Thursday, January 20, 2022



 Welcome Back to Disney and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!🎉 I hope your year is going amazing so far. Looking back on last year, I have to say, creating this blog was one of the best things I did. I'm glad I've created a space to be able to share my thoughts and love for all things Disney Channel and everything Disney in general. I really have enjoyed creating every post that I have and I hope you have gotten even just a little bit of the same joy from reading them. Don't worry, this is not the end of this blog, I just wanted to say that. I have so many fun and exciting blog post ideas for this new year, so get ready and be on the lookout for those. 

I hope that you enjoyed my last post, where I ranked The 15 Best Disney Channel Christmas/Holiday Episodes. I know, I miss Christmas already, too. But this week (and for my first ever blog post of the new year) I decided to watch every Disney Channel show's 22nd episode in honor of 2022. I know, I know. That's a lot of binge watching to do, so that is why I decided to divide up this post into four parts. Yes, that's right. You heard me. FOUR. Let me explain a little more about how this is going to work. This post, Part 1, will only consist of the 22nd episodes ranked from 23-43 and from least to most favorite of course. Then Part 2 will be the episodes ranked from 1-22, from least to most favorite, as well. I also decided to split up Disney Channel's animated shows from the live action ones. Just because I thought it would be a little easier that way and because I didn't think it would be fair to rank them together. Cause obviously I would choose to watch live-action over animated shows. So Part 3 will be a ranking of those animated shows from least to most favorite (1-12). You know I also love to talk about Boy Meets World any chance I get, as well, so Part 4 will be a ranking of just the 22nd episodes from Boy Meets World. Okay, that was kind of a lot to explain and you still might be a little confused, but hopefully after you get to the end of this post you will understand what I'm doing. So, let's get into A Ranking Of All The 22nd Episodes From Disney Channel Shows (Part 1)

Also, just a brief note before we begin: If you don't see a specific show/episode on this ranking and the next one, that's just because not every Disney Channel show had a 22nd episode in any of its seasons or because I just chose not to watch it for other reasons. Also, a couple of shows' 22nd episode(s) were holiday-themed, which I also chose not to watch again or include in this ranking just because I have already ranked all the Disney Channel holiday-themed episodes in earlier posts of mine. I also only went by what Disney Plus has marked as each shows' 22nd episode because I know that other online sites have different 22nd episodes listed, but again I just chose to go by what is on Disney Plus. Now, let's get into A Ranking Of All The 22nd Episodes From Disney Channel Shows (Part 1)

(from least to most favorite)...

#43 Hannah Montana S3E22 "For (Give) a Little Bit" 


I know, I know. It's shocking that I'm putting a Hannah Montana episode last, right? Cause as you already know Hannah Montana is my favorite Disney Channel show of all time. Well, I don't have to like every episode of the show for it to be my favorite, right? Cause this episode is just not it for me. As I go back to watch some Hannah Montana episodes every now and again, I've realized that in some episodes the main characters can be very judgmental and mean, and this is one of those episodes. In this episode, Miley says some humiliating things about Jackson during a live radio interview that obviously upsets Jackson. Therefore, to make up for it, she decides to take him to Traci's spa-themed party. However, it's not until she learns that an embarrassing secret of her own has been told to the press, that Miley automatically just assumes it was Jackson who leaked it and therefore she purposely embarrasses him in front of his crush at the party. In another plotline, in order to impress a girl that he likes, Rico asks Robby to teach him how to country line dance. Overall, I still really like this show, but I just wish this episode didn't exist. I know in the end Miley says sorry to Jackson, but it's not just what she does to Jackson in this episode that bothers me. I also don't like how her and Lily make fun of Traci in this episode. Their comments about Traci in this episode are not funny at all. They are just plain out rude. I don't support bullying or putting others down. So, that's why this episode goes last on this list. Also, throughout the whole episode I was just like, if Miley and Lily are only ever going to make fun of Traci all the time why even use her to go to some fancy party she always throws. If you don't like her, don't go to her parties. 

