Friday, January 28, 2022



  Welcome Back to Disney! I hope you've been enjoying reading my rankings of all the 22nd episodes from Disney Channel shows. This is the last part of my 4-part New Year's post, and as I mentioned before, this post is all about Boy Meets World. Boy Meets World had seven seasons and every one of their seasons has a 22nd episode. Fun fact: these 22nd episodes were the first episodes that I watched when I decided to create this 4-part 22nd episode ranking. Just because, as you already know, I love anytime that I get to sit down, relax, and watch a good ole' 90's show. Cause to me 90's shows are always better than any early 2000s or 2010s shows and even shows now, today. So, I will say that I saved the best episode ranking for last. But surprisingly (very surprisingly), not all of these episodes from Boy Meets World that I watched for this ranking were as good as I thought they would be or that I remembered them to be. I was a little disappointed when watching some of these episodes, because I grew up loving this show and still enjoy watching it from time to time even to this day, but some of these episodes were definitely not to my liking. I'll just stop blabbing now so you can see and understand for yourself what I'm talking about. So, let's get into A Ranking of Every 22nd Episode from Boy Meets World (Part 4)

(from least to most favorite)...

#7 Boy Meets World S4E22 "Learning to Fly" 


Okay, so this is one of the episodes that I was talking about when I said it "was not to my liking". This episode is for more "mature" (if you want to call it that) audiences. I don't like this episode at all and I hate to say that, but I just don't. Honestly, it was a toss-up between this episode and the next one I will mention, of which one I thought deserved to take the last spot on this ranking, because they both fit in the same category as they both talk about the same issue. They are the most inappropriate/"mature" episodes when compared to all the others in this ranking. Basically, in this episode Eric passes up an interview at Pennbrook to visit Beach State. Cory and Topanga want to go with him to Beach State, but Topanga's aunt refuses to let her be alone with Cory for a weekend. So Cory, Shawn, and Eric go to the college visit by themselves. After Eric is there for a little while he realizes that he has a difficult decision to make about his future. Cory also has a tough decision to make as well, when he discovers a different reason as to why Topanga did not want to accompany him on the trip to Beach State. In the end, Eric realizes the truth in what Mr. Feeny said to him earlier on in the episode, in that the easy thing to do (going to Beach State) is not always the right thing to do. Eric tells Cory this same advice and when they both realize what they are doing at Beach State are not the right things to be doing, they leave. Cory also learns in this episode that good things are worth waiting for, which also kind of relates back to Eric's college situation. As in the end, Eric does not get accepted to Pennbrook after trying to impress the Dean, but if he does the work it is still a good thing worth waiting for. This episode is just not the best because it is the most boring out of all these other episodes and some scenes in this episode just make you feel awkward while watching it, as there are a few inappropriate/"mature" parts in this episode, which I don't enjoy and didn't like. I understand the good message and lesson that they are trying to give to the audience in this episode, but in my opinion this episode just didn't even really need to be an episode. I was just a little disappointed after watching this episode (when it came to Cory's scenes, specifically) because I really do love this show, despite the fact, but I don't like episodes like this one. It just seemed unnecessary. 

#6 Boy Meets World S5E22 "Prom-ises, Prom-ises" 


This is another more "mature" and inappropriate episode from the show. It covers a topic just like the previous episode that I mentioned. I was going to put this one last, just because it seems to show a little more inappropriateness (I don't even know if that is even a word, but I'm going with it). If you've seen this episode, than you know what I'm talking about. I just feel like some of the scenes in this episode, much like the ones in the previous episode I mentioned, are unnecessary. Especially, the part of this episode when Cory and his dad enter the wrong hotel rooms. The only thing that made me rank this episode higher than the previous episode is because at least in this episode Cory is with Topanga and not letting some other random girl kiss him and, of course, Eric's scenes in this episode are hilarious (which is the only thing that made me actually enjoy this episode a little more). Let's just say, Eric made this episode rank higher for me, cause I mean it's true. I'm not even going to fully explain what this episode is about, as it just doesn't seem the most appropriate to talk about on here. But, basically we get prom night and a baby announcement (from Mrs. Matthews) in this episode. That's all I'm going to say about this episode. 

