at the end Miranda says to Lizzie and Gordo, "It's tough hanging out with your parents" and Gordo says, "They have their world and we have ours. It's a bad idea to mix them." Lizzie responds saying, "bad idea" and then looks back at her mom smiling. So, now her friends think that she agrees with them but Lizzie actually wants to hang out and be best friends with her mom she is just not ready yet to take on her mom's problems and hear what is going on in her mom's world. Very confusing, in my opinion. But maybe I'm just thinking too much into it. Anyways, meanwhile in a sub plot Matt and Lanny find a chimp and end up both getting blamed for it wrecking havoc in the house. Again, this is an entertaining and great episode to watch and one that I would watch again, but I just think that the messaging is a little skewed.  

#3 Hannah Montana S3E9 "Papa's Got A Brand New Friend" (March 8, 2009)


Okay, so when I was writing the names down of these episodes that I had to watch for this post and before actually watching them, I like knew for sure that I was going to rank this episode at #1. But, after actually watching this episode again, I changed my mind and decided to rank it here at #3. This is an episode I of course had seen many, many times before even creating this list. It's always been an episode from Season 3 of the show that stook out to me, but I don't think it's ever really been my favorite from the show. The only reason why I ranked this episode not at #1 or #2 is just because I don't like this one rude, judgemental comment that Hannah (Miley) makes at one moment in this episode. Like I've mentioned before on this blog, when you go back and watch some Hannah Montana episodes the main characters would sometimes say rude and judgemental things to other characters on the show, this episode being no exception. Sometimes it's hard to look past it and that's what happened here for me. In this episode, Hannah is preparing for the Grammy Awards when she accidentally puts her choreographer (Trina) in the hospital. Therefore, she must find a new choreographer but the person they end up hiring (Sean) proves to be difficult to work with. However, she (Hannah) doesn't want to fire him because her dad has become best friends with Sean and she wants what's best for her dad because she loves him. In another plot line, Oliver wants to break up with Joannie and gets advice from Jackson on how to do so. To which he tries to develop bad habits (pretending to be an alien) so that Joannie will break up with him. This is a very nostalgic episode and still a funny and entertaining episode to watch , but I just had to rank it a little bit lower than I normally would have just for the rude comment that Hannah makes in this episode. The comment I didn't like is when Hannah (Miley) goes to visit Trina in the hospital and after a nurse comes in to ask Hannah to leave because she is clearly upsetting Trina (the patient) and the nurse nicely asks her this then Hannah comes back in a rude way saying, "Please, have you seen your eye shadow? Honey, you're upsetting the patient". I just think that comment was rude, judgemental and unnecessary. Having said that, though, I would still choose to watch this episode again and it is still better than all the previous episodes I've talked about already. I'm just not sure why they allowed that comment to even be in the episode. But we also get to hear a little bit of Hannah's song "Supergirl" and the episode also subtly hints at the message of that song which is a great message or lesson to viewers. So, overall, the good things outweigh the bad things about this episode.

Speaking of Hannah Montana...sadly there was only one episode from the show that premiered on my birthday, but I did find that the Hannah Montana Forever DVD was released on my birthday in 2011. Check it out:


#2 I Didn't Do It S2E3 "Lindy Goes to the Dogs" (March 8, 2015)


This is an episode that I didn't remember at all before creating this list or so I thought because then when I actually watched it I did feel like I might have actually seen it before. In other words, a lot of the scenes from this episode looked very familiar to me, but I had no recollection of ever watching it before doing so for this post. I'm kind of shocked myself because I would have never thought that I would put an I Didn't Do It episode before a Hannah Montana episode let alone above all these other shows and episodes in general.  Cause I was never the biggest fan of this show, but this episode I really did enjoy and it made me want to actually start and watch the whole series from the beginning. I kind of knew once I saw the title for this episode though that it was going to be a good episode because it had the word "dogs" in it therefore I knew it had to have dogs in this episode and it does and that may or may not be the reason why I ranked this episode so high. Hey, what can I say? Cute puppies make everything better. But for real, I really do think that this episode is a lot better than the others I've already mentioned and not just because of the adorable dog/puppies in it. In this episode, when Lindy falls in love with a puppy that she is fostering, she gets too attached and has a hard time letting him go to his new family. There are two other story lines as well in this episode, one with Garrett getting a job at Rumble Juice and another with Jasmine and Delia as they get extremely competitive over their design projects for Home Ec. I actually enjoyed watching all three plot lines. They each were very funny which I love when an episode can make me laugh and they all made for a great episode overall. Each plot line also had a great message or lesson that viewers could take away from it. One being the importance of fostering puppies/dogs (and that can go with any animal as well) with the Lindy story and the other about being true to yourself and just doing (or wearing (in this case)) what makes you you as we learn from the Jasmine and Delia story line. As Jasmine says to Delia in this episode, "You do have style. It's your own and it's what makes you you".  This is just a very relatable episode and one that I enjoyed watching and one that I would definitely choose to watch again and again. 

(Disney Channel promo for this I Didn't Do It episode)


#1 Sonny With A Chance S1E6 "Three's Not Company" (March 8, 2009) 


This is the BEST and my most favorite episode from a Disney Channel show that premiered on my birthday. When I first saw this episode as one that I had to watch for this ranking, just from the title alone I had no idea what it was, but I was excited to get to watch it because before doing this I hadn't watched Sonny With A Chance in so long. So I was excited to take a trip down memory lane and watch this episode. In my mind, before going back to watch these episodes, I did not think at all that this one would place at #1. But I really enjoyed this episode and it's another one of those very nostalgic episodes that once I played it I remembered like every scene. It's another one of those that I feel like I vividly remember watching when it premiered on this day in 2009. In this episode, Sonny's best friend from Wisconsin, Lucy, comes to visit but when Lucy hits it off with Tawni Sonny starts to get jealous and her "fun-genda" with just her and her best friend are opposed upon by Tawni joining. In a sub plot, Grady and Nico discover that their trusted security guard has started stealing their pizza. We also get a Chadtastic birthday party (very fitting for this post). This episode just made me laugh and smile the most. It might not have a clear cut, big, positive message that's better than all the others I've already mentioned but it's still very relatable and it does subtly teach a lesson about friendship, jealousy, and lieing. This is for sure an episode that I would choose to watch again and again, as well. 

(Disney Channel promo for this Sonny With A Chance episode)


Well, that concludes A Ranking of Every Episode From A Disney Channel Show That Premiered On My Birthday and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.🎉🎈🎂 I really enjoyed getting to go back to watch these episodes and even discovering some new ones that I had never even seen before; and like I said before it's just cool knowing that these episodes from a few of my all time favorite Disney Channel shows actually premiered on my birthday. It is also pretty cool, and like a coincidence, that a few of these episodes revolved around a character's birthday or other celebration day involving gifts, as well. So, which episode that I mentioned on this list is your favorite? Also, just for fun and since this is a birthday post, comment down below when your birthday is so I can wish you a happy early birthday and come Back to Disney soon for more! Also, don't forget to hit the follow button so you get notified when I post. 

Want to see more old Disney Channel commercials that aired on my birthday? I thought you'd say that. Well, here are some of the only ones I could find from March 8, 2009: 




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