#42 Lab Rats S3E22 "Rise of the Secret Soldiers, Part 2" 


This is a show I never watched when it was originally airing on Disney XD. So, of course, this was an episode that I was not familiar with at all before creating this list. However, I wanted to include as many Disney shows that I could when creating this post, so I decided to add this one and its 22nd episodes. Lab Rats actually has three 22nd episodes and this one was my least favorite to watch out of the three. This is the second half of a two-part episode. In this episode, it picks up three weeks later from the ending of the last episode where Adam, Bree, and Chase are not talking to each other. When the President calls Douglas about an emergency and needing help from the Lab Rats, Donald informs the three (Adam, Bree, and Chase) about this emergency situation. The Lab Rats refuse to work together as they think that the world is better off without them. However, they end up agreeing to do the mission when they find out that Krane is the one behind the theft. But they say once they're done with this one mission, it's over. Therefore, we see a large battle occur between the Lab Rats, Leo, Donald, and Douglas versus Krane and his bionic army. After defeating Krane and his bionic army the Lab Rats look back at their actions and remember what's really important, which is helping others. So, they decide to be a team again. This episode also ends with a cliffhanger, as they find Donald in serious condition. Even after his surgery, he is still not doing well. Overall, this episode has an important and great message about helping others but it's not the most fun and interesting to watch. If I'm being honest I got a little bored of watching it. But it does have some great action scenes, if you're into that sort of stuff. 

#41 Mighty Med S2E22 "The Mother Of All Villains, Part 2 (Part 2 of 2)" 


This is a Disney XD show that I tried to watch every episode of when it originally aired on the channel, but it wasn't ever my favorite show. It's a pretty cool concept for a show, though. I actually think I only ever saw the first season. This is definitely just a show for those that like comic books, superhero stuff, and movies and shows related to that. I, personally, am not into any of that stuff but I still like to watch this show sometimes, regardless of that fact. Mighty Med has two 22nd episodes and this episode was my least favorite that I watched out of the two. This episode is also a continuation of the previous episode and since I obviously had to skip over Part 1 I did miss some stuff, but they do show what happened "previously on", so I did get caught up on what's happening. This is also not only the season 2 finale episode but it's also the final episode of the whole series ever. The only reason why I put this one above the previous episode I mentioned is because this one has more funny moments along with the action and I was actually a little more interested to see what happened in the end. Although, I will say, I feel like the ending was a little abrupt. As in this episode, Oliver finds out his mom's secret identity and confronts her about it. Therefore, revealing his own secret. On the other hand, when villains have arrived to crash Oliver's mom's wedding and claim the Arcturion, the superheroes band-together in battle. In the end, Oliver and Kaz get the power to fly, which is a pretty funny scene of itself. Again, this episode is funnier than the previous ones I mentioned but that's really just it. It's not an episode I would choose to watch again and again. It also goes lower than a lot of the others that I will be mentioning later because there is no good message I got from it. 

#40 Lab Rats S2E22 "My Little Brother"


This is just another "okay" episode, but it's still better than the previous episodes that I've mentioned. In this episode, Chase unintentionally causes Adam to shrink down to two inches. However, it's all fun and games for Chase until Adam gets lost and ends up in many different places. So, before anything bad happens to Adam, Chase asks Leo for help finding him. Meanwhile, Bree gets to be principal for a day after challenging Principal Perry, claiming that she can do Perry's job better than her. Again, there's not a lot to this episode or anything that makes it stand out from all the others, but it did keep my attention longer than the previous Disney XD episodes I talked about and it does have a few good funny moments, as well. 

#39 Kickin' It S3E22 "Wasabi Forever" 


This is another Disney XD show that I wasn't a big fan of when it originally aired on the channel. Nor do I choose to watch it much now, but I did decide to watch it for this ranking. Kickin' It also has only two 22nd episodes in all of its seasons on Disney Plus. This episode being my least favorite of the two. This is actually the season 3 finale episode. However, the way it ended to me, made it seem like it was the series finale episode. But, it's not the series finale episode because they actually had one more season after this one. Basically, in this episode Rudy tells the origin story of the legendary Wasabi Code. Taking the gang back in time to China where they learn about the first Wasabi Warriors. In the end, as the gang is getting ready to go their separate paths, Rudy reminds them that although they are moving on from the Dojo itself, they will always be connected by the Wasabi Code. This is not the best episode ever, but I'm sure for Kickin' It fans the ending is very bittersweet to watch as they are saying goodbye to each other. For someone like me, who is not the most familiar with this show, this episode was interesting for me to watch because it dove deep into the history of the Wasabi Code and how it came to be and about the first Wasabi Warriors. I feel like this is probably an episode they should have led with in the first season, but it still worked as the finale for season 3. I like the friendship aspect of this show and this episode in particular. This episode has it's emotional moments and it's funny moments and it just flows together a little better than the previous episode I mentioned. 