#5 Boy Meets World S6E22 "State of the Unions"


This is not the best or one of my most favorite Boy Meets World episodes, but it's a lot better than the previous two episodes I mentioned. In this episode, Cory and Topanga are trying to decide a date for their wedding. Topanga doesn't want to wait any longer, while Cory still has his anxieties about the whole thing. Topanga tells Cory that his anxieties are normal by using their parents long-lasting, "happy" marriages as an example. It doesn't make it any better when Topanga's parents come to visit to discuss the wedding and end up revealing some unexpected news of their own, which is that they are getting a divorce. This, of course, just shocks and devastates Topanga. In another plot line, Mr. Feeny and Dean Bolander announce that they are having a wedding, that ends up taking place in the Matthews' living room. In a third plot line, Eric is in self-pity mode and asks Shawn for advice on how to cope with losing Rachel to Jack. So, with all these plot lines going on, this episode is very emotional but also very funny (especially the Eric and Shawn moments). In other words, in this episode we basically watch as one couple makes a binding commitment to one another while everyone else's relationships are beginning to fall apart. This episode has a good teaching moment, or lesson, in regards to marriage and getting married young, realizing that what may seem perfect on the outside is not so perfect or great on the inside. As Topanga says in this episode, she always thought her parents had the perfect marriage but she comes to find out that it wasn't so perfect after all. Viewers also learn that you can't look at one couple's long-lasting, "perfect" marriage and think that just because it worked for them that it will work out for you and your significant other, as well. In other words, you can't base your marriage or relationship off of other peoples' marriages or relationships, because every person, every couple, every marriage and relationship is different. I think that message of not using someone else's success as the driving force for your own is really great and something that you can relate to with anything in life, not just marriage. I can also relate a lot to Topanga in this episode as well though, because I am a child of divorced parents as well. So, I get what she is feeling. By the way, I also love that Eric was Mr. Feeny's best man for his wedding in this episode (so cute). This episode is the season finale and it leaves some things unanswered for the next season to pick up on, as well. As it sets up the plot for what happens in the first few episodes of Season 7. 

#4 Boy Meets World S7E22 "Brave New World (Part 1)"


This is the first half of the two-part series finale. So, this episode is the most bittersweet one to watch because it's the second to last episode of the whole series. This one is surprisingly not as sad and depressing as the previous episode I talked about, which is why it ranks higher. But also, because it's one of the last episodes, is also why it doesn't rank the highest on this list because who likes the ending episode of a show. It's just sad to watch because it's over. This episode just makes me feel all the feels, as any last episode of a series would, no matter how long it has been off the air. As throughout the whole episode, we see a lot of flashback moments from previous episodes of the show. From some of Cory and Topanga's first scenes together, to some of Shawn and Cory's best friendship moments, Eric/Jack/Rachel moments, Cory and Mr. Feeny moments, and even some of the best clips of Eric doing his iconic Feeny call and of course all the other crazy things that he's done on the show throughout the years. In fact, a clip with Mr. Feeny and Cory from Season 1's 22nd episode is also included in this episode (an episode that I will obviously mention later). In between all of these flashback clip moments, the group of friends are feeling all kinds of emotions as they are preparing to go their separate ways and face the "brave new world" of adulthood.Cory has the most fear about the changes he's about to face until the end when he feels a little bit better after Shawn gets invited by Topanga to go with them to New York. I could really relate to Cory in this episode because as I've mentioned before I don't do so well with change, either. But in the end I always learn, like Cory does in this episode, that everything will and does work out for the best. This is just obviously a fun and must-watch episode from the show because you always remember the first and last episode of a series. Those are usually some of the most memorable, and this episode is no exception. Also, in this episode specifically, you get to relive some of the best moments from the show which is always fun and interesting to watch.

#3 Boy Meets World S2E22 "Career Day" 


 In this episode, it's career day at school and apparently just all the students' dads come to share with Mr. Turner's class what they do for a living (I mean, what about the moms?). Cory is embarrassed that his dad is a grocer, while Shawn tries to tell him that it's not as bad as his dad who just has stories and is never really around for him. Shawn finds out from his dad that his mom has left them and has taken there house (their trailer), so Shawn's dad asks the Matthews' to take care of Shawn while he goes on the road to find his wife. To which Cory's parents accept, of course, to watch after Shawn. After seeing this situation play out Cory begins to see how lucky he is and how good his father really is and that he is not just the son of a grocer, but the son of his father, and he thanks his dad. In other words, Cory learns that a person's worth has more to do with their compassion and not their job title. Even though Cory learns this lesson in the end, I still don't like how in this episode they make it seem like parents/people who are grocers are a bad thing and should be looked down upon. In my opinion, a job is a job, and whether your parent is a grocer, a professional basketball player (what Cory wishes his father was at the beginning of the episode), or a person who makes instruments (like Topanga's dad), they are all just jobs. No one job better than the other. Again, someone's job title doesn't define who they are, unless they want it to or it does and that's okay, too. I don't know I just felt like Cory's apology was kind of backhanded, like he was basically saying to his dad, "your amazing because you're a great father but not because you're a grocer". But, that's just how I took it. Maybe, I'm wrong, though. The subplot of this episode involves Eric preparing for his SATs and questioning whether or not he should even go to college. So although I think the messaging is a little skewed (the Cory and his dad plot line) or could have been better, I still really enjoyed watching this episode more than a lot of the others. I also just have fond memories of watching this episode when I was just starting high school and Season 2 used to be one of my all time favorite seasons from the show to watch, and it still is. This episode included (despite my other opinions of it).