#38 Kickin' It S2E22 "Kickin' It On Our Own Part 1" 


This is the better 22nd episode from Kickin' It, in my opinion. In this episode after Rudy's uncle offers him a high profile job, he has to make the hardest decision of his life. When he does make his decision Bobby Wasabi sells the dojo to Ty and the Black Dragons. When Ty downgrades the Wasabi Warriors to white belts, they decide to leave the dojo and go their separate ways. This is of course only the first half of the two-part episode, so viewers get left with a cliffhanger at the end. Again, this episode is a little funnier to me than the previous one I mentioned and kept me wanting to watch more just to see what happens next. At the beginning of this episode we get to learn a little more about Rudy and why he started the dojo and at the end we get to see what it would be like if Rudy and the five Wasabi Warriors were not a part of each others' lives anymore, which takes a turn for the worst for each of them. 

#37 Jessie S1E22 "We Are So Grounded" 


Now, this is a Disney Channel show that I watched a lot when it was originally airing on the channel. So, I actually used to like it a lot, but for some reason I don't feel the same way about it anymore. After watching the show's holiday-themed episodes and now it's 22nd episodes, it just doesn't hit the same as it used to for me. Especially when comparing it to all the other Disney Channel shows/episodes, this show/episode is just not the best. In this episode, Jessie, the kids, and Bertram are heading to Bali via a private jet for a family vacation. However, after their private jet starts to fail, Jessie takes control and makes an emergency landing on a tropical island in the Pacific Ocean. Basically, just a stranded island. Therefore, she must then figure out how to get the kids home safe. All while she's recovering from poisonous bug bites, trying to track down Mr. Kipling, and trying to escape scary monsters. This episode is just a classic stuck-on-an-island, trying to find a way back home type episode. Nothing really special. It's pretty funny and entertaining to watch but it's still not the best 22nd episode from a Disney Channel show that I watched. 

#36 K.C. Undercover S3E22 "Domino 2: Barbecued" 


This is a Disney Channel show that I only watched the first episode of and never got hooked on enough to continue watching it. So, I thought this was a better time than ever to try to give this show a second chance and see if I feel differently about the show now compared to when I first watched it. This show has three 22nd episodes but I did not include the 22nd episode from season 2 in this ranking. For reasons I will not disclose. After watching the two episodes of this show that I did, I do actually have a different opinion on the show than I did before. Surprisingly, they weren't that bad. I do like the whole vibe of the show. It's also funny and teaches some great lessons and has a little bit of action in it, too. However, I still wouldn't say it's one of the best Disney Channel shows ever. This episode in particular is the second part of the "Domino Effect" arc (4-parter) and it's about K.C. continuing to try to get closer with Amy as she simultaneously plants bugs in the Bishop's (Amy's family) house to get information on the weapon-distribution list. Meanwhile, Marisa (K.C.'s best friend) starts to become upset that K.C. has not been spending any time with her lately and instead with this "new girl" (Amy). However, when the Coopers invite Amy and her parents over for a barbecue and K.C. and Amy have a deep conversation about life and college, K.C. starts to believe that Amy is not a spy and just a normal teenager. This episode has the drama, the comedy, the great lessons, the friendship moments, and the action. It definitely got me hooked to want to watch Part 3. 

#35 K.C. Undercover S1E22 "Runaway Robot Part 1" 


This is the first K.C. Undercover 22nd episode that I watched after having never seen an episode of the show since I watched the "Pilot" in 2015, and this episode did make me want to watch more and more episodes of the show. This is the better episode out of the show's two 22nd episodes just because of the sister aspect and messaging. It was kind of funny though because at the beginning when I was watching this episode I was so confused as to why her little sister was a robot and I still don't understand it completely because I've only seen four episodes, but I guess if I ever decide to watch the first episode again I will understand the whole premise of this show better. But anyways, in this episode when Judy finds out that she does not have a birthday (because she's a robot), she gets upset. She gets in a big argument with K.C. which causes her to run away to go live with her creator. But when she is at the house with her creator and she still gets no attention, she gets sad again and runs away again, and well the episode basically leaves off on that. So it leaves you wondering, what happens to Judy? That's the main plot line, but there's also another plot line involving Marisa and her not doing so well at her job. This is another action-packed, dramatic, emotional, and pretty comedic episode. 

#34 Jessie S3E22 "No Money, Mo' Problems"


This is the second and the better 22nd episode from Jessie. This is also the second part of the 2-hour season 3 special. In this episode there are two plot lines happening. The main one being about Jessie and Brooks budding relationship. Mrs. Chesterfield is unhappy about her son's (Brooks) relationship with Jessie so she hires Bertram in hopes that she will find something to use against Jessie that will cause Brooks to want to break up with her. Meanwhile, Tony ends up realizing that he still has feelings for Jessie after seeing her out dating Brooks. Even Emma and Zuri tell him that they should have never broken up. When Tony finally tries to reveal his true feelings to Jessie in the elevator, he is interrupted by Brooks standing there waiting for Jessie in a suit, as Brooks ends up proposing to Jessie. A brokenhearted Tony then leaves before he even hears Jessie's answer to Brooks' proposal. But, not even the viewers get to know Jessie's answer in this episode because it stops there as the words "to be continued" appear on the screen. In a subplot, when Ravi ends up doing his siblings homework once again, he grows tired of the fact that Luke, Emma, and Zuri just keep using him. As they only like to spend time with him because of his intelligence and he never gets a word of gratitude from them for doing their homework for them. In the end, Luke, Emma, and Zuri feel guilty and throw him a R.A.D. (Ravi Appreciation Day). This episode is funny, especially the Jessie and Brooks romantic montage scene. It also teaches a great lesson about not using others for your personal gain and we get more cute moments with Tony and Jessie (Team Tessie). It's still not the best 22nd episode ever but it stood out more than the others I've already talked about and I would watch this episode again just for the Jessie, Tony, and Brooks scenes. 

#33 Liv & Maddie S2E22 "Frame-a-Rooney"


This is another Disney Channel show that I never watched when it originally aired on the channel. It's one of those shows where I watched the "Pilot" episode and that's it. But, when creating my holiday-themed posts, I did watch and enjoy some of those episodes from this show. But I still had no idea what to expect from a regular, non-holiday-themed Liv & Maddie episode like this one. This episode is okay, but it wasn't one that really stood out or made me feel something. This was a fun episode to watch though because, well, if you've ever played the game Clue than this episode is basically based off that game. As in this episode, when the school's mascot gets vandalized, the Rooneys all become suspects. In a subplot, Parker gets into trouble with Reggie at home on their day off from school. I love a good mystery and that is exactly what this episode is all about, which makes it unique from a lot of these other episodes. It's a pretty funny episode, as well. Anyways, if you're into mystery shows, you will like watching this episode to find out who the culprit is. Was it Maddie, in the gym, with the basketball (Okay, I know that was lame)

#32 Lab Rats S4E22 "And Then There Were Four"


This is my favorite 22nd episode from Lab Rats because I actually got really interested in watching this one. It kept my full attention throughout, which for a Disney XD show, is very rare for me. This episode introduces another rat to the lab (lol, okay that was another lame joke). But for real, this episode features Adam, Bree, and Chase's brother Daniel for the first time. A brother they did not know they had. Daniel has just been living a normal life with an adopted family and comes to find out that he has bionics too when Bree accidentally activates them. This just makes for a fun and interesting episode and it is actually an episode from the show that I would watch again.