#2 Boy Meets World S3E22 "Brother, Brother"


This is a really great episode. It's kind of an emotional episode, but it's mostly funny. In this episode, Cory starts to feel all sorts of ways when he has to deal with his girlfriend (Topanga) and best friend (Shawn) leaving for the summer as well as his brother (Eric) who's preparing to go off to college. Cory is the most upset with Eric leaving him for the summer, as he feels like even after fifteen years of getting to share a room with Eric, he doesn't know his brother like he would like to and felt like he was just starting to get closer with him. So, that causes some tension between the siblings in this episode. Eric wants to go on a cross country road trip before starting college. In the end, things work out for the best when Eric opens the college acceptance letter, that Cory had actually been hiding from him, and he finds out that he actually didn't get accepted to college. But, Eric still decides to take the trip on the road anyways with Cory as he thinks it's the perfect opportunity for him and Cory to bond as brothers. This episode has some funny moments, sad/angry moments (as there may or may not be a sibling tackle fight in this episode), but there's also really sweet and sentimental moments, as well.  One of my favorite funny moments from this episode is when Cory comes into their room as Eric is packing things up and gets mad when he sees that Eric "messed up" his bed and Eric's like, "Fine, I'll move my sock". 😂 You just have to have seen this episode to understand that joke. This is also the final episode of the third season, so you know it's good and a must-watch, as all season finales usually are. 

#1 Boy Meets World S1E22 "I Dream Of Feeny" 


This is my most favorite and the BEST 22nd episode from the whole Boy Meets World series because it just stuck out the most to me and I love the message of this episode the most when compared to all the others on this list. It's definitely an episode I would watch again and again, as I already have many times before even doing this ranking. This episode is just really sweet, as the main plot line revolves around Cory and Mr. Feeny. In this episode, when Shawn and Cory are studying at his house for Mr. Feeny's upcoming geography test, Cory wishes that Mr. Feeny would get sick so that he doesn't have to take the test. Well, Cory does end up finding out that Mr. Feeny is sick which makes Cory believe that he has some sort of a gift or superpower, that he can make people sick. As Cory has a dream that he killed Mr. Feeny and believes that Mr. Feeny has come back to haunt him. After the dream, Cory starts to see Mr. Feeny everywhere and can't get him out of his mind, because he feels guilty that he had wished Mr. Feeny to get sick. As even Cory's dad tells him that his dreams are just a manifestation of his guilt. His dad (Mr. Matthews) tells him (Cory) that he created them (his dreams), so he can control them to go away if he wants. So, Cory does just that, by going to see that Mr. Feeny is doing good with his own eyes at the hospital and he thanks Mr. Feeny for all that he does. After Cory has a little talk with his dad he learns from his dad's story of his own teacher, that Mr. Feeny is just trying to teach him and his other classmates things that they will need when they get older and instead of Cory saying thank you to him, Cory wished him sick. I love how Cory talks to God for a second in this episode, as he asks God to give him a sign that Mr. Feeny will be okay, which is kind of a funny scene because Cory then looks out his bedroom window into Mr. Feeny's yard and his duck thing falls over. Even though this episode mentions voodoo, curses, and karma (which I don't believe in any of that stuff), I still can look past those things and appreciate this episode for what it is. 

Well, that concludes A Ranking of Every 22nd Episode from Boy Meets World and the fourth and final part of my ongoing New Year's post, ranking all of the 22nd episodes from Disney Channel shows. Phew, that was a lot, and I mean A LOT of binge watching and writing/typing but I've had so much fun doing this ranking and it was all so worth it. Which part of this long New Year's post was your favorite? What about this Boy Meets World ranking? Which episode on this list is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below and come Back to Disney soon for more!💗... Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR again!!🎉:)


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