#31 Mighty Med S1E22 "Two Writers Make A Wrong"


I was kind of having a hard time deciding whether or not to put this episode before or after the previous one I mentioned, but I ultimately decided to put it before just because the end of this episode has a really good message. Basically, in this episode after Horace complains that comic book sales are down, Kaz and Oliver decide to help spice up the books by joining the writing staff. However, their altered versions of the stories causes major problems in the superhero community. Meanwhile, Alan believes because he's normo that he's pathetic and then when Skylar loses all of her powers (making her even more "pathetic") the two have a normolympics hosted by Horace. Even though Skylar ends up losing to Alan, which I will not tell you why or how she does (you should watch to find out), she learns from the experience and realizes that she is still a hero after she gives a speech preaching that, "Just because "normos" have no powers does not mean that they can't be or aren't heroes. Cause normos like police officers and firefighters risk their lives everyday to help others. They can be just as brave and heroic as superheroes, if not more". So, I really love that message, and that plot line with Skylar and Alan is obviously my favorite part of this episode.

#30 Pair of Kings S3E22 "Long Live the Kings (Part 2)" 


I've talked briefly about Pair of Kings before on this blog, so you already know it's my favorite Disney XD show of all time. Not just because of it's catchy, fire theme song but also because of how every episode is bound to make you laugh out loud at least once, and this episode is no exception. Pair of Kings has only two 22nd episodes, this one from the third season being my least favorite of the two. But, don't get me wrong, this is still a good episode and one that I enjoyed watching. One small reason, and probably not a good reason, why I put this episode last out of the two is just because the character Brady is not in this season let alone this episode and Pair of Kings without Brady is just not Pair of Kings. However, even with the character switch up, this episode is still much better than all the other previous episodes I've mentioned just for the comedy alone. I love a show that can make me laugh out loud and this one does just that. So, even without Brady, there's still that comedy in there. Maybe not better comedy, but comedy nonetheless. (Can you tell I'm still upset that they got rid of Brady?) Anyways, this episode is the second half of the two-part series finale. Since I had to start with this episode before watching Part 1, viewers do get a "previously on" or recap of the previous episode. So, I was still able to follow along. In this episode, Kaita the Bat Rider is on the loose with his army of 100,000 undead zombies. Therefore, Mikayla and Mason use the forcefield to come up with a counter-attack against them. Meanwhile, Boomer and Boz have an encounter with the ghosts of their parents. As their parents encourage them to use their bond to defeat Kaita and therefore fulfill the prophecy as Kings of Legend. This episode has comedy, fighting, weird creatures, family moments, brotherly moments, friend moments, and bittersweet moments. Also, for those of you like me who have seen the Bratz movie too many times to even count, the one who plays Sasha in that movie also guest stars in this episode. Just everything you would normally expect from a Pair of Kings episode (Except Brady. Lol, just kidding. Well, not kidding, but kidding.) is in this episode.

#29 So Random! S1E22 "The Ready Set" 


So Random is another Disney Channel show that I never really watched growing up. I would only ever watch it for the special guest musical performances. So, before creating this list, I was not familiar with this episode from the show at all, not even the musical performance at the end. I have never really been a big fan of skit-type shows, where majority of it is just all kinds of weird and different skits, and this is that type of show. The only reason I put it above the previous episode I mentioned is because this episode is really funny and the skits didn't weird me out too much, but I also like that there is music in this episode as the band "The Ready Set" performs a song at the end of this episode. I love anything that includes music, so that is what made this episode rank a little higher than some of the others. My favorite skit in this episode is probably the first one with the doctors and nurses doing a flash mob. I also thought the Sarcastic Skip skit was funny as well. I mean this show is just very random, hence the title, and the episode itself has something for everyone to enjoy whether it's just the musical performances they have or the many different skits that they do. Definitely not my most favorite episode but one that certainly stands out and made me laugh a lot. 

#28 Pair of Kings S2E22 "Make Dirt Not War"


Again, I love Pair of Kings and I really like this episode. I would definitely choose to watch this again over the previous episode I just mentioned. In this episode, we get to see Brady and some other notable guest stars. As Jennifer Stone from Wizards of Waverly Place and Doug Brochu from Sonny With A Chance and So Random appear in this episode, which was a surprise to me even though I know I've seen this episode many times before. In this episode, the kings learn that because of their conflicting tribes their Flaji friend (Oogie) has to hide his relationship with the daughter of the Dirt Fairy Chief (Priscilla). Therefore, Brady tries to get Oogie to perform a Fairy courtship ritual in front of Priscilla's dad in order to unite the tribes but also to impress Mikayla. Of course, in classic Pair of Kings fashion, things don't go as planned. As a mix-up causes Brady to become her boyfriend instead. Like mostly all Pair of Kings episodes, this episode has comedy, drama, mix-ups, match-ups, but also a little bit of dancing and a mini Disney stars reunion. 

#27 Wizards of Waverly Place S2E22 "My Tutor, Tutor"


Okay, so I am a little disappointed myself that I have to put this Wizards of Waverly Place episode pretty low on this list, but it has to be done. Although, this episode made me laugh and smile a lot it also made me feel a little sad and disappointed. As in this episode, when Jerry hires a tutor named Tutor to help Max pass a test for Wiz School, Alex and Justin both create a bond with her never wanting her to leave. However, after they discover that if Max does well on the test Tutor will leave, they (Alex and Justin) then try to sabotage Max's progress to keep Tutor from leaving. Max ends up finding out and with the advice from his mom decides to get back at Alex and Justin for doing this to him. In the end, Alex and Justin end up learning that Tutor is part elf which explains why Alex and Justin actually bonded over the same thing (or person in this case) for once. Cause as Justin explains in the episode, elves have a magical quality that causes everyone to like them. After learning this, Alex no longer has a desire to be Tutor's friend and Justin loses his attraction towards her, as well. So, they leave Tutor in the lair and decide to go out for pizza. So, although I still love this show a lot, this episode is not my favorite. As it just made me feel sad for Max the whole time. I understand sibling rivalry and sibling competition but I felt like it wasn't fair that it was two against one (Alex and Justin against Max). It probably would have been understandable had it only been Alex doing the sabotaging to Max because that is just her character, but both Justin and Alex doing it didn't sit right with me. I also didn't like how Alex and Justin were just like, "Oh, well. Forget her." and leave just because they realize Tutor's an elf and she will not be staying long. I don't know, I just feel like they could have ended that part differently. I mean I get that it was just supposed to be funny but it just felt like they used her for what they needed and when she couldn't continue to give them what they wanted they just throw her aside and forget about her. I don't know, it's just not really a good message if you ask me. But, I can't lie and say that I don't like this episode over the others I've already mentioned because I would choose to watch this episode over the others. 

#26 Good Luck Charlie S3E22 "All Fall Down (Part 1 of 2)" 


This episode is from the two-part season 3 finale. This episode starts with the Duncans in a hotel room where they are apparently staying after the so-called "worst day in Duncan family history". Teddy is narrating the beginning scene while recording her video diary and starts to explain what happened a week earlier that led to this "worst day in Duncan family history". So, before the "worst day in Duncan family history" Teddy tries to deal with her newly long-distance relationship with Spencer after he tells her that he was admitted to a performing arts school and decided to move to Boston. Meanwhile, to compete with Debbie Dooley, the mom of Charlie's play date friend, Amy starts her own mommy blog. Gabe on the other hand is trying to find a new room for himself in the house and Bob later lets loose a rare species of termites in the house that he brought home from work. So we get not two, but four different plot lines in this episode, which is not surprising at all for this show. Each plot line has its funny moments. Good Luck Charlie has three 22nd episodes and although this is my least favorite of the three it's still a great episode worth watching and it leaves you wondering, "What happens next?". As it does end with a "to be continued.." I ranked this episode higher than the previous episode I talked about because it's funnier and more relatable. 

#25 Austin & Ally S2E22 "Beach Bums & Bling" 


This is another one of my all time favorite Disney Channel shows, so you might be surprised at how low this episode ranks on my list, but it will hopefully make more sense once you see the many other episodes I will talk about in my next post. Austin and Ally only has two 22nd episodes and they are pretty solid episodes, but this one is my least favorite out of the two. Don't get me wrong though, this episode is still so funny and it even features one of my all time favorite Austin Moon songs, but just compared to all the other 22nd episodes it had to go lower on this list. You also know an episode's good when you've seen it too many times to even count but that little plot twist at the end still surprises you like it did to me again while watching it this time around. In this episode, Austin discovers that a man playing the guitar for change at the mall is actually one of his old rock 'n' roll heroes. So Austin, with the help of Ally, Trish, and Dez, help get the rocker back on his feet to help him become famous again. However, after they go out of their way to accomplish this for him, he ends up ruining it for himself as he decides to go crazy at the end of his concert and he realizes why he stopped being famous in the first place and much to Austin, Ally, Trish, and Dez's surprise (and mine while watching it again) he also never needed money or the help. There's also a tiny subplot with Trish as she hires an employee (Bonnie) for her kiosk and discovers that they are both alike in that they both don't like to work. So, they decide to be friends. This is a classic, great, must-watch Austin and Ally episode, just not my most favorite from the series nor my most favorite 22nd episode. 

#24 Shake It Up S2E22 " Wrestle It Up"


This is another one of my all time favorite Disney Channel shows and a great episode from Shake It Up. So I hate to have to rank it lower on this list, but just when compared to some other episodes I will talk about later on, this one is not the best. First of all, this episode is very nostalgic to me, obviously, as I remember watching the premiere of every Shake It Up episode, this one included. I still even remember seeing the commercials for this episode on Disney Channel, as it teased the Taylor Lautner part of the episode, making my 15-year-old self believe that there is a slight chance that he might actually appear on the episode. Spoiler Alert: Taylor Lautner is not actually in this episode. But, regardless, this is still a great episode. In this episode, Cece's mom gets a side job working security on a movie set starring Taylor Lautner. So, Rocky, Cece, and Flynn try to devise a plan to sneak onto the set to meet Taylor Lautner. Meanwhile, Ty tries to help Deuce win back Dina after seeing girls coming into Crusty's Pizza flirting with Deuce and telling Deuce about the "girlfriend phenomenon". Ty tells Deuce that the "girlfriend phenomenon" makes guys with girlfriends more attractive to other girls. So, Deuce breaks up with Dina (obviously not understanding the "phenomenon" at all) so he can flirt with other girls and these other girls can flirt with him. However, this doesn't work because as Ty says to him he's not taken anymore so the girls don't care. Long story short, Deuce tries to apologize to Dina but it's too late because she already has a new boyfriend, so Deuce attempts to wrestle that new boyfriend (Kevin) in order to win Dina back. But, Dina forces him not to as she was only dating Kevin to make Deuce jealous cause she really still loves Deuce. Kevin wants to finish the match with Deuce but Dina finishes it for him and Deuce and Dina end up back together. This is another great and funny episode. My favorite part of course being the Rocky and Cece plot line. This episode also has dancing in it, as usual, but Rocky and Cece are not the ones doing the dancing, which is also why this episode ranks lower because I prefer the episodes when Rocky and Cece are the ones dancing. But, this is still an episode I can watch over and over and never get sick of. 

#23 Austin & Ally S3E22 "Relationships & Red Carpets" 


This episode is the season 3 finale of the show and a great one at that. First of all, the very beginning of this episode is one of the most randomest and funniest moments from the show ever. I literally rewinded it over and over to the very beginning of this episode just so I can laugh again and again. I mean even the GIF of the scene above just cracks me up. But, for real, this whole episode is a must-watch because it makes you feel all of the emotions, especially because it's the last episode of the season. In this episode, Austin and Ally's relationship hits another roadblock. Cause when Austin's music label forces him to hide their relationship from the public, he then must choose between Ally or his music career. Of course, he ends up choosing Ally as he says, "Without love, what's the point of any of this?" and it all goes down at the WMA's when Austin confesses his love for Ally in front of everyone at the awards show. In a subplot, Dez contemplates moving to L.A. in order to be closer to his girlfriend (Carrie) and to attend film school. This is just a fun and very climatic episode to watch, although this episode also kind of makes me sad because we don't get a performance by Austin or Ally in this episode. But, regardless of that, this is still a great episode. This episode leaves you wanting more and it is an important episode in regards to the Austin and Ally love story arc. 

Well, that concludes A Ranking Of All The 22nd Episodes From Disney Channel Shows (Part 1) and my first post of the new year!! Did your favorite episode make the list yet? What's your favorite episode that I mentioned so far? Let me know in the comments below and come Back to Disney very soon for Part 2!💓

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